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Æ-acute;W -- A-FÆSTNIAN. 25
æ-acute;we forlæ-acute;t, and óðer wít nímþ, he biþ æ-acute;wbreca the man who forsakes his lawful wife [suam legitimam uxorem], and takes another woman [aliam mulierem], he is an adulterer, L. Ecg. P. ii. 8; Th. ii. 184, 21. Gif hwylc man wið óðres riht æ-acute;we hæ-acute;mþ, oððe wíf wið óðres gemæccan, fatte vii geár if any man commit adultery with the lawful wife [cum legitima uxore] of another, or a woman [mulier] with the husband of another, let the fast be seven years, ii. 10; Th. ii. 186, 6. vide æ-acute;.
æ-acute;w; adj. Lawful, legitimate, related by the law of marriage, married; legitimus, nuptus, germanus :-- Mid his æ-acute;wum wífe with his lawful wife, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 26, 29. Æ-acute;we gebróðru brothers of the same marriage, own brothers; germani fratres, Bd. 1, 27; S. 490, 28.
æ-acute;wan, ðú æ-acute;west To despise, contemn, scorn; spernere, aversari :-- Ða ðú æ-acute;fre ne æ-acute;west ea tu nunquam spernis, Ps. C. 129.
æ-acute;w-breca, -brica, æ-acute;w-bryca, -an; m. [æ-acute;w marriage, breca a breaker] A breaker of the marriage vow, an adulterer; adulter :-- Se ðe his æ-acute;we forlæ-acute;t, and nímþ óðer wíf, he biþ æ-acute;wbryca [Wilk. æ-acute;wbrica] he who leaves his wife, and taketh another woman, he is an adulterer, L. M. I. P. 16; Th. ii. 268, 30.
æ-acute;w-bryce, es; m. A breaking of the marriage vow, adultery; adulterium :-- Wið æ-acute;ghwylcne æ-acute;wbryce against all kind of adultery, L. C. E. 34; Th. i. 374, 10: L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 20: L. Edna. S; Th. i. 246, 8.
æ-acute;wda, an; m. A witness, one who affirms the truth by oath; fidejussor, consacramentalis :-- Hæbbe him in áþe óðerne æ-acute;wdan gódne let him have with him in the oath another good witness, L. Wih. 23; Th. i. 42,8. Mid gódura æ-acute;wdum by good witnesses, L. H. E. 2; Th. i. 28, 2.
æ-acute;wda-man, -mann, es; m. A witness; fidejussor, consacramentalis :-- Rim æ-acute;wdamanna a number of witnesses, L. H. E. 5; Th. i. 28, 12. v. æ-acute;wda.
æ-acute;we, es; n. Law; lex, L.M.I.P. 15; Th.ii. 268, 28. v. æ-acute;w.
æ-acute;-welm, -wellm, -wylm, -wylme, -wielme, es; m. [eá water, wælm a welling or boiling up] A welling up of water, spring, fountain, source, head of a river, beginning; aquæ fons :-- Swá sum mical æ-acute;welm and dióp as some great and deep spring, Bt. 34, l; Fox 134, 10. Seó eá cymþ eft to ðam æ-acute;welme the river comes again to the source, Fox 134, 17. Ðe mæg geseón ðone hluttran æ-acute;wellm who can behold the clear fountain, 35,6; Fox 166, 25. Gif he gesión mæ-acute;ge æðelne æ-acute;welm æ-acute;lces gódet [MS. goodes] if he may see the noble fountain of all good, 23, 7; Met. 23, 4: 20, 517; Met. 20, 259. Andlang Lígan óþ hire æ-acute;wylm along the Lea unto its source, L. A. G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. Ðære æ-acute;wylme [MS. L. æ-acute;wielme] is neáh ðære eá Rínes whose spring is near the river Rhine, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 18, 25. God is æ-acute;welm and fruma eallra gesceafta God is the beginning and origin of all creatures, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 161; Met. 10, St. v. eá-wylm.
æ-wén adj. [æ without, wen hope] Doubtful, uncertain; dubius :-- And eów biþ eówre lífæwéne and your life will be doubtful to you. Deut. 28, 66.
æ-acute;wen-bróðor a brother of the same marriage, an own brother; germanus, Cot. 97. v. æ-acute;w; adj.
æ-acute;-werd adj. [æ-acute; law, werd from werdan to corrupt] Perverse, froward, averse; perversus. v. wyrdan to corrupt.
æ-werdla, an; m. Damage, injury, L. In. 42; Th. i. 128, 10. v. æ-wyrdla.
æ-acute;w-fæst; adj. firm in observing the law, religious, bound by the law, married; religiosus, vinculo nuptiarum constrictus :-- Æ-acute;wfæst religiosus, Scint. 28. Æ-acute;wfæst man a married man, L. C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21. v. á-fæst.
æ-acute;w-fæsten, es; n. [æ-acute;w law, fæsten a fast] A fated or legal fast; legitimum jejunium :-- To æ-acute;wfæstene for the legal fast. Rubc. Lk. Bos. 3, 1a, notes, p. 578.
æ-acute;w-fæst-man a man bound by law, a married man; vinculo nuptiarum constrictus, L.C. S. 51; Th. i. 404, 21.
æ-acute;w-festnys, -nyss, e; f. Religion, piety; religio, pietas. v. æ-acute;festnes.
æ-acute;-wintre; adj. [æ-acute; = æ-acute;n = án one] Of one winter or year, continuing for a year. v. án-wintre.
æ-acute;-wintre-cyning, es; m. A king or ruler for one winter or year, a consul; consul, v. winter; g. wintres.
æ-acute;wisc, e; f. A dishonour, disgrace, offence; dedecus, scandalum :-- Cwæþ ðæt him to micel æ-acute;wisce wæ-acute;re said that it would be much disgrace to them, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 26. On æ-acute;wisce in scandalum, Ps. Th. 68, 23. [Goth. aiwisks, n. dedecus.]
æ-acute;wisc; adj. Disgraced, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus. v.æ-acute;wisc-mód.
æ-acute;wisc-berende; part. Bearing disgrace, unchaste, lewd, unclean, shameless, impudent; impudicus. v. æ-acute;wisc, berende bearing.
æ-acute;wisc-mód; adj. Disgraced in mind, ashamed, abashed; dedecoratus animo, pudore suffusus :-- Ides, æ-acute;wiscmód, andswarode the woman, disgraced in mind, answered, Cd. 42; Th. 55, 18; Gen. 896. Ðæt he aswiscmód eft síðade, heán, hyhta leás that he abashed returned, depressed, void of hopes. Exon. 46a; Th. 157, 23; Gú. 896: 80b; Th. 302, 16; Fä 37. Gewiton hym ða Norþmen Dyflin sécan æ-acute;wiscmóde then the Northmen departed, abashed in mind, to seek Dublin, Chr. 938; Th. 207, 16, col. 1; Æðelst. 56.
æ-acute;wisc-nys, -ness, e; f. Disgrace, obscenity, filthiness, a blushing for shame, reverence; dedecus, obscenitas, pudore suffusio, reverentia -- Æ-acute;wiscnys reverentia, Ps. Spl. C. 34, 30. On æ-acute;wiscnesse openly, as not being ashamed to be seen; in propatulo. Cot. 110, 202.
æ-acute;-wita, an; m. [æ lex, wita gnarus homo, sapiens] One skilled in the law, a counsellor; legis peritus, consiliarius: -- Ealdum æ-acute;witan ageaf andsware gave answer to the old counsellor, Elen. Kmbl. 907; El. 455.
æ-acute;w-líc; adj. Lawful; legitimus, Procem. R. Conc. v. æ-acute;-líc.
æ-acute;wnian; p. ode; pp. od [æ-acute;w marriage] To marry, wed; connubio jungere, Leo 104. DER. be-æ-acute;wnian.
æ-acute;-wrítere, es; m. A writer, composer or framer of laws; legurn conditor, Prov. 8.
æwul A wicker-basket with a narrow neck for catching fish, a WEEL; nassa, Ælfc. Gl. 102 ; Som. 77, 85; Wrt. Voc. 56, 9.
æ-acute;wum-boren; part. Lawfully born, born in wedlock; legitimo matrimonio natus :-- Æ-acute;t his déhter æ-acute;wuin-borenre with his lawfully-born daughter, L. Alf. pol. 42; Th. i. 90, 28. v. æ-acute;w.
æ-acute;wunge; adv. Openly, publicly; manifeste :-- On æ-acute;wunge openly, abroad, in the sight of all; in propatulo. v. eáwunga, eáwunge.
æ-acute;-wylm, es; m. A spring, fountain, source :-- Andlang Lígan óþ hire æ-acute;wylm along the Lea unto its source, L.A.G. 1; Th. i. 152, 9. v. æ-acute;-welm.
æ-wyrdla, -werdla, an; m. Damage, detriment, injury; detrimentum :-- He sóna mycle wonunge and æwyrdlan wæs wyrcende ðære mærwan cyrican weaxnesse magno tenellis ibi adhuc ecclesiæ crementis detrimento fuit, Bd. 2, 5; S. 506, 37: 1, 3; S. 475, 21; Herb. 141; Lchdm, i. 262, 11. v. æf-wyrdla.
æ-wyrp, es; m. [æ=a from, wyrp a cast, from wyrpan or weorpan to cast] A cast-away, throwing away; abjectus, abjectio :-- Æwyrp folces abjectio populi, R. Ben. 7.
ÆX = ÆCS, æsc, acas, e; f: acase, axe, an; f. what is brought to an edge, An AXE, a hatchet, pickaxe; securis, ascia :-- Eallunga ys seó æx to ðæra treówa wurtrumum asett jam enim securis ad radicem arborum posita est, Mt. Bos. 3, 10. Mid æxum with axes, Ps. Th. 73, 6. On æxe in securi. Ps. Spl. 73, 7. Forðon seó æx [MS. H. sió æsc; seó eax B.] biþ melda, nalles þeóf because the axe is an informer, not a thief; quia securis acclamatrix potius est, non fur, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 23.[O.Sax. acus, f: N. Dut. akse, f: Ger. axt, f: M.H. Ger. ackes, f: O. H. Ger. achus. f; Goth.. aqizi,f; Dan. ökse: Swed, yxa: O. Nrs. öx, f; Lat. ascia, f; Grk.GREEK af-wj.]
æx, e;f. An axis; axis, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 28; Som. 11, 45. v. eax.
æxe, an; f. Ashes, Ps. Spl. T. 101, 10. v. axe, asce.
æxian; p. ode To ask; rogare :-- Æxodon asked; interrogaverunt, Ps. Spl. T. 136, 3. v. acsian.
af-=æf-=of- of, from, away from; de, ex, ab. v. æf-, of-: af-ged an idol.
. a-fæ-acute;ded; part. [for a-féded; pp. of a-fédan to feed, nourish] Fed, nourished, brought up, educated; nutritus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 37.
a-fæged, -fægd; part. Depicted, drawn; depictus :-- Bæ-acute;ron anlícnysse Drihtnes Hæ-acute;lendes on brede afægde and awritene ferebant imaginem Domini Salvatoris in tabula depictam, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 4. T. a-fægrian.
a-fægniende rejoicing, = fægniende; part, of fægnian.
a-fægrian; p. ode; pp. od To make fair or beautiful, to adorn, embroider; depingere, ornare :-- Mid missendlícum blóstmum wyrta afægrod variis herbarum floribus depictus. Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 22.
a-fælan, -fællan; p. de; pp. ed To overturn, overthrow, cast out, drive out, cause to stumble, offend; evertere, prosternere, ejicere, scandalizare, Mt. Rush. Stv. 21, 12: Mk. Rush. War. 3, 23: Mt. Rush. Stv. 18, 6. v. ge-fselan.
a-fæ-acute;man; p. de; pp. ed To foam out, breathe out; exspumare, ex-halare :-- Múþ ic ontýnde mínne wide, ðæt me mín oreþ fit afæ-acute;mde os meum aperui, et exhalavi spiritum. Ps. Th. 118, 131.
a-fæ-acute;ran; p. de; pp. ed [a, fæ-acute;ran to terrify] To make greatly afraid, to affright, terrify, dismay, astound; exterrere, perterrere, consternare, stupefacere :-- Ðæt heó afæ-acute;re fleógan on nette that she may terrify flies into her net. Ps. Th. 89, lo. Folc wæs afæ-acute;red the folk was affrighted, Cd. 166; Th. 206, 3; Exod. 446: Exon. 63b; Th. 23, 15; Ph. 525: Mk. Bos. 9, 6, 15: Lk. Bos. 24, 4. Hig wurdon ealle afæ-acute;rede erant omnes exterriti. Gen. 42, 35: Ex. 20, 18.
a-færþ he shall lead out, Ps. Spl. 51, 5. v. afaran II.
a-fæstan; p. -fæste; pp. -fested To fast; jejunare :-- He afæste to æ-acute;fenes he fasted till evening, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 32 : 3, 27; S. 559, 13.
afæstla; interj. O certainly! O assuredly! O certe :-- Afæstla, and hi lá hi, and wella well, and þyllíce óðre syndon Englisc interjectiones O certainly, and alas, and well well, and such other are English interjections, Ælfc. Gr. 48; Som. 49, 28.
a-fæstnian; p. ode; pp. od To fix, fasten or make firm, to strengthen, fortify, confirm, betroth, espouse, inscribe; munire, firmare, consignare libris, infigere :-- Ðæt we hí móton afæstnian on dé that we may fix them [our eyes] on thee, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132,31: Bt. Met. Fox zo, 525 ; Met. 20, 263. Hu afæstaod wæs feld-húsa mæ-acute;st how that greatest of