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ÆHT -- ÆL 13

whoever commits an assault, L. Ath. v. § l, 5; Th. i. 230, 10. þurh æ-acute;-hlýp by a violation of the law, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 11. v. æt-hlýp.

æht, e; f. Valuation, estimation, deliberation, council; æstimatio, deliberatio, consilium :-- Fira bearn æht besittaþ the sons of men sit in council, Andr. Kmbl. 820; An. 410. Biscopas and bóceras and ealdormen æht besæ-acute;ton bishops and scribes and princes sat in council, Andr; Kmbl. 1216; An. 608. v. eaht deliberation, council.

æ-acute;ht, e; f. [éntan to persecute] Persecution, hostility; persecutio, hostilitas :-- Ðá wæs æ-acute;ht boden Sweóna leódum then was persecution announced to the people of the Swedes, Beo. Th. 5907; B. 2957. [Ger. acht, f. proscriptio: M. H. Ger. áhte, æhte: O. H. Ger. ahta, f. persecutio.]

æ-acute;ht, e; f. [æ-acute;hte = áhte had; p. of ágan to own, possess] I. possessions, property, lands, goods, riches, cattle; opes, substantia, possessio, greges :-- He hæfde mycele æ-acute;hta erat habens multas possessions, Mk. Bos. 10, 22. Esau nam ealle his æ-acute;hta, and eall ðæt he æ-acute;hte Esau took all his goods, and all that he possessed, Gen. 36, 6. Grúndleás gítsung gilpes and æ-acute;hta bottomless avarice of glory and possessions, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 30; Met. 7, 15. Israéla æ-acute;hta the Israelites' possessions, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 23; Dan. 43. Genam on eallum dæ-acute;l æ-acute;htum sínum he took a part of all his possessions, 74; Th. 90, 23; Gen. 1499. Ealle his æ-acute;hta omnem substantiam ejus, Ps. Th. 108, 11. II. possession, power; possessio, potestas :-- His miht and his æ-acute;ht ofer middangeard gebledsod his might and power is blessed throughout the earth. Andr. Kmbl. 3432; An. 1720. Ágan us ðis wuldres leóht eall to æ-acute;hte let us get all this light of glory into our possession, Cd. 219; Th. 280, 11; Sat. 254. On ágene æ-acute;ht syllan in possessionem dare, Ps. Th. 104, 10, 39: 110, 4. [Scot. audit: O. H. Ger. éht, f: Goth, aíhts, f: O. Nrs. æ-acute;tt, átt family] DER. gold-, máðum-, staðol-, wan-, won-.

æhta eight, Chr. 1070; Th. 345, 32. v. eahta.

æ-acute;hte had, owned, possessed, v. áhte; p. of ágan.

æ-acute;hte land, es; n. [æ-acute;ht property] Landed property; terra possessionis :-- Forðon ðe Peohtas heora æ-acute;hte land ðætte Angle æ-acute;r hæfdon eft onféngon nam Picti tenam possessions suæ quam tenuerunt Angli receperunt, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 29.

æhte man, mann, es; pl. men; m. A husbandman, a farmer, ploughman; colonus :-- Laboratores sind yrþlingas and æ-acute;hte men labourers are ploughmen and husbandmen, Ælfc. T. 40, 20.

æhtere, es; m. An estimator, a valuer; æstimator, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 25.

æhte swán, es; m. [æ-acute;ht property, swán swain or herdsman: O. H. Ger. sweinn a herdsman] A cowherd, swineherd, who belongs to the property of his lord; bubulcus, porcarius qui in peculio domini est, L. R. S. 7; Th. i. 436, 22.

æ-acute;ht-gesteald, es; n. Possession; possessio :-- He ða brýdlufan sceal to oðerre æ-acute;htgestealdum idese sécan he must seek conjugal love in the possession of another woman, Exon. 67 b; Th. 249, 22 ; Jul. 115.

æ-acute;ht-gestreón, es; n. Possessions, riches; possessio, divitiæ :-- Ðonne líg eal þigeþ eorþan æ-acute;htgestreón when the flame devours all the possessions of the earth, Exon. 63 a; Th. 232,13; Ph. 506.

æ-acute;ht-geweald, es; m. n. Possession, power, the power of the possessor; potestas possessoria :-- Cwæþ he his sylfes sunu syllan wolde on æ-acute;htgeweald he said that he would give his own son into their power, Andr. Kmbl. 2221; An. 1112. Ðú usic bewræ-acute;ce in æ-acute;htgewealda tu nos tradidisti in potestatem, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 28; Az. 26.

æ-acute;htian [æ-acute;ht persecution] to persecute; persequi. v. éhtan.

æ-acute;ht-spédig; adj. Wealthy, rich; locuples, opulentus :-- Se is betra ðonne ðú, æ-acute;htspédigra feoh-gestreóna he is better than thou, richer in money-treasures Exon. 67a; Th. 248, 26; Jul. 101.

æhtung, e; f. Estimation, valuing; æstimatio, Ælfc. Gl. 114; Som. 80, 26. v. eahtung.

æ-acute;ht-wela, an; m. Wealth, riches; opes, divitiæ :-- Gelufian eorþan æ-acute;htwelan to love earth's riches, Exon. 38a; Th. 125, 24; Gú. 359: Apstls. Kmbl. 167; Ap. 84.

æ-acute;ht-welig; adj. Rich, wealthy; locuples :-- Sum wæs æ-acute;htwelig geréfa there was a wealthy count, Exon. 66a; Th. 243, 29; Jul. 18.

æ-acute;-hwæ-acute;r; adv. Everywhere; ubique. Ps. Th. 88, 31. v. á-hwæ-acute;r.

æ-hwyrfan To turn from, avert; avertere, Ps. Spl. T. 53, 5. v. a-hwerfan, hwyrfan, hweorfan.

æig, es; n. An egg; ovum :-- Ðæt æig getácnaþ hiht: æ-acute;rest hit biþ æig, and seó módor siððan mid hihte bret ðæt æig to bridde the egg betokens hope: first it is an egg, and the mother then with hope cherishes the egg to a young bird, Homl. Th. i. 250, 22-24. v. æg.

æl-; prefix. I. = eal all; totus, omnis, as æl-beorht, æl-ceald, etc. II. æl- = el-, ee-, foreign; peregrinus, as æl-fylce, æl-wihta, etc.

æl, e;f. An awl; subula :-- Hwanon sceó-wyrhtan æl unde sutori subula, Coll. Monast. Th. 30, 33: L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 10. Æl subula, Ælfc. Gl. 1; Som. 55, 27; Wrt. Voc. 16, 2. v. al.

æl, es; m. Oil; oleum :-- Ða sceolon beón æle bracene they must be beaten up with oil, Lev. 6, 21. v. ele.

Æ-acute;L, es; m. An EEL; anguilla :-- Hwilce fixas gefehst ðú? æ-acute;las and hacodas what fishes catchest thou ? eels and haddocks. Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 33. Ac seó þeód ðone cræft ne cúðo ðæs fiscnóðes nymþe to æ-acute;lum ánum sed piscandi peritia genti nutta nisi ad anguillas tantum inerati. Bd. 4, 13; S. 582, 43. Smæl æ-acute;l a small eel, Cot. 161. [Plat. Dut. Ger. aal, m: M.H. Ger. O.H. Ger. ál, m: Swed, äl, m: Dan. aal, m: O. Nrs. áll, m.] DER. æ-acute;l-net, æ-acute;le-puta.

æ-acute;-lá O! -- Ælá Drihten O Lord, Hy. 1, 1. v. eála, æála.

æ-acute;-læ-acute;dend, es; m. [æ-acute; lex, læ-acute;dend lator, from læ-acute;dan ferre, to move or propose a law] A lawgiver; legislator, Ps. Spl. 9, 21.

æ-acute;-læ-acute;rende; part. Teaching the law; legem docens :-- Siððan him næ-acute;nig wæs æ-acute;læ-acute;rendra óðer betera since there was none other of those teaching the law better than he. Elen. Kmbl. 1009; El. 506.

æ-læ-acute;ten divorced, L. C.E. 7; Th. i. 364,23, = a-læ-acute;ten; pp. of a-læ-acute;tan.

ælan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a. To kindle, set on fire, burn, bake; accendere, urere, comburere, coquere :-- Ne ælaþ hyra leóhtfæt neque accendunt lucernam, Mt. Bos. 5, 15. Úton wircean us tigelan and ælan híg on fýre faciamus lateres et coquamus eos igni, Gen. 11, 3. Fýr æleþ uncyste the fire burns the vices, Exon. 63 b; Th. 233, 17; Ph. 526. Flæ-acute;sc and bán ádlég æleþ the fire of the pile burns flesh and bones, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 9; Ph. 222. Brond biþ ontyhte, æleþ ealdgestreón let the brand be kindled, consume the old treasure, 19 b; Th. 51, 8. DER. in-ælan, on-.

æl-beorht All-bright, all-shining :-- Engel ælbeorht an all-bright angel, Cd. 190; Th. 237, 13; Dan. 337: Exon. 15a; Th. 32, 1; Cri. 506: 21 b; Th. 58, 2; Cri. 929: 53 b; Th. 188, 27; Az. 52. Hwílum cerreþ eft on up ródor ælbeorhta lég the all-bright flame returns sometimes again up to the sky, Bt. Met. Fox 29,104; Met. 29, 51. v. eall-beorht.

æ-acute;lc; adj. [á + ge + líc] Each, any, every, all; quisque, quivis, unusquisque, omnis :-- Æ-acute;lc gód treów byrþ góde wæstmas omnis arbor bona fructus bonos facit, Mt. Bos. 7, 17. Æ-acute;lc wæs on twegra sestra gemete capientes singulæ metretas binas, Jn. Bos. 2, 6. Æ-acute;lc hine selfa begrindeþ gástes dugeðum each deprives himself of his soul's happiness, Cd. 75; Th. 91, 32 ; Gen. 1521. Æ-acute;le flæ-acute;sc omnis caro, Ps. Th. 64, 2. Æ-acute;lces monnes of every man, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 236; Met. 26, 118. Æ-acute;lcum cuique, Andr. Kmbl. 3067; An. 1536. On æ-acute;lcere tíde omni tempore, Lk. Bos. 2l, 36. In æ-acute;lce tíd in æternum, Exon. 13b; Th. 25, 26; Cri. 406. Æ-acute;lce dæg each day, Bt. Met. Fox 27,15; Met. 27, 8. [Plat. Dut. elk each, every one.]

æl-ceald; adj. [æl=eal] All cold, most cold; usquequaque frigidus :-- Meahtest weorþan æt ðæm ælcealdan steorran ðone Saturnus hátaþ you might be at that all-cold star which they call Saturn, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 37; Met. 24,19.

ælcor; adv. Elsewhere, besides, otherwise; alias, præter, nisi, aliter :-- Forðon ðam bisceope ne wæs alýfed ælcor bútan on myran rídan non enim licuerat pontificem sacrorum præter in equa equitare, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 7. Ælcor alias, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 67. v. elcor.

ælcra; adv. Otherwise; aliter, R. Ben. 62. v. ælcor.

æl-cræftig; adj. All-powerful, all-mighty; omnipotens :-- Nán þing nis ðín gelíca, ne húru æ-acute;nig ælcræftigre nothing is like unto thee, nor is any one more all-powerful, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 76; Met. 20, 38.

æld fire, Exon. 22 a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. v. æled.

æld age. Exon. 45 a; Th. 152. 11; Gú. 807. v. ældu.

ældan To delay, forbear, postpone, conceal :-- Ældyst, Ps. Spl. C. 88,37. Ælde, Ps. Surt. 77, 21: Mt. Rush. Stv. 25, 5: Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 31; MS.B. v. yldan.

ælde men :-- Ælda bearnum for the sons of men, Exon. 21 b; Th. 58, 18; Cri. 937. Ænig ælda cynnes any one of the race of men, 19a; Th. 49, 4; Cri. 780: 44b; Th. 151, 16; Gú. 796. Mid ældum with men, 13b; Th. 25, 25 ; Cri. 406. v. ylde.

ælding delay, Mt. Rush. Stv. 24, 48. v. ylding.

ældo, aldu the elders; seniores, Mt. Lind. Stv. 21, 23. v. ældu.

ældran; pl. Parents; parentes :-- Míne ældran, Ps. C. 65 ; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 65. v. yldra.

ældru, ældro, aldro parents, Mk. Rush. War. 13, 12: Lk. Rush. War. 2, 27, 41, 43. v. ældran.

ældu, æld, e; f. I. age, old age; sæculum, senectus :-- In ðá æ-acute;restan ældu in his first age, Exon. 34a; Th. 108, 30; Gú. 80. On ælde in senectute, Ps. C. 142: Ps. Surt. 91, 15 : 70, 18. II. an age, century; ævum, centuria :-- þurh ælda tíd per sæcula sæculorum, Exon. 45 a; Th. 152, 11; Gú. 807. Wið ælda against the age, 81 a; Th. 305, 16; Fä. 89. v. yldu.

ælecung, e; f. An allurement, a blandishment; blandimentum, C.R. Ben. 2.

æled, g. ældes; m. [pp. of ælan] Fire, conflagration; ignis, incendium :-- Æled wæs micel the fire was great, Cd. 186; Th. 231, 6; Dan. 243. Hát biþ monegum egeslíc æled the dreadful fire shall be hot to many, Exon. 63 a; Th. 233, 9; Ph. 522. Æled weccan to light afire, Cd. 140; Th. 175, 26; Gen. 2901. Ældes fulle full of fire. Exon. 22a; Th. 59, 30; Cri. 960. [O. Sax. eld, m. ignis: O. Nrs. eldr, m. ignis.]

æled-fýr, es; n. Flame of fire; incendii fiamrna, Exon. 61a; Th. 223, 27; Ph. 366.