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ÆFTER -- ÆG. 11
Th. 18, 33; Gen. 282: Cd. 15; Th. 19, 14; Gen. 291: Cd. 92; Th. 117, 20; Gen. 1956: Cd. 98; Th. 130, 3; Gen. 2154: Cd. 203; Th. 251, 30; Dan. 571: Elen. Kmbl. 1653; El. 828: Andr. Kmbl. 74; An. 37: Beo. Th. 4913; B. 2461: Beo. Th. 4917; B. 2463: Beo. Th. 4528; B. 2268. II. acc; cum accusativo. After, above, according to; post, super, secundum :-- Æfter ðás dagas post hos dies, Lk. Lind. War. 1, 25. He eorþan æfter wæter æ-acute;rest sette qui fundavit terram super aquas, Ps. Th. 135, 6. Stefne míne gehér æfter mildheortnesse ðíne, Drihten vocem mean audi secundum misericordiam tuam, Domine, Ps. Lamb, 118, 149. [O. Sax. aftar, after: O. Frs. efter, after: O. Dut. N. Dut. achter: Ger. after, only in compnd: M. H. Ger. after: O. H. Ger. aftar: Goth, aftra backward, again: Dan. efter: Swed, efter: O.Nrs. eptir, eftir, prep; aptr, aftr, adv. back, again: Sansk, apara.]
æfter ; adv. After, then, afterwards; post, postea, exinde :-- Æfter siððan ever afterwards, from thenceforth, Cd. 26; Th. 35, 6; Gen. 550. Æfter to aldre for ever after, Cd. 22; Th. 28, 15; Gen. 436. Ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned a son was afterwards born to him, Beo. Th. 24; B. 12. Word æfter cwæþ then he spake these words. Beo. Th. 636; B. 315. Æ-acute;r oððe æfter sooner or later, Exon. 32b; Th. 103, 22; Cri. 1692. Ic wát æfter nú hwá mec ferede ofer flódas now afterwards I know who conveyed me over the floods, Andr. Kmbl. 1808; An. 906. Ðæ-acute;r sceal ylda cwealm æfter wyrþan then must slaughter of men take place afterwards, 364; An. 182. Swá ðas foldan fæðme bewíndeþ ðes eástrodor and æfter west quantum ortus distat ab occasu. Ps. Th. 102, 12.
æftera, æftra; adj. compar. of æfter, -- Hinder, next, second; posterior, sequens, alter, secundus :-- Ðý æfteran dæge sequenti die, Lk. Bos. 13, 33. Ðæs æfteran monþes mensis secundi, Ex. 16, l. On ðam forman dæge ðæs æftran monþes primo die mensis secundi, Num. 1, 18. Seó æftre, i.e. eá, Ethiopia land belígeþ úton the next river encompasses the country of Ethiopia, Cd. 12 ; Th. 15, 4; Gen. 228. Siððan ic ongon on ðone æfteran ánseld búgan after Ihad begun to live in this second hermitage, Exon, 50b; Th. 176, 22 ; Gú. 1214.
æfter-boren [=æftergenga, q.v.] part. Born after the father's death; posthumus, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 32.
æfter-cweðan; p. -cwæþ; pp. -cweden To speak after, repeat, to answer, revoke, renounce, abjure; repetere, revocare :-- Bebeád he ðæt him mon lengran cwidas beforan cwæde, and he symle gedéfelíce æftercwæþ he ordered longer sayings to be spoken before him, and he always repeated them properly, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 15. His bróðer griþ eall æftercwæþ his brother renounced all peace, Chr. 1094; Th. 360, 23. Æftercweðendra lof the praise of the after-speaking [post mortem laudantium], Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 10; Saef: 72.
æfter-eala, an; m. After-ale, small beer :-- Æfter-eala sapa, Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 22; Wrt. Voc. 28, 5.
æfter-fæce; adv. [æfter after, and the dat. of fæc a space] Afterwards, after that; postmodum. v. fæc.
æfter-folgere, es; m. A follower; successor, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 74, 36.
æfter-folgian; p. ode ; pp. od To follow after, pursue; subsequi, persequi :-- Him æfterfolgiende wæ-acute;ron they were pursuing him, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 25.
æfter-fylging, e; f. A following after, a sequence; sectatio, suc-cessio. v. fylging.
æfter-fylian, -filian; p. de; pp. ed To follow or come after, to succeed; sequi, prosequi, subsequi :-- Ðæs sæ-acute;s smyltnys æfterfyligeþ serenitas mares prosequetur, Bd. 3,15; S. 541, 35. Ðæs æfterfiliendan tácnes sigui sequentis, Ex. 4, 8.
æfter-fyligend, -fylgend, es; m. One who follows or succeeds, a follower ; successor :-- Ac Oswald his æfterfyligend hí ge-endade swá we æ-acute;r beforan sæ-acute;don sed successor ejus Oswaldus perfecit at supra docuimus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 36: Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 2.
æfter-fylignes, -ness, e; f. A following after, a succession, succeeding; successio. v. fylignes.
æfter-gán [gán to go] To follow after; subsequi, Past. 15, 2 ?
æfter-gencnys, -nyss, e; f. [gengnys a going] Extremity; extremitas, R. Ben. Interl. 7.
æfter-genga, an; m. [genga goer] One who goes or follows after, a follower; successor, posthumus :-- Æftergenga posthumus, æfter boren, se ðe biþ geboren æfter bebyrgedum fæder one who is born after the father has been buried, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 48, 32. Ðú me ne derige, ne mínum æftergengum ne noceas mihi et posteris meis, Gen. 21, 23.
æfter-gengnys, -nyss, e; f. Succession; posteritas. v. æfter-gencnys.
æfter-gild, -gyld, es; a. An after-payment, a paying again or in addition; secunda vel iterata compensatio, L. C. S. 24; Th. i. 390, 7.
æfter-hætu, e; f. [æfter after, hæ-acute;tu heat] After-heat; insequens calor :-- Mid ungemetlícum hærfest-wætan and æfterhæ-acute;te from heavy harvest-rains and after-heat. Ors. 3, 3; Bos. 55, 23.
æfter-hýrigean; p. de; pp. ed To follow another's example, to imitate, resemble; imitari :-- He wilnode æfterhýrigean he wished to imitate, Bd. 3, 18; S. 545, 44.
æfter-leán, es; n. An after-loan, reward, recompense, retribution; præ-miuin,nierces :-- þearl æfterleán hard retribution, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 24; Gen. 76.
æfter-líc; adj. After, second; secundus, Cot. 191.
æfterra second; secundus :-- Se æfterra deáþ the second death, Bt. 19; Fox 70, 18. Sende he eft æfterran síðe æ-acute;renddracan he sent messengers again a second time, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 10. v. æftera.
æfter-ráp, es; m. An AFTER-ROPE, a crupper; postilena, Ælfc. Gl. 20; Som. 59, 54.
æfter-rídan; p. -rád, pl. -ridon; pp. -riden To ride after; equo in-sequi :-- Híg ða sóna æfterridon ídelum færelde secuti sunt eos per viam, Jos. 2, 7.
æfter-ryne, es; m. An encountering, meeting, running against one; occursus :-- Æfterryne his óþ to heáhnesse his occursws ejus usque ad summum ejus, Ps. Spl. 18, 7.
æfter-sang, es; m. The after-song; posterior cantus :-- Mid ðam æfter-sange with the after-song, L. Ælf. P. 31; Th. ii. 376, 6.
æfter-singend, es; m. An after-singer; succentor, Wrt. Voc. 28, 21.
æfter-spræc, e; f. After-speech or claim; repostulatio, L. O. 7; Th. i. 180, 23.
æfter-sprecan; p. -spræc, pl. -spræ-acute;con; pp. -sprecen [sprecan to speak] To claim; petere, repetere :-- Ágnung biþ nér ðam ðe hæfþ, ðonne ðam ðe æftersprecþ possession is always nearer to him who has, than to him who claims, L. Eth. ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 21.
æfter-spyrian, -spyrgean; p. ede; pp. ed To inquire after, examine; examinare :-- Gif ge hit willaþ æfterspyrian if ye will examine it, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 8. v. spyrian.
æfter-weard After, AFTERWARD, following; posterior, secundus: -- Gif he me æfterweard weorþeþ if he shall be after [afterward] me, Exon. 104 b ; Th. 397, 3 ; Rä. 16, 14. v. æfte-weard, weard; adj.
æfter-weardnes, -ness, e;f. Posterity; posteritas, Cot. 149.
æfter-wearÞ beón To be away, absent, Bd. 3, 15; S. 542, note 6. v. æfweard.
æfter-yldo, -yld, e; f. I. after-age, old age; ætas provecta :-- Ne mágon ða æfteryld in ðam æ-acute;restan blæ-acute;de geberan they may not produce [show] old age in their first strength [youth], Exon. 39b; Th. 132, 3; Gú. 467. II. an after-age, after-time; posterius ævum :-- Swá næ-acute;nig æfteryldo syððan gemunan mæg so as no after-age since can remember, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 22.
æfte-weard; adj. [ = æfter] After, back, late, latter, full; posterior :-- Æfteweard lencten full spring. Wrt. Voc. 53, 27. Æfteweard heáfod the back of the head, 42, 43. Drihten ðé gesett ná on æfteweard the Lord will not set thee in the after-part, Deut. 28,13.
æfte-wearde; adv. [æfter, wearde, weardes] Afterward, after, behind; post, pone :-- Ðú gesihst me æftewearde thou shalt see me behind, Ex. 33, 23.
æf-þanc, es; m: æf-þanea, -þonca, -þunca, an; m. Offence, insult, grudge, displeasure, envy, zeal; simultas, offensa, odium, zelus :-- Swindan me dyde æfþanca mín tabescere me fecit zelus meus, Ps. Spl. M. 118,139. Æfþonca gefylled full of grudges, Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 4; Mod. 26. Eald æfþoncan edniwedan they have renewed old grudges, 72 b; Th. 271, 20; Jul. 485. Æfþancum herian to vex with insults, Cd. 102; Th. 135, 3; Gen. 2237.
æftyr after, according to; secundum, Mt. Bos. 9, 29. v. æfter I. 3.
æf-weard, æf-ward; adj. Absent, distant; absens :-- Lícumlíce æfward corporaliter absens, Bd. 3,15 ; S. 542, 6.
æf-weardnes, -ness, e; f. Absence, removal, posterity; absentia :-- For ðínre æfweardnesse because of thy absence, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 28.
æf-werdelsa, an; m. Damage, detriment, loss; detrimentum, damnum, L. Alf. 27 ; Th. i. 50, 28. v. æf-werdla.
æf-werdla, æf-wyrdla, æ-wyrdla, a-wyrdla, an; m. [æf of, wyrdan to corrupt] Damage, injury, loss, the amercement for it; detrimentum, jactura, damnum :-- þolie ðone æfwerdlan [æfwyrdlan MS. H.] let him bear the damage, L. In. 40; Th. i. 126, 16: R. Ben. 2 : Cot. 104.
æ-acute;-fyllende; adj. [æ-acute; = law, fyllende part, of fyllan to fill, fulfil] Following the law, faithful; legem exsequens :-- Seó circe æ-acute;fyllendra the church of the faithful, Exon. 18 a; Th. 44, 17; Cri. 704.
æ-acute;fyn, es; m. The evening :-- On æ-acute;fyn at evening, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 22 ; Gen. 313. v. æ-acute;fen.
æ-fyrmþa; pl. f. [æ, fyrmþ, e; f. washing] Ablutions, the sweepings of a house, the refuse of things or things of no value; ablutiones, quisquiliæ :-- Æfyrmþa [MS. æfyrmþe] quisquiliæ, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 22.
ÆG, æig; g. asges; pl. nom. acc. ægru; g. ægra; d. ægrum, ægerum; n. An EGG; ovum :-- Gifhit [cild] æges bitt if he ask for an egg, Homl. Th. i. 250, 9. Ðæt æg [æig MS.] getácnaþ ðone hálgan hiht the egg betokens the holy hope, i. 250, 11. Gif he bit æg si petierit ovum, Lk. Bos. 11, 12. Gením hænne æges geolocan take the yolk of a hen's egg, L. M. 1, 2; Lchdm, ii. 38, 6. Sceáwa nú on ánum æge, hú ðæt hwíte ne biþ gemenged to ðam geolcan, and biþ hwæðere án æg look now on an egg, how the white is not mingled with the yolk, and yet it is one egg, Homl. Th. i. 40, 27, 28. On æge biþ gioleca on middan in on egg the yolk is in the middle, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 338 ; Met. 20, 169. Of ægerum from eggs, Exon. 59a; Th. 214, 2 ; Ph. 233. Ægru lecgan to lay eggs, Som.