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were from Anglen and the neighbourhood, hence this country and people derived their name England and English, England being derived from Engla land the land or country of the Angles :-- On ðæ-acute;m landum eardodon Engle, æ-acute;r hý hider on land cómon the Angles [Engles] dwelt on these lands before they came hither on land [i. e. before they came to England], Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 36. Engla cyningas kings of the Angles, Bd. 2, 15; S. 518, 38. Betweox Wealum and Englum between the Welsh and English, L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 352, 14. Engle of Anglen, Bd. 1, 15; 8. 483, 24; gen. dat. acc. of Engel Anglen, q. v. engle-líc; adj. Angelic; ang&e-short;l&i-short;cus :-- Englelíce ansýne hí habbaþ ang&e-short;l&i-short;cam h&a-short;bent f&a-short;ciem, Bd. 2, 1; S. 501, 18. v. engel-líc. Englisc, Ænglisc; adj. ENGLISH; Angl&i-short;cus :-- Hér syndon on ðis íglande [Britene] fif geþeóda [MS. þeóda], Englisc, and Brytisc, . . . and Scyttisc, and Pihtisc, [and Bóc-Læ-acute;den] here are in this island [Britain] five languages, English, and British, . . . and Scottish, and Pictish, [and Book-Latin], Chr. Th. 3, 3-6, col. 3, 2. Ðæt is on Englisc, mín God that is in English, my God, Mt. Bos. 27, 46. On Englisc in English, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 22. On Englisc land, ne Englisc on Wilisc in England [English land], nor English in Welsh, L. O. D. 6; Wilk. 126, 3. Awendan of Lédene on Englisc to translate from Latin into English, Ælfc. pref. Gen. 1, 4. Seó bóc is on Englisc awend the book is turned [translated] into English, Homl. Th. ii. 358, 30. Ic [Ælfríc Abbod] gesett hæbbe wel feówertig lárspella on Engliscum gereorde I [Abbot Ælfric] have composed about forty sermons in the English tongue, Ælfc. T. 27, 17. Ðeáh ða scearpþanclan witan ðisse Engliscan geþeódnesse ne behófien though the sharp-minded wise men need not this English translation, MS. Cot. Faust. A. x. 150b; Lchdm. iii. 440, 31. Englisc-man, -mon, es; m. An Englishman; Angl&i-short;c&a-long;nus :-- Ic wille ðæt gé fédaþ ealle wæga án earm Engliscmon I will that ye entirely feed one poor Englishman, L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 198, 5. engu, e; f. Narrowness, confinement, a narrow place; angustiæ :-- Of enge from confinement, Cd. 71; Th. 86, 23; Gen. 1435: Exon. 101b; Th. 383, 17; Rä. 4, 12. On enge, Th. 383, 3; Rä. 4, 5. [Ger. M. H. Ger. enge, f. angustiæ: O. Nrs. öngum, dat. pl. angustiis.] engyl, es; m. An angel; ang&e-short;lus :-- His engyl ongan ofermód wesan his angel began to be presumptuous, Cd. 14; Th. 17, 19; Gen. 262: 15; Th. 19, 18; Gen. 293: Mt. Bos. 11, 10. v. engel. enid a duck, drake, coot, water-fowl; &a-short;n&a-short;s, &a-short;n&e-short;ta, ful&i-short;ca, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ened. énig any, Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 466, 1. v. æ-acute;nig. énitre; adj. Of a year old; ann&i-short;c&u-short;lus :-- Gif seó offrung beó of sceápon oððe of gátum, bring énitre offrunge if the offering be of sheep or of goats, bring an offering of a year old, Lev. 1, 10. v. énetere. én-líc only; &u-long;n&i-short;cus. Lye. v. án-líc. en-líhtan to enlighten, Som. Ben. Lye. v. on-líhtan. én-lípig each; sing&u-short;l&a-short;ris, Ælfc. Gr. 49, Lye. v. án-lípig. -enne the termination of the declinable infinitive in the dat. governed by to, as, -- To farenne to go, Mt. Bos. 8, 21. v. -anne. enneleac, enneléc, eneleác, ynneleác, yneleác, es; n. [leác a leek, onion] An onion; cæpe, &u-long;nio :-- Enneleác an onion, Glos. Brux. Recd. 41, 19; Wrt. Voc. 67, 34. Enneléc cæpe, Ælfc. Gl. 40; Som. 63, 106; Wrt. Voc. 30, 54. ent, es; m. A giant; g&i-short;gas = GREEK :-- He geblissode swá swá se mæ-acute;sta oððe swá swá ent to ge-yrnanne weg his exult&a-long;vit ut g&i-short;gas ad currendam viam ejus, Ps. Lamb. 18, 6: Ps. Spl. 32, 16: Wrt Voc. 73, 52. Nem-broþ se ent Nimrod the giant, Boutr. Scrd. 21, 35 : Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 17. Dauid eóde to ánwíge ongeán ðone ent Goliam David went in single combat against the giant Goliath, Ælfc. T. 14, 3: Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 29. Entas wæ-acute;ron ofer eorþan on ðám dagum g&i-short;gantes &e-short;rant s&u-short;per terram in di&e-long;bus illis. Gen. 6, 4 : Homl. Th. i. 318, 15. He seah on enta geweorc he looked on the work of giants, Beo. Th. 5428; B. 2717: Exon. 77b; Th. 291, 24; Wand. 87: Andr. Kmbl. 2988; An. 1497: Menol. Fox 463; Gn. C. 2. v. eten, eóten. ent-cyn, -cynn, es; n. Giant-kind, giant-race; g&i-short;gantum g&e-short;nus :-- We gesáwon of ðam entcynne Enachis bearna micelra wæstma v&i-long;d&i-short;mus monstra quædam fili&o-long;rum Enac pr&o-long;c&e-long;ræ st&a-short;t&u-long;ræ, Num. 13, 34. entisc belonging to or made by a giant, giant; g&i-short;gant&e-long;us :-- Lét entiscne helm brecan he caused the giant helmet to break, Beo. Th. 5951; B. 2979. v. eótenisc. entse, an; f. A shekel, Jewish money; siclus :-- Ic geseah twáhund entsena hwítes seolfres and sumne gildenne dalc on fíftigum entsum v&i-long;di d&u-short;centos siclos argenti r&e-long;g&u-short;lamque auream quinqu&a-long;ginta sicl&o-long;rum, Jos. 7, 21. v. yntse. én-wintre; adj. Of a year old; ann&i-short;c&u-short;lus :-- Énwintre vecta? Wrt. Voc. 287, 60. v. án-wintre. eo. I. unaccented, generally stands before two consonants lc, ld, lf, rc, rd, rf, rg, rh, rl, rm, rn, rp, rr, rt, rþ, x; as, Geolca a yolk, sceolde should, seolfor silver, deorc dark, sweord a sword, ceorfan to carve, beorgan to protect, beorht bright, eorl earl, beorma barm, eornost earnest, weorpan to throw, steorra a star, heorte the heart, eorþe the earth, meox dung. II. eó accented, the diphthong, generally stands before the consonants c, d, f, g, h, l, m, n, p, r, s, st, t, w; as, Seóc sick, beódan to bid, þeóf a thief, fleógan to fly, hreóh rough, hweól a wheel, leóma a ray of light, beón to be, deóp deep, beór beer, ceosan to choose, breóst the breast, fleótan to float, leóþ a song, ceówan to chew. 2. eó is also the termination of many words, and then the ó in eó is always accented; as, Beó a bee; ic beó I shall be; freó free; gleó glee; seó the; seó sim, sis, sit; treó a tree; breó three, etc the Runic character for these letters is RUNE. v. eóh=íw a yew-tree. eóc, eócon increased; p, of eácan. eóc safety, help, succour, Wald. 45; Vald. 1, 25. v. geóc. eóde, es; n. A flock; grex :-- Ðæt lytle eóde p&u-short;sillus grex, Lk. Skt. Rush. 12, 32. v. eówde. eóde, ðú eódest, pl. eódon went, delivered. Ps. Th. 60, 4: 67, 21: 94, 11; p. of gán. EODOR, eoder, eodur, edor, eder, es; m. I. a hedge, fence, enclosure, dwelling, house; s&e-long;pes, s&e-long;p&i-long;mentum, d&o-short;mus, tectum :-- Héht ðá eahta mearas on flet teón in under eoderas he commanded then eight steeds to be led into the court under the enclosures, Beo. Th. 2078; B. 1037. II. a limit, end, region, zone; &o-long;ra, margo, extr&e-long;m&i-short;tas, pl&a-short;ga, r&e-short;gio :-- Gescóp heofon and eorþan and holma bigong eodera ymb-hwyrft [he] created heaven and earth and the seas' expanse, the circuit of zones, Exon. 67b; Th. 249, 17; Jul. 113. III. a prince, sovereign, protector; princeps, tutor :-- Ic ðé biddan wille, eodor Scyldinga, ánre béne I will entreat of thee, sovereign of the Scyldings, one boon, Beo. Th. 860; B. 428: 2092; B. 1044: Exon. 90a; Th. 339, 6; Gn. Ex. 90. [O. Sax. edor, m: M. H. Ger. ëter, m. n: O. H. Ger. ëtar: Icel. jaðarr, jóðurr, m.] DER. edor-brecþ, -brice, eder-gong, eodor-brice, -wír. eodor-brice, edor-brice, -bryce, es; m. [eodor, edor a hedge, fence brice, bryce a breach, breaking] A fence-breaking; s&e-long;pis fractio vel viol&a-long;tio :-- Ceorles eodorbryce [Th. i. 88, 10, note 25, edorbryce, edorbrice] biþ fíf scillinga for breaking a churl's fence shall be five shillings, L. Alf. pol. 36; Lambd. 31, 31. eodorcan, edorcan; part, eodorcende; p. te; pp. ed To chew, ruminate ; r&u-short;m&i-short;n&a-long;re :-- He eall mid hine gemynegode and swá swá clæ-acute;ne nýten eodorcende [Whelc. oðer cende] in ðæt swéteste leóþ gehwyrfde ipse cuncta r&e-short;m&e-short;m&o-short;rando s&e-long;cum et qu&a-short;si mundum &a-short;n&i-short;mal r&u-long;m&i-short;nando in carmen dulciss&i-short;mum convertébat, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 7. eodor-wír, es; m. A wire-enclosure; cingulum, s&e-long;piens f&i-long;lum m&e-short;tall&i-short;cum. Grn :-- Ic eom mundbora mínre heorde, eodorwírum fæst I am the protector of my flock, fortified by wire-enclosures, Exon. 105a; Th. 398, 23; Rä. 18, 2. eodur, es; m. A prince, sovereign, protector; princeps, totor :-- Him Hróþgár gewát, eodur Scyldinga Hrothgar departed, the Scyldings' protector. Beo. Th. 1330; B. 663. v. eodor. eofel evil. Bt. 7, 3 ; Fox 22, 19. v. yfel. eofer a boar. Ps. Th. 79, 13: Beo. Th. 2228; B. 1112: 2660; B. 1328. v. eofor. eofera, an; m. A successor; successor :-- Æfter Eorpwalde Ræ-acute;dwaldes eoferan post Earpualdum Redualdi success&o-long;rem, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545, 35, col. I. v. eafora. eofer-spreót, es; m. A boar-spear; contus ad v&e-long;n&a-long;ti&o-long;nem &u-long;s&i-short;t&a-long;tus :-- Mid eoferspreótum with boar-spears, Beo. Th. 2879; B. 1437. v. eofor-spreót. Eofer-wíc York, Chr. 189; Th. 15, 28, col. 2. v. Eofor-wíc. Eofes-ham, Eues-ham; gen. -hammes; m. [Flor. Eouesham: Hovd. Heuesham: Brom. Euesham: Kni. Evisham, Evysham, Ewesham, Evesham] EVESHAM, Worcestershire; opp&i-short;di nomen in agro Vigorni&dash-uncertain;ensi :-- Ðæs géres forþférde Æfic se æðela decanus on Eofesham in this year [A. D. 1037] died Æfic the noble dean at Evesham, Chr. 1037; Th. 294, 36, col. 2. Ælfward wæs abbad on Eofeshamme æ-acute;rest Ælfward was first abbot of Evesham, Chr. 1045; Th. 303, 2. Ðæs ylcan geáres man hálgode ðæt mynster on Eofeshamme on vi id Octobris in the same year [A. D. 1054] was consecrated the monastery at Evesham, on the 6th of the Ides of October [October 10th], Chr. 1054; Th. 322, 34, col. 1; 324, 3, col. 2 : 1078; Th. 350, 15. eofet a debt, L. Alf. pol. 22; Wilk. 39, 35. v. eofot. eofne; interj. Behold! ecce! -- Eofne! ða ðe fyrsiaþ híg fram ðé losiaþ ecce! qui elongant se a te p&e-short;r&i-long;bunt, Ps. Lamb. 72, 27: 82, 3. v. efne. EOFOR, eofer, eafor, efor, efer, efyr, ofor, es; m. I. a boar, a wild boar; &a-short;per :-- Fornam hine eofor of wuda exterm&i-short;n&a-long;vit eam &a-short;per de silva, Ps. Spl. 79, 14; Ps. Th. has, -- Hine útan of wuda eoferas wrótaþ 79, 13: Exon. 110b; Th. 423, 8; Rä. 41, 18: 92a; Th. 344, 20; Gn. Ex. 176. Sele ðú him flæ-acute;sc eofores give him boar's flesh, L. M. 2, 4; Lchdm. ii. 182, 14. II. the figure of a boar on a helmet; signum apri s&u-short;per g&a-short;leam :-- Swýn eal-gylden, eofer íren-heard the swine all-golden, the boar iron-hard, Beo. Th. 2228; B. 1112: 2660; B. 1328. [Ger. ëber, m: M. H. Ger. eber , m: O. H. Ger. ebur, m: Icel. jöfurr, m.] DER. eofor-cumbol, -fearn, -líc, -spreót, -swín, -þring, -þrote, -wíc, -wíc-ceaster, -wícingas, -wíc-scír: eoforen, eoforen-denu. eofora a successor, v. eafora. eofor-cumbol, eofur-curnbol, -cumbul, es; n. [cumbol a banner]