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dæg-sceald, es; m. [dæg day, sceald = scild, scyld a shield] A day shield or screen; diei velamen :-- Dægscealdes hleó wand ofer wolcnum the day shield's shade [i. e. the pillar of cloud] rolled over the clouds, Cd. 146; Th. 182, 22; Exod. 79.

dæg-steorra, an; m. [dæg a day, steorra a star] The day star; lucifer, aurora :-- Seó sunne and se móna, and æ-acute;fensteorra and dægsteorra, and óðre þrý steorran, ne synd ná fæste on ðam firmamentum the sun and the moon, and the evening star and the day star, and three other stars, are not fast in the firmament, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 15, 28; Lchdm. iii. 270, 3: Ælfc. T. 24, 11. Upasprungen scínþ dægsteorra ortus refulget lucifer, Hymn. Surt. 27, 23. Nú gæ-acute;þ dægsteorra up jam ascendit aurora, Gen. 32, 26. Æ-acute;r dægsteorran ic cende ðé ante luciferum genui te, Ps. Spl. 109, 4.

dæg-ðerlíc [ = dæg-hwæðer-líc]; adj. Daily, present; diurnus, hodiernus :-- Ðis dægðerlíce gódspel sprecþ ymbe ðæra Iudéiscra þwyrnysse this daily gospel speaks of the perversity of the Jews, Homl. Th. ii. 224, 29. On ðisre dægðerlícan ræ-acute;dinge in this daily lecture, i. 194, 24. Se gódspellere Lucas beleác ðis dægðerlíce gódspel mid feáwum wordum the evangelist Luke concluded the gospel of this day with few words, i. 90, 8. Ðás dægðerlícan þénunga these daily services, ii. 86, 24. Hí þeónde þurhwunodon óþ ðisum dægðerlícum dæge they have continued prospering to this present day, ii. 132. 14: i. 28, 28: 32, 8.

dæg-þern, e; f. A day's space; diei spatium :-- Læ-acute;t simle dægþerne betweonum leave always a day's space between, L. M. 2, 39; Lchdm. ii. 248, 20: 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 268, 1.

dæg-tíd, e; f. [dæg day, tíd time] Day-time, time; diei tempus :-- On ðære dægtíde at that time, Cd. 80; Th. 100, 4; Gen. 1659. On dæg-tídum in the day-time, Exon. 105 a; Th. 398, 26; Rä. 18, 3: 126 a; Th. 484, 23; Rä. 71, 6.

dæg-tíma, an; m. [tíma time] DAY-TIME, day; diurnum tempus, dies :-- Þurh dægtíman oððe geond dæg sunne ne forswæ-acute;le ðé ne móna per diem sol non uret te, neque luna, Ps. Lamb. 120, 6.

dæg-wæccan; pl. f. [wæcce a watching] Day-watchings; excubiæ, Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 68; Wrt. Voc. 18, 20.

dæg-weard, es; m. [weard a watchman] A day-watchman; excubitor, vigil, Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 69; Wrt. Voc. 18, 21.

dæg-weorc, es; n. [weorc work] A day's work; diei opus :-- Him mihtig God ðæs dægweorces deóp leán forgeald the mighty God recompensed to him a high reward for that day's work, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 30; Exod. 315: 167; Th. 209, 28; Exod. 506: Byrht. Th. 136, 8; By. 148. Æt ðam dæg-weorce at that day's work, Elen. Kmbl. 291; El. 146. Ðætte he ðæt dægweorc dreóre gebohte that he bought that day's work with blood, Cd. 149; Th. 187, 14; Exod. 151: 169; Th. 210, 21; Exod. 518.

dæg-weorþung, e; f. [weorþung an honouring, celebration] A commemoration or celebration of a feast-day; diei festi celebratio :-- Ðe on gemynd nime ðære deórestan dægweorþunga róde under róderum who may bear in remembrance the honouring of the day of the most precious cross under the firmament [i. e. the feast of the Invention of the Cross], Elen. Kmbl. 2466; El. 1234.

dæg-wine, es; n? A day's pay; diarium :-- Dægwine diarium, Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 32; Wrt. Voc. 28, 15. Dægwine pensum vel diarium, 64; Som. 69, 9; Wrt. Voc. 40, 43. v. wine.

dæg-wist, e; f. [wist food] A day's food; diei victus :-- Ðæt he him dægwistes tiðode that he would give him a day's food, Homl. Th. ii. 134, 30.

dæg-wóma, an; m. [wóma a noise] The rush of day, the dawn; diei apparitio, aurora :-- Dægwóma becwom, morgen mæ-acute;retorht the dawn came, the beautiful morning, Cd. 160; Th. 199, 26; Exod. 344. Dægwóman bitweon and ðære deorcan niht between dawn and the dark night, Exon. 50 b; Th. 175, 7; Gú. 1191.

DÆL; gen. dæles; dat. dæle; pl. nom. acc. dalu, dalo; n. A DALE, den. gulf; vallis, barathrum :-- Ðæs dæles se dæ-acute;l the part of the dale, Ors 1, 3; Bos. 27, 29. In deóp dalu into the deep dales, Exon. 130 a; Th. 498, 21; Rä. 88, 5: 56 a; Th. 199, 11; Ph. 24. We synd aworpene on ðás deópan dalo we are cast into these deep dens [hell], Cd. 22; Th. 27, 21; Gen. 421. On ðæt deópe dæl deófol gefeallaþ devils shall fall into the deep gulf, Exon. 30 b; Th. 93, 26; Cri. 1532. [Prompt. dale vallis: Piers P. Chauc. Laym. Orm. dale: Plat. daal: O. Sax. dal, n: Frs. dalle, dol: O. Frs. del, deil: Dut. dal, n: Ger. thal, n: M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. tal, n: Goth. dal, n: Dan. dal, m. f. Swed. dal, m: Icel. dalr, m: Wel. dól: Corn. dol, f: Ir. Gael. dail: Manx dayll, f.] DER. of-dæl.

DÆ-acute;L, es; m. I. a part, portion, DEAL; pars, portio :-- Ðæs dæles se dæ-acute;l the part of the dale, Ors. 1, 3; Bos. 27, 29. Ðú offrast teóðan dæ-acute;l smedeman thou shalt offer a tenth deal of flour; offeres decimam partem similæ, Ex. 29, 36, 40. Hí heora gód on swá manige dæ-acute;las todæ-acute;laþ they divide their goods into so many parts, Bt. 33, 2; Fox 122, 26. Micel dæ-acute;l bewylledes wæteres on huniges gódum dæ-acute;le a great deal of boiled water in a good deal of honey, L. M. 2, 20; Lchdm. ii. 202, 27. Gódne dæ-acute;l a good deal, L. M. 2, 55; Lchdm. ii. 276, 6. Ðæs íglandes mycelne dæ-acute;l a great deal of the island, Chr. 189; Ing. 9, 11. Fæder, syle me mínne dæ-acute;l mínre æ-acute;hte, ðe me to gebýreþ, Lk. Bos. 15, 12; fadir, gyue to me the porcioun of substaunce, that byfallith to me, Wyc. Be dæ-acute;le in part, partly, Chr. 1048; Erl. 178, 5. Sume dæ-acute;le in some part, partly, Cot. 154. II. a part of speech in grammar; pars orationis :-- Eahta dæ-acute;las sind partes orationis sunt octo, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 3, 22. Interjectio is betwyxaworpennyss. Se dæ-acute;l líþ betwux óðrnm wordum, and geswutelaþ ðæs módes styrunge an interjection is a throwing between. This part of speech lieth between other words, and denotes a stirring of the mind, 5; Som. 3, 55. III. a part of a sentence, a word; verbum :-- We todæ-acute;laþ ða bóc to cwydum, and siððan ða cwydas to dæ-acute;lum, eft ða dæ-acute;las to stæfgefégum we divide the book into sentences, and then the sentences into words [parts], again the words into syllables, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 2, 37-39. [Prompt. dele: Wyc. deel: Piers P. del, deel: Chauc. del, delle: Laym. dæle, dal, del: Orm. dæl, dale, del: Scot. dail: Plat. deel: O. Sax. dél, deil, m: Frs. deel: O. Frs. del, m: Dut. deel, n: Kil. deel, deyl: Ger. theil, m: M. H. Ger. teil, m: O. H. Ger. teil, m. n: Goth. dails, f: Dan. deel, m. f: Swed. del, m: Icel. deill, m: Sansk. dal findere.] DER. eást-dæ-acute;l, niðer-, norþ-, súþ-, west-: or-dæ-acute;le.

dæ-acute;lan; p. de; pp. ed; v. a [dæ-acute;l a part, deal] To divide, separate, distribute, bestow, spend, dispense, DEAL, DOLE; divid&e-short;re, distribu&e-short;re, separ&a-long;re ab aliquo :-- Israélas ongunnon dæ-acute;lan ealde mádmas the Israelites began to divide old treasures, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 17; Exod. 584. Onfóþ and ðælaþ betwux eów accip&i-short;te et divid&i-short;te inter vos, Lk. Bos. 22, 17: Ps. Spl. 21, 17: 111, 8. Mathusal mágum dæ-acute;lde gestreón Mathuselah distributed the treasure to his brethren, Cd. 52; Th. 65, 21; Gen. 1069. Dæ-acute;lde eall ðæt heó áhte she had spent all that she had, Mk. Bos. 5, 26. [Prompt. delyn: Wyc. delen: Piers P. delen, dele, deelen: Chauc. dele: R. Brun. daile: R. Glouc. dele: Laym. dælen, dalen, delen: Orm. dælenn: Plat. delen: O. Sax. délian, deilan: Frs. deelen: O. Frs. dela: Dut. deelen: Kil. deelen, deylen: Ger. theilen: M. H. Ger. teilen: O. H. Ger. teiljan: Goth. dailyan: Dan. dele: Swed. dela: Icel. deila.] DER. a-dæ-acute;lan, be-, bi-, for-, ge-, to-.

dæ-acute;ledlíce by itself, apart, Som. Ben. Lye. DER. ge-dæ-acute;ledlíce, to-.

dæ-acute;lend, es; m. [dæ-acute;lende, part. of dæ-acute;lan to divide] A dealer, divider, distributor; div&i-long;sor :-- Hwá sette me déman, oððe dæ-acute;lend, ofer inc quis me constituit jud&i-short;cem, aut divis&o-long;rem, super vos? Lk. Bos. 12, 14.

dæ-acute;lere, es; m. A DEALER, divider, distributor, agent; div&i-long;sor, sequester :-- Dæ-acute;lere div&i-long;sor, Ælfc. Gl. 33; Som. 62, 28; W rt. Voc. 28, 11: 74. 15. Ic wæs dæ-acute;lere betwix Gode and eów ego sequester et medius fui inter Dom&i-short;num et vos, Deut. 5, 5. Ðam wæ-acute;dlan gedafenaþ ðæt he gebidde for ðane dæ-acute;lere on the indigent it is incumbent that he pray for the distributor, Homl. Th. i. 256, 33. God gesette ðone wélegan dæ-acute;lere on his gódum God appointed the wealthy a distributor of his goods, ii. 102, 28.

dælf, es; n? [delfan to dig] Anything dug out, a DELF, ditch; fossa, scrobis :-- Eástweard to cynges dælf eastward to the king's delf, Chr. 963; Erl. 122, 17: 963; Erl. 123, 6.

dæ-acute;ling, e; f. A dividing, parting; partitio, Som. Ben. Lye. DER. to-dæ-acute;ling.

dæ-acute;l-leás; adj. [dæ-acute;l a part, portion] Without a part, portionless, deficient; expers :-- Dæ-acute;lleás vel cræftleás expers, indoctus, Ælfc. Gl. 18; Som. 58, 123; Wrt. Voc. 22, 36: 90; Som. 75, 2; Wrt. Voc. 51, 47.

dæ-acute;l-mæ-acute;lum; adv. [mæ-acute;lum, dat. pl. of mæ-acute;l, n.] By parts or pieces; partim, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 59: particul&a-long;tim, Mone B. 148: 3549: paul&a-long;tim, 2635.

dæ-acute;l-neomend a sharer, partaker, Ps. Th. 118, 63. v. dæ-acute;l-nimend.

dæ-acute;l-niman; p. -nam, pl. -námon; pp. -numen To take part, to participate; particip&a-long;re. v. dæ-acute;l-nimend, etc.

dæ-acute;l-nimend, -nymend, -neomend, es; m. [nimende, part. of niman to take]. I. a taker of a part, a sharer, partaker, participator; part&i-short;ceps :-- Ðæt se Hæ-acute;lend dæ-acute;lnimend wæ-acute;re úre deádlícnysse that the Saviour was a partaker of our mortality, Homl. Th. i. 36, 33. Se níþfulla is ðæra deófla dæ-acute;lnimend the envious is a participator with devils, i. 606, 5. Ic eom dæ-acute;lneomend ðe heom ondræ-acute;daþ ðé particeps ego sum omnium timentium te, Ps. Th. 118, 63. Tofóran eallum his dæ-acute;lnymendum on ðære menniscnysse before all his participators in humanity, Homl. Th. ii. 230, 26. II. in grammar.-A participle; partic&i-short;pium :-- Participium is dæ-acute;lnimend: he nimþ æ-acute;nne dæ-acute;l of naman, and óðerne of worde a participle is a taker of parts: it takes one part from a noun, and the other from a verb, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 3, 40. Sume adverbia cumaþ of dæ-acute;lnimendum some adverbs come from participles, 38; Som. 41, 11.