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be-brocen broken, consumed, Gr. Dial. 2, 21; pp. of be-brecan.

be-brugdon they pretended, Lk. Lind. War. 20, 20; p. of be-bregdan.

be-búgan, bi-búgan ; p. -beág, pl. -bugon; pp. -bogen. I. to avoid; avertere, evitare :-- Ne meahte he ða gehðu bebúgan he could not avoid the sorrow, Elen. Kmbl. 1215; El. 609 : Ps. Th. 138, 17. II. to surround, encircle, encompass; circumire, circumcingere :-- Swá wæter bibúgeþ ðisne beorhtan bósm so far as the water encircles this bright expanse, Exon. 95 b; Th. 356, 4; Pa. 6 : Cd. 190; Th. 236, 16; Dan, 322. III. to reach, extend; pertinere :-- Swá bebúgeþ gebod geond Brytenrícu Sexna cyninges [MS. kyninges] so far as the command of the king of the Saxons extendeth through Britain, Menol. Fox 457; Men. 230: Beo. Th. 2451; B. 1223.

be-bycgean, -bycgan ; part. -bycgende ; p. -bohte; pp. -boht To sell, to set or put to sale; vendere :-- On gold bebycgean to sell for gold, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 39. Iudas bebohte bearn wealdendes on seolfres sinc Judas sold the child of the Almighty for a heap of silver, Cd. 226; Th. 301, 5; Sat. 577 : Ps. Th. 43, 14 : 104, 15 : Beo. Th. 5591; B. 2799.

be-byrd garnished with nails, set with spikes; clavatus, Cot, 49, Som. Lye.

be-byreþ, supplies, L. Ethb. 18; Th. i. 6, 19 ; pres. of be-beran.

be-byrgan, be-birgan; p. de; pp. ed To bury; sepelire :-- Bebyrgeþ bán and ýslan buries bones and embers, Exon. 60 a ; Th. 217, 26; Ph. 286 : Gen. 23, 19. To bebyrgenne sepelire, Mt. Bos. 27, 7 : Jn. Bos. 19, 40. v. byrgan.

be-byrian; p. ede, ide; pp. ed To bury; sepelire :-- Ðæt hí móston ða deádan bebyrian that they might bury the dead, Ors. 3,1; Bos. 54, 29. Hine árlíce bebyride eum honorifice sepelivit, Bd. 4, 22 ; S. 591, 20. v. byrian.

be-byrigan, be-birigan; p. ede; pp. ed To cover with a mound, to bury; tumulare, sepelire :-- Bebirigaþ me sepelite me, Gen. 49, 29. Ða bán ðe ðæ-acute;r bebyrigede wæ-acute;ron ossa quæ ibidem fuerant tumulata, Bd. 4, 10; S. 578, 10 : 2, 1; S. 500, 15. v. byrigan.

be-byrigean to bury, Mt. Bos. 8, 21, 22 : Bd. 4, 11; S. 580; 3. v. byrgan, byrigan.

be-byrigednes, -ness; e ; f. A burying; sepultura :-- Æfter monigum geárum his bebyrigednesse post multos ejus sepulturæ annos, Bd. 4, 32; S. 611, 27. v. be-byrignys.

be-byrignys, -nyss; be-byrigednes, -ness, e; f. A burying; sepultura :-- Ne wæs æ-acute;nig se ðe bebyrignysse sealde ðám ðe acwealde wæ-acute;ron nec erat qui interemptos sepulturæ traderet, Bd. 1, 15; S. 484, 3.

be-být commands, Lk. Bos. 4, 10; 3rd pres. of be-beódan.

bec, becc, es; m. A brook, BECK or small rapid stream; rivulus :-- Of ðan bece [MS. bæce] from the beck, Kmbl. Cod. Dipl. iii. 121, 16.

Bec an abbey in Normandy :-- Teodbald, ðe was abbot in ðe Bec Theobald, who was abbot of Bec, Chr. 1140 ; Th. 383, 40.

béc books, Hy. 7, 20; Hy. Grn. ii. 287, 20. v. bóc.

be-cæfian, be-cefian ; p. ede ; pp. ed To embroider, ornament, decorate; phalerare :-- Becæfed phaleralus, Cot. 84, v. cæfian.

be-carcan to take care of; accurare, Som. Lye. v. carc care.

becc a beck, brook. v. bec.

-becc, -bec, -beck, used for the name of places, or as a termination to the names of places, denotes the situation to be near a brook or river.

becca, an ; m. A BECK, pick-axe, mattock; ligo, marra, Ælfe. Gl. 2 ; Som. 55, 42.

béce, bæ-acute;ce, beóce, an; f. A beech-tree, a tree bearing mast; fagus, æsculus :-- Béce fagus, Wrt. Voc. 285, 21. v. bócce, bóc.

be-ceápian; p. ode; pp. od To sell; vendere :-- He sceolde ealle his wélan beceápian he should sell all his wealth, Homl. Th. i. 62, 3. Se ðe sóþfæstnysse beceápaþ wið feó he who sells truth for money, ii. 244, 24. Hí beceápodon heora æ-acute;hta they sold their possessions, i. 316, 4,11, 31. Beceápa ealle ðíne æ-acute;hta sell all thy possessions, ii. 400, 12. v. be-cýpan, ceápian.

be-ceásan; p. -ceós, pl. -ceóson ; pp. -ceásen To attack, fight, combat; oppugnare, contendere, Leo 131. v. ceásan, ceás strife.

be-cefian; p. ede; pp. ed To ornament, embroider, Lye. v. be-cæfian.

bécen a beacon, Mk. Skt. Lind. 13, 22. v. beácen.

bécen; adj. BEECHEN, made of beech; fagineus :-- Bécen fagineus, Ælfc. Gl, 45; Som. 64, 101; Wrt. Voc. 32, 36.

be-ceorfan; p. -cearf, pl. -curfon; pp. -corfen To BECARVE, cut off, to cut or pare away; amputare, præcidere :-- Ðá hét he hine heáfde beceorfan then he ordered to cut of his head, Bd. 1, 7; S. 478, 3.

be-ceorian; p. ode; pp. od To complain; obmurmurare, R. Ben. 5. v. ceorian.

be-ceówan, bi-ceówan ; p. -ceáw, pl. -cuwon ; pp. -cowen To chew, gnaw; corrodere :-- Biþ swyra becowen [bicowen, Exon.] the neck is gnawed, Soul Kmbl. 218; Seel. 111.

be-cerran, -cyrran ; p. de ; pp. ed To turn, turn round; vertere, convertere, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 156; Met. 13, 78. v. be-cyrran, cyrran.

becest bakest = bacest; 2nd pers. pres. of bacan.

beceþ baketh = baceþ; 3rd pers. pres. of bacan.

be-clæmed; part. p. BECLAMMED, glued to or together, emplastered, plastered over; glutinatus, Som. v. be-clemman.

be-clæ-acute;nsian; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse; purgare, Lye. v. clæ-acute;nsian.

be-clemman; p. de ; pp. ed To fetter, bind, tie, inclose, glue together, BECLAM; vincire, includere, glutinare :-- Ðeáh he hie mid fíftigum clúsum beclemme though he inclose it. with fifty bonds, Salm. Kmbl. 143; Sal. 71. Beclæmed glutinatus, Lye.

be-clingan; p. -clang, pl. -clungon; pp. -clungen [clingan,I. to wither, II. to adhere] To BECLING, surround, inclose; circumcludere, includere :-- Clommum beclungen inclosed in bands, Elen. Kmbl. 1388; El. 696.

be-clísan; p. de; pp. ed To inclose; includere, Leo 126. v. be-clýsan.

be-clísing, e; f. An inclosed place, a cell; cella, Leo 126. v. be-clýsing, be-clýsan.

be-clypian, be-cleopian, be-clepian; p. ede, ode, ade; pp. ed, od, ad To accuse, summon, sue at law; accusare, in judicium vocare, judicio compellere :-- Æ-acute;r he clæ-acute;ne sý æ-acute;lcere spæce, ðe he æ-acute;r beclyped wæs before he be clear of every suit, in which he had been previously accused, L. C. S. 28; Th. i. 392, 12 : 31; Th. i; 394, 29 : 73; Th. i. 414, 23.

be-clyppan, bi-clyppan; p. -clypte; pp. -clypt To clip, embrace; amplecti, Ps. Th. 118, 61 : Mk. Bos. 9, 36. v. clyppan.

be-clýsan; p. de; pp. ed To close in, to shut in, to inclose, to shut; includere, concludere, claudere :-- He beclýsde Iohannem on cwearterne inclusit Johannem in carcere, Lk. Bos. 3, 20: Ps. Spl. 30, 10: Jos. 10, 18. Híg hyra eágan beclýsdon oculos suos clauserunt, Mt. Bos. 13, 15 : Exon. 12 b; Th. 20, 26; Cri. 323.

be-clýsing, e ; f. A cell. v. be-clísing.

bécn, es; n. A sign, beacon; signum :-- Mín gebéd nú gyt bécnum standeþ ðæt him on wísum is wel lýcendlíce adhuc est oratio mea in beneplacitis eorum, Ps. Th. 140, 8 : Beo. Kmbl. 6314; B. 3161. v. beácen.

bécnan; p. ede; pp. ed To indicate, denote, signify; indicare, significare :-- Ðe we mid ðæm bridle bécnan tiliaþ which we will denote by the bridle, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 158; Met. 11, 79 : Exon. 110 a; Th. 421, 31; Rä. 40, 26 : 106 b ; Th. 407, 5 ; Rä. 25, 10. v. beácnian.

be-cnáwan; p. -cneów, pl. -cneówon; pp. -cnáwen To know; cognoscere, C. R. Ben. 25. v. on-cnáwan.

bécniendlíce; adv. Allegorically or by parable; allegorice, Som. v. bécnan.

bécnuncg, e; f. A sign, token; significatio :-- Ðú bécnuncge sealdest ðám ðe ege ðínne elne healdaþ dedisti metuentibus te significationem, Ps. Th. 59, 4.

bécnydlíc; adj. Allegorical; allegoricus :-- Bécnydlícre gerecednesse explanationis allegoricæ, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 5, note. v. bécnan.

be-cnyttan; v. a. To knot, bind or tie, inclose; ligare :-- Ðe seó molde on becnit wæs in which the mould was inclosed, Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 29, note. v. cnyttan, cnittan.

be-com came, was come, Beo. Th. 231; B. 115; p. of be-cuman.

be-corfen; part. p. Cut off, beheaded; truncatus :-- Becorfen wæs heáfde capite truncatus est, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 19. v. be-ceorfan.

be-crafian; p. -creáp, pl. -crupon; pp. -cropen To bring secretly, to creep; irrepere :-- Ðæt he síe becropen on carcern that he should be secretly led to prison, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 71; Met. 25, 36.

becest bakest = bacest ; 2nd pers. pres. of bacan.

be-cuman; he -cymþ; p. -com, -cwom, pl. -cómon, -cwómon; pp. -cumen; v. intrans. I. to BECOME, happen, befall, meet with, fall in with; contingere, evenire, supervenire, incidere :-- Syððan niht becom after it had become night, or night had come, Beo. Th. 231; B. 115. Oft becymþ se ánweald ðisse worulde to swíðe gódum monnum often cometh the power of this world to very good men, Bt. 39, 11; Fox 228, 18. Ðæ-acute;m gódum becymþ ánfeald ýfel to the good happens unmixed evil, Bt. 39, 9 ; Fox 224, 29. Him ðæs grim leán becom this grim retribution happened to them, Cd. 2 ; Th. 3, 36; Gen. 46. Him becómon fela yrmþa much misery befell them, Ælfc. T. 41, 21. Becom evenit, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 18. He becom on ða sceaðan he fell among thieves, Lk. Bos- 10, 30 : R. Ben. 65. II. to come, enter, come or attain to, come together; venire, ingredi, pervenire, attingere, concurrere :-- In ða ceastre becuman meahte thou mightest come into the city, Andr. Kmbl. 1858; An. 931. Hannibal to ðam lande becom Hannibal came to that land, Ors. 4, 8 ; Bos. 90, 14. Gehlýde mín to ðé becume clamor meus ad te perveniat, Ps. Th. 101, 1. Ic eft up becom éce dreámas I again on high attained to eternal joys, Cd. 224; Th. 297, 4; Sat. 512. Becumen sí concurratur, R. Ben. 43. Becumendum to Segor venientibus in Segor, Gen. 13, 10.

bécun a beacon, Mk. Skt. Rush. 13, 22. v. beácen.

be-cunnian; p. ode ; pp. od To assay, prove, try; experiri. v. cunnian.

be-cweðan; ðú -cwíst, he -cwiþ ; p. -cwæþ, pl. -cwæ-acute;don ; pp. -cweden, -cweðen. I. to say, assert; dicere :-- Swá ðú worde becwíst as thou sayest by word, Andr. Kmbl. 386; An. 193 : 419 ; An. 210. II. to reproach; exprobrare :-- Hí becweðaþ, exprobraverunt, Ps. Th. 88, 44. III. to BEQUEATH, to give by will; legare :-- Ealle ða, mynstra and ða cyrican wæ-acute;ron givene and becweðene Gode all the minsters and churches were given and bequeathed to God, Chr. 694; Th. 66, 6, note 2 : Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 465, 16.

be-cwom, pl. -cwómon came fell, Cd. 160; Th.199, 26; Exod. 344; p. of be-cuman.