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and hunig against cancer, take goat's gall and honey, L. M. 3, 36; Lchdm. ii. 328, 13: Herb. 32, 3; Lchdm. i. 130, 12, MS. O, note 24. Wið cancre for cancer, Med. ex Quadr. 6, 21; Lchdm. i. 354, 25. II. a crab; cancer, animal. v. cancer-hæbern.
cancer-ádl, e; f. A cancer-disease, a canker; cancer, carcinoma = GREEK :-- Wið cancerádle, ðæt is, bíte against cancer-disease, that is, a biting disease, L. M. 1, 44; Lchdm. ii. 108, 9.
cancer-hæbern, es; n. [cancer a crab, hæbern = hæb-ærn a place, dwelling-place] A crab-hole; caverna, cavernula D.
oancettan; part. cancettende; p. cancette; pp. cancetted To laugh aloud or in a cackling manner; cachinnare:-- Mæssepreóst ne sceal lufigean micelne and ungemetlícne cancettende hleahtor UNCERTAIN nor shall a mass-priest love great and immoderate cackling laughter, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 36. v. ceahhetan.
caucetung, e; f. A laughing in a cackling manner; cachinnus, Cot. 58. v. ceahhetung.
CANDEL, candell, condel, condell, e; f: candel, es; n. A CANDLE; candela, lampas = GREEK :-- Hádre scíneþ ródores candel the sun [the candle of the firmament] serenely shines, Beo. Th. 3148; B. 1572. Candeles leóma the light of a candle; lampas, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 88; Wrt. Voc. 41, 41. Glád ofer grúndas Godes condel beorht God's bright candle glided over the grounds, Chr. 937; Th. 202, 16, col. 1; Æðtelst. 15: Exon. 51b; Th. 179, 20; Gú. 1264: 72a; Th. 269, 23; Jul. 454. Se sceal ðære sunnan síþ bihealdan, Godes condelle he shall observe the sun's course, God's candle, 57a; Th. 204, 2; Ph. 91. [Chauc. Laym. candel: Pers. ILLEGIBLE kandeel a candle: Fr. chandelle: Span. It. candela, from the Lat. candela, from cand&e-long;re to shine.] DER. dæg-candel, friþ-, heofon-, mére-, swegel-, weder-, woruld-, wyn-: candel-bora, -leóht, -mæsse, -snytels, -stæf, -stieca, -treów, -twist, -weoc, -wyrt.
candel-bora, an; m. A CANDLE-BEARER, a subdeacon, a clerk; acolythus = GREEK , Cot. 203.
oandell, e; f. A candle; candela, lampas. v. candel.
candel leóht, es; n. Candle-light; lucernæ lumen, C. R. Ben. 53. DER, candel.
Candel-mæsse, an; f. CANDLEMAS, the mass at the feast of purification which, in the Romish church, is celebrated with many lighted candles; festum purificationis beatæ Mariæ :-- Æt Candelmæssan at Candlemas, L. Eth. ix. 12 ; Th. i. 342, 32. Hér, A. D. 1014, Swegen ge-endode his dagas to Candelmæssan here, A. D. 1014, Sweyn ended his days at Candlemas, Chr. 1014; Th. 272, 25, col. 1. DER. candel.
candel-snytels, es; m? Candle-snuffers; emunctorium :-- Candel-snytels emunctorium, Ælfc. Gl. 30; Som. 61, 56. DER. candel.
candel-stæf, es; m. A candle-staff or stick; candelabrum :-- Ne hí ne ælaþ hyra leóhtfæt, and hit under cyfe settaþ, ac ofer candelstæf neque accendunt lucernam, et ponunt eam sub modio, sed super candelabrum, Mt. Bos. 5, 15.
candel-sticca, an; m. A CANDLESTICK; candelabrum, Chr. 1102; Th. 366, 20. DER. candel.
candel-treów, es; n. A candlestick with branches, a candlestick; candelabrum :-- Ne menn blæ-acute;cern in beornaþ and settaþ hine under mytte, ah on candeltreów neque accendunt lucernam et ponunt eam sub modio, sed super candelabrum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 5, 15. DER. candel.
candel-twist, es; m. A pair of snuffers; emunctoria :-- Candel-twist emunctoria, Ælfc. Gl. 82; Som. 73, 50; Wrt. Voc. 47, 54. DER. candel.
candel-weoc, e; f. A wick of a candle, a torch; funale, funis :-- Candelweoca funalia vel funes, Ælfc. Gl. 67; Som. 69, 87; Wrt. Voc. 41, 40. DER. candel.
candel-wyrt, e; f. [candel a candle, wyrt a herb, plant] CANDLE-WORT, hedge-taper, mullein; lucernaria, phlomos = GREEK verbacum; thapsus, Lin. A plant useful for wicks 'of lamps :-- Candelwyrt phlomos [MS. fromos] vel lucernaria [MS. lucernaris]. Ælfc. Gl. 44; Som. 64, 90; Wrt. Voc. 32, 25.
cann know, knows; scio, scit, Ps. Th. 91, 5: 93, 11. v. cunnan.
cann, e; f. A knowledge, cognizance, averment or positive assertion, clearance; notitia, cognitio, assertio :-- Mynstres aldor hine cænne in preóstes canne let the chief of a monastery clear himself with a priest's cognizance, L. Wih. 17; Th. i. 40, 13. Mid rihtre canne by lawful averment, L. H. E. 16; Th. i. 34, 12. Ðanne is cirican canne riht then is the church clearance right, L. Wih. 21; Th. i. 42, 1. [Kil. konne, kunne: Ger. kunde, f.]
CANNE) an; f. A CAN, cup; crater :-- Canne crater vel canna, Ælfc. Gl. 24; Som. 60, 38; Wrt. Voc. 24, 38. [Wyc. cannes, pl: Plat. kanne: Dut. kan, f: Ger. M. H. Ger. kanne, f: O. H. Ger. channa, f: Dan. kande, m. f: Swed. Icel. kanna, f.]
CANON, es; m. A CANON, rule; regula, canon = GREEK :-- Se canon cwæþ the canon said, L. Ælf. P. 31; Th. ii. 376, 26. Se canon awriten is the canon is written, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 43. Ða canonas openlíce beódaþ the canons openly command, L. Ælf. P. 31; Th. ii. 376, 20. Canones bóc the book of the canon, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 13.
oanon-dóm, es; m. A canonship, office of a canon; canonicatus. v. canon, -dóm office, state, condition.
canonec-líe; adj. Canonical; canonicus: -- Æfter canoneclícan ge-wunan UNCERTAIN according to canonical custom, Canon. Hrs. 359, 8.
canonic, es; m. A canon, prebendary; canonicus :-- Ðæt Godes þeówas, biscopas and abbodas, munecas and mynecena, canonicas and nunnan, to rihte gecyrran that God's servants, bishops and abbots, monks and mynchens, canons and nuns, turn to right, L. Eth. vi. 2; Th. i. 314, 17: vi. 4; Th. i. 316, 1: v. 7; Th. i. 306, 13.
canst knowest, canst, Andr. Kmbl. 135; An. 68: Maren 176; 2nd pers. sing, pres. of cunnan.
cantel-cap, es; m. CANTEL-COPE, a sort of priest's garment; caracalla, Chr. 1070; Ing. 274, 1.
cantere, es; m. A singer; cantor, Som. Ben. Lye.
cantic, es; m. A canticle, song; canticum :-- Hafaþ se cantic ofer ealle Cristes béc wídmæ-acute;rost word the canticle hath the greatest repute over all Christ's books, Salm. Kmbl. 99; Sal. 49. Ðæt ic sí gebrydded þurh ðæs cantices cwide that I may be touched through the word of the canticle, 33; Sal. 17. Moises wrát ðone cantic and læ-acute;rde Israéla folc scripsit Moyses canticum et docuit filios Israel, Deut. 31, 22: 31, 19: Salm. Kmbl. 47; Sal. 24: Ps. Th. 143, 10.
Cantwara burg, Cantware-burg, Cantwar-burg, -burh; gen. burge; f; Cantwara byrig, e; f. [Cant-wara, gen. pl. of Cant-ware Kentish men, burh a city] A city or fortress of the men of Kent; Cantuariorum urbs vel castellum. I. CANTERBURY; Durovernensis civitas :-- Cantwara burg forbærn ðý geáre Canterbury was burnt in that year, Chr. 754; Th. 80, 35, col. 1. Bræ-acute;con Cantwara burh they took Canterbury by storm, 853; Th. 120, 28, col. 3. Ða sealde Æðelbyrht him wununesse and stówe on Cantwara byrig, seó wæs ealles his ríces ealdorburh dedit ergo Ædilberctus eis mansionem in civitate Durovernensi [Canterbury] , quæ imperii sui totius erat metropolis, Bd. 1, 25; S. 487, 18: 4, 5; S. 572, 9. To Cantwarebyrig to Canterbury, Chr. 1009; Th. 260, 37. He wæs bebyrged innan Cantwarbyrig he was buried within Canterbury, 690; Th. 65, 23, col. 1: 754; Th. 81, 36. II. Rochester; Roffensis civitas, Roffa :-- Putta Cantwara burhge bisceop, seó is cweden æt Hrofesceastre Putta Episcopus castelli Cantuariorum, quod dicitur Rofecester, Bd. 4, 5; Whelc. 272, 35.
Cantwara mægþ, e; f. The county of Kent, men of Kent; Cantianorum provincia :-- On Cantwara mægþe in the county of Kent, Bd. pref; S. 471, 26.
Cant-ware; gen. a; dat. um; acc. e; pl. m. Kentish men, inhabitants of Kent; Cantuarii :-- Of Geáta fruman syndon Cantware and Wihtsæ-acute;tan de Jutarum origine sunt Cantuarii et Victuarii, Bd. l, 15; S. 483, 22. Cantwara cyningas kings of Kentish men, L. H. E; Th. i. 26, 4, 5: 34, 3: 36, 2. Agustinus nú on Brytene rest, on Cantwarum Augustine now rests in Britain, among the inhabitants of Kent, Menol. Fox 207; Men. 105.
capelein, capellan A chaplain; capellanus, Chr. 1099; Ing. 318, 14.
capian; he capaþ; p. ode; pp. od To turn, incline oneself; vertere, se inclinare :-- Capaþ he up he turns upwards, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 15, 3; Lchdm. iii. 266, 23.
capitol, capitul, es; m; capitula, an; m. A chapter; capitulum :-- Hér onginþ se forma capitul here begins the first chapter, L. Ecg. P. cont. i. 1; Th. ii. 170, 3: iii. 1; Th. ii. 194, 23. On ðam ende ðises capitulan in the end of this chapter, Bt. 32, 2; Fox 116, 33.
capitol-mæsse, an; f. Early or morning mass, first mass; prima vel matutinalis missa:-- We sungon capitol-mæssan cantavimus primam missam, Coll. Monast. Th. 33, 29.
cappa a cap, cope, priest's garment; capitulum :-- Heáfod-cláþ vel cappa capitulum vel eapitularium, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 15. v. cæppe.
CAPÚN, es; m. A CAPON; gallinaceus, cape = GREEK :-- Capún gallinaceus, Wrt. Voc. 63, 9: Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 48: Wrt. Voc. 30, 3. Capún capo, 39; Som. 63, 46; Wrt. Voc. 30, 1. [Plat, kappuun: Dut. kapoen, m: Kil. kappuyn, kaphoen: Ger. kapaun, m: M. H. Ger. kapún , m: Dan. Swed, kapun, m: O. Nrs. kapún, m. Rask Hald: from the Lat. capo: Grk. GREEK .]
cara care, Ælfc. Gl. 89; Som. 74, 96; Wrt. Voc. 51, 9. v. cearu.
care CARK, care; cura, Som. Ben. Lye. v. carc-ern.
carc-ern, carc-ærn, es; n. [care care, or Lat. carcer a prison; ærn, ern a place] A prison, a house of correction; carcer, latomiæ :-- Alæ-acute;d of carcernes clúse míne sáwle educ de carcere animam meam, Ps. Th. 141, 8. Ðonne þincþ him ðæt he síe on carcerne gebroht then it seems to him that he is brought into prison, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 15. Ic wæs on cearcerne [MS. Cot. carcærne] eram in carcere, Past. 44, 7: Hat. MS. 62b, 22. To ðam carcerne to the prison, Andr. Kmbl. 179; An. 90: Exon. 8a; Th. 2, 27; Cri. 25: Cd. 227; Th. 304, 28; Sat. 637: Cot. 124: 191.
car-clife, an; f. Agrimony; agrimonia, Wrt. Voc. 79, 62. v. gar-clife.
care care, Ps. Th. 143, 18; acc. of caru. v. cearu.
care-líce; adv. Sorrowfully, miserably, wretchedly; misere :-- M UNCERTAIN