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15a; Th. 31, 11; Cri. 494. Cwom, pl. cwómon, seent UNCERTAIN to be from cwiman, which I have not found in A. Sax. It is in Goth. qiman [pronounced kwiman = cwiman]; p. qam, pl. qemum; pp. qumans to come; venire. Goth. Ni mag qiman [kwiman = cwiman]. A. Sax. Ic ne mæg cuman I cannot come, Lk. Bos. 14, 20. v. cwiman, cuman.

cwuc; def. se cwuca alive, quick, Bt. 36, 6; Fox 182, 20. v. cwic.

cwucen alive, quick. Bt. 36, 6; Fox 182, 20. v. cwicen.

cwuda a cud, quid, L. M. 2, 2; Lchdm. ii. 178, 26: 2, 52; Lchdm. ii. 270, 28. v. cwudu.

CWUDU, cwuda, cweodo, cwidu, cudu; gen. ues, wes; n. What is chewed, a cud, quid; manducatum, rumen :-- Ðe heora cudu ne ceówaþ: ða clæ-acute;nan nýtenu ðe heora cudu ceówaþ which chew not their cud: the clean beasts which chew their cud, M. H. 138b. ¶ Hwít cwudu white cud, mastich; an odoriferous gum from the mastich-tree, which was called by Lin. pistacia lentiscas. This gum was used for chewing in the East; mastiche = GREEK :-- Hwit cwudu mastich, L. M. 1, 23; Lchdm. ii. 66, 3. Gedó gódne dæ-acute;l ðæ-acute;ron hwítes cweodowes put a good deal of mastich therein, 2, 14; Lchdm. ii. 192, 6. Ofersceade mid hwítes cwidues duste sprinkle over with dust of mastich, 2, 3; Lchdm. ii. 182, 3. Of hwítum cwidue and wíne with mastich and wine, 2, 4; Lchdm. ii. 182, 17. Hwít cwudu gecnuwa swíðe smale pound mastich very small, 1, 13; Lchdm. ii. 56, 5: 1, 8; Lchdm. ii. 54, 3: 1, 47; Lchdm. ii. 118, 29: 3, 2; Lchdm. ii. 308, 24. Genim ele and gedó hwít cwuda on ðone ele take oil and put mastich into the oil, 2, 2; Lchdm. ii. 178, 26: 2. 52; Lchdm. ii. 270, 28. Nim hwít cudu take mastich, Lchdm. iii. 72, 15: 124, 25: 134, 10. [Prompt. cudde: Wyc. code, quede, quide, kude: Orm. cude.]

cwuncon; pp. cwuncen disappeared, vanished; p. pl. and pp. of cwincan.

cwyc alive, quick :-- Cwyc alive, Ps. Th. 104, 8: Nicod. 26; Thw. 14, 28, 38. v. cwic.

cwyc-æ-acute;ht live stock :-- On cwycæ-acute;hturn in live stock, L. Alf. pol. 18; Th. 1, 72, 12, note 28. v. cwic-æ-acute;ht.

cwycian to make alive, quicken, Ps. Th. 118, 50. v. cwician II.

cwyc-súsl hell-torment, Nicod. 30; Thw. 17, 28. v. cwic-súsl.

cwyddian; p. ode; pp. od To speak, say; dicere :-- Ðæt me oferhydige æ-acute;fre ne mótan hearm cwyddian that the proud may never speak evil of me, Ps. Th. 118, 122. Crist hí befran hú men cwyddodon be him Christ asked them how men spake concerning him, Homl. Th. ii. 388, 31. v. cwidian.

cwyddung a saying, Homl. Th. i. 366, 7. v. cwiddung.

cwyde, I. a sentence; sententia, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 2, 38. II. a discourse, sermon :-- Smeágaþ ðysne cwyde consider this sermon, Homl. Th. i. 28, 20: ii. 2, 14: 2, 17. v. cwide.

cwydele, an; f. An inflamed swelling; pustula, varix :-- Cwydele pustula, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 57, 10; Wrt. Voc. 19, 19. Cwydele vel hwylca varix, 76; Som. 71, 129; Wrt. Voc. 45, 32.

cwyde-leás; adj. Speechless, intestate; mutus, intestatus :-- He læg cwydeleás, bútan andgite he lay speechless, without sense, Homl. Th. i. 86, 26. Gif hwá cwydeleás of ðyssum lífe gewíte if any one depart this life intestate, L. C. S. 71; Th. i. 412, 27.

cwydian; p. ode; pp. od To speak, say; dicere :-- Menn cwydodon men said, Chr. 1085; Erl. 217, 38. v. cwidian.

cwydol; adj. [cweðan to say, speak] Speaking, saying; dicens, loquens. DER. wyrig-cwydol, q. v.

cwyd-ræ-acute;den an agreement; pactum. v. gecwid-ræ-acute;den.

cwyld, cwild, es; m. n: cwyld, cwild, e; f. [cweald, pp. of cwellan to kill] A plague, pestilence, murrain, destruction; pestis, pestilcntia, clades :-- Boreas ealne ðone cwyld m. aflígþ Boreas [the north wind] drives every plague away, Bd. de nat. rerurn; Wrt. popl. science 18, 9; Lchdm. iii. 276, 7. Cwilde f. flód the flood of destruction, deluge; diluvium, Ps. Spl. C. 28, 9: 31, 8. Auster mistlíce cwyld n. blæ-acute;wþ geond ðas eorþan auster [the south wind] blows various plagues through this earth, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 17, 26; Lchdm. iii. 274, 17. Cwild [cwyld MSS. C. D.], m. f. or n. clades, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 27; Som. 11, 25. Cwild, m. f. or n. pestis, Wrt. Voc. 75, 54. Mid ceápes cwylde m. f. or n. with a murrain of cattle, Chr. 897; Th. 174. 22, col. 2; 175, 20. Se ðe on þrymsetle cwyldes m. or n. ná sæt qui in cathedra pestilentiæ non sedit, Ps. Spl. C. 1, 1: Mone B. 2711. Cwyld-tíd or cwyl-tíd evening time; conticinium :-- Cwyl-tíd vel gebed-giht conticinium, Ælfc. Gl. 16; Som. 58, 63; Wrt. Voc. 21, 50. v. cwyld-seten. DER. mon-cwyld.

cwyld-bæ-acute;re; adj. Pestilence-bearing, deadly. v. cwild-bæ-acute;re.

cwyld-bæ-acute;rlíce; adv. Pestilentially. v. cwild-bæ-acute;rlíce.

cwyld-full; adj. Destructive, pernicious; perniciosus :-- Cwyldfulle wæferséne perniciosum spectaculum, Mone B. 1259.

cwyld-róf; adj. Devoted to slaughter; necandi strenuus :-- Deór cwyldróf = wulfas the beasts devoted to slaughter = wolves, Cd. 151; Th. 188, 10, 11 = 7; Exod. 166 = 164.

cwyld-seten, cwyl-seten, e; f. [cwyld, cwyl = cweald, pp. of cwellan to kill: Icel. kweld, n. evening: as if the night quelled or killed daylight] A setting in of the evening, the first part of the night; conticinium :-- Cwylseten conticinium, Mone B. 3747. Cwylsetene conticinio, 3748. Cwyldsetene galli cantu, 4677.

cwylla, an; m. A well, spring; fons :-- Riht súþ be eástan ðam cwyllan óþ ða wýde stræ-acute;te right south by east of the spring as far as the wide road, Cod. Dipl. 409; A. D. 946; Kmbl. ii. 265, 32. [Ger. quelle, f. a spring, source, fountain.]

cwylm destruction, slaughter, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 152, 12. v. cwealm.

cwylman; p. ede; pp. ed To kill, torment, Ps. Spl. 36, 15: Elen. Kmbl. 1373; El. 688. v. cwelman.

cwylm-bæ-acute;re; adj. Death-bearing, pernicious; mortif&e-short;rus :-- Cómon ða cempan mid cwylmbæ-acute;rum tólum the soldiers came with deadly tools, Homl. Th. ii. 260, 7. v. cwealm-bæ-acute;re.

cwylmd = cwylmed killed, Bd. 1, 15; S. 484, 1; pp. of cwylman.

cwylmende, cwilmende; part. Tormenting; crucians, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 36, 25. v. cwelman.

cwylmian; part. cwylmigende; p. ode; pp. od [cwealm pain, torment] To suffer, suffer torment or pain; cruci&a-long;ri :-- Heó sceal écelíce cwylmian it [the soul] shall suffer eternally, Homl. Th. ii. 232, 29. Ða mánfullan beóþ æ-acute;fre cwylmigende on helle súsle the sinful shall ever be suffering pain in hell torment, 608, 11. We cwylmiaþ we suffer torment, 416, 5. Gehwylce mánfulle geféran on ðám écum tintregum cwylmiaþ all wicked associates shall suffer in everlasting torments, i. 526, 27.

cwylming, e; f. [cwylmian to suffer] Torture, trouble, suffering, a cross; cruci&a-long;tus, crux :-- Cwylminge [MS. cwylmingce] cruci&a-long;tu, Mone B. 3178. Se ðe ne nimþ hys cwylminge, and fyligþ me, nys he me wyrðe qui non accipit crucem suam, et sequ&i-short;tur me, non est me dignus, Mt. Bos. 10, 38: Lk. Bos. 9, 23.

cwylmnes torment, Bd. 4, 9; S. 577, 10. v. cwealmnes.

cwylþ dies, Bd. de nat. rerum; Lchdm. iii. 272, note 36; 3rd pres. sing. of cwelan.

cwyl-tíd dead time, Ælfc. Gl. 16; Som. 58, 63; Wrt. Voc. 21, 50. v. cwyld.

cwýne a wife, L. Ethb. 85; Th. i. 24, 9. v. cwén, cwéne.

CWYRN, cweorn, e; f: cweorne, an; f. A mill, hand-mill, QUERN; mola :-- Twá beóþ æt cwyrne grindende: án byþ genumen, and óðer byþ læ-acute;fed duæ molentes in mola; una assum&e-long;tur, et una relinqu&e-long;tur, Mt. Bos. 24, 41. Ðæt híg grundon on cwyrne pop&u-short;lus illud frang&e-long;bat mola, Num. 11, 8. Æt ðære cweornan ad molam, Ex. 11, 5. [Prompt. querne mola manualis: Wyc. Chauc. querne: Plat. queern, qwern a handmill: O. Sax. querna, f: O. Frs. quern: Dut. Kil. querne: M. H. Ger. kürne, kürn, kurn, f; O. H. Ger. quirn, f: Goth. qairnus, m. or f: Dan. qwærn, m. f: Swed. qwarn, f: Icel. kwern, kwórn, f.] DER. esul-cwyrn, hand-.

cwyrn-bill a stone chisel for dressing querns. v. cweorn-bill.

cwyrn-burne, an; f. A mill-stream; mol&a-long;ris torrens, Som. Ben. Lye.

cwyrn-stán, cweorn-stán, es; m. A mill-stone; molaris lapis, mola :-- Cwyrnstán mola, Wrt. Voc. 83, 8. Ðæt him wæ-acute;re getiged án ormæ-acute;te cwyrnstán to his swuran, and he swá wurde on deóppre sæ-acute; besenced that an immense mill-stone was tied to his neck, and he was so sunk in the deep sea, Homl. Th. i. 514, 17: Mt. Bos. 18, 6. Án cweornstán lapis molaris, Lk. Bos. 17, 2: Mk. Bos. 9, 42.

CWYSAN; p. de; pp. ed To crush, QUASH, shake, bruise, dash against; quassare, terere, allidere :-- Se ðe forgnídeþ oððe cwysþ lytlungas ðíne to stáne qui allidet parvulos tuos ad petram, Ps. Lamb. 136, 9. Ðú genyðeredest oððe ðú cwysdest me allisisti me, 101, 11. [Prompt. quaschy&n-long; quass&a-long;re: R. Brun. quassed, p. quashed: Plat. quesen, quetsen to crush: O. Sax. quetsan to push, squeeze: Frs. quetsen vulnerare: O. Frs. quetsene a bruise: Dut. kwetsen to bruise, wound, injure: Kil. quetsen quassare, lædere; Ger. quetschen to squeeze: M. H. Ger. quetzen to squeeze: Goth. qistyan to destroy: Dan. qwæste to squeeze: Swed. qwäsa to squash, bruise, wound: Icel. kwista to destroy, cut down: Fr. casser to break: Lat. quassare, quatere to batter, break in pieces.] DER. for-cwysan, to-.

cwýst sayest, speakest, Homl. Th. i. 424, 9, = cweðst; 2nd pres. sing. of cweðan.

cwýst ðú, cwýst ðú lá, cwýst tú lá sayest thou? used in questions, as interrog. adv. numquid? -- Cwýst ðú eom ic hyt? Mt. Bos. 26, 22 whether it am I? Wyc. note rr; numquid ego sum? Vulg: Ps. Spl. 29, 12: 7, 12. v. cweðan.

cwyð, e; f. [ = cwide, cwyde] A word, saying; verbum, dictum :-- Him ða cwyðe frecne scódon these words overwhelmed him with woe, Cd. 78; Th. 96, 18; Gen. 1596. v. cwide.

cwyþ saith, speaks, Jn. Bos. 16, 18: Rood Kmbl. 220; Kr. 111, = cweðeþ; 3rd pres. sing. of cweðan.

cwýðan to lament, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 69. v. cwíðan.

cwyðe a saying, S. Greg. Hom. 23, 104, Lye. v. cwide.

cwyðele an inflamed swelling. v. cwydele.

cwyðst sayest, speakest, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 62, = cweðst; 2nd pres. sing. of cweðan.