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A-FLYGE -- A-GÆ-acute;LAN. 27
a-flyge, es; m. [a, flyge a flight] A flying, flight; volatus. [Ger. flug, Grm. Wörterbuch; fuga?]
a-flýman; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans, [a, flýman] To cause to flee, put to flight, drive away, banish, scatter, disperse; fugare, in fugam vertere, ejicere, pellere, dispergere :-- He swá manigne man aflýmde he caused so many men to flee. Byrht. Th. 138, 61; By. 243. Ðú me aflýmst tu me ejicis, Gen. 4, 14. Wurdon twegen æðelingas aflýmde of Sciððian two noblemen were driven from Scythia, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 34. Sý he aflýmed let him be [as one] banished, L. Alf. pol. 2 ; Th. i. 60, 17, note. And eall his weored oððe ofslægen wæs oððe aflýmed ejusque totus vel interemptus vel dispersus est exercitus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 13.
afol, es; n. Power; vires, robur :-- Eallum his afole with all his power, L.I.P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 22. v. abal.
a-fón; p. -féng, pl. -féngon; pp. -fangen, -fongen To receive, take, take up, hold up, support, seize, lay hold of; suscipere, assumere, corripere, occupare, tradere :-- We aféngon mildheortnysse ðíne on midle temple suscepimus misericordiam tuam in media templi, Ps. Spl. 47, 8: 118,116. Afonde suscipiens, 146, 6. He wæs on heofonum afangen assumptus est in cœlum, Mk. Bos. 16, 19. Hyre se aglæ-acute;ca ageaf andsware, forht afongen to her the wretch gave answer, seized with fear, Exon. 70 a; Th. 261, 24; Jul. 320: 25 a; Th. 73, 3; Cri. 1184. Ðæt Johannes wæs afongen quod Johannes traditus esset. Mt. Rush. Stv. 4, 12.
a-fónde taking up, raising up; suscipiens. Ps. Spl. 146, 6; part. of a-fón.
afor adj. Vehement, dire, hateful, rough, austere; vehemens, atrox, odiosus, asper, austerus, acerbus :-- Iudiþ, egesfull and afor Judith, dreadful and vehement, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 13; Jud. 257. Afrum onfengum with their dire attempts, Exon. 403; Th. 133, 15; Gú. 490. Ðæt [sæ-acute;d] byþ þreóhyrne, and hyt byþ afor and sweart the scent is three-cornered, and it is rough and swarthy, Herb. 181, 1; Lchdm, i. 316, 11. [Goth. ,-brs strong: O. Nrs. æfr sævus, vehemens, ferox.] v. nefre.
a-fór, -fóron departed. Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 45, 14: Cd. 173; Th. 216, 14; Dan. 6; p. of a-faran.
afora a son, Chr. 937; Th. 200, 41, col. 3; Æðelst. 7. v. eafora.
afor-feorsian; p. ode; pp. od To defer, delay, prolong; prolongare :-- Eardbiggengnes [MS. eardbiggendes] mín aforfeorsode is incolatus meus prolongatus est. Ps. Spl. 119, 5; Lambeth has, Eardbegengnes oððe elþeódignys mín afeorrad oððe gelængd is, Ps. 119, 5; my pilgrimaging is drawen along, Wyc. v. feorsian.
a-forhtian; p. ode; pp. od [a intensive, forhtian to fear] To be very much afraid, to tremble with fear, to be affrighted, amazed; expa-vescere :-- Ða aforhtode Isaac micelre forhtnisse expavit Isaac stupore vehementi, Gen. 27, 33.
á-forp; adv. [á always, forþ forth] Always, continually, daily, still; indies, Cot. 115.
aforud exalted; exaltatus. v. ofer-ge-aforud.
a-fréfran; p. ede; pp. ed To comfort, console; consolari :-- God eáðe mæg afréfran feásceaftne God can easily comfort the distressed, Exon, 10b; Th. 11, 23; Cri. 175: 133; Th. 23, 13; Cri. 368. He mec þurh engel oft afréfreþ he through his angel oft comforteth me, 37 a; Th. 121, 10; Gú. 286. We weorþaþ afréfrede facti sumus sicut consolati, Ps. Th. 125, 1: 118, 52; Andr. Kmbl. 1275; An. 638.
a-fréfrian; p. ode; pp. od To comfort, console; consolari :-- Forwyrnde beón afréfrod sáwle mín renuit consolari anima mea, Ps. Spl. 76, 3.
a-freoðan; p. ede; pp. ed To froth; spumare :-- Læ-acute;t afreoðan let it froth, L. M. 1, 47; Lchdm, ii. 118, 27. [O.Nrs. froða, frauð froth; spuma.]
Africa = Affrica Africa; Africa :-- Affrica onginþ Africa begins. Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 24, 35. v. Affrica.
African, Affrican, es; m. An African; Africanus :-- Ðá he feaht wið Africanas, he hæfde sige ofer ða Africanas when he fought against Africans, He gained a victory over the Africans, Bt. 16, 2 ; Fox 52, 39: 54, 1.
Africanisc, Afrisc; adj. Belonging to Africa, African; Africanus :-- Africanisc æppel [MS. -isca,-ple] a pomegranate; malum Punicum, Cot. 133.
Afrisc; adj. African; Africanus :-- Afrisc meówle an African maid, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 7; Exod. 579.
a-froefred comforted; consolatus, Mt. Rush. Stv. 5, 4,=a-fréfred; pp. of a-fréfran.
a-fúl, es; n. A fault; culpa. v. fúl.
a-fúlian; p. ode; pp. od; v. n. To become foul, to putrefy, be defiled; putrescere, putrefieri, inquinari, Scint. 66: 17. v. fúlian.
a-fúnden found, discovered, Jn. Bos. 8, 4: Bt. 35, 5; Fox 162, 31; pp. of a-findan.
a-fúndennis, -niss, e; f. An experiment, an invention, a discovery; experimentum, R. Ben. interl. 59.
a-fylan; p. ede; pp. ed; v. a. [a, fúl foul, unclean] To foul, defile, pollute, to make filthy, to corrupt; inquinare, contaminare, fœdare :-- Yfel biþ ðæt man mid flæ-acute;sc-mete hine sylfne afýle it is sinful that any one defile himself with flesh-meat, L.C.S. 47; Th. i. 402, 24: Past. 54, 1. Afýled fœdatus, Prœm. Greg. Dial. v. ge-fýlan, a-fúlian.
a-fyllan; p. de; pp. ed [a, fyllan to fill] To fill up or full, replenish, satisfy; replere, implere :-- Afyllaþ ða eorþan replete terram. Gen. 9, 1. He ne mæg ða gítsunga afyllan he cannot satisfy the desires, Bt. 16, 3; Fox 56, 16. Fýres afylled with fire filled, Exon. 30 b; Th. 95, 26; Cri. 1563: Cd. 215; Th. 271, 4; Sat. 100: Beo. Th. 2040; B. 1018: Ps. Th. 128, 5.
a-fyllan = a-fellan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a. [a, fyllan, fellan to fell] To fell, to strike or beat down, to overturn, subvert, lay low, abolish, slay; cædere, occidere, prosternere, dejicere, demoliri, comprimere, abrogare :-- Gif mon afelle [MS. B. afylle] on wuda wel monega treówa if any one fell in a wood a good many trees, L. In. 43; Th. i. 128, 19. Drihten afylþ ðíne fýnd the Lord will strike down thine enemies, Deut. 28, 7. Hí to eorþan afyllaþ ðé ad terram prosternent te, Lk. Bos. 19, 44: Salm. Kmbl. 595; Sal. 297. Afylde hine he felled him, Salm. Kmbl. 917 ; Sal. 458. Wæs Waldendes lof afylled the supreme ruler's praise was suppressed, Chr. 975; Th. 228, 10; Edg. 38. Hú man mæg unlage afyllan how one may abolish unjust laws, L.C.S. 11; Th. i. 382, 8. Gif hwá óðres ryht afylle if any one suppress another's right, L. Ath. i. 17; Th. i. 208, 16: L. Eth. vi. 8; Th. i. 316, 26. Ðæt hine man afylle that any one slay him, 38; Th. i. 324, 23 : v. 31; Th. i. 312, 12. v. be-fyllan, ge-.
a-fyran; p. ede; pp. ed To remove, take away, expel; amovere, elongare. Exon. 43 b; Th. 147, 1; Gú. 720. v. a-fyrran.
a-fyran; p. de; pp. ed, yd [a, fýran castrare] To castrate; castrare :-- Afýred olfend a dromedary, a kind of swift camel; dromeda MS. Twegen afýryde men duo eunuchi. Gen. 40, 1.
a-fýrd, es; m. A eunuch; spado, Cot. 189. v. a-fýrida.
a-fyrhtan; p. -fyrhte; pp. -fyrhted, -fyrht To affright, terrify; terrere, exterrere, perterrere, timore afficere :-- He afyrhted wearþ he was affrighted, Exon. 52 a; Th. 181, 29; Gú. 1300: Andr. Kmbl. 3057; An. 1531. Wæ-acute;ran mid egsan ealle afyrhte with dread were all affrighted, Cd. 222 ; Th. 288, 22; Sat. 385. Ða weardan wæ-acute;ron afyrhte custodes exterriti sunt, Mt. Bos. 28, 4: Bd. 3, 16; S. 543, 12, MS. T. Afirhte, Gen. 14, 10. v. a-forhtian.
afýrida, afýryda, an; m. [a-fýred; pp. of a-fýran] A eunuch, a castrated animal, servant, courtier; eunuchus, servus :-- Se afýrida the servant, courtier [eunuch], Gen. 39, I. Hí sealdon Iosep Putifare ðam afýrydan Faraones vendiderunt Joseph Putiphari eunucho Pharaonis, 37, 36.
a-fyrran, -fyran; p. ede, de; pp. ed [a from, fyrr far] To remove, take away, expel, deliver; amovere, avertere, elongare, auferre, eripere :-- Næddran hí afyrraþ serpentes tollent, Mk. Bos. 16, 18. Beóþ afyrrede are taken away. Ps. Spl. 57, 8. Ðú afyrdest of Jacobe ða graman hæftnéd avertisti captivitatem Jacob, Ps. Th. 84, 1. Ðú me afyrdest frýnd ða nýhstan elongasti a me amicum et proximum, 87, 18; 88, 36: Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 23: 4, 11; S. 579, 34. Afyrrinde gefeoht oððe óþ ende eorþan auferens bella usque ad finem terræ. Ps. Spl. C. T. 45, 9. Afyrr me feóndum mínum enpe me de inimicis meis, Ps. Th. 142, 10. Afyr, 118, 22: 53, 5. Ic ðé wolde cwealm afyrran I would remove death from thee, Exon. 28b; Th. 87, 17; Cri. 1426. Dream wæs afyrred joy was removed,, 42 a; Th. 142, 9; Gú. 641. He hæfde feóndas afyrde he had the fiends expelled, 43 b; Th. 147, 1; Gú. 720. v. a-feorran.
a-fyrsian; p. ode; pp. od; v.a. [a, fyrsian to remove] To remove farthest away, drive away, dispel; pellere, propellere, auferre :-- He afyrseþ gást ealdormanna aufert spiritum principum, Ps. Spl. 75, 12: 45, 9. Ðe deófla afyrseþ which drives devils away, L. C. E. 4; Th. i. 360, 29. v. a-feorsian, a-fyrran.
a-fýryda a eunuch; eunuchus :-- Ðam afýrydan Faraones eunucho Pharaonis, Gen. 37, 36. v. afyrida.
a-fýsan; p. de; pp. ed. I. to hasten; festinare, tendere :-- Feor afýsan and forþ gangan to hasten away and to go forward, Byrht. Th. 131, 4; By. 3. II. to hasten away, impel, accelerate, incite, excite, make ready; incitare, accelerare, paraturn vel prornptum reddere :-- Ðonne he afýsed biþ when he hastened away, Exon. 653; Th. 241, 11; Ph. 654. To heofonum biþ mðd afýsed to heaven is the spirit impelled, 65 b; Th. 241, 17; Ph. 657: 59 b; Th. 217, 3; Ph. 274: Rood Kmbl. 247; Kr. 125: Exon, 119a; Th. 457, 22; Hy. 4. 87. Swá æ-acute;r wæter fleówan, flódas afýsde as the waters flowed before, the excited floods, 22 b; Th. 61, 17; Cri. 986.
ag, es; n ? Wickedness; nequitia :-- Hí þohton and hí spræ-acute;con ag cogitaverunt et locuti sunt nequitiam. Ps. Spl. T. 72, 8. [Goth. aglo,f. trouble: O. Nrs. agi, m. terror: Grm. ii. 503, 20.] DER. ag-lác, ag-læ-acute;c, -læ-acute;ca,-lác-hád, -læ-acute;c-cræft, -læ-acute;c-wíf.
ága, an; m. A possessor, an owner; possessor, v. un-ága.
a-gæf returned; reddidit, Cd. 196; Th. 244, 24; Dan. 453; p. of a-gifan.
a-gæ-acute;lan; p. de; pp. ed. I. v. trans. To hinder, occupy, detain, delay, neglect; impedire, retardare, morari, negligere :-- Ðæt he ne agæ-acute;le gæ-acute;stes þearfe that he delay not his spirit's welfare, Exon. 19b; Th. 51, 16; Cri. 817. Me ðiós siccetung hafaþ agæ-acute;led this sighing has hindered me. Bt. Met. Fox 2, 9; Met: 2, 5. Ic míne tíd-sangas oft agæ-acute;lde I have often neglected my canonical hours, L. De Cf. 9; Th. ii. 264, n. Astrecceaþ agæ-acute;ledan honda remissas manus erigite, Past, 11, 1; Cot. MS. And swá eall ðæt folc wearþ mid him ánum agæ-acute;led and all the people were so occupied with him alone. Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 24. II. v. intrans. To hesitate, be careless; cunctari, indili-gens esse :-- He wihte ne agæ-acute;lde ðæs ðe þearf wæs þeódcyninges he