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riht-andswaru, e; f. An answer that corrects, a reproof, rebuke :-- Se mann ðe on his múþe næfþ náne rihtandsware homo non habens in ore suo increpationes, Ps. Th. 37, 14. riht-aþelu(o) ; pl. True nobility :-- Ealle sint emnæþele, gif wé willaþ ðone fruman sceaft geþencan ... and siððan eówer æ-acute;lces ácennednesse. Ac ða ryhtæþelo bíþ on ðam móde, næs on ðam flæ-acute;sce, Bt. 30, 2; Fox 110, 19 : Met. 17, 20. riht-cynn, es; n. A genuine stock, a race really derived from a particular source :-- Moyses wæs ðæs rihtcynnes Moses was of the true stock of Abraham, Wulfst. 13, 6. riht-cynecynn, es; n. A legitimate royal family :-- Antigones him ondréd Ercoles ðæt ðæt folc hiene wolde tó hláforde geceósan for ðon ðe hé ryhtcynecynnes wæs timens ne Herculem Macedones quasi legitimum regem praeoptarent, Ors. 3, 11; Swt. 150, 10. Dauides cynnes, ðæs rihtcynecynnes, Blickl. Homl. 23, 29. [Cf Se cyng (Henry) genam Mahalde him tó wífe ... of ðan rihtan Ænglalandes kynekynne, Chr. 1100; Er1. 236, 36-39.] riht-dónde right-doing :-- Gif wé beóþ rihtdónde, Blickl. Homl. 51, 14. Seó duru ðæs heofonlícan ríces biþ ontýned ðæ-acute;m rihtgelýfendum monnum and ðæ-acute;m rihtdóndum, 61, 10. rihte; adv. I. of direction, right, due, directly, straight :-- Swá oft æ-acute;springc út áwealleþ of clife hárum, and gereclíce, rihte flóweþ, irneþ wið his eardes (runs straight on in its course), Met. 5, 14. Ryhte beeástan him due east of them, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 16, 3. [v. eást-, norþ-rihte.] II. of time, directly, straightway :-- Send nú rihte mitte jam nunc, Ex. 9, 19. Nú rihte ðú gesihst jam nunc videbis, Num. 11, 23. Gif ic on helle gedó hwyrft æ-acute;nigne, ðú mé æt byst efne rihte, Ps. Th. 138, 6. [v. ðæ-acute;r-rihte.] III. in accordance with justice or equity, justly :-- Hé ymbhwyrft eorþan démeþ sóðe and rihte judicabit orbem terræ in justitia, Ps. Th. 97, 9 : in aequitate, 95, 13. IV. rightly, well, in a manner suited to the circumstances of a case, fittingly, properly, duly :-- Rihte ys hé genemned Jacob; nu hé beswác mé, Gen. 27, 36 : Exon. Th. 9, 7; Cri. 139. Wæs swíðe ryhte (recte) tó ðæm wítgan gecweden, Past. 21; Swt. 153, 16. Ne æ-acute;nig wið óðerne getrýwlíce ne þohte swá rihte swá hé scolde, Wulfst. 160, 2 : Cd. Th. 127, 32; Gen. 2119. Hú gód is God ðám ðe mid heortan rihte hycgeaþ quam bonus Deus his, qui recto sunt corde, Ps. Th. 72, 1 : 62, 6. Scylan eard niman on ðínre ansýne ða mid ræ-acute;de hér rihte lifigeaþ habitabunt recti cum vultu tuo, 139, 13. V. correctly, in the proper manner, exactly, accurately, truly :-- Wé biddaþ ðé, Láreów, ðæt ðú tæ-acute;ce ús sprecan rihte (to speak Latin correctly), Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 8. Bæd ðæt hé hyra randan rihte heóldon, Byrht. Th. 132, 23; By. 20. Swá wæs on ðæ-acute;m scennum þurh rúnstafas rihte (correctly) gemearcod, hwam ðæt sweord geworht æ-acute;rest wæ-acute;re, Beo. Th. 3395; B. 1695. Swylce hý wæ-acute;ron rihte ... swilce hí nú sindon they were exactly such then as they are now, Bt. 7, 2; Fox 18, 1. Heó is swíðe ryhte feówerscýte it (Babylon) is very accurately quadrangular, Ors. 2, 4; Swt. 74, 13. Ryhtor cweþan to say with greater accuracy, 5, 1; Swt. 214, 9. rihte-bred, es; n. An instrument for measuring, a square :-- Rihte-bred norma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 20 : 114, 83 : linca, 54, 16. rihtend, es; m. A ruler :-- Eálá ðú ælmihtiga scippend and rihtend (rector) eallra gesceafta, Bt. 4; Fox 8, 10. Hé gehýreþ cyning mæðlan, rodera ryhtend sprecan, Exon. Th. 50, 10; Cri. 798. rihtere, es; m. A ruler, director :-- Ic wát ðætte God rihtere is his ágnes weorces . . . Gesege mé nú ðú cwist ðæt ðú náht ne tweóge ðætte God ðisse worulde rihtere síe ... operi suo conditorem praesidere Deum scio ... Dic mihi, quoniam a Deo mundum regi non ambigis ... Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 5-14. [O. H. Ger. rihtari rector, regulus, rex, judex : Icel. réttari a justiciary.] rihtes; adv. Right, straight :-- Foran rehtes in ða róde straight on to the cross, Cod. Dip. Knrbl. iii. 392, 6. riht-fæderencynn, es; n. Lineal descent or descendants on the father's side :-- Hiera ryhtfæderencyn gæ-acute;þ tó Cerdice they are lineally descended on the father's side from Cerdic, Chr. 755 : Erl. 50, 33 : 784; Erl. 56, 5. Gif héó bearn næbbe, feó ðonne an hire rehtfæderen[cynnes] sió néste hond, Chart. Th. 481, 21. v. riht-médrencynn. riht-fæstendæg, es; m. A regularly appointed fastday :-- Æ-acute;lc ðara manna ðe yt oððe drincþ on ðam hálgan lenctene oððe on rihtfæstendagum, Homl. Skt. i. 12, 76 : Wulfst. 117, 15. riht-fremmend, es; m. One acting rightly :-- Ðus reordiaþ ryht-fremmende, Exon. Th. 240, 2; Ph. 632. Geat hæ-acute;ðen hildfruma háligra blód, ryhtfremmendra, 243, 9; Jul. 8. Hæ-acute;lu bútan sáre ryhtfremmendum, 101, 9; Cri. 1656. riht-gefremed; adj. Rightly constituted, orthodox :-- Forðon ðe hé Wilfriþ rihtgefremedne gemétte quia catholicum Vilfridum comperit, Bd. 5, 19; S. 638, 34. riht-gegilda, an; m. One who is legally a member of a guild :-- Æt æ-acute;lcon rihtgegyldan, Chart. Th. 606, 14. riht-geleáffull; adj. Holding a true belief, orthodox :-- Fram ðam rihtgeleáffullum bisceope ab episcopo orthodoxo, L. Ecg. P. addit. 5; Th. ii. 232, 19. Mid ðære hálgan and mid ðære rihtgeleáffullan gesomnunge cum sancta ecclesia, Bd. 3, 17; S. 545, 31. For rihtgeleáffulra sibbe pro pace Catholica, 2, 2; S. 502, 2. Ðæt ríce ðam unrihtwísan cyninge áferran and on ryhtgeleáffulra and on rihtwísra anwald gebringan, Bt. 1; Fox 2, 19. Rihtgeleáffulum orthodoxis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 66. riht-gelífed; adj. Possessed of a true belief, orthodox, catholic :-- Eal rihtgelýfed folc sceal gefeón on ðone his tócyme, Blickl. Homl. 167, 14. Ðæs rihtgelýfdan geleáfan orthodoxiae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 65, 13. Ða hálgan gelaþunge rihtgelýfdan sanctam aecclesiam catholicam, Apstls. Crd. Rihtgeléfedan, Blickl. Homl. 111, 9. Of rihtgeléfedum lárum orthodoxis dogmatibus, Hpt. Gl. 468, 12. Drihten, ðú ðe cwæ-acute;de on ðínum godspelle tó eallum rihtgelýfedum mannum omnibus fidelibus hominibus, L. Ecg. P. iv. 67; Th. ii. 226, 39. Rihtgelýfdum, Blickl. Homl. 171, I4. [cf. Icel. rétt-trúaðr orthodox.] riht-gelífende having a true belief faithful :-- Seó duru ðæs heofonlícan ríces biþ ontýned ðæ-acute;m rihtgelýfendum monnum, Blickl. Homl. 61, 9. Ic beó lífes gást on eallum rihtgelýfendum on mé, 185, 34. [Cf. Icel. rétt-trúandi orthodox.] riht-geþancod; adj. Right-minded, having right thoughts :-- Ða rihtgeþancodon rectos corde, Ps. Lamb. 7, 10. Rihtgeþancedon, l0, 3. riht-gewitt, es; n. Right mind :-- Ðá wæs heó of hyre ryhtgewitte she was out of her mind, Shrn. 141, 18. riht-hæ-acute;med, es; n. Legitimate matrimony :-- Cirraþ tó eówrum ryhthæ-acute;mede, Past. 16, 1; Swt. 99, 17. Æfter ðon wæ-acute;re on rihthæ-acute;med (riht hæ-acute;med?) geþeóded postea in matrimonio jungatur, L. Ecg. C. 19; Th. ii. 146, 2. v. unriht-hæ-acute;med. riht-hand, a; f. The right hand :-- Se Hæ-acute;lend be ðære ryhthanda mé genam, Nicod. 21; Thw. 11, 5. Se Hæ-acute;lend Adam be ðære riht-hand genam, 30; Thw. 17, 24. riht-handdæ-acute;da, an; m. The actual perpetrator of a crime :-- Gif hwá wrace dó on æ-acute;nigum óðrum bútan on ðam rihthanddæ-acute;dan, L. Edm. S. 1; Th. i. 248, 12. riht-heort; adj. Upright in heart :-- Mid rihtheortum qui recto sunt corde, Ps. Th. 93, 14. Ðæ-acute;m rihtheortum rectis corde, Ps. Surt. 111, 4. [O. H. Ger. reht-herzi.] riht-híwa, an; m. A legitimate consort :-- Monige beóþ ðara ðe hié gehealdaþ wið unryhthæ-acute;med and swáðeáh his ágenra ryhthíwena ne brýcþ swá swá hé mid ryhte sceolde multi sunt, qui scelera quidem carnis deserunt, nec tamen in conjugio positi usus solummodo debiti jura conservant, Past. 51, 6; Swt. 399, 8. riht-hláford, es; m. A rightful lord :-- Gif wíf ofer hire rihthláford óðerne man hæbbe si mulier, praeter dominum suum legitimum, alium habet virum, L. Ecg. P. ii. 7; Th. ii. 184, 19. riht-hláfordhyldu; indecl. : -hyld, e; f. Fidelity justly due to a lord :-- Uton beón á úrum hláforde holde and getreówe ... forðam eall ðæt wé æ-acute;fre for rihthláfordhelde dóþ, eal wé hit dóþ ús sylfum tó mycelre þearfe, Wulfst. 119, 15 : 299, 27. v. hláford-hyldo. rihting. v. rihtung. rihtlæ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte To make right, rectify, correct, amend :-- Gif hé ðonne (after punishment) swá ne béte and rihtlæ-acute;ce, hé sý of ðam ealdorscype áworpen, R. Ben. 46, 19. Se ðe æ-acute;r ðysum misdyde, ðæt hé hit georne gebéte and rihtlæ-acute;ce hine sylfne, Wulfst. 277, 2. Úton wé nú æ-acute;lces yfeles geswícan and rihtlæ-acute;can ús sylfe on eallan þingan, 174, 30. Æfter ðam ðe hé sylf geriht wearþ hé began georne mynstera wíde geond his cyneríce tó rihtlæ-acute;cynne after his own life was ordered aright, he began to set the monasteries in order, Lchdm. iii. 440, 2. v. ge-rihtlæ-acute;can. riht-læ-acute;ce, es; m. A genuine physician, one who is really a doctor :-- Se ðe his broces bóte sécþ búton tó Gode sylfum and tó his hálgum and tó rihtlæ-acute;cum hé drýhþ deófles wyllan he that seeks a remedy for his malady except from God and from his saints and from regular doctors, he does the devil's will, Wulfst. 12, 12. rihtlæ-acute;cung, e; f. Correction, making right :-- Ða underþióddan sint tó maniane ðæt hié ðara unþeáwas ðe him ofergesette bióþ tó swíðe and tó þrisðlíce ne eahtigen . . . ðý læs hié for ðære ryhtlæ-acute;cinge weorþen upáhæfene, Past. 28; Swt. 197, 2. Tó ðám dómbócum ðe se heofonlíca Wealdend his folce gesette tó rihtlæ-acute;cunge ealra forgæ-acute;gednyssa, Homl. Th. ii. 198, 20. Hrihtlæ-acute;cinge ratiocinationis, Hpt. Gl. 481, 78.