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CLÆ-acute;G -- CLÆ-acute;Þ. 157
and by another name clover, Herb. 70; Lchdm. i. 172, 16. Clæfre nom. 172, 14. Hwíte clæfran wyrc clame work white clover to a paste, L. M. 1, 21; Lchdm. ii. 64, 4. Clæfre calta vel trillion, Ælfc. Gl. 41; Som. 64, 3; Wrt. Voc. 31, 15. Nim reád clæfre take red clover, L. M. 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 312, 20. Clæfran seáwes of juice of clover, 2, 24; Lchdm. ii. 214, 11. Nim clæfran wyrttruman take roots of clover, 2, 40; Lchdm. ii. 250, 12. [Plat. klever, klewer: Dut. klaver, f: Ger. klee, m: M. H. Ger. klé; gen. kléwes, m: O. H. Ger. klé, chléo; gen. chléwes: Dan. klöver, n: Swed. klöfver, m.]
CLÆ-acute;G, es; m? CLAY; Samia terra, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 36; Wrt. Voc. 37, 26. [Wyc. cley: Chauc. clei: Plat. klei: Frs. klaey: O. Frs. klai: Dut. klei, f: Kil. kleye: Ger. klei, klai, m; Dan. kläg, kleg, m. f. n: O. Nrs. kleggi, m. massa compacta, Rask Hald. The fundamental idea is slimy, tenacious.]
clæ-acute;ig; def. se clæ-acute;iga, clæ-acute;ia; adj. CLAYEY; argillaceus :-- On ða clæ-acute;ian lane, of ðære clæ-acute;ian lane to the clayey lane, from the clayey lane, Cod. Dipl. 741; A. D. 1024; Kmbl. iv. 31, 8, 9.
Clæ-acute;ig-hangra, an; m. [clæ-acute;ig = clæ-acute;g clay] Clay-hanger or Claybury, Essex :-- Eádmund cyning gegaderede fyrde and férde to Lundene, eal be norþan Temese, and swá út þuruh Clæ-acute;ighangran king Edmund gathered a force and went to London, all north of the Thames, and so out through Clayhanger, Chr. 1016; Erl. 156, 24.
CLÆMAN; p. de; pp. ed To CLAM, smear, anoint; linere :-- Ic clæme lino, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 1. UNCERTAIN Som. 30, 35. Ðú wircst wununge binnan ðam arce and clæmst wiðinnan and wiðútan mid tyrwan mansiunculas in arca facies et bitumine linies intrinsecus et extrinsecus, Gen. 6, 14. Clæm on ðone cancer smear it on the cancer, L. M. 1, 44; Lchdm. ii. 110, 4: 3, 45; Lchdm. ii. 336, 22. Clæme on ðæt geswel smear it on the swelling, Lchdm. iii. 38, 23. [Wyc. clemede smeared: Kil. kleemen: O. H. Ger. kleimjan, chleimen; Icel. kleima.] DER. ge-clæ-acute;man.
clæmende hardening; obfirmans, Cot. 145.
clæmming, e; f. A blotting, daubing, smearing, hardening; litura, oblimatio, Ælfc. Gr. 47, Som. Ben. Lye.
CLÆ-acute;NE, cléne; def. se clæ-acute;na, seó, ðæt clæ-acute;ne; comp. m. clæ-acute;nra, f. n. clæ-acute;nre; sup. clæ-acute;nest; adj. I. CLEAN, pure, clear; mundus, purus, merus, serenus :-- Ðonne án unclæ-acute;ne gást biþ adrifen of ðæm men, ðonne biþ ðæt hús clæ-acute;ne when an unclean spirit is driven out of a man, then the house is clean, Past. 39, 1; Hat. MS. 53a, 8. Swá swá clæ-acute;ne nýten eodorcende in ðæt swéteste leóþ gehwyrfde quasi mundum animal ruminando in carmen dulcissimum convertebat, Bd. 4, 24; S. 598, 6: Homl. Th. i. 138, 20. Clæ-acute;ne oflete, and clæ-acute;ne wín, and clæ-acute;ne wæter a pure oblation, and pure wine, and pure water, L. Edg. C. 39; Th. ii. 252, 13. Wæs seó lyft swíðe cléne the air was very clear, Chr. 1110; Erl. 243, 1. Se clæ-acute;na óþscúfeþ scearplíce the pure [bird] files quickly away, Exon. 58a: Th. 209, 8; Ph. 167. Ðæt land ic selle Cynulfe for syxtigum mancesa clæ-acute;nes goldes I sell the land to Cynulf for sixty mancuses of pure gold, Cod. Dipl. 313; A. D. 883; Kmbl. ii. 111, 21. Calic on handa Drihtnes wínes [MS. win] clæ-acute;nes [MS. clænis] full is calix in manu Domini vini meri plenus, Ps. Spl. 74, 7. Forbærne hit man on clæ-acute;num fíre let a man burn it in a pure fire, L. Edg. C. 38; Th. ii. 252, 8: Exon. 55a; Th. 194, 11; Az. 137: Bt. Met. Fox 12, 9; Met. 12, 5. Clæ-acute;nre heortan mundo corde, Ps. Spl. 23, 4. Gebærnedne hláf clæ-acute;nne seóþ on ealdum wíne seethe pure toasted bread in old wine, L. M. 2, 2; Lchdm. ii. 180, 26. Cyning [MS. kynincg] sceal on Drihtne clæ-acute;ne blisse habban a king shall have pure bliss in the Lord, Ps. Th. 62, 9. Ne acyr ðú fram ðínum cnihte ðín clæ-acute;ne gesihþ ne avertas faciem tuam a puero tuo, 68, 17. Gewát him se hálga sécan ðone clæ-acute;nan hám the holy one departed to seek the pure home, Andr. Kmbl. 1956; An. 980. Húslfatu Caldéas clæ-acute;ne genámon the Chaldeans took the clean vessels of sacrifice, Cd. 210; Th. 260, 10; Dan. 707. Clæ-acute;num stefnum with pure voices, Elen. Kmbl. 1496; El. 750. God ðone æ-acute;restan ælda cynnes of ðære clæ-acute;nestan foldan geworhte God made the first of the race of men from the purest earth, Exon. 44b; Th. 151, 12; Gú. 794. II. chaste, innocent; castus, innoxius :-- Clæ-acute;ne castus, Ælfc. Gl. 90; Som. 74, 121; Wrt. Voc. 51, 34. Clæ-acute;ne [MS. cleane] oððe heofonlíc [MS. -lice] Cælebs, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 49; Som. 13, 13. Ðú byst clæ-acute;ne absjue peccato eris, Deut. 23, 22: Chr. 1066; Erl. 198, 4; Edw. 23. Gif heó clæ-acute;ne sý if she be innocent, L. Ath. V. § 1, 1; Th. i. 228, 17: L. Eth. iii. 7; Th. i. 296, 9. On háligra clæ-acute;nre cyricean in ecclesia sanctorum, Ps. Th. 149, 1. Ic onféng fæ-acute;mnan clæ-acute;ne I received a chaste damsel, Exon. 10b; Th. 12, 18; Cri. 187. Ðone clæ-acute;nan sacerd the pure priest, 9b; Th. 9, 18; Cri. 136. Beón ða óðre ciæ-acute;ne let the others be innocent, Gen. 44, 10. Sint spræcu Drihtnes spræcu clæ-acute;ne sunt eloquia Domini eloquia casta, Ps. Lamb. 11, 7. Seó clæ-acute;neste cwén the most chaste woman, Exon. 11b; Th. 17, 26; Cri. 276. [Piers P. clene: Laym. clæne, clene, clane: Orm. clene: Plat. kleen parvus: Frs. klien parvus: O. Frs. klen parvus; Dut. kleen little: Kil. kleyn exilis, minutus: Ger. klein parvus: M. H. Ger. kleine subtilis, parvus: O. H. Ger. kleini subtilis: Dan. klein: Swed. klen thin, slight: Icel. klénn snug, tiny.] DER. hyge-clæ-acute;ne, un-.
clæ-acute;ne, cláne, cléne; adv. CLEAN, entirely; penitus, omnino :-- Ne rípe ge ðæt land tó clæ-acute;ne reap not the land too clean, Lev. 23, 22: Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 76, 30: Bd. 3, 10; S. 534, 35. Clæ-acute;ne biþ beorhtast nesta bæ-acute;le forgrunden the brightest of nests is entirely destroyed by the fire, Exon. 59a; Th. 213, 18; Ph. 226: Ps. Th. 88, 37. Ðæt mín cynn clæ-acute;ne [MS. clane] gewíte that my race be clean gone, Cod. Dipl. 235; A. D. 835; Kmbl. i. 311, 16. Cléne entirely, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 14; Sat. 7.
clæ-acute;n-georn; adj. Yearning after purity; puritatis amans :-- Clæ-acute;ngeorn and cystig yearning after purity and bountiful, Exon. 128a; Th. 492, 25; Rä. 81, 21. Ne mágon ná swilce men macian wununge ðam clæ-acute;n-geornan Gode on clæ-acute;nre heortan no such men can make a dwelling in a pure heart for a God desirous of purity, Basil, admn. 7; Norm. 48, 19.
clæ-acute;n-heort; def. se clæ-acute;n-heorta; adj. Clean-hearted, pure in heart; mundo corde :-- Eádige synd ða clæ-acute;nheortan, forðamðe hí God geseóþ beati mundo corde, quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt, Mt. Bos. 5, 8: Homl. Th. ii. 580, 33.
clæ-acute;n-líc; adj. Pure. CLEANLY; purus, mundus :-- Mid clæ-acute;nlícre lufe with pure love, Bt. 21; Fox 74, 38: Bt. Met. Fox 11, 183; Met. 11, 92.
clæ-acute;n-líce; adv. Purely, cleanly; puré, UNCERTAIN L. Ælf. C. 36; Th. ii. 360, 25.
clæ-acute;nnes, -ness, -niss, -nyss, e; f. CLEANNESS, chastity, purity, modesty; puritas, castimonia :-- Clæ-acute;nnesse riht castimoniæ jura, Bd. 2, 5; S. 507, 1. Heó on clæ-acute;nnesse Gode þeówode she served God in chastity, 4, 9; S. 576, 21: L. Eth. v. 9; Th. i. 306, 20. Mid clæ-acute;nnesse with purity, L. Eth. v. 7; Th. i. 306, 15: vi. 4; Th. i. 316, 2: Ps. Th. 88, 37. Ðæt he healdan wille his clæ-acute;nnisse that he will keep his chastity, L. Eth. v. 6; Th. i. 306, 8. Þurh ða heálícan clæ-acute;nnysse through exalted purity, Homl. Th. i. 346, 1: L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 272, 16: Ps. Spl. 17, 22, 26. DER. un-clæ-acute;nnes.
clæ-acute;nsend, es; m. [part. of clæ-acute;nsan = clæ-acute;nsian] A cleanser; purgator. DER. eár-clæ-acute;nsend.
clæ-acute;nsere, es; m. A cleanser, purifier, priest; purgator, Som. Ben. Lye.
clæ-acute;nsian, clénsian, to clæ-acute;nsianne; part. clæ-acute;nsiende; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [clæ-acute;ne clean, pure] To CLEANSE, purify, chasten, clear oneself; mundare, purgare, castigare, se liberare :-- Gif man eard wille clæ-acute;nsian if a man wishes to cleanse the land, L. Eth. ix. 40; Th. i. 348, 25: L. C. S. 7; Th. i. 380, 7. Sió wamb biþ to clæ-acute;nsianne the stomach is to be cleansed, L. M. 2, 46; Lchdm. ii. 260, 12. Clæ-acute;nsie man ða þeóde let a man cleanse the people, L. E. G. 11; Th. i. 174, 2. HÉ tiliaþ hí selfe to clæ-acute;nsianne mid ðý wópe they strive to purify themselves with mourning, Past. 54; Hat. MS. Ðis wæter cristnaþ and clæ-acute;nsaþ cwicra menigo this water cristeneth and purifieth a multitude of men, Salm. Kmbl. 791; Sal. 395. Heó ða iungran læ-acute;rde and clæ-acute;nsade ge mid hire láre ge mid lífes býsne she taught and purified the younger ones both by her doctrine and by the example of her life, Bd. 4, 9; S. 576, 23. Clæ-acute;nsa me munda me, Ps. Spl. 18, 13. Clæ-acute;nsiende clæ-acute;nsode me Drihten castigans castigavit me Dominus, Ps. Spl. 117, 18. Gif he mid ða ádle clæ-acute;nsad beón sceolde if he must be chastened by disease, Bd. 4, 31; S. 610, 26. Gif hwá þeóf clæ-acute;nsian wylle if any one will clear a thief, L. Eth. iii. 7; Th. i. 296, 7. Preóst hine clæ-acute;nsie sylfes sóþe let a priest clear himself by his own truth, L. Win. 18; Th. i. 40, 14, 16: 19; Th. i. 40, 17: 20; Th. i. 40, 19: L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 19: ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 10. Hine geréfa clénsie let the reeve clear him, L. Wih. 22; Th. i. 42, 4. [Wyc. Piers P. clense: Orm. clennsenn.] DER. a-clæ-acute;nsian, be-, ge-, un-: un-geclæ-acute;nsod.
clæ-acute;nsnian, clæ-acute;nsnigan; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse, clear oneself; se purgare :-- Clæ-acute;nsnaþ [MS. clænsnoþ] he ðone he clears him, L. Eth. ii. 8; Th. i. 288, 20. Clæ-acute;nsnige hine sylfne let him clear himself, ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 11. Búton he frínd hæbbe ðe hine clæ-acute;nsnian unless he have friends who may clear him, ii. 9; Th. i. 290, 13. v. clæ-acute;nsian.
clæ-acute;nsung, e; f. A CLEANSING, purifying, chastening, expiation, chastity; emundatio, purificatio, castigatio, expiatio, castitas :-- Ðú towurpe hine fram clæ-acute;nsunge destruxisti eum ab emundatione, Ps. Lamb. 88, 45: Mk. Bos. 1, 44. Wæs Rómána gewuna ðæt hí clæ-acute;nsunge þweáles and bæþes sóhton Romanorum usus fuit lavacri purificationem quærere, Bd. 1, 27; S. 495, 15. Wæs he mid clæ-acute;nsunge forhæfednesse weorþ and mæ-acute;re erat abstinentiæ castigatione insignis, 4, 28; S. 606, 39. Biþ heó fremiende to his clæ-acute;nsunge erit in expiationem ejus proficiens, Lev. 1, 4. Ðe belumpon to ðære mynsterlícan clæ-acute;nsunge quæ monasticæ castitatis erant, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 14. DER. ge-clæ-acute;nsung, mynster-, un-.
clæppettan; p. tte; pp. ted To palpitate, have a palpitation; palpitare :-- Gif sino clæppette if a sinew have palpitation, L. M. 1, 26; Lchdm. ii. 68, 8. v. clappan.
clæppetnng, e; f. The pulse; pulsus, Ælfc. Gl. 76; Som. 71, 109; Wrt. Voc. 45, 15. Æ-acute;dra clæppetung the pulse of the veins, L. M. 2, 46; Lchdm. ii. 258, 16.
clæ-acute;snian; p. ode; pp. od To cleanse; mundare, purgare :-- Sceal mon clæ-acute;snian ða yflan wæ-acute;tan one must cleanse the evil humours, L. M. 2, 30; Lchdm. ii. 228, 14, note 4: 2, 32; Lchdm. ii. 234, 25, note 2: 2, 35; Lchdm. ii. 240, 23, note 4: 2, 48; Lchdm. ii. 262, 17, note 2. v. clæ-acute;nsian.
clæ-acute;þ a cloth :-- Dó on clæ-acute;þ put on a cloth, L. M. 2, 47; Lchdm. ii. 260, 28. v. cláþ.