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bitere bitterly, sharply, Ps. Th. 101, 18: 128, 2. v. bitre.
biterian, biterigan; p. ode; pp. od To embitter, make sharp; acerbare :-- Ðætte us biterige sió hreówsung that the repentance may be bitter to us, Past. 54, 5. DER. a-biterian, ge-.
biter-líce, bitter-líce; adv. BITTERLY; amare :-- He weóp biterlíce [Bos. bityrlíce] he wept bitterly, Mt. Jun. 26, 75. He ongan biterlíce [Smith, 600, 29, bitterlíce] wépan he began to weep bitterly, Bd. 4, 25; Whelc. 337, 43.
biter-nys, -nyss, e; f. BITTERNESS; amaritudo :-- Híg cómon to ðære stówe, ðe ys Mara genemned, ðæt ys on úre lýden biternys; ðá ne mihton híg drincan ðæt wæter, forðamðe hit wæs biter: ðá héton híg ealle his naman Mara, ðæt ys on úre lýden biternys venerunt in Mara, nec poterant bibere aquas de Mara, eo quod essent amaræ, unde et congruum loco nomen imposuit vocans ilium Mara, id est amaritudinem, Ex. 15, 23. Heortan biternys bitterness of heart, Homl. Th. ii. 220, 18. Ðæs múþ full is biternysse cujus os plenum est amaritudine, Ps. Spl. second 9, 8. Nolde his onbyrian for ðære biternysse he would not taste it for its bitterness, Homl. Th. ii. 254, 18, 19.
biter-wyrde; adj. Inclined to bitterness; ad amaritudinem pronus :-- Ne he biterwyrde næs he was not inclined to bitterness, Homl. Th. i. 320, 15: ii. 44, 22.
biþ is, shall be; est, erit, Bt. Met. Fox 6, 11; Met. 6, 6: Cd. 217; Th. 276, 1; Sat. 182; 3rd pers, pres. and fut. of beón.
bi-þeahte, -þeaht covered over, Exon. 96 a; Th. 359, 11; Pa. 61: l01 a; Th. 382, l0; Rä. 3, 9; p. and pp. of bi-þeccan. v. be-þeccan.
bi-þearf ic I need, Exon. 76 a; Th. 285, 17; Jul. 715. v. bi-þurfan, be-.
bi-þeccan to cover, Exon. 28 b; Th. 87, 10; Cri. 1423: 51 b; Th. 179, 1; Gú. 1255. v. be-þeccan.
bi-þencan to consider, bear in mind, confide, Exon. 19 b; Th. 51, 27; Cri. 822: 20 a; Th. 53, 14; Cri. 850: 51 b; Th. 179, 32; Gú. 1270: 66 b; Th. 245, 30; Jul. 52. v. be-þencan.
bi-þringan to surround, Exon. 60 b; Th. 221, 27; Ph. 341. v. be-þringan.
bi-þryccan; p. -þrycte, pl. -þrycton; pp. -þrycced [þryccan to press] To press on; imprimere :-- Hí hwæsne beág ymb mín heáfod gebýgdon, þreám biþrycton they bent a sharp crown around my head, pressed it on with reproaches, Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 26; Cri. 1446.
bi-þurfan to need, to have need, Exon. 76 a; Th. 285, 17; Jul. 715. v. be-þurfan.
bítl a mallet, hammer, Past. 36, 5; Cott. MS. v. býtl.
bit-mæ-acute;lum; adv. [bit, mæ-acute;lum, dat. pl. of mæ-acute;l, n.] Piecemeal, by bits; mordicus, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 42, 5.
bitol, es; n. A bridle; frænum :-- On gewealde and bitole ceácan heora gebind in camo et fræno maxillas eorum constringe, Ps. Spl. 31, 12.
bi-tolden covered, overwhelmed, Exon. 64 b; Th, 238, 25; Ph. 609; pp. of bi-teldan. v. be-teldan.
bitre, bitere, bittre; adv. [biter bitter] Bitterly, sharply, cruelly; amare, acriter, atrociter :-- Ic eom bitre abolgen I am bitterly vexed, Exon. 119 b; Th. 458, 31; Hy. 4, 109: 120 b; Th. 463, 4; Hö. 65: Beo. Th. 4651; B. 2331. Unc he bitere forgeald he bitterly requited us, Cd. 222; Th. 290, 21; Sat. 418. Hí gebléndon bittre tosomne unswétne drync ecedes and geallan they mingled bitterly together an unsweet drink bf vinegar and gall, Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 11; Cri. 1438: 119 a; Th. 457, 4; Hy. 4, 78.
bitst, he bitt askest, he asks, Ex. 33, 12: Homl. Th. i. 250, 8, 9; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of biddan.
bítst, bíst, bít bidest, bides; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of bídan.
bitt a bottle; uter. v. byt.
bitter bitter; amarus, Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 10; Seef. 55. v. biter.
bitter-líce bitterly, Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 29. v. biter-líce.
bitter-nes bitterness, Scint. 61. v. biter-nys.
bittor bitter, Exon. 47 b; Th. 163, 23; Gú. 998. v. biter.
bittre bitterly, sharply, cruelly, Exon. 94 b; Th. 354, 24; Reim. 50. v. bitre.
bi-tweon; prep. dat. Between; inter, Exon. 32 a; Th. 101, 15; Cri. 1659. v. be-tweonum III.
bi-tweonum; prep. dat. Between; inter :-- Hornum bitweonum [horna abitweonum MS. Th.] between the horns, Exon. 107 b; Th. 411, 19; Rä. 30, 2. v. abi-tweonum, be-tweonum.
bi-týnan to close, shut up, Exon. 61 b; Th. 227, 7; Ph. 419. v. be-týnan.
bityr-líce bitterly; amare :-- Petrus weóp bityrlíce Petrus flevit amare, Mt. Bos. 26, 75. v. biter-líce.
bi-wæ-acute;gan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a. To disappoint; frustrari :-- Ne bi-wæ-acute;gde hine non frustratus est eum, Ps. Surt. 131, 11. v. be-wæ-acute;gan.
bi-wærlan; p. de; pp. ed [v. bí- in be- II] To pass by; præterire, Lk. Lind. War. 10, 31: 11, 42: Lk. Rush. War. 11, 42. DER. wærlan.
bi-wáwan; p. -weów; pp. -wáwen To blow against; afflare :-- Winde biwáwne [MS. biwaune] waved or shaken by the wind, Exon. 77 b; Th. 291, 2; Wand. 76. DER. wáwan.
bi-weaxan to overgrow, Exon. 60 a; Th. 219, 21; Ph. 310. v. beweaxan.
bi-weddian to espouse, betrothe, wed; desponsare :-- Wæs sió fæ-acute;mne wélegum biweddad the woman was betrothed to the rich one, Exon. 66 a; Th. 244, 25; Jul. 33. v. be-weddian.
bi-werian, -wergan to defend, restrain, forbid, Exon. 87 b; Th. 329, 23; Vy. 38: Exon. 45 a; Th. 153, 3; Gú. 820. v. be-werian.
bí-windan to entwine, enwrap, encircle, Exon. 69 a; Th. 256, 20; Jul. 234: 28 b; Th. 87, 9, 12; Cri. 1422, 1424: 18 b; Th. 45, 27; Cri. 725: 65 b; Th. 241, 34; Ph. 666. v. be-windan.
bí-wist food, provision, Bt. 17; Fox 60, 4: L. Edg. C. 3; Th. ii. 244, 12. v. big-wist.
bí-word, -wyrd, es; n. [be, bí by, word a word] A BYEWORD, proverb; proverbium :-- Man segþ [seið MS.] to bíworde, 'hæge sitteþ ða æceras dæ-acute;leþ' man saith for a proverb, 'the hedge abides which fields divides,' Chr. 1130; Erl. 259, 13. Bíword, bíwyrd proverbium, Cot. 157.
bi-worpen cast about, surrounded; cinctus :-- Is ðæt églond fenne biworpen the island is surrounded with a fen, Exon. 100 b; Th. 380, 9; Rä. 1, 5, = be-worpen; pp. of be-weorpan.
bi-wráh covered, Exon. 76 b; Th. 287, 32; Wand, 23; p. of biwríhan. v. be-wríhan.
bi-wrecan; p. -wræc, pl. -wræ-acute;con; pp. -wrecen To strike or beat around, to surround; circum pulsare, circumdare :-- Hí sculon onfón in fýrbaðe wælmum biwrecene wráþlíc andleán they must receive dire retribution in the fire-bath surrounded with flames, Exon. 20 a; Th. 52, 11; Cri. 832. v. be-wrecan.
bi-wríhan; p. -wráh, pl. -wrigon; pp. -wrigen To cover. v. be-wríhan.
bi-wrítan; p. -wrát, pl. -writon; pp. -writen [be by, wrítan to write] To write after, by, or out of, to copy; postscribere, exscribere, Past. pref; Hat. MS. v. be-wrítan.
bi-wyrcan to make, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 3; Jul. 575. v. be-wyrcan.
bixen; adj. [box the box-tree] Belonging to box, BOXEN, made of box-wood; buxeus :-- Bixen box a box made of box-wood; pyxis, Ælfc. Gl. 26; Som. 60, 96; Wrt. Voc. 25, 36.
blác; adj. I. bright, shining; lucidus, splendidus :-- On bryne blácan fýres into the burning of the bright fire, Cd. 186; Th. 231, 13; Dan. 246. Lígetta hérgen bláce dýrne Dryhten lightnings bright praise the beloved Lord, Exon. 54 b; Th. 192, 16; Az. 107. Engel ða burh oferbrægd blácan lýge, hátan heaðowealme an angel spread over the town a bright flame, hot warlike floods, Andr. Kmbl. 3081; An. 1543. Blácum leóhte with bright light, Bt. Met. Fox 4, 15; Met. 4, 8. Lígetu bláce lightnings bright, Cd. 192; Th. 340, 3; Dan. 381. II. BLEAK, pale, pallid, livid, as in death; pallidus, de moribundis et mortuis :-- Biþ his líf scæcen, and he blác his life is departed, and he pale, Exon. 87 b; Th. 329, 28; Vy. 41. Scylfing hreás blác Scylfing fell pale, Beo. Th. 4969; B. 2488: Runic pm. 29; Kmbl. 345, 16. Blácne pale, acc. Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 26; Jud. 278. He hæfde blæc feax and blácne andwlitan he had black hair and a pale countenance, Bd. 2, 16; S. 519, 34. Se móna mid his blácan leóhte the moon with her pale light, Bt. 4; Fox 6, 34. [Prompt. bleyke pallidus, subalbus, from blác, p. of blícan to shine.] &hand; Observe the difference between blác bright, shining, bleak, pale, and blæc black, se blaca the black.
blác shone, Exon. 52 a; Th. 182, 4; Gú. 1305; p. of blícan.
blace berian black berries; mori, Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 30. v. blæc-berie.
blác-ern, es; n. [blác light, ærn, ern a place] A light place, a lamp, candlestick, lantern, light, candle; lucerna :-- Bæd ðæt hí ðæt blácern adwæseton prayed that they would put out the light [lucernam], Bd. 4, 8; S. 575, 40. Bærnaþ eówer blácern light your candle, Bd. 4, 8; S. 576, 6: Ps. Th, 131, 18.
blác-hleór; adj. [blác II. pale, hleór a face, cheek] Having a pale face, pale-faced, fair; pallidus vel candidus genis :-- Sceolde monig bláchleór ides bifiende gán many a pale-faced damsel must trembling go, Cd. 92; Th. 118, 23-25; Gen. 1969, 1970: Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 18; Jud. 128.
blácian, blácigan, to blácienne, blácigenne; p. ode; pp. od [blác pallid, bleak, pale] To grow pale; pallere, pallescere :-- Ic blácige palleo, Ælfc. Gr. 26, 2; Som. 28, 42: 35; Som. 38, 5. Ic onginne to blácigenne [blácienne MS. C.] pallesco, 35; Som. 38, 6. Onsýn blácaþ his face grows pale, Exon. 82 b; Th. 311, 13; Seef. 91. DER. a-blácian.
blácung, e; f. Paleness, wanness; pallor :-- Blácung pallor, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 21; Som, 10, 27. On blácunge goldes in pallore auri, Ps. Lamb. 67, 14.
BLÆC, es; n. Ink; atramentum :-- Ðæt hí habban blæc and bócfel that they have ink and parchment, L. Edg. C. 3; Th. ii. 244, 11. Blæc atramentum, Wrt. Voc. 47, 3. [Plat. blak ink: O. H. Ger. blach ink: Dan. blæk, n. ink: Swed. blæck, n. ink: Icel. blek, n. atramentum.]