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duguþ, dugoþ, dugeþ; adj. Good, honourable; bonus, probus, Mann. v. dugeþ; adj.

dugup-gifu, e; f. Liberality; munificentia, Som. Ben. Lye. v. dugoþgifu.

duhte did good, Chr. 1013; Erl. 149, 5, = dohte; p. of dugan.

dulfon dug, Ps. Th. 56, 8; p. pl. of delfan.

dulh-rune pellitory, L. M. 3, 8; Lchdm. ii. 312, 16. v. dolh-rune.

dulmúnus; gen. pl. dulmúna; m. The war-ship of the Greeks, which king Alfred assures us would hold a thousand men; longa n&a-long;vis. These ships were the 956;ακρ&alpha-tonos; πλoîα or νηεs μακρα&iota-tonos;, generally called in Greek ò δρ&omicron-tonos;μων, ωνos, m. the light war-vessel of the Greeks. They were the longæ n&a-long;ves the long war-ships of the Romans, which had often more than fifty rowers. The Romans called their vessel dr&o-short;mo, &o-long;nis, defining it as a fast rowing vessel, evidently deriving their word from the Greek δρ&omicron-tonos;μων, Cod. Just. 1, 27, 1, § 8; Cassiod. Var. 5, 17, init. where it is described as 'tr&i-short;r&e-long;me veh&i-short;c&u-short;lum r&e-long;m&o-long;rum tantum n&u-short;m&e-short;rum pr&o-long;dens, sed h&o-short;m&i-short;num f&a-short;cies d&i-long;l&i-short;genter abscondens.' Some suppose that Alfred derived his word dulmúnus from the Icel. drómundr, m. which Egilsson, in his Lex&i-short;con Poët&i-short;cum, Hafniæ, 8vo. 1860, explains 'n&a-long;ves grandior, c&u-long;jus g&e-short;n&e-short;ris tantum extra regi&o-long;nes septemtrion&a-long;les, ut in m&a-short;ri mediterr&a-long;neo, mentio fit,' S.E. i. 582, 3, Orkn. 82, 1, 3. Vigfusson, in his Icelandic-English Dictionary, 4to. Oxford, 1869-1874, in drómundr gives only the Latin and Greek, and O. H. Ger. drahemond as cognates. What Orosius, calls longas n&a-long;ves, Alfred translates dulmúnus in Anglo-Saxon. As we read in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle of A.D. 897; Th. i. 174, 4, Hét Ælfréd cyng timþrian lang-scipu ongén ða æscas king Alfred commanded to build long-ships against-, those ships, v. ÆSC IV.-Alfred, in his translation of Orosius, says :-- Æ-acute;r he [Ercol] ongan mid Creáca scypum, ðe mon dulmúnus hæ-acute;t, ðe man segþ ðæt in scip mæ-acute;ge in þúsend manna before he [Hercules] began with Grecian ships, which are called dulmunus, of which it is said that one ship can hold a thousand men, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 31-33. He [Xersis] hæfde scipa ðæra mycclena dulmúna in M and ii hund he [Xerxes] had one thousand two hundred of the large ships, dulmunus, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 46, 32, 33. v. Gloss&a-long;rium ad script&o-long;res m&e-short;diæ et inf&i-short;mæ Latin&i-short;t&a-long;tis D&o-short;m&i-short;ni Du Cange, Dufresne; Francofurti ad Mœnum, 3 vols. fol. 1681, Drom&o-long;nes.

DUMB; def. se dumba, seó, ðæt dumbe; adj. DUMB, speechless, mute; m&u-long;tus, e-linguis :-- Eart ðú dumb and deáf thou art dumb and deaf, Exon. 99 a; Th. 370, 26; Seel. 65: l08 b; Th. 414, 7; Rä. 32, 16. Beó ðú dumb óþ-ðæt ðæt cild beó acenned be thou dumb until the child shall be born, Homl. Th. i. 202, 7: L. Alf. pol. 14; Th. i. 70, 14. Dumb m&u-long;tus, Wrt. Voc. 75. 36: Mt. Bos. 12, 22: Lk. Bus. l1, 14. Se dumba fæder the dumb father, Homl. Th. i. 354, 27: Salm. Kmbl. 457; Sal. 229. Se dumba spræc l&o-short;c&u-long;tus est m&u-long;tus, Mt. Bos. 9. 33: Lk. Bos, 11, 14. Dumbes elinguis, Glos. Prudent. Recd. 143, 1. Híg brohton him dumbne man obt&u-short;l&e-long;runt ei h&o-short;m&i-short;nem m&u-long;tum, Mt. Bos. 9, 32: Mk. Bos. 9, 17: Ex. 4, 11. Geségun ða dumban gesceaft they saw the dumb creation, Exon. 24 b; Th. 69, 30; Cri: 1128: 113 a; Th. 433, 3; Rä. 50, 2. Ða óðre nigon consonantes synd gecwedene m&u-long;tæ, ðæt synd dumbe the other nine consonants are called m&u-long;tæ, which are dumb, Ælfc. Gr. 2; Som. 3, 1, 2. He dyde ðæt deáfe gehýrdon, and dumbe spræ-acute;con surdos f&e-long;cit aud&i-long;re, et m&u-long;tos l&o-short;qui, Mk. Bos. 7, 37: Mt. Bos. 15, 31. Ic sceal dæ-acute;da fremman swá ða dumban neát I shall do deeds such as the dumb cattle, Andr. Kmbl. 134; An. 67. Dumbra of the dumb, Salm. Kmbl. 158; Sal. 78. Be dumbera manna dæ-acute;dum of dumb men's deeds, L. Alf. pol: 14; Th. i. 70, 13. Hí forgeáfon dumbum spræce they gave speech to the dumb, Homl. Th. i. 544, 33: 424, 10: Andr. Kmbl. 1153; An. 577: Exon. 68 a; Th. 251, 24; Jul. 150. [Piers P. dombe: Wyc. doumbe: Chauc. dombe: Laym. dumbe: Orm. dumb: O. Sax. dump stultus: Frs. domme, dom: O. Frs. dumbe, dome stultus, m&u-long;tus: Dut. dom stupid: Ger. dumm stupid : M. H. Ger. tump stupid: O. H. Ger. tumb m&u-long;tus, stultus: Goth. dumbs mute: Dan. dum stupid: Swed. dum stupid; dumb mute: Icel. dumbr mute.] DER. dum-nys: a-dumbian.

dumle? the pelican; onocr&o-short;t&a-short;lus = òνoκρ&omicron-tonos;ταλos, Cot. 23.

dumnys, -nyss, e; f. DUMBNESS, speechlessness; loquendi impotentia, Som. Ben. Lye.

DUN; adj. DUN, a colour partaking of brown and black; fuscus, aqu&i-short;lus :-- Dun fuscus, Cot. 141, 147: natius [ = n&a-long;t&i-long;vus?], Ælfc. Gl. 79; Som. 72, 86; Wrt. Voc. 46, 43. Dunn balidus [ = βαλι&omicron-tonos;s?], Wrt. Voc. 289, 28. On ðone [MS. ðonne] dunnan stán to the dun stone, Cod. Dipl. 1120; A.D. 939; Kmbl. v. 238, 32. [Chauc. dunne, donne dark-coloured: Ir. dunn a dun colour: Wel. dwn dun, swarthy, dusky: Gael. donn brown-coloured.] DER. asse-dun.

DÚN, e; pl. nom. acc. dúna, dúne; f. A mountain, hill, DOWN; mons, collis :-- Seó dún, ðe se Hæ-acute;lend ofastáh, getácnode heofenan ríce the mountain, from which Jesus descended, betokened the kingdom of heaven, Homl. Th. i. 120, 21: 502, 2, 7: Exon. 101 b; Th. 384, 1; Rä. 4, 21. Ðeós dún hic mons, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 39; Som. 12, 58: 5; Som. 4, 8: Ps. Lamb. 67, 16: Wrt. Voc. 80, 42. Hie be hliðe heáre dúne eorþscræf fundon they found an earth-cavern by the slope of a high hill, Cd. 122 ; Th. 156, 26; Gen. 2594: Homl. Th. i. 502, 13. Betwux ðære dúne Sion, and ðam munte Oliueti between mount Sion and the mount of Olives, i. 440. 15: 502, 2, 9: 120, l0. Genóh lange ge wunodon on ðisse dúne sufficit vobis, quod in hoc monte mansistis, Deut. 1, 6: Gen. 31, 54: Mt. Bos. 24, 3. Stópon stíðhycgende on ða dúne up the stout-hearted went aloft upon the hill, Elen. Kmbl. 1430; El. 717: Bt. Met. Fox 19, 20; Met. 19, 10: Cd. 228; Th. 307, 21; Sat. 683. Ðec heá duna hérgen high downs praise thee, Exon. 54 b; Th. 193, 6; Az. 117. Of denum and of dúnum from dells and from downs, 107 b; Th. 409, 18; Rä. 28, 3: Cd. 69; Th. 84, 15; Gen. 1398: 71; Th. 85, 28; Gen. 1421. Seó wiht dúna briceþ the creature will burst the hills, Exon. 109 b; Th. 420, 6; Rä. 39, 6. Wurdon behelede ealle ða héhstan dúna under ealre heofenan. And ðæt wæter wæs fíftyne fæðma deóp ofer ða héhstan dúna operti sunt omnes montes excelsi sub un&i-short;verso cælo. Quind&e-short;cim c&u-short;b&i-short;tis altior fuit aqua super montes, quæ operu&e-short;rat, Gen. 7, 19, 20. He gehleápeþ heá dúne he shall leap the high downs, Exon. 18 a; Th. 45, 10; Cri. 717. Seó stów is on Oliuetes dúne ufeweardre the place is on the high mount of Olives, Homl. Blick. 125, 19. [R. Glouc. dounes hills: Laym. dune, f: Orm. dun a hill: Plat. dünen sandhills on the seashore: Dut. duin, n: Kil. duyne agger m&a-short;r&i-long;nus: Ger. düne, f: O. H. Ger. dún, dúna mons: Fr. dune, f: Span. dúnas, pl. f: Ital. dúna, f. an elevation of sand thrown up by the sea: Ir. dun, m. a fortified hill, fortress: Corn. dun, din, f. a hill.] DER. a-dún, -dúne, of-.

dún; adj. Mountainous, hilly; mont&a-long;nus :-- To dún-landum to hilly lands, Deut. 1, 7. v. dún-land.

dún-elfen, e; f. [-ælfen a fairy] A down or mountain fairy; cast&a-short;lis, &i-short;dis; f. one of the muses; cast&a-short;l&i-short;des, um, f. Ælfc. Gl. 113; Som. 79, 112; Wrt. Voc. 60, 19.

dúne-ward, dúne-weard downward, Som. Ben. Lye. v. a-dúnweard.

dun-falu, dun-fealu; adj. [dun dun, fealu fallow-coloured] Dun or tawny colour; color cerv&o-long;rum :-- Dun-fealu [MS. -falu] cerv&i-long;nus, Ælfc. Gl. 79; Som. 72, 88; Wrt. Voc. 46, 45. v. fealo.

DUNG, e; f. DUNG; fimus, stercus :-- Ic hine bedelfe, and ic hine beweorpe mid dunne f&o-short;diam circa illam et mittam sterc&o-short;ra, Lk. Skt. Hat. 13, 8. [Wyc. dong, dung: Piers P. Chauc. donge: Frs. dong: O. Frs. dung: Ger. dung, m. manure: M. H. Ger. tunc, f: O. H. Ger. tunga, f: Dan. dynge, m. f. a heap of dung: Swed. dynga, f: Icel. dyngja, f. a heap, dung.]

Dún-holm, es; m. [Flor. Dunhelm: Brom. Durem, Durham: dún a hill, holm water, an island] DURHAM; Dunelmia :-- Hér forlét Ægelríc bisceop his bisceopríce æt Dúnholm in this year [A. D. 1056] bishop Ægelric left his bishopric at Durham, Ch. 1056; Erl. 191, 14. Ða menn hine befóron innan ðære burh æt Dúnholme the men surrounded him in the burgh at Durham, Chr. 1068; Erl. 205, 34: 1072; Erl. 211, 9, 29: 1075; Erl. 212, 35: 1080; Erl. 216, 12: 1087; Erl. 224, 6, 32: 1087; Erl. 226, 9: 1096; Erl. 232, 39.