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un-gewilles; adv. Involuntarily, not designedly :-- Sé þe hine nódes ofslóge oððe ungewilles (qui non est insidiatus), LI. Th. i. 46, 22. un-gewiss ignorance. Add :-- Hé nyste hwæs he geléfan sceolde, þá hine þá swýþost drehton and on ungewisse gebróhton þe his witan beón sceoldon, Hml. S. 23, 398. Rómáne swíþost for þæ-acute;m besierede wæ-acute;roi þe him þæt land uncúþre wæs þonne hit Somnitum wæ-acute;re, and on ungewis on án nirewett befóran, Ors. 3, 8; S. 120, 29. un-gewiss; ad/. I. add :-- Hé him þá gewát swíðe gewisfullíce (-wiss- v.l.) swilce hé ungewis wæ-acute;re recessit scienter nescius, Gr. D. 95 30. Ungewiss for costnunge per tentalionem imperita, 265, 9. Hí beóð deáde and ungewisse þæs écan lífes, 264, 10. un-gewítendlic; adj. That does not pass away, imperishable :-- Swylce man sylle gewítendlic hús, and ungewítendlic underfó, Hml. S. 34 298. un-gewitness, e ; f. False knowledge (?), folly (?) :-- Þám fét hé wiðbrægd þý læ-acute;s hit gelumpe þ-bar; hwæt unrihtes hine gehrine of his ágenum geþóhte and ungewitnesse, and hé þonne sylfa æfter þon eall geeóde in mycele forspildnysse (the original Latin, which has been misunderstood, is: Retraxit pedem; ne si quid de scientia ejus (i.e. mundi), ipse postmodum in immane praecipitium totus iret), Gr. D. 95, 22. v. un-gewitt. un-gewitt. I. add :-- Heó út eóde mid swá hálum and gesundum andgyte, swylce heó næ-acute;fre æ-acute;nig ungewit oððe unhæ-acute;le hire heáfodes næfde ita sanato sensu egressa est, ac si eam numquam insania capitis ulla tenuisset, Gr. D. 176, 25. un-gewittiglíce. Substitute: Madly, without reason :-- Ungewittelíce réþgiende insane saevienles, Gr. D. 104, 10. un-gewittigness. Substitute: I. madness, rage, frenzy :-- Ðá lócode se leódhata on þone hálgan wer mid weallendum geþóhte and mid ungewittinysse (unwittignysse, v.l.) his þwyran módes quern dum fervido spiritu cum perversae mentis insania fuisset intuitus. Gr. D. 163, 31. Gestillan fram þæ-acute;re wédunge and ungewittignesse swá mycelre wælhreów-nysse a tantae crudelitatis insania quiescere, 164, 27. II. insanity: Læ-acute;g þær sum man on his móde gefangen mid ungewittignesse . . . þone swylcne seócne læ-acute;cas nemniað gewitleásne (phreneticum). Gr. D. 247, 13. II a. a mad action, foolish proceeding :-- Hé wæs swíðe wundrigende, and þóhte þ-bar; þ-bar; wæ-acute;re sum ungewittignes þ-bar; hé bebeád valde admiratus est, quod quasi insana praeciperet, Gr. D. 58, l. un-gewuna. Add :-- Ic secge nú þ-bar; ic hwílon æ-acute;r forsuwade for þám ungewunan woroldlices gesceádes, Angl. vii. 12, 114. un-gíming, e; f. Carelessness :-- Seó ceaster ðurh ungýminge synna wearð fýre onbærned ciuitas per culpam incuriae igni correpta, Bd. 2, 7; Sch. 139, 16. Þurh ungýminge per incuriam, 4, 9 ; Sch. 393, 13. un-gin[n]. l. -ginne. un-girwan. Add :-- Hé ungyrede (on-, v.l.) hine his hrægle exutus indumento, Gr. D. 101, 14. un-gistlíþe; adj. Inhospitable :-- Him wæs láð þearfendum mannum áht tó syllene, and hé wæs ungystlíðe, Nap. 65. Cf. un-cumlíþe. un-gníþelíce; adv. In no mean manner or degree :-- Hé his þ-bar; æ-acute;fæste líf leofde swýþe ungnéþelîce (unheánlîce, v.l., non mediocriter), Gr. D. 43, 26. He scan ungnéþelíce (non mediocriter) mid þý worde þæ-acute;re hálgan láre, 175, I. un-græ-acute;diglíce; adv. Abundantly, liberally :-- Hé áscán ungræ-acute;diglíce (non mediocriter), Gr. D. 175, l. un-grípendlic; adj. Irreprehensible :-- Drihtnes &e-acute-hook;e ungrîpendlic (inreprehensibilis) is, Ps. Cant. 18, 8. un-gyrdan. Add :-- Gif hé æ-acute;nigne þearfan nacodne gemétte, þonne wæs hé hine sylfne ungyrdende (se exspolians), and mid his hrægle hé þone þearfan gescrýdde, Gr. D. 68, II. Cf. on-gyrdan. un-hæ-acute;lu (-o). Add :-- Deáh hit wið æ-acute;ghwylcre innancundre unhæ-acute;lo, Lch. i. 86, 19. un-hálwendlic. Add: I. incurable :-- Unhálwendlic insanabilis, Ps. Rdr. 290, 33. II. not salutary :-- Þaelig;t is (his, MS.) swíðe unhálwendlic geþóht, þ-bar; hwá (wa, MS.) ymb þá mergenlican cyrringe þænce and þá andweardan ágímeleásige, Archiv cxxii. 257, un-heánlíce. Add: in no mean fashion :-- Hé þæ-acute;r his eáwfæste líf unheánlíce (non mediocriter) ádreáh, Gr. D. 43, 25. un-hearmgeorn. Add :-- Culfre is swíðe bylewit . . . and swíðe unhearmgeorn and unhetol óðrum. Healdan wé þás þeáwas þ-bar; wé un-hearmgeorne beón and búton byternysse, Nap. 65. un-hetol; adj. Not malignant, kindly. See preceding word. un-híre. (l) add :-- Becreáp þæ-acute;r inn sum swýðe unhýre (-héru, v.l.) næ-acute;ddre (serpens), Gr. D. 211, 14. For ðæs swinglan þá unhýran deór. . . flugon ante cujus verbera immanissimae bestiae . . . fugiebant, 229, 22. un-hírlíce ; adv. Fiercely, savagely :-- Hégeseah þoneealdan munuc swíðe unheórlíce and wælgrimlíce fram deófle geswænced quem cum vir Deicrudeliter vexari conspiceret, Gr. D. 161, ll. un-hírsum. Add: [O.H.Ger. un-hórsam inobediens.] un-híwed; adj. Not feigned :-- Unhíwedre non fict&e-hook; (puritatis), An. Ox. 1742. un-hleówe. l. -hleów. un-hlúd; adj. Not loud, low :-- Hé þone forðfarenan be naman gecígde mid unhlúdre stefne non grandi voce defunctum per nomen vocavit, Gr. D. 85, 5. un-hwílen. Add :-- Þæ-acute;r cyning engla clæ-acute;num gildeð leán un-hwílen,Hpt. 33, 73, 26. un-læ-acute;dlic; adj. Miserable :-- Þá Iúdéas bæ-acute;don swíde unlæ-acute;dlicre béne,swá him syþþan eall unlæ-acute;dlic on becwóm. . Nap. 65. un-læ-acute;red. Add: imperfectly instructed :-- Hé sealde bisene tó ðæ-acute;m ðæt ðá unlæ-acute;redan ne scoldon læ-acute;ran . . . hé ús wolde ðæt tó bisene dón ðætte ðá unlæ-acute;redan ne dorsten læ-acute;ran ut exemplum daret, ne imperfecti praedicare praesumerent . . . qua exemplo ostenditur, ne infirmus docere quis audeat, Past. 389, 2-27. un-læ-acute;ttu; f. Moral wretchedness, wickedness :-- God gecýðde in þám for hwylcre scylde (blasphemy) se cniht wæs geseald swylcum éhterum; for þon þe his fæder nolde hine gerihtan þá hwíle þe hé lifde, þá ylcan unlæ-acute;ttu hé lét hine eft edníwian þá þá hé sweltende wæs, Gr. D. 289, 25. v. un-læ-acute;de; II. un-leás. Add: of a person or statement, veracious :-- Unleásere non fict&e-hook;, i. mendacis (ueritatis), An. Ox. 3955. Þæt ic ongæt be Theophania . . . swá swá mé cýðdon hit manige unleáse men quod de Theophanio multis attestantibus agnovi, Gr. D. 301, 17. Se unleásesta wer vir veracissimus, 193, 10. un-leáslíce. Add :-- Hé sæ-acute;de þ-bar; hé sylf án wítega unleáslíce wæ-acute;re, Hml. S. 31, 802. Wé witon þ-bar; ðú eart unleaslíce Godes freónd, 1024. un-leoþuwác. Add: v. in-liþewác. un-líchamlic. Add :-- Þín þ-bar; líchamlice eáge ne gesyhð áht líchamlices búton hit gescyrpe þá þing tó geseónne seó unlíchamlice wíse nec ipse corporeus oculus aliquid corporeum videret, nisi hunc res incorporea ad videndum acueret, Gr. D. 269, 22. un-líf, es; n. Not life, (spiritual) death :-- Ne þearf nánne man tweógian; æfter his deáþe óðrum þissa hé onféhð swá lífe swá unlífe swaðer his gewyrhto bióð and his earnung, Verc. Först. 176. v. un-lífes. un-lífed. Add :-- Hié gewemmað ðone áliéfedan gesinscipe mid ðæ-acute;re unliéfedan gemengnesse, Past. 397, 13. un-lífedlic, -lífendlic; adj. Unallowed, unallowable, illicit :-- Fram unlýuendlicum (-léfedlicum, v.l.) ab inlicitis, Hpt. 31, 8, 131. un-lífes. Add: v. un-líf. un-lifigende. Add :-- Hé gesæt néh þám líchaman þæs unlifigendan mannes (neáh þám deádan líchaman, v.l.) juxta corpus defuncti sedit, Gr. D. 85, 3. Þá word þára unlifigendra verba mortuorum, 346, 10. un-lísan. I. add :-- Næ-acute;nig þá bóc mihte unlýsan and unfealdan (solvere), Gr. D. 333, 10. Se ceorl þe þyder cóm gebunden ongan semninga þæ-acute;r standan unlýsed and unbunden, 164, 19. II. to release from a restrictive condition :-- His dohtor wæs dumb geboren, and hé Martinum bæd þ-bar; hé hire tungan unlýsde, Hml. S. 31, un-lúcan. Add :-- Sum heora mid hlæ-acute;ddre wolde unlúcan ðæt æ-acute;gðýrl, Hml. S. 32, 205. un-lust. II. add :-- Unlust mé wæs tó lifianne vivendi mihi taedium est, Verc. Först. 140, 5. Se ylca fæder wæs geswænced mid unluste (gedréfednesse, v.l.) his swíðlican geornnesse idem pater nimietatis ejus taedio affectus, Gr. D. 156, 6. III. add :-- Hé þone unlust (synlust, v.l.) geteáh on his líchaman sár . , . witodlíce of þæ-acute;re tîde seó costnung þæs unlustes (synlustes, v.l.) wæs gewyld on him voluptatem traxit in dolorem . . . Ex quo videlicet tempore in eo est tentatio voluptatis edomita, Gr. D. 101, 22-30. un-lybba. I. I add :-- Ðeáh ðe hí unlybban drincan, hit him ne derað si mortiferum quid biberint, non eos nocebit (Mk. 16, 18), Hml. Th. i. 304, 21. unlyb-wyrhta. Add :-- Wiccan and unlybbwyrhtan. Nap. 65, 37. un-mæ-acute;te. Add; I. of material objects :-- Wearð hé gefyrht mid ege þæs unmæ-acute;tan wildeóres, Hml. S. 23 b, 774. II. of non-material objects :-- Mægn unmættra hreónessa and unwederes vim nimiae tempestatis, Gr. D. 346, 33. Hé ábarn mid þý bryne þæ-acute;re unmæ-acute;testan (-mæ-acute;tt-, v.l.) wælhreównesse ardore immanissimae crudelitatis exarsit, Gr. D. 162, un-mæ-acute;þfull; adj. Immoderate, excessive :-- Morðslagan and mándæ-acute;dan and unmæ-acute;þfulle gýtseras, Nap. 65. un-meahtig; I. add :-- Swá micclum swá þæs mannes gecynd unmihtigre wæs, swá hit wæs leóhtre tó miltsunge homo quanto fragilior in natura, tanto facilior ad veniam, Angl. vii. 4, 35. un-meahtiglicness, e; f. Powerlessness :-- Wiþ unmihtilicnysse þæs migðan for inability to pass urine, Lch. i. 56, 15. v. un-imeahtiguess. un-micel. For 'Greg . . . is' substitute :-- Æfter unmycelum (noht miclum, lytlum, v.ll.) fæce non multo post, Gr. D. 133, 7. Hé him worhte tela unmycel eardunghús sibi humili habitaculum construxit, 201, 5. un-miltsigendlic. Add :-- Gif hwá forsihð þá forgifenisse þe se hálga gást sylð, þonne bið his synn unmyltsiendlic on écnysse, Ælfc. Gen. Thw. II. un-myndlinga. I. add :-- Sume dæge þá þá heó swá wídgál swíde dwolode, heó becóm unmyndlinga tó þám scræfe . . . and heó þá þæ-acute;r wunode swá swá heó nyste quadam die dum vaga nimium erraret ad