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suam, Rtl. 107, 25. Betre is tosocnung his cépinge seolferes and goldes melior est acguisitio ejus negotiatione argenti et auri, 81, 14.

cép-man, -mann, es; m. A chapman, merchant; mercator :-- Híg fóron mid óðrum cépmannum they went with other merchants, Gen. 42, 5. v. ceáp-man.

cép-sceamol, es; m. A toll-booth, seat of custom, treasury; telonium = GREEK , gazophylacium = GREEK :-- Ðás word he spræc æt cép-sceamole hæe verba locutus est in gazophylacio, Jn. UNCERTAIN Foxe 8, 20. v. ceáp-sceamul.

cép-setl, es; n. A toll-booth, seat of custom; telonium = GREEK :-- He geseah Leuin sittende æt hys cépsetle vidit Levi sedentem ad telonium, Mk. Bos. 2, 14. v. ceáp-setl.

cer a turn. v. cerr, cyrr.

Cerdic, es; m. Cerdic, the founder of the West-Saxon kingdom; Cerd&a-short;cus :-- Ðý geáre ðe wæs agán fram Cristes acennesse cccc wintra and xcv [MS. xciiii] wintra, ðá Cerdic and Cynríc his sunu cwom up æt Cerdices óran mid v scipum. Ond ðæs ymb vi geár, ðæs ðe hie up cwómon, ge-eódon West-Seaxna ríce; and ðæt wæ-acute;ron ða æ-acute;restan cyningas ðe West-Seaxna lond on Wealum ge-eódon; and he hæfde ðæt ríce xvi geár; and ðá he gefór, ðá féng his sunu Cynríc to ðam ríce, and heóld xxvii [MS. xvii] winter. Ðá he gefór, ðá féng Ceol to ðam ríce and heóld vii geár. Ðá he gefór, ðá féng Ceolwulf to his bróður, and he rícsode xvii geár; and hiera cyn gæ-acute;þ to Cerdice. Ðá féng Cynegils, Ceolwulfes bróður sunu, to ríce and rícsode xxxi wintra; and he onféng æ-acute;rest fulwihte Wesseaxna UNCERTAIN cyninga; and ðá féng Cénwalh to and heóld xxxi wintra; and se Cénwalh wæs Cynegilses sunu in the year that was past from the birth of Christ 495, then Cerdic and Cynric his son landed at Cerdic's shore from five ships. And six years after they landed, they subdued the West-Saxons' kingdom; and they were the first kings, who conquered the West-Saxons' land from the Welsh; and he had the kingdom sixteen years; and when he died, then his son Cynric succeeded to the kingdom, and held it twenty-seven winters. When he died, then Ceol succeeded to the kingdom, and held it seven years. When he died, then Ceolwulf his brother succeeded, and he reigned seventeen years; and their kin reaches to Cerdic. Then Cynegils, Ceolwulf's brother's son, succeeded to the kingdom, and reigned thirty-one winters; and of the West-Saxons' kings, he first received baptism; and then Cenwalh succeeded, and held it thirty-one winters; and Cenwalh was the son of Cynegils, Chr. Erl. 2, 1-20. Hér, A. D. dxxxiv, Cerdic forþférde, and Cynríc his sunu ríxode xxvii wintra and hie gesealdon heora twám nefum, Stufe and Wihtgáre, Wihte eáland here, A. D. 534, Cerdic died, and Cynric his son reigned twenty-seven years, and they gave their two nephews, Stuf and Wihtgar, the isle of Wight, Chr. 534; Th. 26, 40. v. Cerdices ford, Cerdices leáh, Cerdices óra, Bir&i-long;nus, Cynegils.

Cerdices ford, es; m. Cerdic's ford, the ford of a little river in the south of Dorsetshire on Cerdices óra, q. v; Cerd&i-short;ci vadum :-- Hér Cerdic and Cynríc West-Sexena ríce onféngun; and ðý ilcan geáre hie fuhton wið Brettas, ðær mon nú nemneþ Cerdices ford in this year Cerdic and Cynric took the kingdom of the West-Saxons; and in the same year they fought against the Britons, where it is now named Cerdic's ford, Chr. 519; Th. 26, 21-26, col. 1.

Cerdices leáh; gen. leáge; f. Cerdic's ley, in the south of Dorsetshire ; Cerd&a-short;ci campus :-- Hér Cerdic and Cynríc [MS. Cinric] fuhtan wið Bryttas on ðære stówe ðe is gecweden Cerdices leág [MS. Land ford] in this year Cerdic and Cynric fought against the Britons at the place which is called Cerdic's ley, Chr. 527; Th. 26, 30-33, col. 3.

Cerdices óra, Certices óra. an; m. Cerdic's shore, on the south of Dorsetshire, v. Cerdices ford; Cerd&a-short;ci lítus :-- Ðá Cerdic and Cynríc his sunu cwom up æt Cerdices óran mid v scipum then, A. D. 495, Cerdic and Cynric his son came up to Cerdic's shore with five ships, Chr. Erl. 2, 3. Hér cwómon Cerdic and Cynríc his sunu on Breteue, mid v scipum, in ðone stede ðe is gecweden Cerdices [Certices, 25, 29, col. 1. 2] óra here, A. D. 495, Cerdic and Cynric his son came to Britain, with five ships, at the place which is called Cerdic's shore, Chr. 495; Th. 24, 31, col. 1, 2, 3: 514; Th. 26, 16, col. 1.

ceren, cæren, cyren, es; n? New wine boiled down one third or one half, sweet wine; carenum = GREEK :-- Hí, ða sylfe betweónum, indrencton mid ðám cerenum ðære gódspellícan swétnysse between themselves, they pledged with the wines of gospel sweetness, Guthl. 17; Gdwin. 72, 7. Cærenes gódne bollan fulne meng togædere mingle together a good bowl full of boiled wine, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 24, 19. Cyren vel awilled wín dulcisapa, Cot. 62.

CEREN, cyrin, e; f. A CHURN; vas in quo lac agitatur et butyrum cogitur, fidelia, sinum :-- Cyrin sinum, Wrt. Voc. 290, 31. [Prompt. chyrne: Scot. kirn: Plat. karne: Ger. dial. kerne, f: Dan. kjerne, m. f: Swed. kärna, f: Icel. kirna, f.]

cerfe shall separate; secabit :-- Ne cerfe non secabit, Lev. 1, 17. v. ceorfan.

CERFILLE, cærfille, cyrfille, an; f. CHERVIL; cærefolium = GREEK , chærophyllum sylvestre, Lin :-- Genim ðysse wyrte ðe man cerefolium, and óðrum naman ðam gelíce cerfille UNCERTAIN nemneþ þrý croppas

take three heads of this herb, which is named cerefolium, and by the other like name chervil, Herb. 106; Lchdm. i. 220, 9: Lchdm. ii. 72, 6. To monnes stemne nim cerfillan for a man's voice take chervil, 1, 83; Lchdm. ii. 152, 15: 2, 52; Lchdm. ii. 272, 10. [Plat. karwel: Dut. kervel, f: Ger. kerbel, m: M. H. Ger. kërvele, f: O. H. Ger. kerfola. f: Dan. kiörvel, m. f: Swed, kyrfvel, m: Icel. kerfill, m. Rask Hald: Lat. cærefolium; from. Grk. GREEK .] DER. wudu-cerfille.

cerg; adj. [= cearig, q. v.] Sad, dire, wicked; tristis, sollicitus, dirus, malus :-- Cerge reótaþ fóre onsýne éces déman the wicked shall wail before the face of the eternal judge, Exon. 20a; Th. 52, 20; Cri. 836.

cerian to murmur, Wanl. Catal. 4, 6. v. ceorian.

cerlic, es; m? n? The herb CARLOCK or CHARLOCK; rapum sylvestre :-- Nim cerlices sæ-acute;d take seed of charlock, L. M. 1, 39; Lchdm. ii. 102, 2: 2, 34; Lchdm. ii. 238, 30.

cernan; p. de; pp. ed [ceren a churn] To churn; agitare butyrum, Som. Ben. Lye.

cerr, es; m. A turn, time; versio, temporis spatium :-- Æt óðrum cerre alio tempore, Bt. 35, 2; Fox 156, 17. v. cyrr.

cerran; p. de; pp. ed To turn, return; verti, reverti :-- On wóh cerde turned to wrong, deviated; deviavit, Cot. 61. Cer ðé on bæcling turn thee behind, Cd. 228; Th. 308, 26; Sat. 698. Hió cerrende Criste hérdon they returning obeyed Christ, Ps. C. 50, 56; Ps. Grn. ii. 278, 56. Cerreþ on upródor leóht light returns to the sky, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 102; Met. 29, 50. v. cyrran.

cerrednes, -ness, e; f. [cerred, pp. of cerran; -nes] A turning; versio, Ben. Lye. DER. a-cerrednes. v. cyrrednes.

cerse, an; f. Cress; nasturtium, Herb. 21; Lchdm. i. 116, 17, MS. B: L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 4: 1, 31; Lchdm. ii. 74, 10: 128, 13: ii. 182, 15: 188, 8: ii. 340, 24. v. cærse.

Certes íg, e; f. CHERTSEY; Certesia :-- Hér [MS. hier] wurþan ða canonicas gedrifen út of ealdan mynstre fram Eádgáre cynge, and eác of niwan [MS. niwen] mynstre and of Certes íge, and of Mideltúine, and he sette ðárto munecas and abbodas: to niwan [MS. niwen] mynstre Ægel-gárum, to Certes íge Ordberhtum, to Mideltúne Cyneward here the canons were driven out of the old monastery [at Winchester] by king Edgar, and also from the new monastery, and from Chertsey, and from Milton, and he placed thereto monks and abbots: Æthelgar to the new monastery, Ordberht to Chertsey, [and] Cyneward to Milton, Chr. 964; Th. 223, 1-11. v. Ceortes íg.

Certices óra, an; m. Cerdic's shore; Cerd&i-short;ci l&i-short;tus :-- On ðone stede ðe is geháten Certices óra at the place which is called Cerdic's shore, Chr. 495; Th. 25, 29, col. 1, 2: 514; Th. 27, 15, col. 1, 2. v. Cerdices ðra.

ceruille chervil, Lchdm. iii. 106, 19. v. cerfille.

cés chose, elected; p. of ceósan.

cése a cheese, L. In. 70; Th. i. 146, 19. v. cýse.

cése-lib rennet or runnet; coagulum, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cýs-lib.

cesol a cottage, Glos. Epnl. Red. 157, 8. v. ceosol.

cest, e; f. A chest; cibotium = GREEK , cistella, loculus, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Som. 55, 64: Jn. Rush. War. 13, 29. v. cyst.

cester a city, Chr. 491; Erl. 14, 6. v. ceaster.

cete, an; f. A cabin, cellar; cella, Ælfc. Gl. 108; Som. 78, 99; Wrt. Voc. 58, 14. v. cote, cyte.

cetel, cetil, es; m. A KETTLE; c&a-long;c&a-short;bus = GREEK :-- Cetil cacabum, Glos. Epnl. Recd. 155, 26. v. cytel.

cetel-hrúm, es; m. Kettle-soÓt; cacabi fuligo :-- Genim cetelhrúm take kettle-soot, L. M. 1, 61; Lchdm. ii. 134, 2.

Cetrehta, an; m. Catterick, near Richmond, Yorkshire; Cataracta, oppidi nomen in agro Richrnondensi :-- Tún, ðe he oftust oneardode wel neáh Cetrehtan, gyt to-dæg mon his naman cneódeþ cujus nomine vicus in quo maxime solebat habitare, juxta Cataractam, usque hodie, cognominatur, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 24.

cewl a basket, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 16, 9: Mk. Skt. Lind. 8, 8. v. cawl.

chor, es; m? A dance, chorus, choir; ch&o-short;rus = GREEK :-- Chor chorus, Wrt. Voc. 81, 21.

chor-gleów, es; n. [gleó, gleów glee, joy, music] A musical dance, dance; chorus = GREEK :-- Hérian híg naman his on chorgleówe laudent nomen ejus in choro, Ps. Lamb. 149, 3: 150, 4.

cicel; gen. cicles; m. A morsel, little mouthful, cake; buccella, placenta :-- Cicel buccella, Cot. 26: 126. Se cicel the cake, Lchdm. iii. 30, 21. Gemenged wið meolowe and to cicle abacen mingled with meal and baked to a cake, Med. ex Quadr. 9, 17; Lchdm. i. 364, 14. Bac hym ánne cicel bake him a cake, Lchdm. iii. 134, 20: L. M. 1, 46; Lchdm. ii. 114, 25: Lchdm. iii. 30, 19, 26: 96, 17.

CICEN, es; pl. nom. acc. cicenu; gen. a; dat. um; n. A CHICKEN; pullus :-- Cicen pullus, Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 49; Wrt. Voc. 30, 4: 281, 24. Cicen oððe brid oððe fola pullus, Wrt. Voc. 77, 37. Henne mid cicenum gesihþ ceápas eácan getácnaþ a dream of a hen with chickens betokens trade to be increasing, Lchdm. iii. 204, 31. Seó henn hyre cicenu under hyre fyðeru gegaderaþ gallina congregat pullos suos sub alas, Mt. Bos. 23, 37. Cicena mete chickens' meat, chick-weed; modera,