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drý-cræft, es; m. [cræft craft, art] Magical art, magic, sorcery; ars mag&i-short;ca vel mal&e-short;f&i-short;ca :-- Hí sæ-acute;don ðæt hió sceolde mid hire drýcræft ða men forbredan they said that she should overthrow the men by her sorcery, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 30. Gif hí hwylcne drýcræft hæfdon si quid mal&e-short;f&i-short;cæ artis habuissent, Bd. 1, 25; S. 486, 40 : Ex. 7, 11. Sum man wæs mid drýcræfte bepæ-acute;ht some man was deceived by magic, Homl. Th. i. 448, 13. Warna ðé ðæt ðú ne gíme drýcræfta ne swefena ne hwatena nec inveni&a-long;tur in te, qui ariolos scisc&i-short;t&e-long;tur et observet somnia atque aug&u-short;ria, Deut. 18, 10. Drífan drýcræftas to exercise magical arts, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 107; Met. 26, 54. Mid drýcræftum by sorceries, Ors. 1, 7; Bos. 30, 22.
drý-cræftig, drí-cræfteg; adj. [cræftig crafty, skilful] Skilful or crafty in magic or sorcery, magical; mag&i-short;cæ artis per&i-long;tus, mag&i-short;cus :-- Sió, hí sæ-acute;don, sceolde bión swíðe drýcræftigu she, they said, would be very skilful in sorcery, Bt. 38, 1; Fox. 194, 20. Pharaon gegaderude ealle ða drícræftegustan men voc&a-long;vit Pharao sapientes et mal&e-short;f&i-short;cos, Ex. 7, 11.
drýfan to drive; pell&e-short;re :-- Sceoldon drýfan should drive, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 43, 10. v. drífan.
drýfan; p. de, pl. don; pp. ed To trouble, vex; vex&a-long;re :-- Mæ-acute;st hine drýfdon his ágene men [MS. mæn] his own men vexed him most, Chr. 1118; Erl. 246, 34. v. dréfan.
drygan; p. de; pp. ed To dry, make dry, rub dry, wipe; sicc&a-long;re, terg&e-short;re, exterg&e-short;re :-- Se háta sumor drygþ and gearwaþ sæ-acute;ð and bléda the hot summer dries and prepares seeds and fruits, Bt. 39, 13; Fox 234, 14. Cómon twegen seolas of sæ-acute;lícum grunde, and hí mid heora flýse his fét drygdon two seals came from the sea-ground, and they dried his feet with their fur, Homl. Th. ii. 138, 12. Hie beóþ oft drygde they are often dried, Past. 11, 4; Hat. MS. 15 a, 19. v. drigan.
dryge dry, Exon. 111 b; Th. 426, 22; Rä. 41, 77 : Andr. Kmbl. 3161; An. 1583 : Cd. 157; Th. 195, 28; Exod. 283. v. drige.
drygge dry, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 31; Met. 7, 16. v. drige.
dryg-nes, -ness dryness, Ps. Lamb. 94, 5. v. drig-nes.
dryht, driht, e; f. A people, multitude, army, in pl. men; p&o-short;p&u-short;lus, mult&i-short;t&u-long;do, c&a-short;terva, f&a-short;m&i-short;lia, h&o-short;m&i-short;nes :-- Dryhtum to nytte for use to people, Exon. 11 3a; Th. 433, 25; Rä. 51, 2. Ic dryhtum þeówige I serve multitudes, 104 a; Th. 394, 9; Rä 13, 15 : Cd. 146; Th. 182, 21; Exod. 79. Ðæt ðý ðeáþ-drepe drihta [MS. drihte] swæ-acute;fon that the armies slept in the swoon of death, Cd. 167; Th. 209, 7; Exod. 495 : 217; Th. 275, 26; Sat. 177. Drihta bearnum to the children of men, 47; Th. 61, 6; Gen. 993 : Exon. 95 b; Th. 357, 7; Pa. 25. [Laym. drihte retinue : O. Sax. druht, only in composition, as druht-folc com&i-short;t&a-long;tus, p&o-short;p&u-short;lus : Frs. dregte : O. Frs. dracht, drecht : M. H. Ger. O. H. Ger. truht, trut, f. multitude : Icel. drótt, f. p&o-short;p&u-short;lus. v. Goth. ga-drauhts, m. a soldier, from driugan to do military service : A. Sax. dreógan.] DER. folc-dryht, -driht, mago-; gedriht, gedryht, hí-, hý-, sib-, wil-.
Dryht', Driht', or without the apostrophe Dryht, Driht The Lord; D&o-short;m&i-short;nus; chiefly used in the interlinear Psalms, published by Spelman and by the Surtees' Society, for all the cases of Dryhten, Drihten.
dryht-bearn, es; n. A child of the people, a noble child; puer p&o-short;p&u-short;l&a-long;ris, n&o-long;b&i-short;lis :-- Dryhtbearn Dena the Danes' princely child, Beo. Th. 4076; B. 2035.
dryht-cwén, e; f. A noble queen; d&o-short;m&i-short;na et r&e-long;g&i-long;na :-- Dryhtcwén duguþa a noble queen of chieftains, Exon. 86 a; Th. 324, 21; Wíd. 98.
dryht-ealdor, driht-ealdor, drihte ealdor, es; m. The ruler of a household, meeting, or feast, a bridesman; d&o-short;m&i-short;nus, archi-tricl&i-long;nus, par&a-short;nymphus = παρ&alpha-tonos;νυμφos :-- Brýdguma vel dryhtealdor par&a-short;nymphus, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Son. 74, 60; Wrt. Voc. 50, 42.
dryhten, drihten; gen. dryhtnes, dryhtenes; m. I. a ruler, lord, prince; d&o-short;m&i-short;nus, princeps :-- Geáta dryhten the Goths' lord, Beo. Th. 2973; B. 1484. Eorla dryhten lord of earls, Beo. Th. 4666; B. 2338. Dryhten Higelác lord Higelac, Beo. Th. 4005; B. 2000. In gemynd his dryhtnes naman brohte it brought his lord's name into his mind, Exon. 114 b; Th. 440, 25; Rä. 60, 8. II. the supreme ruler, the Lord; chiefly used for God and Christ; D&o-short;m&i-short;nus :-- Him Dryhten sylf, heofona heáhcyning, hlyt getæ-acute;hte the Lord himself, high king of heaven, assigned a lot to them, Andr. Kmbl. 10; An. 5. Dryhtna Dryhten the Lord of lords, Andr. Kmbl. 1747; An. 876. Dryhten God the Lord God, Exon. 96 a; Th. 358, 33; Pa. 55. Dryhten Crist the Lord Christ, Exon. 41 a; Th. 137, 25; Gú. 564. Ðe in Dryhtnes noman cwóme who camest in the Lord's name, Exon. 13 b; Th. 26, 5; Cri. 413. We fór Dryhtene iu dreámas hefdon we formerly had joys before the Lord, Cd. 214; Th. 267, 26; Sat. 44. [Laym, drihten : Orm. drihtin : O. Sax. drohtin : O. Frs. drochten Lord, only used for God and Christ : O. H. Ger. truhtín d&o-short;m&i-short;nus : Icel. dróttinn princeps.] DER. freádryhten, freó-, gum-, hleó-, man-, sige-, weoruld-, wine-.
dryhten-beáh a lord-ring. v. drihtin-beáh.
dryhten-bealo, -bealu; gen. -bealowes; n. [bealo evil] Profound misery, extreme evil; permagna cal&a-short;m&i-short;tas :-- He sceal dreógan dryhten-bealo he shall suffer profound misery, Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 22; Vy. 55. Ellen biþ sélast ðám ðe sceal dreógan dryhtenbealu courage is best for those who must suffer extreme evil, 52 b; Th. 183, 6; Gú. 1323.
dryhten-dóm, es; m. [-dóm termination, q. v.] Sovereignty, majesty; d&o-short;m&i-short;n&a-long;tus, majestas :-- Se hálga hérede on héhþo heofoncyninges dryhten-dóm the saint praised the majesty of heaven's king on high, Andr. Kmbl. 1997; An. 1001.
Dryhten-líc belonging to the Lord, Lordly. v. Drihten-líc.
Dryhten-líce according to the Lord, by the Lord. v. Drihten-líce.
dryhten-weard a guardian-lord, king. v. drihten-weard.
dryht-folc, driht-folc, es; n. [folc a people] A nation, multitude; p&o-short;p&u-short;lus, mult&i-short;t&u-long;do :-- Micel aríseþ dryhtfolc to dóme a great multitude shall arise to judgment, Exon. 23 a; Th. 64, 23; Cri. 1042. Dryht-folca helm a protector of nations, 107 a; Th. 408, 24; Rä. 27, 17. Wæs deáþe gedrenced drihtfolca mæ-acute;st the greatest of nations was drenched with death, Cd. 144; Th. 179, 26; Exod. 34 : 160; Th. 198, 13; Exod. 322 : 171; Th. 216, 2; Exod. 589.
dryht-gesíþ an associate, attendant, v. driht-gesíþ.
dryht-gestreón, es; n. [gestreón a treasure] A nation's or people's treasure; p&o-short;p&u-short;li &o-short;pes :-- Eodor gefylled dryhtgestreóna an inclosure filled with people's treasures, Exon. 105 a; Th. 398, 25; Rä. 18, 3.
dryht-guma, driht-guma, an; m. A popular man, man of the people, warrior, retainer, follower, - pl. men, people; vir pop&u-short;l&a-long;ris vel n&o-short;b&i-short;lis, m&i-long;les, s&a-short;telles, - h&o-short;m&i-short;nes :-- Semninga biþ, ðæt, ðec, dryhtguma, ðeáþ ofer-swýðeþ suddenly it will be, that thee, warrior, death overpowers, Beo. Th. 3540; B. 1768. Druncne dryhtguman dóþ swá ic bidde the drunken retainers do as I bid, 2466; B. 1231. Weccaþ of deáþe dryhtgumena bearn, eall monna cynn the sons of men, all mankind, shall wake from death, Exon. 20 b; Th. 55, 22; Cri. 887. Beóþ módsefan dálum gedæ-acute;led, sindon dryhtguman ungelíce dispositions are by parts distributed, people are unlike, 83 b; Th. 314, 31; Mód. 22, 79 a; Th. 297, 23; Cri. 72.
drýhþ, ðú drýhst does, thou doest; 3rd and 2nd pers. pres. of dreógan.
dryht-leóþ, es; n. [leóþ a song] A lordly song; n&o-long;b&i-short;le carmen :-- Be ðam David cyning dryhtleóþ agól king David sang a lordly song of him, Elen. Kmbl. 684; El, 342.
dryht-líc, driht-líc, driht-lec; comp. -lícra; sup. -lícest; adj. Lordly, noble, distinguished; princ&i-short;p&a-long;lis, n&o-long;b&i-short;lis, ex&i-short;mius :-- We gehýrdon ðæt mid Sigelwarum yppe wearþ dryhtlíc dóm Godes we have heard that the lordly doom of God was revealed among the Ethiopians, Apstls. Kmbl. 129; Ap. 65 : Exon. 94 b; Th. 354, 1; Reim. 39. Sweord sceal on bearme, drihtlíc ísern the sword shall be in the bosom, lordly iron, Menol. Fox 511; Gn. C. 26. Him drihtlícu mæ-acute;g þuhte she seemed a noble damsel to them, Cd. 89; Th. 111, 2; Gen. 1849. Cwæþ drihtlecu mæ-acute;g, brýd to beorne his noble mate, his wife, spoke to the chief, 133; Th. 168, 12; Gen. 2781. Drihtlíce cempan hyra sweord getugon the noble warriors drew their swords, Fins. Th. 29; Fin. 14 : Beo. Th. 2320; B. 1158. Hí on dryhtlícestum dóme lifdon they lived in the most lordly power, Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 35; Seef. 85.
dryht-líce, driht-líce; adv. In a lordly manner, divinely; nob&i-short;l&i-short;ter :-- God leóht and þýstro gedæ-acute;lde dyhtlíce God divinely parted light and darkness, Exon. 11 a; Th. 14, 32; Cri. 228. Abraham fór eorlum driht-líce spræc Abram spoke in a lordly manner before the people, Cd. 98; Th. 129, 4; Gen. 2138.
dryht-máþm, es; m. [máþm a treasure] A noble or lordly treasure; n&o-short;b&i-short;les &o-short;pes :-- Wearþ dryhtmáþma dæ-acute;l forgolden his share of noble treasures was paid for, Beo. Th. 5678; B. 2843.
dryht-né a dead body of a host. v. driht-né.
dryhtnes of a lord, Exon. 114 b; Th. 440, 25; Rä. 60, 8; gen. of dryhten.
dryht-scipe, driht-scipe, es; m. [-scipe termination] Rulership, lordship, domination, dignity; dom&i-short;n&a-long;tus, dign&i-short;tas :-- Ðara dóm leofaþ and hira dryhtscipe their dignity and their lordship shall live, Elen. Kmbl. 899; El. 451. For hwam nele mon him on giógoþe georne gewyrcan deóres dryhtscipes why will not man in youth zealously work for himself bold rulership? Salm. Kmbl. 775; Sal. 387. Sceolde hine yldo beniman ellendæ-acute;da dreámas and drihtscipes age must take from him the joys of bold deeds and of rulership, Cd. 24; Th. 31, 14; Gen. 485. Nalles feallan lét dóm and drihtscipe he let not his power and domination sink, Cd. 60; Th. 73, 4; Gen. 1199. Ne læ-acute;t ðín dryhtscipp feallan let not thy mighty rule fall, Wald. 12; Vald. 1, 7.
dryht-sele, driht-sele, es; m. [sele a dwelling, hall] A princely dwelling, hall; aula :-- Draca hord eft gesceát, dryhtsele dyrnne the dragon darted back to his hoard, his secret hall, Beo. Th. 4629; B. 2320 : 1538; B. 767. Wæs drihtsele dreórfáh the princely hall was stained with blood, 974; B. 485.