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216, 5. Of móde abrit ðæt micle dysig he removes from his mind that great ignorance. Bt. Met. Fox 28, 155; Met. 28, 78. Hond up abræd he raised his hand, Beo. Th. 5144; B. 2575. Lár Godes is abroden of breóstum the knowledge of God is withdrawn from your breasts, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 31; Exod. 269. v. bredan.
a-bredwian; p. ade; pp. ad To overthrow, slay? kill? prosternare? occidere? -- Ðeáh ðe he his bróðor bearn abredwade [abradwade Th.] although he had overthrown [exiled? killed?] his brother's child, B. 2619.
a-brégan; p. de; pp. ed To alarm, frighten; terrere :-- Mec mæg gríma abrégan a phantom may frighten me, Exon, 110b; Th. 423, 7; Rä. 41, 17. Abregde, p. Bd. 3, 16; S. 543,12 : Ps. Spl. T. 79,14.
a-bregdan; p. -brægd, pl. -brugdon; pp. -brogden To move quickly, vibrate, remove, draw from, withdraw; vibrare, destringere, eximere, retra-here :-- Ðe abregdan sceal deáþ sáwle ðíne death shall draw from thee thy soul, Cd. 125; Th. 159, 22; Gen. 2638. Hwonne of heortan hunger oððe wulf sáwle and sorge abregde when from my heart hunger or wolf shall have torn both soul and sorrow, 104; Th. 137, 22; Gen. 2277. Hine of gromra clommum abrugdon they drew him from the clutches of the furious, 114; Th. 150, 4; Gen. 2486. v. bregdan.
á-brémende ever-celebrating, Exon. 13a; Th. 24, 20; Cri. 387. v. bréman.
a-breótan; p. -breát, pl. -bruton; pp. -broten To bruise, break, destroy, kill; frangere, confringere, concidere, necare :-- Billum abreótan to destroy with bills, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 14; Exod. 199. Yldo beám abreóteþ age breaks the tree. Salm. Kmbl. 591; Sal. 295. Hine seó brimwylf abroten hæfde the sea-wolf had destroyed him, Beo. Th. 3203 ; B. 1599. Stánum abreótan lapidare, Elen. Kmbl. 1017; El. 510.
a-breóðan; p. -breáþ, pl. -bruðon; pp. -broðen To unsettle, ruin, frustrate, degenerate, deteriorate; perdere, degenerare :-- Hæleþ oft hyre hleór abreóðeþ a man often unsettles her cheek, Exon. 90a; Th. 337, note 18; Gn. Ex. 66. Abreóðe his angin he frustrated his enterprise, Byrht. Th. 138, 59; By. 242. Hí abruðon ða ðe he toþohte they frustrated that which he had thought of, Chr. 1004; Ing. 178, 1. Eálá ðú abroðene folc degener O populus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 8,10. Hic et hæc et hoc nugas ðæt is abroðen on Englisc,Ælfc. Gr. 9, 25; Som. ii, 2.
abret, abrit takes away, Bt. 39, 3; Fox 216, 5. v. abredan.
a-brocen broken, v. a-brecan.
a-broden, a-brogden opened, freed, taken away. v. abredan, abregdan.
abrotanum = abrotonon southernwood, Herb. 135; Lchdm, i. 250,16. v. súðerne-wudu.
a-broten ? crafty, silly, sluggish; vafer, fatuus, socors :-- Abroten vel dwæ-acute;s vafer, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56,114. Abroten ? for abroðen.
a-broðen degeneratus; pp. of a-breóían.
a-brocteunea, -ness, e;f. Dulness, cowardice, a defect, backsliding; ignavia, pusillanimitas. DER. a-broðen.
a-brugdon withdrew, Cd. 114; Th. 150,4; Gen. 2486; of a-bregdan. a-brudton frustrated, Chr. 1004; Ing. 178, l; of a-breóðan. a-bryrdan; p. -bryrde; pp. -bryrded, -bryrd, v. trans. To prick, sting, to prick in the heart, grieve; pungere, compungere :-- Ná ic ne beo abryrd, God min non compungar, Deus metis. Ps. Spl. 29,14. v. bryrdan. a-bryrdnes, -ness, e; f. Compunction, contrition; compunctio, con-tritio. v. bryrdnys, a-bryrdan.
a-brytan; p. -brytte; pp. -brytt To destroy; exterminare, Ps. Spl. C. 36, 9. v. brytan.
a-búfan; adv. [a + be + ufan] ABOVE ; supra :-- Swá wæ æ-acute;r abúfan sæ-acute;dan as we have before above said, Chr. 1090; Th. 358, 15. DER. búfan.
a-bugan; p. -beág, -beáh, pl. -bugon; pp. -bogen To iow, bend, incline, withdraw, retire; se vertere, declinare, inclinare, averti :-- Abflgaþ eádmðdlíce inclinate suppliciter. Coll. Monast. Th. 36, 3. Ac ðé firina gehwylc feor abúgeþ but from thee each sin shall far retire, Exon. 8b; Th. 4, 22; Cri. 56. Ðæ-acute;r fram sylle abeág medu-benc mon'g there many a mead-bench inclined from its sill, Beo. Th. 1555 ; 8.775. v. bfigan. a-bulgan = abulgon angered. Ps. Th. 77, 41; p. of a-belgan. a-bunden ready; expeditus, Cot. 72 ; pp. of a-bindan. v. bindan. a-butan, -bflton; prep. acc. [a + be -l- Qtan] ABOUT, around, round about; circa :-- Ðú tæcst Israhela folce abútan ðone rnúnt thou shall take the people of Israel around the mountain. Ex. 19, 12. Abuton hi circa eos, Mk. Bos. 9, 14. Abúton stán about a stone, L. N. P. L. 54; Th. ii. 298, 16.
a-butan, -bflton; adv. ABOUT ; circa :-- Besæt ðone castel abútan beset the castle about, Chr. 1088; Th. i. 357, 29. Besæ-acute;ton íone castel abúton they beset the castle about, Chr. 1090; Th. i. 358, 25.
a-bycgan, -bicgan; p. -bohte, pl. -bohton; pp. -boht [a, bycgan to buy, procure]. I. to buy, pay for; ernere, redirnere, L. Ethb. 31; Th. i. 10, 7. II- to perform, execute; præstare :-- Áþ abycgan jusjuran-dumpræstare, L.Wih. 19; Th. i. 40,18.
a-byffan; p. ode; pp. od To mutter; mutire. Cot. 134. v. byffan.
a-bygan, v. trans. To bow, bend; incurvare, Grm, ii. 826. v. a-began.
a-býgendlíc; adj. Bending, flexible; flexibilis. DER. un-abýgendlíc.
a-bylgan, -byligan, -bylgean; p. de; pp. ed To offend, anger, vex; offendere, irritate, exacerbare :-- HI hine oft abylgdon [MS. -dan] ipsi sæepe exacerbaverunt eum. Ps. Th. 105, 32. Da mod abylgean flra ðara nýhstena animos proximorum offendere, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 17: Hy. 6, 22. v. a-belgan.
a-bylg-nes, æ-bylig-nes, æ-bylig-nys, -ness, e; f. [abylgan to offend] An offence, scandal, anger, wrath, indignation; offensa, ira, indignatio :-- He him abylgnesse oft gefremede he had oft perpetrated offence against him, Exon. 843; Th. 317, 35; Mðd. 71.
a-bylgp, -bilgþ, -bilhþ, e;f. An offence, wrong, anger; offensa, injuria, ira :-- He sceal Cristes abilgþe wrecan he ought to avenge offence to Christ, L. Eth. 9, 2; Th. i. 340, 13: L. Pen. 16; Th. ii. 284, 6. v. æ-bylgþ.
a-byligd, e; f. Anger; indignatio, Ps. Th. 77, 49. v. a-bylgþ.
a-byrgan, -byrgean, -byrian To taste; gustare :-- We cýðaþ eów tet God ælmihtig cwæþ his ágenum múðe, ðæt nán man he mðt abyrgean nánes cynes blðdes. Æ-acute;lc ðæra ðe abyrgþ blðdes ofer Godes bebod sceal forwurþan on éccnysse we tell you that God Almighty said by his own mouth, that no man may taste any kind of blood. Every one who tastes blood against God's command shall perish for ever, Homl, intitul. Her is hálwendlíc lár, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Junii 99, fol. 68. Se wulf for Gode ne dorste ðæs hæfdes abyrian the wolf durst not, fat God, taste the head, Homl. Brit. Mus. MSS. Cot. Julius, E. 7, fol. 203, Bibl. Bodl. MSS. Bodley 343- v. byrgan.
a-býsgian, -býsgan, -býsean, -bisegian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [a, býsgian to ÍKsy] To occupy, preoccupy, prepossess; occupare :-- Ðeáh unþeáwas oft abísegien ðæt mðd though imperfections oft prepossess the mind, Bt. 35, i; Fox 154, 32. Biþ hyra seó swíþre symble abýsgod ðæt hi unrihtes tiligeaþ 'dexlera eorum dextera iniquitatis. Ps. Th. 143, 9. Biþ hyra seó swíþre symble abýsgad dextera iniquitatis, 143,13.
a-bysgung, -btsgung, e; f. Necessary business, employment; occupatio. Past. 18, i; Hat. MS. 25a, 27, 29, 30.
a-bywan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To adorn, purify, clarify; exomare, purgare :-- Beóþ monna gæ-acute;stas beorhte abýwde þurh bryne fýres the souls of men are brightly adorned [clarified] through the fire's heat, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 24; Ph. 545. v. býwan.
AC, ach, ah, oc; conj. X. but; sed :-- Ne com ic tii towurpan, ac gefyllan non veni solvere, sed adimplere, Mt. Bos. 5, 17. Brytwalas fultumes bæ-acute;don wið Peohtas, ac hi næfdon næ-acute;nne the Brito-Welsh begged assistance against the Picts, but they had none, Chr. 443; Erl. ii, .34. II. for, because; nam, enim, quia :-- Ne se aglæ-acute;ca yldan þðhte, ac he geféng hraðe slæ-acute;pendne rinc nor did the wretch mean to delay, f or he quickly seized a sleeping warrior, Beo. Th. 1484; B. 740. Ðú ne þearft onsittan wige, ac ne-fuglas [wig, eácne MS.] blðdig sittaþ þicce gefylled thou needest not oppress with war, because carrion birds sit bloody quite satiated (lit. thickly filled). Cd. 98; Th. 130, 12; Gen. 2158. III. but also, but yet; sed etiam, sed et, sed tamen :-- Ná læs weoruld men, ac eac swylce ðæt Drihtnes eowde not only men of the world, but also [sed etiam Bd.] the Lord's flock. Bd. 1,14; S. 482, 25. Da cwican nð genihtsumedon ðæt ht da deádan bebyrigdon, ac hwæðere ða ðe Kfigende wæ-acute;ron nðht dðn woldon the living were not sufficient to bury the dead, but yet those who were living would do nothing, Bd. l, 14; S. 482, 32: 2, 7; S. 509, 13. Ac swylce tunge mín (Élce dæge smeáþ rightwísnysse ðíne sed et lingua mea tota die meditabitur justitiam tuam, Ps. Spl. 70, 26. [R. Glouc. Orm. ac: Laym. ac, æc, ah: Scot. ac: O. Sax. ak: O. H. Ger. oh; Goth, ak.]
ac; adv. interrogative. Why, whether; nonne, numquid :-- Da du geho-godest sæcce sécean, ac ðú gebettest mæ-acute;rum þeódne when thow re" solvedst to seek warfare, hadst thou compensated the great prince ? Beo. Kmbl. 3976; B. 1990. Ac [ah MS.] ætfileþ ðé seld unrihtwísnesse numquid adnaret tibi sedes iniquitatis 1 Ps. Surt. 93, 20. Ac hwá démeþ who shall judge? Salm. Kmbl. 669; Sal. 334. Ac forhwon fealleþ se snaw why falleth the snow? 603; Sal. 301.
ac-, v. ag-, ag-læ-acute;ca, ah-, ah-læ-acute;ca.
AC, íéc; g. e; f. I. an OAK ; quercus, robur :-- Ðeós ác nece quercus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 46. Sume ác astáh got up into an oak, Homl. Th. ii. 150, 31. acc. Ac an oaken ship. Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 21. Geongre ace of a young oak, L. M. l, 38; Lchdm, ii. 98, 9. Of ðære ác [for áce], Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. 121, 22. II. ác; g. Sees; m. The Anglo-Saxon Rune J-. = a, the name of which letter, in Anglo-Saxon, is ic an oak, hence, this Rune not only stands for the letter a, but for ác an oak, as J... byþ on eorþan elda bearnum flæ-acute;sces fódor the oak is on earth food ofthefiesh to the sons of men, Hick. Thes. vol. i. p. 135; Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 15. Ácas twegen two A's, Exon.
112 a; Th. 429, 26; Ru. 43,10. [R. Glouc. 6k: Chauc. 6k, áke, oak:
O. Frs. Sfc: Dut. eek, eik: JVorth Frs. ik: L. Ger. eke: N. Ger. eiche: M. Ger. eich: O. Ger. cin: Dan. eg: Swed, ek: 0. Nrs. eik. Grn. starting from Goth, ayuk in aiw-dup, i.e. aiw-k-dup nis rev atom, supposes a
form ayuks, contracted to áiks, the equivalent of which would be ac,
which would, therefore, indicate a tree of long durability.]
a-cægan to name. v. a-cigan.
a-cænned = a-cenned brought forth; pp. of acennan.
a-cænnednys, -cænnys nativity, v. a-cennednes.