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sound: Swed. knall, m. a loud noise: Wel. cnul, cnull, m. a passing bell.]

CNTLLAN, cnyllsan; p. de; pp. ed To KNELL, sound a bell; pulsare, campaná signum dare :-- Ðæm cnyllende ontýned biþ pulsanti aperietur, Lk. Skt. Rush. 11, 10. Cnyllaþ [cnyllsaþ, Lind.] and ontýned biþ iów pulsate et aperietur vobis, 11, 9: 12, 36: R. Ben. 48. Cnylled pulsatus, R. Cone. 1. [Ger. knallen, knellen crepare, fragorem edere: M. H. Ger. knillen, knüllen to beat: Dan. knalde fragorem edere: Swed. knalla to make a noise: Icel. knylla to beat with a blunt weapon.]

cnyllsan to knell, sound a bell, Lk. Skt. Lind. 11, 9: 12, 36. v. cnyllan.

CNYSSAN, cnysan; part. cnyssende; p. cnyssede, cnysede, cnysde, cnyste; pp. cnyssed To press, trouble, toss, strike, dash, beat, overcome; premere, tribulare, pulsare, contundere, vincere :-- Ic wæs hearde cnyssed I was hard pressed, Ps. Th. 117, 13. Ne læ-acute;t úsic costunga cnyssan tó swíðe let not temptations trouble us too much, Exon. 122a; Th. 469, 7; Hy. 5, 9. Me costunge [MS. costunce] cnyssaþ trials trouble me, Ps. Th. 63, 1: Exon. 81b; Th. 308, 2; Seef. 33. Me costunge cnyssedan trials troubled me, Ps. Th. 65, 13: 85, 6: 114, 4. Cnysedon, 58, 17. Cnysdon, 119, 1. Cnysdan, 118, 143: 137, 7. Se storm biþ cnyssende ðæt scip the storm is tossing the ship, Past. 9, 2; Hat. MS. 13b, 10. Ne mec sceal ámas cnyssan the weaver's reeds shall not strike me, Exon. 109a; Th. 417, 22; Rä. 36, 8. Cnysseþ ðæt sár on ða rib the sore striketh upon the ribs, L. M. 2, 46; Lchdm. ii. 258, 3. Ne se hearda forst cnyseþ æ-acute;nigne the hard frost strikes not any, Exon. 56b; Th. 201, 21; Ph. 59. He cnyste Petres sídan he struck Peter's side, Homl. Th. ii. 382, 7. Ðás stánhleoðu stormas cnyssaþ storms dash these stony rocks, Exon. 78a; Th. 292, 19; Wand. 101. Gaius Inlius se Cásere Brettas mid gefeohte cnysede Caius Julius Ctesar beat the Britons in battle, Chr. Erl. 4, 24. Ahteniense bí mid gefeohte cnysedon the Athenians beat them in battle, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 53, 5. Ðæt hine ne cnysse sió wilnung lest desire overcome him, Past. 19, 1; Hat. MS. 28a, 6. [Scot. knuse to press down with the knees: Plat. knusen to squeeze: Frs. Japx. kniesen to bruise: Dut. kneuzen to bruise: Kil. knisschen terere, quassare: Ger. knüssen to push, beat: M. H. Ger. knüsen, knüssen to press, push, beat: O. H. Ger. knusjan, kimssan concutere: Goth. knussyan to press down: Dan. knuse to bruise: Swed. knusa to bruise: Icel. knosa to bruise, beat.] DER. a-cnyssan, ge-, on-, to-, úta-.

cnyssung, e; f. A striking, stroke; ictus :-- Of ðære lyfte cnyssunge from the striking of the air, Ælfc. Gr. 1; Som. 2, 30. Sweng oððe cnyssung ictus, 43; Som. 44, 55.

CNTYTAN, cnittan; p. cnytte; pp. cnytted, cnytt, cnyt To tie, bind, KNIT; nectere, nexere, ligare :-- Ic cnytte necto, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Som. 38, 22. Ic cnytte [MS. C. cnitte] nexo, 36; Som. 38, 23: 28, 3; Som. 30, 61. Genim ðysse ylcan coliandran sæ-acute;d, endlufon corn oððe þreóttyne, cnyte mid ánum þræ-acute;de take seed of this same coriander, eleven or thirteen grains, knit them with a thread, Herb. 104, 2; Lchdm. i. 218, 20. [Prompt. knyttyn UNCERTAIN nodo, confedero: Wyc. knyt, knyttide, pp: Piers P. knytte; R. Brun. knytte: Chauc. knitte: Laym. icnutten, p. pl. knotted: Plat. knutten nodare: Dut. knotten to tie; Kil. knodden nodare: Ger. knoten, knöten nodare: Dan. knytte to knit: Swed. knyta to knit, tie: Icel. knytja to knit together: Lat. nodare to tie: Sansk. nah to bind, tie.] DER. be-cnyttan, ge-, un-.

cnyttels, es; m? A knitting thread, string, thong; nervus :-- Strenga, cnyttelsa nervorum, Mone B. 2858.

COC, cocc, es; m. A COCK, a male fowl or bird; gallus, pullus :-- Coc gallus, Ælfc. Gl. 39; Som. 63, 47; Wrt. Voc. 30, 2: 63, 8: 77, 34. Creów se cocc gallus cantavit, Mt. Bos. 26, 74, 34: Jn. Bos. 13, 38. Cocca pullorum, Mone B. 4913. Ðonne coccas cráwan when cocks crow, Lchdm. iii. 6, 5. [Prompt. cok: Chauc. cok, cock: Kil. kocke: Dan. kok, m: Icel. kokkr, m: Fr. coq, m: O. Fr. coc.] DER. sæ-acute;-coc, wudu-.

CÓC, es; m. A COOK; coquus :-- Cóc coquus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 32, 7; Wrt. Voc. 82, 50. Hwæt secgaþ we be cóce quid dicimus de coquo? Coll. Monast. Th. 29, 5. Hí cócas gehyrstan cooks roasted them, Ps. Th. 101, 3. [Prompt. cooke: Piers P. coke: Chauc. coke: Laym. coc: Plat. kokk: O. Sax. kok, m: Dut. kok, m: Kil. kock: Ger. M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. koch, m: Dan. kok, m. f: Swed. kock, m: Icel. kokkr, m; Ital. cuóco, m: Lat. cocus, coquus, m: Wel. cóg: Corn. cog, m: Ir. Gael. coca: Armor. cok: O. Slav. kuchari.]

COCCEL, es; m. COCKLE, darnel, tares; zizania :-- Æteówde se coccel hine apparuerunt zizania, Mt. Bos. 13, 26. He oferseów hit mid coccele on middan ðam hwæ-acute;te superseminavit zizania in medio tritici, 13, 25: Homl. Th. i. 526, 20. Se sóða Déma hit his englas gadrian ðone coccel the true Judge shall bid his angels gather the cockle, 526, 21: Mt. Bos. 13, 27, 29, 30. Coccela zizaniorum, Mone B. 2332. [Prompt. cokylle: Wyc. cockil, cokil: Chauc. cockle.]

COCER, cocor, cocur, es; m. I. a quiver for arrows, a case; pharetra = GREEK :-- Cocer pharetra, Wrt. Voc. 84, 31. Hý gyrdon flána heora on cocere paraverunt sagittas suas in pharetra, Ps. Spl. 10, 2. Nim ðín gesceót, ðinne cocur and ðínne bogan, and gang út sume arma tua, pharetram et arcum, et egredere foras, Gen. 27, 3. II. a sword, spear; framea :-- Ageót cocor effunde frameam, Ps. Spl. 34, 3. Genera fram cocore míne sáwle erue a framea animam meam, 21, 19. [Prompt. cocur cothurnus: Piers P. cokeres stockings: Laym. koker, m: Plat, köker, käker: O. Sax. cocáre, m; Frs. O. Frs. koker: Dut. Kil. kóker: Ger. köcher, m: M. H. Ger. kochære, kocher, m: O. H. Ger. kochar: Dan. kogger, n: Swed. kogur, n.]

cócer-panne, cócor-panne, an; f. [cóc a cook, panne a pan] A cooking-pan, frying-pan; sartago, frixorium :-- On cócerpannan in frixorio, Ps. Th. 101, 3. Cócorpanne sartago, Mone B. 4694.

cócnunga, pl. f. [cóc a cook] Things cooked, pies :-- Metegearwa and cócnunga sint to forbeódanne meat-preparations and things cooked must be forbidden, L. M. 2, 23; Lchdm. ii. 210, 26: 2, 32; Lchdm. ii. 236, 10.

cocor, es; m. A sword; framea, Ps. Spl. 21, 19. v. cocer II.

cócor-mete, es; m. [cóc a cook, mete meat, food] Meal divided into four parts? quadripartiturn, Wrt. Voc. 290, 41.

cocur a quiver, Gen. 27, 3. v. cocer I.

cod-æppel, es; m. A quince-pear, quince; malum cydoneum vel cotoneum, Cot. 93.

CODD, es; m. A bag, sack, COD, husk; pera = GREEK , folliculus, siliqua :-- Codd folliculus, Ælfc. Gl. 59; Som. 67, 128; Wrt. Voc. 38, 50. Ne nime ge nán þing on wege, ne gyrde, ne codd nihil tuleritis in via, neque virgam, neque peram, Lk. Bos. 9, 3: 22, 36: Mt. Bos. 10, 10: Mk. Bos. 6, 8. Nim wínberian coddas [MS. coddes] take husks of the grape, Lchdm. iii. 112, 13. [Prompt. codde: Wyc. coddes, coddis pods: Chauc. cod: Scot. cod a pillow: Kil. kodde a bag, sack: Swed. kudde, m. a cushion: Icel. koddi, m. a pillow.] DER. bién-codd, sceát-.

coelnes coolness, Wanl. Catal. 304, 49. v. cólnes.

coerin boiled wine, Cot. 61. v. ceren.

COFA, an; m. A COVE, cave, repository, inner room, chamber, ark; cubile, cubiculum, arca :-- On cófan in a chamber, Exon. 125a; Th. 480, 18; Rä. 64, 4. Wæs culufre eft of cófan sended the dove was sent again from the ark, Cd. 72; Th. 88, 13; Gen. 1464. On cyninga cófum in cubilibus regum, Ps. Th. 104, 26. DER. bán-cófa, bed-, breóst-, ferhþ-, gást-, heolstor-, hord-, hreðer-, in-, mearh-, morþor-, nýd-, rún-, þeóster-: cóf-godas.

Cofan-treó, Cofen-treó, Conen-tré, es; n. [a monachorum conventu sic dictum putant quidam] COVENTRY, Warwickshire; Coventria in agro Warwicensi :-- Leófwine abbod on Cofantreó féng to ðam bisceopríce Leofwine, abbot at Coventry, succeeded to the bishopric, Chr. 1053; Erl. 188, 7. Leofríc líþ æt Cofentreó Leofric lieth at Coventry, 1057; Erl. 192, 30. Of Couentré at Coventry, 1066; Erl. 203, 16: 1130; Erl. 258, 37.

Cofer-flód, Cofor-flód, es; n. m. The sea of Galilee; Galilæum mare :-- Ic fare on wæteres hricg ofer Coferflód, Caldéas sécan I depart upon the water's back over the sea of Galilee, to seek the Chaldeans, Salm. Kmbl. 39; Sal. 20. Ðú gewítest on Wendelsæ-acute;, ofer Coforflód, cýððe sécean thou goest on the Mediterranean sea, over the sea of Galilee, to seek thy country, 407; Sal. 204.

cóf-godas; pl. m. Household-gods; penates, Ælfc. Gl. 113; Som. 79, 113; Wrt. Voc. 60, 20: Glos. Prudent. Recd. 152, 28.

cóflncel, es; n. A hand-mill; pistrilla, Cot. 155.

cóf-líce quickly, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cáf-líce.

cóf-scipe quickness, Som. Ben. Lye. v. cáf-scype.

cohhetan; p. te; pp. ed To bluster; tumultuari UNCERTAIN :-- Hí ongnnnon cohhetan they began to bluster, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 20; Jud. 270.

CÓL; gen. cóles; pl. nom. acc. cóla, cólu; gen. cóla; dat. cólum; n. COAL; carbo :-- Cól carbo, Wrt. Voc. 86, 20: 286, 79. Swá sweart swá cól as black as coal, L. M. 3, 39; Lchdm. ii. 332, 19. Cól [MS. coll] carbo, Ælfc. Gl. 30; Som. 61, 75; Wrt. Voc. 27, 4. On hát cól upon a hot coal, L. M. 1, 50; Lchdm. ii. 124, 6. Cóla onælde synd fram him carbones succensi sunt ab eo, Ps. Spl. 17, 10, 15. Feallaþ ofer hí cólu cadent super eos carbones, Ps. Spl. C. 139, 11. Þurh ða cólu ðæs alteres by the coals of the altar, Past. 7, 1; Hat. MS. 12a, 10. Ða twegen drýmen wurdon awende to có1a gelícnyssum the two wizards were turned to the likeness of coals, Homl. Th. ii. 496, 18. [Prompt. cole carbo: Wyc. colis, pl: Chauc. cole: Laym. col: Scot. coill, coyll:. Plat. köle: Frs. koal: O. Frs. kole: Dut. kool, m. f: Kil. kole: Ger. kohle, f: M. H. Ger. kol, m: O. H. Ger. kolo, m; kol, n: Dan. kul, n: Swed. kol, n: Icel. kol, n.] DER. heofon-cól.

CÓL; comp. ra; sup. ost; adj. COOL, cold; frigidus :-- Oft æ-acute;springe útawealleþ of clife hárum cól and hlutor a fountain often springs out of a hoar rock cool and clear, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 26; Met. 5, 13. Hrér mid sticcan óþ-ðæt hit cól síe stir it about with a spoon till it be cool, L. M. 3, 26; Lchdm. ii. 324, 1: 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 270, 2: 3, 30; Lchdm. ii. 326, 6: 3, 31; Lchdm. ii. 326, 15. Wyrc him leage of ellenahsan, þweah his heáfod mid cólre make him a ley of elder ashes, wash his head with this cold, 3, 47; Lchdm. ii. 338, 26. Ða cearwylmas cólran wurþaþ. the anxious emotions become cooler, Beo. Th. 570; B. 282: 4139; B. 2066. [Prompt. cole algidus: R. Glouc. cole: Plat. kölig, köl: