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Gú. 717. Eádig on elne perfect in courage, 47 b; Th. 163, 25; Gú. 999. To ðissum eádigan hám to this happy home, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 7; Sat. 660. Habbaþ eádigne bearn ealle ymbfangen all have encircled the blessed child, 216; Th. 273, 29; Sat. 144. Eádigra gedryht the company of the blessed, Exon. 32 a; Th. 101, 26; Cri. 1664. Eádgest , superl:--Ðæ-acute;r he to ðám eádgestum æ-acute;rest mæþleþ where he first shall speak to those most blessed, Exon. 27 b; Th. 82, 13; Cri. 1338. [Laym, ædie, eædi, eadi, edi blessed, beautiful: Orm. ædig blessed: O. Sax. ódag rich, happy: O. H. Ger. ótag dives; Goth. audags blessed: Icel. auðigr, auðugr rich, opulent.] DER. ceáp-eádig, dóm-, efen-, eft-, hréþ-, hwæt-, sige-, sigor-, tír-.

eádigan to bless, enrich; beatific&a-long;re, App. Scint. Lye. v. eádgian.

eádig-líc, eádi-líc; adj. Happy, prosperous; prosper, abundans, faustus:--Biþ ðæt æ-acute;rende eádiglícre that errand will be more prosperous, Exon. 100 a; Th. 375, 1; Seel. 131. Cumaþ eádilíc wæstm on wangas convalles abund&a-long;bunt frumento, Ps. Th. 64, 14.

eádig-líce; adv. Happily; fel&i-long;ce:--Da drihtguman lifdon eádiglíce the retainers lived happily, Beo. Th. 200; B. 100.

eádignes, -ness, e; f. Happiness; beat&i-short;tndo, op&u-short;lentia:--Ic sceal ýcan eádignesse I shall increase happiness. Exon. 108 a; Th. 413, 4; Rä. 31, 9: 83 a; Th. 313, 7; Seef. 120: Bt. 40, 4; Fox 240, 8.

eádi-líc; adj. Happy, Ps. Th. 64, 14. v. eádiglíc.

ead-leán a reward, Som. Ben. Lye. v. edleán.

ead-leánnung, e; f. Proper recompense, remuneration, retribution; retr&i-short;b&u-long;tio. Ps. Spl. 54, 22. v. ed-leánung.

eád-lufe, an; f. Happiness of love; beat&i-short;f&i-short;cans &a-short;mor:--Éce eádlufan the eternal happiness of love, Exon. 67 a; Th. 248, 31; Jul. 104.

eád-méd, es; n. Humility; hum&i-short;l&i-short;tas, generally found in the pl:--Ic eádmédu efnan þence humili&a-long;tus sum, Ps. Th. 118, 107. On mínum eádmédum in humil&i-short;t&a-long;te mea, 118, 92. v. eáþ-méd.

eád-médan; p. de To humble; humili&a-long;re, Ps. Spl. 74, 7: 38, 3. DER. ge-eádmédan. v. eáþmédan.

eád-méde; adj. Humble; hum&i-short;lis an&i-short;mi:--Ic eom eádméde humiliátus sum, Ps. Th. 115, 1: 118, 75. v. eáþ-méde.

eád-médlíc humble, respectful, Anlct.

eád-mód, eáþ-mód; adj. Humble, meek, mild; h&u-short;m&i-short;lis, Mt. Bos. 11, 29.

eád-módan to humble; hum&i-short;li&a-long;re, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 29. v. eáþ-módian.

eád-módlíc humble, respectful, Anlct.

eád-módlíce; adv. Humbly, submissively; hum&i-short;l&i-short;ter, Ps. Spl. 130, 3: Ps. Th. 114, 2. v. eáþ-módlíce.

eád-módnes, eád-módnys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Humbleness, humility, humanity; hum&i-short;l&i-short;tas:--Crist eardaþ on ðære dene eádmódnesse Christ dwells in the vale of humility. Bt. 12; Fox 36, 23: Ps. Spl. 9, 13. v. eáþ-módnis.

Eádmund, es; m. [eád happy, mund protection]. 1. Edmund the Martyr, king of East Anglia, was of the Old-Saxon race. He began to reign in A. D. 855. 'Anno Dom&i-short;n&i-short;cæ incarnati&o-long;nis DCCCLV, --Eadmundus Orient&a-long;lium Angl&o-long;rum glorios&i-short;ssimus cœpit regn&a-long;re VIII. Kalend. Janu&a-long;rii, id est die nat&a-long;lis D&o-short;m&i-short;ni, anno æt&a-long;tis suæ dec&i-short;mo quarto,' Asser, p. 7, 26-30. He reigned fifteen years, and his death is thus recorded,--Hér, A. D. 870, fór se here ofer Myrce innon Eást-Ængle:--and, on ðam geáre, S&c-tilde;e Eádmund [MS. Ædmund] cining him wið gefeaht, and ða Deniscan sige náman, and ðone cining ofslógon, and ðæt land eall ge-eódon here the army went over Mercia into East-Anglia;--and, in that year, St. Edmund the king fought with them, and the Danes gained the victory, and slew the king, and overran all that land, Chr. 870; Erl. 73, 29-75, 1. 2. Edmund Atheling, second son of Edward the Elder, and younger brother of Athelstan, whom he succeeded. Edmund was king of Wessex for six years and a half, from A. D. 940-946:--Hér, A. D. 940, Æðelstán cyning forþférde, and Eádmund Æðeling féng to ríce here king Athelstan died, and Edmund Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 940; Th. 209, 13-20, col. 1. Hér, A. D. 946, Eádmund cyning forþíerde, on S&c-tilde;s Agustínus mæssedæge, and he hæfde ríce seofoðe healf geár; and ðá féng Eádréd Æðeling, his bróðor, to ríce here king Edmund died, on St. Augustine's mass-day [May 26th"] , and he held the kingdom six years and a half; and then Eadred Atheling, his brother, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 946; Erl. 116, 33-36. 3. Edmund Ironside, son of Æthelred Atheling. Edmund began to reign in A. D. 1016, and died the same year:--A. D. 1016, ðá gelamp hit ðæt se cyning Æðelréd forþférde, and ealle ða witan ða on Lundene wæ-acute;ron, and seó burhwaru gecuron Eádmund to cyninge then it happened that king Æthelred died, and all the witan that were in London, and the townsmen chose Edmund for king, Chr. 1016; Erl. 155, 15-19. A. D. 1016, ðá to S&c-tilde;e Andreas mæssan, forþférde Eádmund cyng then, on St. Andrew's mass-day [Nov. 30th], king Edmund died, Chr. 1016; Th. 284, 12, col. 2.

Eádmundes burh; gen. burge; dat. byrig; f. [Eádmundes Edmund's, burh the town] St. Edmundsbury, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk:--Hér, A. D. 1046, forþférde Æðelstán abbot on Abban dúne and féng Spearhafoc munuc to of S&c-tilde;e Eádmundes byrig here died Æthelstan, abbot of Abingdon, and monk Spearhawk of St. Edmundsbury succeeded, Chr. 1046; Erl. 170, 15.

eád-nes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Happiness, prosperity; beat&i-short;t&u-long;do:--Ós byþ eorla gehwám eádnys mind is to every man prosperity, Hick. Thes. vol. i. 135, 8; Runic pm. 4; Kmbl. 340, 10. Ongan he wurþigan eádnysse and hýrsumnysse he began to esteem happiness and obedience, Guthl. 2; Gdwin. 18, 16. v. éþnes.

eá-docce, an; f. A water-dock; r&u-short;mex aquat&i-short;ca, Lchdm. ii. 379.

eador; adv. Together; una, simul:--Eall eador all together, Cd. 119; Th. 154, 18; Gen. 2557. Ðá wæs eall eador [geador, Kmbl.] there was all together, Andr. Recd. 3253; An. 1629. v. geador.

eador a hedge, dwelling, v. edor.

eador-geard, es; m. The inclosure of arteries, the body; d&o-short;mus v&e-long;n&a-long;rum, corpus; aula septa, Grm. Andr. Elen. 129, 4. Læ-acute;taþ spor eadorgeard [ealdorgeard, Kmbl.] sceoran, fæ-acute;ges feorhhord let the spur raze the dwelling [of arteries? or of life?], the soul-hoard of the mortal, Andr. Recd. 2362; An. 1183. v. æ-acute;dre.

Eádréd, es; m. [eád happy, réd = ræ-acute;d counsel] Eadred Atheling, third son of Edward the Elder. Eadred was king of Wessex and Northumbria, for nine years and a half, from A. D. 946-955:--Hér, A. D. 946, féng Eádréd Æðeling to ríce here Eadred Atheling succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 946; Erl. 116, 35. Hér, A. D. 955, Eádréd [MS. Ædréd] cyning forþférde, and féng Eádwíg to ríce, Eádmundes sunu here king Eadred died, and Eadwig, Edmund's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 955 ; Erl. 119, 8.

Eadulfes næs, Ealdulfes næs, næss, es; m. Eadulf's ness, Walton-on-the-Naze? Ædulphi promont&o-long;rium in agro Essexiensi:--Ðá óðre fóron on Eást-Seaxon to Eadulfes næsse the others went on to Essex, to Eadulf's ness, Chr. 1049; Ing. 220, 24: 1051; Th. 319, 2, col. 2: 1052; Th. 321, 10.

eád-wacer, es; m. A watchman of property; bon&o-long;rum custos, Exon. 101 a; Th. 380, 30; Rä. 1, 16.

Eádweard, -ward, es; m. [eád happy, weard ward, guardian]. 1. Edward the Elder, the eldest son of Alfred the Great. Edward was king of Wessex for twenty-four years, from A. D. 901-925:--Hér, A. D. 901, gefór Ælfréd cyning, and féng Eádweard his sunu to ríce here king Alfred died, and Edward his son succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 901; Erl. 97, 8-10. Her, A. D. 925, Eádweard cyning [MS. cing] forþférde, and Æðelstán his sunu féng to ríce here king Edward died, and Æthelstan his son succeeded to the kingdom. Chr. 925; Erl. 1010, 19. 2. Edward the Martyr, son of Edgar. Edward was king of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, for three years, from A. D. 975-978:--Hér, A. D. 975, Eádweard, Eádgáres sunu, féng to ríce here Edward, Edgar's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 975; Th. 227, 37, col. 1. Hér, A. D. 978, wearþ Eádweard cyning gemartyrad here king Edward was martyred, Chr. 978; Th. 232, 1-3, col. 1. 3. Edward the Confessor, son of Æthelred. Edward was king of England for twenty-four years, from A. D. 1042-1066:--Hér, A. D. 1042, wæs Eádward gehálgod to cinge on Wincestre here Edward was consecrated king at Winchester, Chr. 1042; Erl. 168, 2. Hér, A. D. 1066, forþférde Eádward [MS. Eáduuard] cyning [MS. king], and Harold eorl féng to ðam ríce here king Edward died, and earl Harold succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 1066; Erl. 198, 1.

eád-wéla, an; m. Happy weal, riches, happiness, blessedness; div&i-short;tiae, op&u-short;lentia, fel&i-long;c&i-short;tas, beat&i-short;t&u-long;do:--Sumum eádwélan dæ-acute;leþ to some he dispenses riches, Exon. 88 a; Th. 331, 12; Vy. 67: 59 b; Th. 215, 10; Ph. 251: 80 a; Th. 301, 17; Fä. 20. Sáwul fundaþ to ðam longan gefeán in eád-wélan the soul tendeth to that lasting joy into happiness, 48 b; Th. 167, 22; Gú. 1064: 64 a; Th. 237, 6; Ph. 586.

Eádwíg, es; m. [eád happy, wíg war] Eadwig, son of Edmund. Eadwig was king of Wessex and Northumbria for four years, from A. D. 955-959:--Hér, A. D. 955, féng Eádwíg to ríce, Eádmundes sunu here Eadwig, Edmund's son, succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 955 ; Erl. 119, 8. Hér, A. D. 959, Eádwíg cyning forþférde, and féng Eádgár his bróðor to ríce here king Eadwig died, and Edgar his brother succeeded to the kingdom, Chr. 959; Erl. 119, 11.

eæ-acute; ; dat. or abl. To or by a river:--Be ðære eæ-acute;by the river, Chr. 896; Th. 172, 35, col. 1. v. eá.

eæd-leæ-acute;nian to reward; retr&i-short;bu&e-short;re, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 22. DER. ge-eædleæ-acute;nian. v. edleæ-acute;nian.

eældian to grow old; inveterasc&e-short;re, Ps. Spl. T. 17, 47: 31, 3. v. ealdian.

eællenge; interj. Behold; en, ecce, Ps. Spl. T. 53, 4. v. eallenga.

eærdung, e; f. A tabernacle; tabern&a-long;c&u-short;lum, Ps. Spl. T. 59, 6. v. eardung.

eærfoðian to trouble; trib&u-short;l&a-long;re, Ps. Spl. T. 12, 5: 41, 14.

eærfoþnes, -ness, e; f. Difficulty, trouble; diff&i-short;cultas, trib&u-short;l&a-long;tio, Ps. Spl. T. 33, 19: 65, lo: 117, 5. v. earfoþnes.

eærpung, e; f. A harping, harp; c&i-short;th&a-short;ra, Ps. Spl. T. 32, 2. v. earpa.

eæþ-mód; adj. Mild; m&i-long;tis, Ps. Spl. T. 24, 10. v. eáþ-mód.

eafera a son, Beo. Th. 2374; B. 1185. v. eafora.