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a high keel over the water-street, Beo. Th. 482; B. 238. Ymb brontne ford about the deep ford, 1140; B. 568. Léton ofer fífelwæ-acute;g scríðan bronte brimþísan they let the high ships go over the ocean-wave, Elen. Kmbl. 475; El. 238. [Wrt. Provncl. brant steep: Dan. brat steep: Swed. brant precipitous: Icel. brattr steep.]
bran-wyrt, e; f. A bilberry shrub; vaccinium :-- Branwyrt vaccinium, Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 73; Wrt. Voc. 30, 25. v. brún-wyrt II.
brasian, brasigan, ic brasige I cover with brass; æro, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Som. 38, 39, Bodleian copy, C. D. v. bræsian.
brassica, an; m. Colewort, cabbage; brassica, æ, f: -- Wyrta sindon betste béte and mealwe and brassica beet and mallow and cabbage are the best herbs, L. M. 2, 30; Lchdm. ii. 228, 1.
BRASTL, es; m. A noise, brustle, rustle, creak, crackle, burning ? crepitus, strepitus, fractio, arsio ? Som. [Ger. brassel, prassel, geprassel, n. a crackling noise.] v. brastlung.
brastlian, brastligan, to brastlienne, brastligenne; part. brastliende, brastligende; he brastlaþ; p. ode; pp. od [berstan rumpi, frangi] To BRUSTLE, rustle, crackle, make a noise, murmur; crepare, crepitare, strepere, murmurare :-- Begann to brastligenne þunor thunder began to crackle, Homl. Th. ii. 196, 23. Ðæt treów brastliende sáh to ðam hálgan were the tree fell crackling towards the holy man, ii. 508, 33. Brastligende mid brandum crackling with fire-brands, ii. 140, 16. Ge begeáton þéosterfulle wununga afyllede mid brastligendum lígum ye have obtained dark dwellings filled with crackling flames, i. 68, 5. Se þuner oft egeslíce brastlaþ thunder often crackles fearfully, Bd. de nat. rerum; Lchdm. iii. 280, 13. [Laym. brastlien: Ger. M. H. Ger. brasteln: Swed. prassla to crackle.]
brastlung, e; f. A BRUSTLING, rustling, creaking, breaking, crashing; strepitus, crepitus, fractio :-- Híg tobræ-acute;con ða búcas mid micelre brastlunge they broke the pitchers with great crashing, Jud. 7, 20. Brastlung treówa rustling of trees, Ælfc. Gr. 1; Som. 2, 35: Greg. Dial. 1, 2.
bratt A cloak; pallium :-- Forlét hrægl oððe bratt remitte pallium, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 40. [Prov. Eng. brat a child's pinafore: Chauc. bratt a coarse mantle, rag: Wel. brat a rag; Gael. brat a mantle, apron, cloth.]
breác enjoyed, Exon. 77 a; Th. 289, 7; Wand. 44; p. of brúcan.
BREÁD, breód, es; n. A bit, fragment, morsel, BREAD; buccella, panis :-- Æfter ðæt breád post buccellam, Jn. Lind. War. 13, 27, 30. Hí ge-éton ðæt breád manducaverunt panem, 6, 23. [Chauc. brede: Wyc. breed, brede: Piers P. breed: R. Brun. R. Glouc. brede: Laym. bred: Orm. bræd: Plat. brood, n: O. Sax. bród, n: Frs. braed, n: O. Frs. brad, n: Dut. O. Dut. brood, n: Ger. brot, n: M. H. Ger. brót, n: O. H. Ger. brót, n: Dan. Swed. bröd, n: Icel. brauð, n. Breád is first used in a compound word in Anglo-Saxon, v. beó-breád. It was first used as a separate word in the Lindisfarne Gospels, about A. D. 946-968, and breód in the Rushworth, John 13, 27, A. D. 901-1000. Breád and breód there signify a morsel. In John 6, 23, Lindisfarne and Rushworth, it signifies bread, panis.] DER. beó-breád.
breág an eye-lid :-- Breága palpebrarum, Exon. 111 b; Th. 427, 32; Rä. 41, 100. v. bræ-acute;w.
breahtm, brehtm, bearhtm, beorhtm, byrhtm, es; m. A noise, tumult, sound, cry; fragor, strepitus, tumultus, clamor, vociferatio :-- Ðá wearþ breahtm hæfen then a noise was raised, Exon. 36 a; Th. 118, 1; Gú. 233. Breahtem stígeþ a tumult rises, 83 b; Th. 314, 25, note; Mó. 19. Breahtmum hwurfon ymb ðæt háte hús hæ-acute;þne leóde the heathen people surrounded that hot house with cries, 55 a; Th. 195, 25; Az. 161: 57 b; Th. 206, 29; Ph. 134. [O. Sax. brahtum, braht, m: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. braht, m: Dan. brag, n: Swed. Icel. brak, n.] DER. brecan to break.
breahtm a shining, moment, glance, an atom; scintillatio, atomus :-- Breahtm atomus, Cot. 36: 100. v. bearhtm brightness.
breahtum-hwæt; adj. Swift as the twinkling of an eye; celer ut oculi nictus :-- Dec lígetta hérgen, bláce, breahtum-hwate may the lightnings praise thee, pale, swift as the twinkling of an eye, Exon. 54 b; Th. 192, 16; Az. 107. v. berhtm-hwæt.
breard, es; m. A brim, margin, rim, the highest part of anything :-- To brearde heofnes ad summum cæli, Mk. Lind. War. 13, 27. v. brerd.
breát destroyed, Beo. Th. 3430; B. 1713; p. of breótan.
breátan, ic breáte, ðú breátest, brýtst, he breáteþ, brýt, pl. breátaþ; p. breót, pl. breóton; pp. breáten To break, demolish, destroy, kill; frangere, conterere, necare :-- Hí hálge cwelmdon, breóton [breotun MS.] bóccræftige [bóccræftge MS.] bærndon gecorene they slew the holy, destroyed the book-learned, burned the chosen, Exon. 66 a; Th. 243, 25; Jul. 16. DER. a-breátan. v. breótan.
breáw, pl. bruwon brewed; p. of breówan.
breáw an eye-lid, Ælfc. Gl. 70; Som. 70, 63; Wrt. Voc. 42, 71: Ps. Lamb. 131, 4. v. bræ-acute;w.
breáw-ern, es; n. A brewing-place, brew-house; coquina cerevisiæ, Grm. ii. 338, 3 :-- Breáwern aporleriterium, forte apolyterium, Ælfc. Gl. 55; Som. 67, 17.
brec, es; n. A breaking, crash, noise; fractio, fragor, strepitus. DER. ge-brec, bán-ge-, cumbol-ge-. v. brecan.
bréc the breech, breeches, L. M. 1. 71; Lchdm. ii. 146, 3 : R. Ben. 55 ; acc. s. and nom. pl. of bróc, f.
breca, an; m. A breaker; violator. DER. æ-acute;w-breca, wiðer-. v. brecan.
BRECAN; ic brece, ðú bricest, bricst, he briceþ, bricþ, pl. brecaþ; p. ic, he bræc, ðú bræ-acute;ce, pl. bræ-acute;con; pp. brocen. I. v. trans. 1. to BREAK, burst, violate, break or burst through; frangere, confringere, rumpere, perfringere, perrurnpere :-- Lét se hearda Higeláces þegn brádne méce brecan ofer bordweal the fierce thane of Higelac caused his broad sword to break over the shield. Beo. Th. 5952; B. 2980: Exon. 102 b; Th. 387, 10; Rä. 5, 3: Andr. Kmbl. 1007; An. 504: Salm. Kmbl. 202 ; Sal. 100. Hit þurh hróf wadeþ, briceþ boldgetimbru it goeth through the roof, breaketh the timbers of the house, 825 ; Sal. 412 : Exon. 125 a; Th. 482, 8; Rä. 66, 4. Se Hæ-acute;lend bræc ða hláfas Iesus fregit panes, Mt. Bos. 14, 19: 15, 36: Beo. Th. 3027; B. 1511: 3138; B. 1567. Ne bræ-acute;con hí ná his sceancan non fregernt ejus crura, Jn. Bos. 19, 33. Swá swá fæt tigelen ðú bricst hi tanquam vas figuli confringes eos, Ps. Spl. 2, 9. Seó wiht, gif hió gedýgeþ, dúna briceþ the creature, if it escape, will burst the hills, Exon. 109 b; Th. 420, 6; Rä. 39, 6. Him egsa becom ðá déma duru in helle bræc dread came over them when the judge burst the doors in hell. Cd. 221; Th. 288, 15; Sat. 381. Gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe, he him abolgen wurþeþ if they break [violate] his commandment, he will be incensed against them, 22; Th. 28, 3; Gen. 430. Ðú mín bibod bræ-acute;ce thou didst break my commandment, Exon. 28 a; Th. 85, 20; Cri. 1394. Bræc se here ðone friþ the army broke [violated] the peace, Chr. 911; Erl. 100, 16: 921; Erl. 106, 6. Heó Alwaldan bræc willan she broke [violated] the Almighty's will, Cd. 29; Th. 37, 34; Gen. 599. Yldran usse in oferhygdum ðín bibodu bræ-acute;con our forefathers in pride broke thy commandments, Exon. 53 a; Th. 186, 13; Az. 19: Cd. 188; Th. 234, 28; Dan. 299. Gif hwá his áþ brece, béte swá dómbóc tæ-acute;ce if any one break his oath, let him make amends as the doom-book may teach, L. Ed. 8 ; Th. i. 164, 2. Ðæt æ-acute;nig mon wæ-acute;re ne bræ-acute;ce that any man should not break the compact, Beo. Th. 2205 ; B. 1100. Bióþ brocene áþsweord eorla the oaths of the warriors will be broken, 4132 ; B. 2063. He læ-acute;teþ inwitfán UNCERTAIN brecan ðone burg-weal he lets the shafts of treachery break through the town-wall, Exon. 83b; Th. 315, 28; Mód. 38. Ic hwílum éðelfæsten brece sometimes I break through a land-fastness, Exon. 126 b; Th. 487, 4; Rä. 72, 23. Se storm and seó stronge lyft brecaþ bráde gesceaft the storm and the strong blast shall break through the broad creation, Exon. 22 b ; Th. 61, 29; Cri. 992. Eádweard bræc ðone bordweall Edward broke through the wall of shields, Byrht. Th. 139, 60; By. 277. Bræ-acute;con bordhreóðan [they] broke through the wall of shields. Elen. Kmbl. 243; El. 122. Leóht lyftedoras bræc the light burst through the aerial dwellings, Cd. 155 ; Th. 193, 24; Exod. 251. 2. to press, force, urge; urgere :-- Lufian hine fyrwet bræc lulianan desire urged him to love Juliana, Exon. 66 a; Th. 244, 14; Jul. 27: Salm. Kmbl. 493; Sal. 247: Beo. Th. 470; B. 232: 5562; B. 2784. 3. to rush into a place, take a place by storm; in locum irrumpere, expugnare :-- Siððan he for wlence beorgas bræ-acute;ce since he for pride rushed into the mountains, Exon. 35 b; Th. 114, 29; Gú. 180. Cwom [MS. cuom] feorþe healf hund scipa on Temese múþan, and bræ-acute;con Contwara burg and Lundenburg three hundred and fifty ships came to the mouth of the Thames, and took Canterbury and London by storm, Chr. 851; Erl. 66, 34. II. v. intrans. 1. to break or burst forth, make a noise or crash; erumpere, prorumpere, crepare, fremere :-- Geseah streám brecan of beorge [he] saw a stream burst forth from the mount, Bec. Th. 5085 ; B. 2546. Wæter wynsumu of ðære moldan tyrf brecaþ pleasant waters burst forth from the turf of the earth, Exon. 56 b; Th. 202, 9; Ph. 67. Swógaþ windas, bláwaþ brecende, bearhtma mæ-acute;ste winds shall howl, crashing blow, with greatest of sounds, Exon. 21 b; Th. 59, II; Cri. 951. 2. to sail; navi-gare :-- Scealtú ceól gestígan, and brecan ofer bæþweg thou shalt ascend a ship, and sail over the sea [lit. bath-way], Andr. Kmbl. 445 ; An. 223 : Elen. Kmbl. 487; El. 244. We brecaþ ofer bæþweg brimhengestum we sail over the sea in ships [lit. sea-horses]. Andr. Kmbl. 1025; An. 513. III. v. reflex. To retch; screare :-- Gebræd he hine seócne, and ongan hine brecan to spíwenne he feigned himself sick, and began retching to spew, Chr. 1003; Erl. 139, 9. [Wyc. breke, breek: Piers breken: R. Glouc. breke: Laym. breken: Orm. brekenn: Plat. broeken, breken: O. Sax. brekan: Frs. brekke: O. Frs. breka: Dut. breken: Ger. brechen: M. H. Ger. brëchen: O. H. Ger. brechan: Goth. brikan : Dan. bräkke: Swed. bråka, bräcka: Icel. braka to creak.] DER. a-brecan, be-, for-, ge-, ofer-, on-, to-, þurh-, upa-: brec, -mæ-acute;lum, -ung; æ-acute;-, ge-, bán-ge-, cumbol-ge-: breca, breoca, æ-acute;w-, wiðer-: brece, hláf-ge-: brecendlíc, una-: brecþ, edor-: bræc, -cóðu, -seóc, -seócnes; ge-, fýr-ge-, hræ-acute;c-ge-, neb-ge-: bræ-acute;ce, æ-acute;w-, -un-: brice, bryce, æ-acute;w-, áþ-, bán-, borh-, burh-, ciric-, cyric-, eodor-, fæsten-, freóls-, ful-, ge-, griþ-, hád-, hús-, lah-, mund-, sám-, wed-: breahtm: broc, scip-ge-, un-.
brece, es; n. A bit, morsel, piece; frustum, buccella. DER. hláf-gebrece. v. brecan.
Brecenan-mere, es; m. [Bd. Britannemere: Flor. Bricenanmere: Hunt. Brecanammere: Hovd. Bricenamere] Brecknock, the capital of