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bi-fongen surrounded, Exon. 98 a; Th. 368, 33; Seel. 34. pp. of bi-fón v. be-fón.

bi-fóran; prep. dat. Before; ante, coram :-- Wineleás guma gesihþ him bifóran fealwe wegas the friendless mortal sees before him seared ways, Exon. 77 a; Th. 289, 10; Wand. 46: 47 a; Th. 160, 22; Gú. 947. v. be-fóran; prep.

bi-fóran; adv. Before, of old; antea :-- Swá æ-acute;r bifóran as ere of old, Exon. 14 b; Th. 29, 26; Cri. 468. v. be-fóran; adv.

bifung, beofung, e; f. [bifian to tremble] A trembling, shaking; tremor :-- Fyrhto oððe bifung begráp híg tremor apprehendit eos, Ps. Lamb. 47, 7: 54, 6. DER. eorþ-bifung.

bí-fylc, es; n. [bí by, near to; fylc a tribe, country, province] A neighbouring people, province, or region; provincia vel populus adjacens :-- Of eallum ðyssum bífylcum de cunctis prope provinciis, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 11.

big; prep. dat. Of, about, concerning; de, quoad :-- Big ðam ðe ic ðé æ-acute;r sægde de qua tibi ante dixi, Bd. 2, 12; S. 514, 35. v. be 2.

bi-gæ-acute;þ commits, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 18; Cri. 1308; pres. of bi-gán.

bi-gán, he gæ-acute;þ; p. -eóde, pl. -eódon; pp. -gán. I. to commit, exercise, observe, enjoy; committere, exercere, observare, frui, Exon. 27 a; Th. 80, 18; Cri. 1308. II. to honour, worship, venerate; colere, Exon. 68 b; Th, 255, 3; Jul. 208. v. be-gán.

bígan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To bow, bend, bend down, turn, turn back; flectere, deflectere, incurvare, retorquere :-- His cneów bígde on eorþan genua flexit in terram, Bd. 5, 21; S. 643,15: 3, 2; S. 524, 14: Mt. Bos. 27, 29: Exon. 62 b; Th. 229, 23; Ph. 459: Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 8: Lev. 1, 15. v. býgan.

bi-gang, -gong, es; m. I. a course, way, passage, circuit; cursus, via, tenor, circuitus :-- Tída bigong the course of seasons, Exon. 11 a; Th. 15, 13; Cri. 235. II. an undertaking, business, exercise, religious worship; negotium, exercitatio, cultus, Bd. 5, 1; S. 613, 9. v. be-gang.

bi-gangan to go round, go to, attend, commit, practise, exercise, worship; exercere, incumbere, colere, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 33. v. bi-gongan, be-gangan.

big-cwide, bí-cwide, es; m. [be, big by; cwide a saying] A by-saying, by-word, proverb, fable, tale; proverbium, fabula :-- Ge forwurðaþ þurh bigspell and bigcwidas eris perditus in proverbium et fabulam, Deut. 28, 37. Bícwide proverbium, Prov. 22.

bige, es; n? [bycgan, bicgan to buy] A buying, exchange, commerce, traffic; emptio, permutatio, commercium, mercatus :-- Gif gebyrige ðæt for neóde heora hwilc wið úre bige habban wille, oððe we wið heora, mid yrfe and mid æ-acute;htum, ðæt is to þafianne if it happen that from necessity any of them will have traffic with us, or we with them, with cattle and with goods, that is to be allowed, L. A. G. 5; Th. i. 156, 2-4.

bige buy, Jn. Bos. 13, 29; impert. of bicgan.

bíge, es; m. A bending, turning, bend, an angle, a corner; flexus, sinus, angulus :-- Se engel eóde into ánum nyrwette, ðe he ne mihte forbúgan on náðere healfe, forðamðe ðæ-acute;r nán bíge næs angelus ad locum angustum transivit, ubi nec ad dexteram nec ad sinistram poterat deviare, Num. 22, 26. Bíge limes fractura membri, Fulg. 19. v. býge.

bígean to bow, bend; flectere :-- His cneówu bígean genua flectere, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 23: 3, 2; S. 524, 21: Ps. Th. 94, 6. v. býgan.

bi-geat obtained, seized, Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 12; Seef. 6; p. of bi-gitan. v. be-gitan.

bi-gegnes, bi-gegnys, -ness, e; f. A going about or applying one's self to anything, the pursuit or study of anything; studium :-- Bigegnes vel smeágung studium, Ælfc. Gl. 90; Wrt. Voc. 51, 27: Gr. Dial. 1, 10. DER. eorþ-bi-gegnys.

bi-gellan; p. -geal, pl. -gullon; pp. -gollen To celebrate by song, to scream; canendo celebrare, exclamare :-- Ful oft ðæt earn bigeal the eagle screamed that often, Exon. 81 b; Th. 307, 16; Seef. 24.

bígels, es; m. An arch, a vault, an arched roof; arcus, fornix, camera, Ælfc. Gl. 93; Som. 75, 91; Wrt. Voc. 52, 41: Cot. 201. DER. for-bígels.

bi-gencg worship, observation, Scint. 7. v. be-gang II.

bi-geng, es; m. Observation, worship, service; cultus :-- Bigeng cultus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Som. 15, 18, MSS. C. D. He bæd híg ðá georne, ðæt híg búgan ne sceoldon fram Godes bigengum he bade them then earnestly, that they should not decline from the services of God, Jos. 23, 7. v. be-gang.

bi-genga, an; m. An inhabitant, dweller, cultivator; incola, cultor :-- Ðæt ðæt Eálond Wiht onféng Cristene bigengan ut Vecta insula Christianos incolas susceperit, Bd. 4, 16; S. 584, 2. Se árfæsta bigenga ðæs gástlícan landes pius agri spiritalis cultor, 2, 15; S. 519, 8: Deut. Grn. 4. 3. DER. land-bigenga. v. be-ganga.

bi-geongende, bi-gongende; part. [part. of bi-gongan, v. be-gongan, be-gangan] Passing by; præteriens, Mk. Lind. War. 15, 21: Mk. Rush. War. 15, 21.

bí-gerdel a purse, public purse, Ælfc. Gl. 65; Som. 69, 35; Wrt. Voc. 40, 63. v. big-gyrdel.

biggencere, es; m. A worker; operator :-- Ic hæbbe smiþas ... and manega óðre mistlícra cræfta biggenceras habeo fabros ... et multos alios variarum artium operatores, Coll. Monast, Th. 30, 3.

big-geng observation, worship; cultus :-- Biggeng [MS. biggend] cultus, Ælfc. Gr. 11; Som. 15, 18. v. begang.

big-gyrdel, bí-gyrdel, -gerdel; g. -gyrdles, -gerdles; m. [big, bí, gyrdel a girdle, belt, purse] A belt, girdle, and as girdles were used to carry money, hence, a purse, public purse, treasury; z&o-long;na = ζ&omega-tonos;νη, saccus = σ&alpha-tonos;κκos, fiscus :-- Næbbe ge feoh on eówrum bígyrdlum nolite possidere pecuniam in zonis vestris, Mt. Bos. 10, 9. Bígerdel saccus, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 68; Wrt. Voc. 16, 41. Cyninges [MS. kinges] gafoles bígerdel saccus vel fiscus, 65; Som. 69, 35; Wrt. Voc. 40, 63. Biggyrdel fiscus vel saccus publicus, 17; Som. 58, 94; Wrt. Voc. 22, 11.

big-hydig, bí-hydig; adj. Careful, watchful, solicitous, anxious; sollicitus, sollers :-- Wæs seó móder ðære gesomnunge bíhydig [MS. B. byghydig = bighydig] sollicita est mater congregationis, Bd. 4, 7; Whel. 277, 27. v. be-hydig.

big-hydiglíce, -hydilíce, -hydlíce, -hidiglíce; adv. Carefully; sollicite, sollerter :-- Ðe he bighydiglíce heóld which he carefully held, Bd. 4, 31; S. 611, 2. Heó hine bighydilíce [bighydlice, Whel. 324, 8] sóhte she carefully sought him, 4, 23; S. 595, 4. Bighidiglíce sollicite, 1, 27; S. 489, note 39. v. be-hydelíce.

bi-gitan, -gytan to get, obtain, seize; assequi, acquirere, arripere, corripere, Exon. 32 b; Th. 103, 19; Cri. 1690. v. be-gitan.

big-leofa, bí-leofa, an; m. [big, bí for, líf life, leofen living, nourishment]. I. provision by which life is maintained, Food, victuals, nourishment; cibus, victus, alimentum :-- Ðú nimst witodlíce of eallum mettum ... ðæt híg beón æ-acute;gðer ge ðé ge him to bigleofan tolles igitur ex omnibus escis ... et erunt tam tibi quam illis in cibum, Gen. 6, 21. Hwæt begytst ðú of ðínum cræfte? Bigleofan, and scrúd, and feoh quid adquiris de tua arte? Victum, et vestitum, et pecuniam, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 3-6. Bigleofa victus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 32, 6. Bíleofa alimentum, C. R. Ben. 49. II. that by which food is procured, Money, wages; stips, stipendium :-- Scipe vel bigleofa stipendium, Ælfc. Gl. 12; Som. 57, 92; Wrt. Voc. 20, 33. v. an-leofa, and-leofen.

big-leofan; part. ende; p. ede; pp. ed To nourish, feed, support; cibare. v. big-leofa.

bi-glídan to glide or disappear from any one, to desert any one; evanescere ab aliquo, derelinquere, Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 18; Reim. 14.

bíg-nes, -ness, e; f. A bending, bowing; flexio :-- Se earm næ-acute;nige bígnesse on ðam elnbogan hæfde brachium nihil prorsus in cubito flexionis habuit, Bd. 5, 3; S. 616, 23. v. býgan.

bi-gong a course, Exon. 54 b; Th. 193, 29, Az. 129. v. be-gang.

bi-gongan to attend, practise, observe, worship, Exon. 44 b; Th. 150, 11; Gú. 777. v. be-gangan.

bi-grafan to bury; sepelire, Exon. 29 a; Th. 89, 33; Cri. 1466. v. be-grafan.

bigsen an example, Bd. 3, 28, MS. B; S. 560, note 35. v. býsen.

big-sittan; p. -sæt, pl. -sæ-acute;ton; pp. -seten To sit by or near; adsidere :-- Se bisceop ðæt geseah ðe him bigsæt the bishop who sat by him saw it; quo viso pontifex qui adsidebat, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 22.

big-spæc, e; f. A by-speech, deceiving; supplantatio. DER. big. spæc.

big-spell, bí-spell; g. -spelles; pl. nom. acc. -spell, -spellu; n. [big, bí, spell a history] A by-history, a parable, fable, example, proverb, story; parabola, fabula, exemplum, proverbium, narratio :-- Gehýre ge ðæs sáwendan bigspell vos audite parabolam seminantis, Mt. Bos. 13, 18. Ic ahylde on bigspelle eáre mín inclinabo in parabolam aurem meam, Ps. Spl. 48, 4. Ealle ðás þing se Hæ-acute;lend spræc mid bigspellum to ðám weredum; and nán þing ne spræc he bútan bigspellum hæc omnia locutus est Iesus in parabolis ad turbas; et sine parabolis non loquebatur eis, Mt. Bos. 13, 34, 35: Ps. Lamb. 48, 5. Bigspellu, acc. pl. Lchdm. iii. 214, 15. He him rehte bíspell bí ðære sunnan he related to him a parable of the sun, Bt. titl. vi; Fox x. 12. Ðeáh we sculon manega and mistlíce bísna and bíspell reccan though we should relate many and various examples and fables, Bt. 35, 5; Fox 166, 13, 19. Gehýr sum bíspell hear an example, 37, 3; Fox 190, 21: 39, 6; Fox 220, 21. Þurh bigspell and bigcwidas in proverbium et fabulam, Deut. 28, 37. We sculon ðé sum bíspell reccan we will relate a story to thee, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 166, 27: Bt. Met. Fox 23, 17; Met. 23, 9. [Kil. bijspel: Ger. beispiel, n: M. H. Ger. bíspel, n.] DER. bigspell-bóc.

bigspell-bóc, e; f. [bigspell parabola, proverbium, bóc liber] A book of parables, the Book of Proverbs; proverbiorum liber :-- Salomon gesette þreó béc þurh his snoternisse: án ys bigspellbóc Solomon wrote three books by his wisdom: one is the Book of Proverbs, Ælfc. T. 14, 26.

big-standan; p. -stód, pl. -stódon; pp. -standen [big = bí by, near, standan to stand] To stand by or near one, to support; stare cum aliquo, adstare, adjuvare :-- Bigstandaþ me, strange geneátas stand by me, strong associates, Cd. 15; Th. 18, 36; Gen. 284. Ða ðe him bigstódon those who stood by him, Byrht. Th. 137, 7; By. 182: Beo. Th. 6086; B. 3047.