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rihte róde úp áhafen . . . sceal mín ród onwended beón, Bl. H. 191, 1-5. Hé þæ-acute;r þreó métte róda ætsomne, El. 834. (1 a) the cross on which Christ suffered :-- Seó Crístes ród on þá hé wæs áhongen, Shrn. 67, 25. On þysum geáre wæs gefunden seó hálige ród, Chr. 200; P. 10, 34. Hé sende him þæ-acute;re róde dæ-acute;l þe Críst on þrowude, 885; P. 80, 7. (2) the cross as a form of punishment, death on a cross :-- Hé cóm tó róde gealgan ad crucis patibulum convenit, Past. 33, 20. On róde galgan ástígan, þrowian, losian, Bl. H. 27, 28: 97, 11: Hml. Th. i. 594, 4, 18. On róde treów áhebban, Angl. xii. 506, 4. Hér Petrus þrowode on róde, Chr. 69; P. 8, 30. On róde áhón to crucify, Shrn. 67, 15: 153, 12: Chr. 1096; P. 232, 23. (3) the cross as a Christian symbol. [Róde tácen seems hardly a compound to judge by the numerous phrases in which róde is qualified by an adjective or genitive, but may be such in instances like Gr. D. 247 (infra), or Hml. Th. ii. 304, 15 :-- Hé mearcode him on heáfde hálig róde-tácen] :-- Hé þá næ-acute;dran ácwealde sóna gif hé hí gesegnode mid Crístes róde tácne, swá þ-bar; heó swulte for þám mægne þæ-acute;re hálgan róde, þonne se Godes wer þ-bar; róde tácen áwrát mid his fingre; and eác gif. . . hé gebletsode þæs holes múð mid þæ-acute;re hálgan róde tácne, Gr. D. 247, 2-6. Mid Crístes róde tácene signum sancte crucis, Chrd. 22, 25. Hé beseah tó þæ-acute;re hálgan Crístes róde tácne, Hml. S. 23, 499. Hié oncneówon Crístes róde mæ-acute;re tácen, An. 1339. Ðis seondan ðára monna noman ðe ðæt geðafedon and mid Crístes róde tácne gefaestnedon, Cht. E. 162, 3: 103, 6. (3 a) the cross as representing the ecclesiastical office :-- Man sette Léfegár tó &b-tilde; . . . Sé forlét his crisman and his róde and his gæ-acute;stlican wæ-acute;pnu, and féng tó his spere and tó his swurde, Chr. 1056; P. 187, 24. IV. (not III) a crucifix. Add: (1) in a church :-- Hit líhte under þæ-acute;re róde swýðran earme þe stód ofer þ-bar; weófed, Vis. Lfc. 53. This syndon thá cyrican mádmas on Scírburnan. Thæ-acute;r synd twá Crístes béc and ii ródan, C. D. B. iii. 660, 31. Hé hæfð ðiderynn gedón .ii. mycele gebónede róda, C. D. iv. 275, 12. (2) out-of-doors :-- Tó ðæ-acute;m gemæ-acute;rðornan; þ-bar; tó ðæ-acute;re reádan róde, Cht. E. 291, 1. (3) one that could be worn. v. bisceop-, sweór-ród. V. of cleared land (cf. excepta una roda, quam retineo ad viam habendam juxta haiam meam ,N. E. D. rood; 8) :-- West be ðý wioda andlanges ðæ-acute;re róde, Cht. E. 153, 3. Of ðæ-acute;re dúne andlang þæ-acute;re róde oð hit cymð beneoðan stáncnolle, 248, 16. Of wáddene andlang ðæ-acute;re róde innon syx æceres, C. D. vi. 29, 34. On súga róde; andlang róde on huntena weg, iii. 48, 10. Eást on ðá ealdan róde; andlang róde on dá ealdan mearcebécan, C. D. B. i. 296, 26. Be wyrtwalan oþ hit cymð tó þére ealdan róde; þonne andlang róde . . . eft tó þére róde, and þonne eft andlang róde . . . norð be wyrtwalan tó þére brádan róde, and þonne andlang þére brádan róde, iii. 368, 13-18. Be wyrttruman oð ðá róde neoðewearde; ðonne bewestan róde, C. D. iii. 406, 28. Út on ðá róde, v. 71, 4. v. æscstede-, coc-ród. róde-hengen(n). Add :-- Næs on þæ-acute;re þeóde nán deáþ swá huxlic swá swá on ródehengenne, Hml. A. 76, 81. Þá ðe Críst gefæstnodon on ródehencgene, Hml. S. 24, 149. róde-tácen. v. ród; III 3. supra. rodor. I. add :-- On ðám óðrum dæge úre Drihten geworhte firmamenum, ðe men hátað rodor . . . Ðone rodor God gehét heofon, Hex. 8, 25-10, 1. II. add :-- Hé (Gregory) monncynnes mæ-acute;st gestriénde rodra wearde, Past. 9, 11. Bið swíðe mycel stefn gehýred on eástweardum heofones roderum erit vox magna in firmamento caeli ab oriente, Verc. Först. 122, 6. v. norþeást-rodor. rodor-lic. II. add :-- Þú þe eart fram Gode gehálgod mid roderlicum wurðmynte te . . . quem Deus aethereo honore sacravit, Hml. Th. ii. 134, 11. Tó ðám roderlican (readorlicum, lxxv. 5) ad aetheria, Lch. i. lxxiii. 6. ród-stybb a stump left in a clearing (?) cf. ród; V. :-- Inn on ródstubban; swá of ródstybban, C. D. vi. 170, 37. róf a number (?). v. secg-, stæf-róf: róf valiant. Add: v. brego-róf. Róm. Add :-- Tó Róme (Rómesbyrig, Rómebyrig, v. ll.) þú becymst, Gr. D. 132, 31. Hé becóm tó Róme (gesóhte Rómesbyrig, v. l.), 133, 8. Sécende Rómesbyrig (Rómesburh, v. l.), 273, 19. Fæ-acute;ddæ hiæ-acute; wylif in Rómæcæstri, Txts. 127, 2. Rómáne. Add :-- Wearð Rómáne consul ofslagen, Ors. 3, 6; S. 108, 5. Þá gesáwon hié Rómáne scipa on ðæ-acute;m sæ-acute; irnan, 4, 1; S. 154, 4. Rómáno scipa, S. 3, 23. Hú Rómáno (o altered to e) æfterre gewinn and Punica wearð geendod, 4, 35. Rómánisc. Add :-- Rómánisces romulei, Germ. 402, 80, ¶ used substantively :-- Þone langan weall þe þá Rómániscan worhtan, Hml. S. 26, 41. rómig. That rómei = hrúmig seems certain from a comparison of Wrt. Voc. ii. 102, 55-58 (caumeuniae eordreste, catabatus rómei, calcar spora, cauterium mercísern) with 13, 16-18 (caumeuniae eorðreste, caccabatus hrúmig, cauterium mearcísern). For the form of the suffix cf. popei papaver, 116, 48; popæg, 117, 66. [The word may be a gloss to Ald. 66, 22. Cf. caccabatus smittud, An. Ox. 4678.] rop (?) broth. See broþ for instances in which that word translates jus. ropp. Add :-- Þás þing magon wið roppes ge wið wambe and smælþearmes ádlum, Lch. ii. 234, 29. ros-bedd a rose-bed :-- Rosbeddum rosetis, An. Ox. 23, 8. róse. l. (?) rose, and add :-- Rose rosa, An. Ox. 56, 428. On hrosan bræ-acute;ðe stýmende, Hml. Th. ii. 136, 29. Rosan (rosam) gesihð strengþa getácnað, Lch. iii. 210, 13. Wé onféngon þæ-acute;re rosena swæc, Angl. viii. 299, 44. Mid reádum rosum, An. Ox. 4509. v. wudu-rose. rosen. See next word. rosig. This form seems very doubtful. The MS. quoted has rose&u-long;, but two other MSS. have rosen&u-long;, which is more likely to be right. [Dr. Craigie kindly furnishes this note.] róstian. Add; v. ge-róstian. rót. II. add :-- Þæ-acute;r wæs mæ-acute;st þ-bar; rótoste þ-bar; wæs on Ængla lande on þám twám gefylcum, Chr. 1052 ; P. 175, 25. v. un-rót. róþer. Add :-- Róþra &l-bar; árena tíum remorum tractibus, An. Ox. 36. rotian. Add :-- Rot (= rotie) putresco, An. Ox. 23, 9. v. ge-rotian. rót-mód. v. unrót-mód: rót-ness. Add: v. unrót-ness. rótsung. Add :-- Rótsung &l-bar; frófr þearfana, Ps. Rdr. 9, 10. rówan. Add :-- Þá reów (navigavit) se cyng sylf tó ðám íglande, Hml. Th. ii. 148, 6. Se geréfa reów him tó lande (cf. Hí eódon tó scipe and heora segel áræ-acute;rdon, 61), Hml. S. 36, 29: Ap. Th. 5, 11. Cómon hí tó sæ-acute; and þæ-acute;r gemétton scip standan, and hí on þ-bar; eódon and mid him reówan (they went on board and sailed in it), Hml. S. 30, 165. Sume scypmen reówan on þæ-acute;re tyreniscan sæ-acute;, Hml. S. 31, 1135. Hí hreówan (reówon, v. l.) tó Grantanceastre, 20, 78. 'Swá se hrefen þurh þá fennas upp áflígeð, swá þú him æfter rów'. . . Hé tó scipe eóde . . . Mid þý hé þurh þá fenland reów, Guth. Gr. 141, 12-16. Hé ágan rówan oð þ-bar; hé becóm tó Antiochiam, Ap. Th. 3, 25. Beón hí áwergode rówende and rídende, Ll. Lbmn. 438, 21. Hrówundum &l-bar; mið ðý gehrówun nauigantibus, Lk. L. 8, 23. v. ge-rówan. rówend. Add :-- Rówendes naucleri, An. Ox. 2, 6: 6, 7. Þá hwíle þe þá rówendas (nautae) þæs scipes him sóhton óþre geréðru, Gr. D. 306, 3. rówett. Add: rowing :-- Earma rówette lacertorum remigio, An. Ox. 5459. Wé ne mid segle ne mid rówette (róunesse, v. l.) ówiht fremian mihton, Bd. 5, 1; Sch. 551, 16. v. rów-ness. rudian to be ruddy. Him an ræ-acute;d hiów rudaþ on þám ricge, E. S. viii. 478, 60. [Cf. N. E. D. rud to make ruddy.] rudu. Add :-- Rudu rubor, An. Ox. 4, 51. Rude ostro, 18, 9. [v. N. E. D. rud (1) ruddiness. (2) complexion.] rúh. I. add :-- Hrúhge wulla hirsutas lanas, An. Ox. 5189. Rhúge, 2, 429. III. add :-- Rúh wærihtnys callositas (quos dira cutis callosilas elephantino tabo deturpans, Ald. 49, 15), Hpt. Gl. 490, 36. v. healf-, un-rúh. rúm, es; m. l. n. I. add :-- Ne gebyreð . . . tó léfænnæ rúmæs bútan twígen fýt, C. D. ii. 89, 7. II. add :-- Interuallum þæt is hwíl oððe rúm, Chrd. 24, 6. III. add :-- Gif hé þ-bar; rúm and þone æ-acute;mtan hæbbe si locus aut tempus exigerit, Chrd. 105, 18. rúm; adj. I. add :-- Rúmes uaste(solitudinis), An. Ox. 3700. I b. of degree :-- Micel rúmes fæces tódál larga spatios&e-hook; intercapedinis differentia, An. Ox. 1180. IV. add: free from occupation :-- Ðisra stafa tácna wé wyllað on rúmran fæce geswutelian, Angl. viii. 328, 11. VI. add :-- Fultum and wyrðmynt rúmran (ampliorem), Lch. ii. 204, 9. VI a. of material things, ample, abundant :-- Gif hit rúmre cymð si Deus amplius dederit, Chrd. 15, 5. VIII. add :-- Rúmes cynedómes august&e-hook; potestatis, An. Ox. 3942. rúme. II. add :-- Hit rúmor and wíddor byþ ábysgod on manegum wísum latius in multis occupatur, Gr. D. 41, 18. [v. N. E. D. room.] v. ge-rúme. rúmedlíce. II. add :-- Benedictus rúmedlícor dæ-acute;lde and manode þone ortriówan bróðor diffidentem fratrem latius admonuit, Gr. D. 160, 7. v. rúmlíce. rúmgállíce; adv. Widely :-- Þá þe hér rúmgállíce ofer Godes riht rícsiað, þá beóð þæ-acute;r on mæ-acute;stum racenteágum, Nap. 54. rúm-gifol. Add: of things, liberal, abundant :-- Rúmgyuelne nónmete larga anteceniam, Hpt. 31, 14, 353. See next word. rúmgifol-ness. Add: I. liberality, &c., of a person :-- For þæs ælmihtigan Godes þæ-acute;re wundorlican rúmgeofulnesse (-gyfol-, v. l.) omnipotentis Dei mira largitate, Gr. D. 317, 22. II. abundance of a thing. (1) material :-- Manega seócnyssa metta of rúmgyfulnysse wé þolið plurimas egritudines escarum largitate patimur, Scint. 36, 5. (2) non-material :-- Of þæ-acute;re myclan rúmgyfulnesse (-geofol-, v. l.) his mildheortnesse ex magna misericordiae suae largitate, Gr. D. 316, 22. rúmheort-ness. Add :-- Rúmheo[rtnesse] munificentiam, An. Ox. 6, 181. rúmlíce. I. add :-- Rúmlícor plenius, An. Ox. 591. Hé rúmlícor læ-acute;rde and manode þone ortreówan bróðor diffidentem fratrem latius admonuit, Gr. D. 160, 17. Ic wilnige þ-bar; ic rúmlícor (largius) geleornige þ-bar; mægn þára teára, 244, 21. Ymbe þises bissextus gefyllednysse wé wyllað rúmlícor iungum cnihtum geopenian, Angl. viii. 306, 15: 32. II. add: abundantly :-- Se man þe næbbe of hwám hé mæge rúmlíce ælmes-