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Hml. Th. i. 76, 28. Hú dægredsangas on freólstídum tó healdenne sýn qualiter matutinorum sollempnitas agatur, R. Ben. 36, 9. On Godes hálgena freólstídum in sanctorum festiuitatibus, 39, 4. Freólstída and fæstentída rihtlíce understandan, Wlfst. 113, 1. freólsung. Add :-- On freólsungum oððe on eallum symelnyssum in sanctorum festivitatibus vel omnibus sollempnitatibus, R. Ben. I. 45, 3. freó-man. For last passage substitute :-- Hwæt gifest þú me, gásta Waldend, freómanna tó frófre ... ne sealdest þú mé sunu ... Gæ-acute;ð geréfa mín fægen freóbearnum what freeborn children wilt thou give me, Ruler of spirits, for my comfort? ... Thou hast not granted me a son ... My steward goes rejoicing in fair sons and daughters, Gen. 2175. Add :-- Eallum freómannum (frióum monnura, v.l.) þás dagas sién forgifene. Ll. Th. i. 92, 2. ¶ in some cases where freó-man is given as a compound perhaps freó man should be read. e.g. frígman is printed Ll. Th. i. 4, 3, but cf. frígne mannan, l. 6. Gif ... frígman (fríg man?) frígne ofsleahð, 286, 21. Gif fríman (frí man?) wið fríes mannes wíf geligeð, 10, 6. freomlic. v. framlic. freó-nama. Add :-- Cwénburh wæs þæ-acute;re fæ-acute;mnan noma (freónama, v.l., nomen), Bd. 5, 3; Sch. 565, 15. Freónaman cognomine, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 79. freónd. Add: dat. friénd, frínd, frýnd, freónde. (1) where mutual affection is felt or professed :-- Eálá þú freónd and mín mæ-acute;g (cf. his néhmága sum and his worldfreónda hine lufode, 9), Bl. H. 113, 22. Ðá getreówan freónd (friénd, v.l.), ic secge, seó þæt deórweorþeste ðyng þissa woruldgesæ-acute;lþa ... æ-acute;lces óþres þinges mon wilnað ... tó sumum woruldluste bútan ðæs getreówan freóndes, Bt. 24, 3; F. 82, 34. Ðú eart on borg begán ðínum friénd, Past. 193, 18. Tó his friénd (frínd, v.l.), 325, 1. Friénd (frynd, freónd, v.ll.), Ll. Th. i. 50, 29. Frýnd, Hml. Th. i. 248, 4, 13: Th. Ap. 16, 13. Hwæt forstód seó mengu þára freónda ... þá friénd cumaþ mid ðám welan, Bt. 29, 2; F. 106, 8. His freónd him ætfeallað, oððe his feoh him ætbyrst. Wlfst. 142, 6. Æ-acute;ghwylcum men biþ leófre swá hé hæbbe holdra freónda má. Bl. H. 123, 1. Seó lícetung heora fieónda, 99, 33. Hé gegæderaþ frínd and geféran, Bt. 21; F. 74, 38. Friénd, 84, 1. (2) used to a stranger as a mark of goodwill or kindly condescension :-- Eálá þú freónd, ne dó ic þé næ-acute;nne teónan, Mt. 20, 13: 22, 12. Freónda gehwilc mid rihtan getrýwðan óðerne lufige, Ll. Th. i. 350, 13. Wé willað biddan freónda gehwylcne ... þ-bar; hí æ-acute;nne God lufian, 316, 17. Word and weorc freónda gehwylc fadige mid rihte, 322, 10: 372, 1. (3) a relative, kinsman :-- Mæ-acute;g &l-bar; freónd amicus, Mt. L. 11, 19: Jn. L. 11. 11. Áríseþ suna wið freóndum insurgent filii in parentes, Mt. R. 10, 21. Frióndum and mégum cognatis et amicis, Lk. L. R. 21, 16. Betuih freóndo (-e, R., mágas, W.S.) and cúðo inter cognatos et adnotos, 2, 44. (3 a) where the duties or benefits consequent upon kinship are referred to :-- Gif man mæ-acute;dan weddian wille, and hit swá hire and freóndan gelícige ... áborgian his frýnd þ-bar;, Ll. Th. i. 254, 2-7: 10: 256, 2. Fón þá néhstan frýnd (frínd, v.l.) tó þám lande, 416, 10. Licge hé ágylde eallnm his freóndum, 312, 12. (4) a lover :-- Juliana, þú wiðsæcest þínum brýdguman ... hé is tó freónde gód. Jul. 102. Sceal fémne hire freónd gesécean, Gn. C. 44. (5) one who wishes well to another, favours, supports, helps :-- Gif þú hine forlæ-acute;tst ne eart ðú ðæs cáseres freónd (friónd. L.), Jn. 19, 12. Ne þearf hé þæ-acute;r næ-acute;fre wénan þæs freóndes þe hine of þæs deófles gewealdum álésan mæge. Bl. H. 63, 2. Þone hé tealde him tó frýnd þe him sume hefigtýmnysse on belæ-acute;dde. Hml. Th. ii. 546, 18. Dryhten, sint geweorðode mid mé ðíne friénd, Past. 85, 24. Gefáh wið þone cyning and wid ealle his frýnd, Ll. Th. i. 248, 13. Wid ealle his freónd, 210, 11. ¶ Godes freónd an upholder of religion, a pious person, a true Christian :-- Éhte his íélc þára þe Godes freónd sí, Ll. Th. i. 340, 9: 358, 24. Hé wæs swýðe Godes freónd, Chr. 654; P. 29, 14. Feówer þing synt behéfost þám árwyrðan men, þám Godes frýnd þám þe þencð tó þám écan lífe, Wlfst. 247, 12. Gé þe Godes frýnd synd, Bl. 191, 36. Sculan Godes freónd æ-acute;lc unriht álecgan, Ll. Th. ii. 312, 30. Eallum Godes freóndum gebireð þ-bar; hí Godes cirican lufian, 240, 4. (5 a) in the laws, one who undertakes responsibility on behalf of another :-- Niman hine on borh þá þe hine æ-acute;r hláforde befæston ... oþþe óðere frýnd gif hé hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 162, 18. Bið se deáda besmiten búton hé frínd hæbbe þe hine mid rihte clæ-acute;nsnian ... Gif hé þæ-acute;ra freónda hæfd þe þ-bar; dón durron, 290, 12-15. Selle hé his wæ-acute;pn his freóndum tó gehealdanne, 60, 8. His mæ-acute;gum and his frióndum, 90, 9. (5 b) of things, anything helpful :-- Mé gelyste þæ-acute;re deóglan stówe þe ic æ-acute;r on wæs in mynstre, seó is þæ-acute;re gnornunge freónd secretum locum petii amicum moeroris, Gr. D. 3, 13. (6) one who is on good terms with another, not at variance :-- Áworden woeron frióndas Heródes and Pílatus, Lk. L. R. 23, 12. (6 a) one who is on the same side or of the same party as another, an associate :-- Ne sé wé freóndas (socii, geféran, W.S.) hiora in blód ðára wítgana, Mt. L. 23, 30. Oft ic (a sword) óðrum scód frécne æt his freónde, Rä. 21, 16. ¶ in contrast with feónd :-- Of þæ-acute;m feóndscipe þe ús æ-acute;r betweónum wæs, þ-bar; hé seoððan wæs mé freónd factus amicus ex hoste, Nar. 19, 21. Feónd on freóndes anlícnesse. Bt. 29, 2; F. 106, 15. Freónde ne feónde, Met. 25, 16. Mid ðís andweardan welan mon wyrcþ oftor feónd ðonne freónd. Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 4. Tócnáwan þíne frínd (frénd, v.l.) and þíne fýnd (fiénd, v.l.), 20; F. 72, 20. Ne friénd ne fiénd, 37, 1; F. 186, 7. v. neáh-, níd-, wíf-freónd; ge-frínd. freóndheald-lic; adj. Related :-- Of gesibbum vel of freóndhealdlicum de consanguineo. Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 10. freónd-leás. Add: without relatives, orphan :-- Doem ðæ-acute;m freóndleásan judicare pupillo, Ps. Srt. 9, 39. Ne forlét ic iúih freóndleása &l-bar; aldorleása (orfanos), Jn. L.R. 14, 18. [Icel. frænd-lauss without kinsmen.] freónd-leást. Dele 'indigence.' freónd-lic. Add: amicable :-- Mid freóndlicre and mid bróþorlicre geþeahte amicali et quasi fraterno consilio, Bd. 3, 22; S. 292, 8. In þám freóndlican geflite in hac amica contentione. Gr. D. 116, 6. freóndlíce. Add :-- Ælfríc abbod grét freóndlíce Sigferd, Ælfc. T. Grn. 1, 5. Þá þe Gode híwcúþlícor and freóndlícor þeówiað hi gut Deo familiarius serviunt, Gr. D. 165, 1. freónd-líþe; adj. Gentle with friends or relations :-- Gif hé bið on .xxix. nihta ealdne mónan ákenned, se bið gód and freóndlíþe, Lch. iii. 158, 19. v. E.S. 39, 340. freónd-ræ-acute;den. Add: (1) cf. freónd, (1) :-- Hé him getíðað þæs ðe hé bitt, ná for freóndræ-acute;dene (cf. for þám hé his freónd ys, Lk. 11, 8), Hml. Th. i. 248, 33. (2) cf. freónd, (4) :-- Wæs sió fæ-acute;mne mid hyre fæder willan welegum biwedded: wyrd ne ful cúðe freóndrsédenne, hú heó from hogde, Jul. 34. (3) cf. freónd, (5) :-- Se geréfa hine ácwællan ne dorste on þæs folces gewytnysse for heora freóndræ-acute;dene, Hml. S. 2, 301. Þeáh þe hé séce tó godum freóndræ-acute;denne, Jul. 220. (4) cf. freónd, (6) :-- Freóndréddene healdan wið þone þ-bar; UNCERTAIN ('b-bar' for 'bishop'?) to keep on good terms with the bishop, Cht. Th. 141, 6, 9. Hí forlæ-acute;taþ lufan and sibbe, þæs geférscipes freóndræ-acute;denne, Met. 11, 82. Warna þæt þú næ-acute;fre freóndræ-acute;dene nyme wið þá landes men cave ne unquam cum habitatoribus terrae illius jungas amicitias, Ex. 34, 12. [v. N.E.D. friendrede.] freóndscipe. Add: (1) cf. freónd, (1) :-- Hé gefyrn tó mé geþeóded wæs híwcúðlíce in manigfealdum freóndscipum dudum mihi in amicitiis familiariter juncto, Gr. D. 237, 22. Freóndscipas amicitias, Kent. Gl. 601. (2) cf. freónd, (5) :-- Manna freóndscipe biþ swíþe hwílwendlic; for þon úre yldran swultan and swíþe oft ús from wendan, ah sé þe Godes freóndscipe begyteþ, ne þearf sé næ-acute;fre wénan þ-bar; hé him onwended weorþe, Bl. H. 195, 25-28. þ-bar;urh þé eorðbúende onfóð freoþo and freóndscipe, Gen. 1760. Git mé freóndscipe cýðað, 2515: An. 478. (3) cf. freónd, (6) :-- Hé gemyndgade Iónas þæ-acute;re fæ-acute;hðe þe Xersis him tó geworht háfde ... Hé bæd hié eác þ-bar; hié gemunden þæs unárímedlican freóndscipes þe hié hæfdon tó Athéniensum, Ors. 2, 5; S. 82, 19. 'Wes ús fæ-acute;le freónd' ... Abraham onféng freóndscipe be freán hæ-acute;se, Gen. 2735. freónd-spéd. Add :-- Bið þæt æ-acute;ghwylcum men sélre þæt hé hine gehealde on his freódóme gesundne, þeáh þe hé his freóndspédum treówige, þænne hé scyle æfter þám bendum þæs freódómes ceápian, Nap. 26. freó-ness. v. frignes (l. fríg-nes) in Dict. freó-riht. Add :-- Wæ-acute;ron nú lange freóriht fornumene and ðræ-acute;lriht generwde now for long the rights of the free have been taken away and the rights of the thrall have been curtailed, Wlfst. 158, 15. freós (?) :-- Gehlódon him tó húðe hordwearda gestreón, feá (feó?) and freós, Dan. 66. freósan. Add :-- Hit begann on æ-acute;fnunge egeslíce freósan, Hml, S. 11, 153. freó-sceatt, es; m. Property entirely at the owner's disposal, property of which the owner has absolute possession :-- Ná þá áne þe freó synt, ac gyt má þá þe æ-acute;htborene synt and óþera manna freósceattas (freó sceattas?) and for þám ánum foroft gefreóde not those only that are free, but still more those that are born chattels and the absolute property of other men, and for the particular purpose are very often freed; non solum liberi, sed etiam plerumque et ex conditione servili, sed propter hoc a dominis liberati, R. Ben. 138, 21. [v. N.E.D. free, 28 b at one's own disposal, e.g. free gear.] freót. Add: (1) the condition of being free :-- Æ-acute;lcon men freót þe wíteþeów wæ-acute;re, oðþe hé mid his feó gebohte, Cht. Crw. 23, 28. Gif þeów mon wyrce on Sunnandæg bútan his hláfordes hæ-acute;se, þolie his freótes, Ll. Th. i. 104, 6. Hér geswutelað on ðissere Crístes béc ðæt Eádríc hæfð geboht Sæ-acute;gyfu his dohtor æt Ælfsige abbod tó écum freóte and eall hire ofspring, C.D. vi. 209, 10, 14: 210, 32. (2) a grant of freedom (in this sense the word occurs as feminine), manumission :-- Æilsig þe þá menn bohte hig freóde uppan Petrocys weófede æ-acute;fre saclés ... Gif hwá þás freót ábrece, hebbe him wið Críste geméne, Cht. Th. 627, 29. freót-gifa. Add: Wrt. Voc. ii. 59, 18. freót-gifu. Substitute: freót-gift, e; f. Manumission :-- Freótgift (printed -gife, but see Angl. viii. 452) manumissio, Wrt. Voc. i. 60, 1. freoþ-. v. friþ-: freoþa. Dele, and see fultumiend, (3). freót-man. Add :-- Sceóte man æmessan be þám þe man þonne tó