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céle, cýle, ftér-; -gicel, -wyrt: célnes, ge-: céling; célung, ge-: cól, -nes: cólian, a-: ceald, cald, æl-, brim-, eal-, hrím-, ís-, morgen-, ofer-, sin-, snáw-, wæl-, winter-: caldu, sin-: cald-heort: cealdian, a-: cílian: cæ-acute;lan, ge-.

calc, es; m. A shoe, little shoe, sandal; calceus, sandalium :-- Gesceóde mid calcum calceatos sandaliis, Mk. Bos. 6, 9: Cot. 209.

calc-rond; adj. Round of hoof; calceis vel soleis ferreis marginatus :-- Calcrondes, Exon. 91a; Th. 342, 15; Gn. Ex. 143.

cald cold; gelidus, frigidus :-- Ðonne cymþ forst fyrnum cald then cometh bitter cold frost, Cd. 17; Th. 20, 28; Gen. 316: 227; Th. 304, 29; Sae. 637: Andr. Kmbl. 619; An. 310. Caldra colder, Exon. 111a; Th. 425, 10; Rä. 41, 54. Caldast, coldest, 81b; Th. 308, 1; Seef. 33. v. ceald, calan.

cald, es; n. Cold, coldness, Exon. 81b; Th. 306, 16; Scef. UNCERTAIN 8. v. ceald frigus.

cald-heort; adi. Cold-hearted, unfeeling, cruel; frigidus cordis, inhumanus, crudelis :-- Cirmdon caldheorte the cold-hearted cried out, Andr. Kmbl. 275 An. 1, 8. v. calan.

caldu, e; f. Cold, coldness; gelu, frigus. DER. sin-caldu. v. calan.

calend, es; m. I. a month; mensis :-- Calend [kalend MS.] Martius réðe the fierce month of March, Menol. Fox 62; Men. 31. II. the appointed time or day of life; dies, terminus vitæe :-- Æ-acute;r se dæg cyme, ðæt sý his calend arunnen ere the day come, when his appointed time be run out, Salm. Kmbl. 959; Sal. 479.

calf a calf, Ps. Spl. 49, 10. v. cealf.

calferu; acc. pl. Calves; vitulos, Ps. Surt. 49, 9. v. cealf.

calfian UNCERTAIN to CALVE ; vitulum edere, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cealfian.

calfru calves, Ps. Th. 21, 10. v. cealf.

calfur calves; vituli :-- Ymb-saldon me calfur circumdederunt me vituli, Ps. Surt. 21, 13: 50, 21. v. cealf.

calian; p. ode; pp. od; v. intrans. To be or become cold; algere, frigescere. v. calan.

CALIC, cælic, cælc, calc, es; m. A cup, CHALICE, goblet; calix :-- Se calic mínre blisse the cup of my joy, Ps. Th. 15, 5: Ps. Spl. 22, 7. Dæ-acute;l calices mínes pars calicis mei, Ps. Spl. 15, 5. He genam ðone calic accepit calicem, Mt. Bos. 26, 27, 28: Ps. Th. 115, 4: Ps. Surt. 115, 13. [Plat, kelk: O. Sax. kelik, m: O. Frs. tzielk, tzilik, m: Dut. kelk, m : Ger. kelch, m: M. H. Ger. kelich, kelch, m; O. H. Ger. kelih, m: Dan. kalk, m. f: Swed. Norw. kalk, m: Icel. kalkr, m; from Lat. calix: Grk. GREEK .]

calla, an; m. [ceailian to call] A herald, found in the phrase, -- hilde ealla [q. v.] war's herald or a herald of war, Cd. 156; Th. 193, 26; Exod. 252.

CALU, caluw; adj. CALLOW, bald, without hair; calvus, glaber :-- Calu oððe hnot glaber [MS. glabrio], Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Som. 8, 36: Exon. 111b; Th. 427, 31; Rä. 41, 99. Monig man weorþ fæ-acute;rlíce caluw many a man becomes bald suddenly, Prov. Kmbl. 42. [Wyc. calu: Plat, kaal: Frs. keal: Dut. kaal: Kil. kael: Ger. kahl: M. H. Ger. kal: O. H. Ger. chalo, chalaw: Lat. calvus: Ir. Gael. calbh: O. Slav. golu.]

caluw bald, Prov. Kmbl. 42. v. calu.

calwa, an; m. A disease which causes baldness, the mange; alopecia = GREEK , Cot. 12.

calwer, es; m. Pressed curds; calmaria? Gabalacrum? -- Calwer [MS. caluuær] calmaria? Glos. Epnl. Recd. 157, 21: gabalacrum? 157, 26. Calwer gabalacrum? Cot. 96. v. cealre.

calwer-bríw, cealer-bríw, es; m. A thick pottage made of curds; calviale, Wrt. Voc. 290, 37. v. bríw.

calwere, es; m? n? [calu bald] A bald place on the top of the head, a skull, place of skulls, place for burial; calva, calvaria, Som. Ben. Lye.

camal a camel. Lk. Lind. War. 18, 25. v. camel.

camb, es; m. [camb joined; p. of cimban]. I. a comb for cleaning hair, wool, flax, etc; pecten. Wrt. Voc. 86, v. barnuc-camb, fleðe-camb, wulfes camb. II. the crest of a cock, the crest or top of a helmet, etc; crista :-- Helmes camb the helmet's crest; crista, Ælfc. Gl. 53; Som. 66, 75; Wrt. Voc. 36, 2. Camb on hætte, vel on helme a crest on the hat or helmet; crista, Cot. 46. [Orm. camb: Scot. kaim: O. Sax. camb, m: Frs. kaem: Dut. Kil. kam, m: Ger. kamm, m: M. H. Ger. kamp, m; kambe, f: O. H. Ger. kamp, kampo, m: Dan. kam, m. f: Swed. kam, m; Icel. kambr, m: Sansk. jambha, m. tooth.]

camb, e; f. A comb, an assemblage of cells in which bees store their honey; favus :-- Hí yrnbþrungon me swá swá beón camba they surrounded me as bees [surround] the combs, Ps. Lamb. 117, 12.

cambiht [camb, iht]; adj. Combed, having a crest; cristatus. v. camb II.

camel, camell, camal, es; m. A camel; c&a-short;m&e-long;lus = GREEK = HEBREW :-- Wæs Iohannes gegerelad mið hérum cameles [camelles, Lind.] erat Iohannes vestitus pilis cameli, Mk. Skt. Rush. 1, 6. Iohannes hæfde gewéde of hérum ðæra camella Iohannes habebat vestimentum de pilis camelorum, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 3, 4. Se camal, Lk. Lind. War. 18, 25.

cammoc, cammuc, commuc, es; n. m? The cammoc, kex, an umbelliferous plant, brimstone wort, hog's fennel, cow weed, cow parsley. Kambuck is still a name of the kexes in Suffolk, Prior 36, 126; peuced&a-short;num officinale, = GREEK , n; GREEK , f. sulphur wort, hog's fennel :-- Ðás wyrte man peucedanum, and óðrum naman cammoc [cammuc MS. H.] nemneþ this wort is called peucedanum, and by another name cammoc, Herb. 96, 1; Lchdm. i. 208, 17. Wyrc gódne drenc, elenan iii snæ-acute;da, commuces viii make a good drink, three portions of elf dock, eight of cammoc, L. M. 3, 30; Lchdm. ii. 324, 20.

camp, es; m. A bond, fetter, chain; compes :-- Hió bindan þenceaþ cyningas on campum ad alligandos reges eorum in compedibus, Ps. Th. 149, 8. v. cops.

CAMP, comp, es; m. A contest, war, battle; certamen, pugna, bellum :-- Ic ne gýme ðæs compes I care not for the contest, Exon. 105b; Th. 402, 26; Rä. 21, 35. Drihten tæ-acute;cþ handa míne to gefeohte, and fingras míne to slehte oððe to campe Dominus docet manus meas ad prælium, et digitos meos ad bellum, Ps. Lamb. 143, 1: Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 21: Judth. 11; Thw. 14, 21; Jud. 200: Beo. Th. 5003; B. 2505: Chr. 937; Th. 202, 2, col. 1, 2; Æðelst. 8: Andr. Kmbl. 2651; An. 1327. Mec gesette Crist to compe Christ has placed me in battle, Exon. 102b; Th. 389, 3; Rä. 7, 2: Andr. Kmbl. 468; An. 234. He ofercom campe feónda folcriht he overcame the liberty of enemies in battle, Cd. 143; Th. 178, 33; Exod. 21. [Laym. comp a conflict: Plat. kamp: O. Frs. kamp, komp, m: Dut. kamp, m. a battle: Ger. M. H. Ger. kampf, m. a fight: O. H. Ger. champh, m: Dan. kamp, m. f: Swed. kamp, m: Norw. Icel. kapp, n: Wel. camp, f.] DER. camp-dóm, -hád, -ræ-acute;den, -stede, -wæ-acute;pen, -wered, -weorud, -wíg, -wudu: comp-wæ-acute;pen, -weorod, -wíg.

camp-dóm, es; m. Warfare; militia, Scint. 29, 1. DER. camp.

camp-hád, es; m. Warfare; militia :-- Hí synd bigongende woruld-lícne camphád they are exercising worldly warfare, Bd. 5, 24; S. 647, 9. DER. camp.

campian, compian; p. ode; pp. od [camp war] To fight, contend against; militare, pugnare :-- Sceal oretta á Gode campian a champion shall ever fight for God, Exon. 37b; Th. 123, 1; Gú. 316: Bd. 1, 15; S. 483, 12. Se deófle campaþ [compaþ, Ps. Lamb. fol. 183b, 18] he fights for the devil, Hy. 2, 5; Hy. Grn. ii. 281, 5. Ic longe Gode campode I have iong fought for God, Exon. 42a; Th. 140, 25; Gú. 615. He for his éðle mid his leódum UNCERTAIN compode he fought for his country with his men, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 17. [Scot, kemp: Dut. kampen: Ger. kämpfen: M. H. Ger. kempfen: O. H. Ger. chamfan, chemfan: Dan. kämpe: Swed. kämpa: UNCERTAIN Icel. keppa.] DER. wið-compian.

camp-ræ-acute;den, -ræ-acute;denn, e; f. State or condition of contest, contest, war; certandi modus, certamen, pugna :-- Nó hyra þrym alæg campræ-acute;denne their vigour did not fail in the contest, Andr. Kmbl. 7; An. 4. DER. camp.

camp-stede, es; m. The place of battle, battle-field; locus pugnæ :-- On ðam campstede on the battle-field, Chr. 937; Th. 204, 2, col. 1; Æðelst. 29: 937; Th. 206, 1, col. 1; Æthelst. 49. Fór campstede [MS. campsted] sécan he went forth to seek the place of battle, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 28; Met. 26, 14. DER. camp.

camp-wæ-acute;pen a battle-weapon, military weapon. v. comp-wæ-acute;pen.

camp-weorud, es; n. Fighting-men, soldiers; militia, exercitus, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 33. v. camp-wered.

camp-wered, -weorud, comp-weorod, es; n. [werod, es; n. an army] Warriors, soldiers, fighting-men, army; militia, exercitus :-- Hí sceoldan for heora campwered gebiddan and to Gode þinigian they should pray and make intercession to God for their warriors, Bd. 2, 2; S. 503, 39. Æðelhere mon slóh mid ealle his campweorude ðe he mid him brohte Ethelhere was slain with all the fighting-men whom he had brought with him, 3, 24; S. 556, 33. Ða árleásan cyningas ofslegene wæ-acute;ron mid heora compweorode the wicked kings were slain with their army, 2, 5; S. 507, 40. DER. camp.

camp-wíg a battle. v. comp-wíg.

camp-wudu; gen. -wuda; m. War-wood, a shield; lignum pugnæ, clipeus :-- Ðonne rand dynede, campwudu clynede then rang the shield, the war-wood sounded, Elen. Kmbl. 101; El. 51. DER. camp.

can, cann, e; f. A knowledge, clearance. v. cann.

can, ic he I know, he knows :-- Ic oððe he can, Elen. Kmbl. 1363; El. 683: Ps. Th. 88, 13. He can he can, Bt. 39, 2; Fox 214, 10. v. cunnan.

Cananéisc ; adj. Canaanitish; Chananæus :-- Cham ys fæder ðære Cananéiscre UNCERTAIN þeóde Ham is the father of the Canaanitish people, Gen. 9, 18.

canceler, es; m. A chancellor; cancellarius :-- Se cyng Willelm betæ-acute;hte Rodbeard his cancelere ðæt biscopríce on Lincolne the king William transferred the bishopric of Lincoln to Robert his chancellor, Chr. 1093; Ing. 306, 7.

cancer; gen. cancres; m? I. a cancer, an eating or spreading disease; cancer, morbus :-- Gif ðú wille cancer ablendan, genim ðonne fífleáfan ða wyrte: seóþ on wíne if thou desire to stop a cancer, then take the herb fiveleaf: boil it in wine, Herb. 3, 9; Lchdm. i. 88, 20. Ealne ðone bíte ðæs cancres heó afeormaþ it clears away all the pain [bite] of the cancer, 167, 3; Lchdm. i. 296, 22. Wið cancre, nim gáte geallan