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þurh-. With words expressing motion the prefix signifies through, over; in other cases it implies thoroughness, completeness, continuity; with adjectives of quality it has an intensive force. It is often a rendering of the Latin prefix per-; sometimes of trans-. þurh-beorht; adj. Very bright, splendid, (1) lit. :-- Heora nebwlite ongann tó scínenne swilce seó þurhbeorhte sunne, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 820. (2) fig. :-- Swá micele máran eádmódnysse ðú sý þurhbeorht (perspicuus), swá micele swá máran wurþnysse foresett ðú eart, Scittt. 22, 17. Yrfweardnes mín þurhscínendlíc &l-bar; þurhbeorht (praeclara) is, Ps. Lamb. 15, 6. þurh-bitter; adj. Very bitter, exasperating :-- Þweor mæ-acute;gþ and tyrwiende &l-bar; þurhbitter generatio prava et exasperans, Ps. Lamb. 77, 8. þurh-bláwen; adj. (ptcpl.) Inspired :-- Mid forewitigum þurhbláwen gáste presago afflatus spiritu, Anglia xiii. 370, 65. þurh-borian to bore through, perforate :-- Ðá wolde ic witan hwæðer ða gelícnissa wæ-acute;ron gegotene ealle swá hé sæ-acute;de; hét hié ðá þurhborian simulacra quae an solida essent scire ego cupiens omnia perforavi, Nar. 20, 1. [O. H. Ger. durh-porón perforare, terebrare.] þurh-brecan to break through :-- Wordes ord breósthord þurhbræc, Beo. Th. 5577; B. 2792. [O. H. Ger. durh-brehhan dissecare.] þurh-brengan to bring through :-- Hé tóslát sæ-acute; and hé þurhbróhte (perduxit) hig, Ps. Lamb. 77, 13. [O. H. Ger. durh-bringan perferre.] þurh-brogden; adj. (ptcpl.) Transported :-- Ðorhbrogden trajectus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 122, 63. þurh-brúcan to enjoy thoroughly :-- Hwylc manna þurhbrýcþ (perfruitur) mettum búton swæcce sealtes, Coll. Monast. Th. 28, 15. þurh-burnen; adj. (ptcpl.) Thoroughly burnt, burnt through :-- Bærn swá ðæt hit sí þurhburnen, Lchdm. iii. 40, 11. þurh-clæ-acute;nsian to cleanse thoroughly :-- Þurhclæ-acute;nsaþ (ðerhclæ-acute;nsade, Lind. permundavit) he will throughly purge, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 3, 12. þurh-creópan to creep through :-- Swá swá mon melo sift, ðæt melo ðurhcrýpþ (þurg-, Cott. MS.) æ-acute;lc þyrl], Bt. 34, 11; Fox 152, 2. þurh-delfan to dig through, bore through, pierce :-- Ic ðurhdelfe perfodio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Zup. 179, 10. Þurhdelfeþ, Ps. Th. 79, 15. Hý þurhdulfon (foderunt) míne handa and míne fét, 21, 15. Þurhdol[fen] confossa, transfixa, Hpt. Gl. 501, 29. þurh-dreógan to carry through, perform, pass time :-- Árísende óþre þurhdreógan surgentes cetera peragant, Anglia xiii. 423, 825. Nihte þurhdreógan noctem peragere, 394, 420. þurh-drífan. I. to drive through, pierce, transfix :-- Him man æ-acute;gðer þurhdráf mid ísenum næglum ge fét ge handa, Wulfst. 22, 21. Þurhdrifon hí mé mid næglum, Rood Kmbl. 91; Kr. 46. Hé lét hine sylfne bindan and him æ-acute;gðer þurhdrífan mid næglum ge fét ge handa, Wulfst. 110, 15: Exon. Th. 68, 27; Cri. 1110. Dolgbennum þurh-drifen, Andr. Kmbl. 2793; An. 1399. Míne handa mid næglum þurhdrifene, Homl. Th. i. 220, 17. Þurhdryfene, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 30. I a. fig. to penetrate, permeate, imbue :-- Ðeáh ic æ-acute;r mid dysige þurhdrifen wæ-acute;re, Elen. Kmbl. 1410; El. 707. II. to drive violently; perpellere :-- Word spearcum fleáh, ðonne hé út þurhdráf (when he sent out his words vehemently, exclaimed vehemently), Cd. Th. 274, 33; Sat. 163. [He let þurhdriuen þe spaken mid gadien, Kath. 1920. Wes mon þurhdriuen upon þe rode homo cruci affixsus est, 1198.] þurh-dúfan to dive through :-- Hé wæter up þurhdeáf, Beo. Th. 3243; B. 1619. þurh-etan to eat through, eat out :-- Se wyrm ða eágan þurheteþ, Soul Kmbl. 236; Seel. 122. Áholad, þurhetan (-en?) exesum vel comessum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 144, 76. Swyrd ómige, þurhetene, Beo. Th. 6090; B. 3049. þurh-fær, es; n. An inner, secret place :-- Æ-acute;lc synful on his þurh-færum (penetrabilibus) byð bedíglod, Scint. 39, 2. v. þurh-fére, -farenness, -faran, IV. þurh-fæstnian to transfix :-- Ðorhfæstnadon transfixerunt, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 19, 37. þurh-faran. I. to go through or over, to traverse; pertransire, (1) trans. :-- Burnan þurhfór (&l-bar; -færþ) sáwla úre wénunga þurhfór sáwla úre wæter torrentem pertransivit anima nostra, forsitan pertransisset anima nostra aquam, Ps. Spl. 123, 4. Hé ðæt land eall þurhfór, Chr. 1095; Erl. 232, 8: 1097; Erl. 233, 38. (2) intrans. To pass :-- Mid ðí ðe ðú þurhfærst (pertransires) on wéstene, Ps. Spl. 67, 8. On anlícnysse þurhfærþ man in imagine pertransit homo, 38, 9: 102, 15. Ðæ-acute;r scipu þurhfaraþ (ðorhfearaþ, Surt.) illic naves pertransibunt, 103, 26. II. of a weapon, to pierce, pass through :-- His swurd ðíne sáwle þurhfærþ, Lk. Skt. 2, 35. Ísen þurhfór sáwla his, Ps. Spl. 104, 17. III. to pass beyond, transcend :-- Hefonas hé ðurhfór (transcendit), Past. 16; Swt. 99, 23. IV. to penetrate :-- Sió stefn ðæs láriówes ðurhfærþ ða heortats ðæs gehírendes illa vox auditorum cor penetrat, Past. 14; Swt. 81, 9: 21; Swt. 155, 11: Bt. 13; Fox 38, 27. Ðeáh ðú ðæt héhste ðurhfare cum summa penetras, Past. 65; Swt. 467, 1. Þurhfare penetret, Anglia xiii. 378, 192. Ðæt word ðære láre ne mæg ðurhfaran ðæs wædlan heortan egentis mentem doctrinae sermo non penetrat, Past. 18; Swt. 137, 6. Þurhfarende penetrans, Hymn. Surt. 84, 9. [O. H. Ger. durh-faran transire, permeare, penetrare.] v. þurh-féran. þurh-farenness, e; f. An inner, secret place; penetrale :-- On þurhfarennyssum cyninga heora in penetralibus regum ipsorum, Ps. Spl. 104, 28. v. þurh-fær, -fére, -faran, IV. þurh-féran. I. to pass through or over :-- Ðæt geðyld ðurhférde ðara leahtra truman patientia medias acies transit, Gl. Prud. 26 b. Hé þurhférde hæ-acute;ðenre þeóde eard, Shrn. 155, 34. Hí þurhférdon ealle ða land ... óððæt hí cómon ðæ-acute;r hé wunode, Homl. Skt. ii. 30, 231. Þurhférende (humida cum siccis) pervadens (caerula plantis), Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 38. II. to penetrate, get into :-- Hér Rodla ðurhférde (penetravit) Normandi mid his here, Chr. 876; Th. i. 145, col. 3. [He þe þurhferde deað, Kath. 1142.] v. þurh-faran. þurh-fére; adj. That may be passed through or over, passable, pervious :-- Geat þurhfére porta pervia, Hymn. Surt. 112, 9. The neuter used substantivally translates penetrale :-- On þurhférun in penetralibus, Mt. Kmbl. 24, 26. v. þurh-fær. þurh-fleón to fly through :-- Cume án spearwa and hrædlíce ðæt hús þurhfleó adveniens unus passerum domum citissime pervolaverit, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 18. þurh-fón to get through, penetrate :-- Heó ðone fyrdhom þurhfón ne mihte láþan fingrum, Beo. Th. 3013; B. 1504.