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Nis me earfeðe to geþolianne willan Dryhtnes mínes it is not hard for me to endure the will of my Lord, Exon. 48 a; Th. 166, 6; Gú. 1038. Ða bísgu us sint swíðe earfoþ the occupations are to us very difficult. Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7. Earfoðest most difficult, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 15. [Orm. arrfeþþ difficult.]

earfeþ-mæcg, es; m. An unhappy or unfortunate man; infort&u-long;n&a-long;tus h&o-short;mo :-- Se endestæf earfeþmæcgum weálíc weorþeþ the end to the unfortunate is miserable, Exon. 87 a; Th. 328, 3; Vy. 11. v. earfoþ-mæcg.

earfeþ-síþ a misfortune, calamity :-- Earfeþsíðas calamities, Andr. Kmbl. 2568; An. 1285. v. earfoþ-síþ.

earfoþ, es; n. Hardship, trouble; l&a-short;bor, trib&u-short;l&a-long;tio :-- Má earfoða more of troubles, Guthl. 5; Gdwin. 32, 13. v. earfeðe.

earfoþ; adj. Hard, difficult, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7. v. earfeðe; adj.

earfoþ-cyn, -cynn, es; n. A violent generation; pr&a-long;va gens :-- Ðæt wæs earfoþcynn yrre and réðe genus pr&a-long;vum et peram&a-long;rum, Ps. Th. 77, 10.

earfoþ-dæg, es; m. A trouble-day, day of trouble; tribul&a-long;ti&o-long;nis dies :-- Ic on earfoþ-dæge Drihten sóhte in die tribul&a-long;ti&o-long;nis Deum exqu&i-long;s&i-long;vi, Ps. Th. 76, 2.

earfoþ-fere; adj. Difficult to pass; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis trans&i-short;tu, Scint. 10.

earfoþ-háwe; adj. Difficult to be seen; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis v&i-long;su :-- Earfoþháwe is it is difficult to be seen, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 303; Met. 20, 152: Bt. 33, 4; Fox 130, 30.

earfoþ-hwíl, e; f. A time of hardship; m&o-short;lestum tempus :-- Ic earfoþhwíle þrówade I suffered a time of hardship, Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 5; Seef. 3.

earfoþ-hylde; adj. Ill-inclined, ill-disposed, ill-natured; mal&e-short;v&o-short;lus, malignus :-- Se ðe earfoþhylde biþ, and gyrnþ ðæra þinga ðe he begitan ne mihte, búton twýn him geneálæ-acute;hþ se hreófla Giezi he who is ill-inclined, and yearns for the things which he could not obtain, without doubt to him approximates the leper Gehazi, Homl. Th. i. 400, 1.

earfoþ-læ-acute;re; adj. Difficult to be taught, dull; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis doctu :-- Earfoþlæ-acute;ran bróðru ind&o-short;c&i-short;les fratres, Greg. Dial. 2, 3.

earfoþ-læ-acute;te; adj. Difficult to be sent forth; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis emissu :-- Earfoþlæ-acute;te micga a painful discharge of urine, strangury; strang&u-long;ria = GREEK, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 47; Wrt. Voc. 19, 49.

earfoþ-líc; adj. Irksome; labori&o-long;sus :-- Eall is earfoþlíc eorþan ríce the realm of earth is all irksome, Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 28; Wand. 106. Gif eów æ-acute;nig þing þince earfoþlíce si diff&i-short;c&i-short;le v&o-long;bis v&i-long;sum &a-short;l&i-short;quid fu&e-short;rit, Deut. 1, 17.

earfoþ-líce; adv. With difficulty, reluctantly, sorely, hardly; diff&i-short;c&i-short;le, inv&i-long;te, ægre :-- Earfoþlíce wæs gúþ getwæ-acute;fed the contest had been parted with difficulty, Beo. Th. 3318; B. 1657: 3276; B. 1636: Mk. Bos. 10, 23. Se ellen-gæ-acute;st earfoþlíce þrage geþolode the potent ghost reluctantly endured for a time, Beo. Th. 173; B. 86: Exon. 98 a; Th. 369, 8; Seel. 38. Ðá wæs gegongen earfoþlíce then it befel sorely, Beo. Th. 5636; B. 2822: Andr. Kmbl. 1028; An. 514. Hí óþ-eódon earfoþlíce they hardly escaped, Beo. Th. 5861; B. 2934.

earfoþlícnes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Difficulty, pain; diff&i-short;cultas :-- Heó earfoþlícnysse [-nesse MS. B.] ðæs migþan astyreþ it stirreth a difficulty of the urine [strangury], Herb. 143, 1; Lchdm. i. 266, 3. Wið ðæs migþan earfoþlícnyssa [-nysse MS. H: -nesse MS. B.] for difficulties of the urine, 156, 3; Lchdm. i. 284, 4.

earfoþ-mæcg, earfeþ-mæcg, es; m. An unhappy man; infort&u-long;n&a-long;tus h&o-short;mo :-- Se earfoþmæcg up lócode the afflicted man looked up, Cd. 206; Th. 255, 12; Dan. 623.

earfoþnes, -ness, -niss, -nyss, e; f. Difficulty, hardship, anxiety, tribulation, misfortune; diff&i-short;cultas, l&a-short;bor, angustiæ, trib&u-short;l&a-long;tio, infort&u-long;nium :-- God ealle þing gediht búton earfoþnysse God regulates all things without difficulty, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 19, 5; Lchdm. iii. 278, 13. Wið wífa earfoþnyssum [-nessum MS. B.] for the difficulties of women, Med. ex Quadr. 2, 7; Lchdm. i. 334, 18. He geheóld his ríce mid myclum geswince and earfoþnessum [-nyssum, Th. 278, 40, col. 2; -nissum, 279, 41, col. 1] he held his kingdom with much labour and hardships, Chr. 1016; Th. 278, 41, col. 1. Bútan micelre earfoþnysse without much tribulation, Homl. Th. i. 476, 13: Boutr. Scrd. 20, 35. Bútan earfoþnyssum without tribulations, Homl. Th. i. 476, 11. Mihte we ðý éþ geþolian swá hwæt earfoþnessa swá us on becóme we might the more easily bear whatsoever misfortunes come upon us, Bt. 10; Fox 30, 12.

earfoþ-recce; adj. [reccan to relate] Difficult to be told; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis narr&a-long;tu, Lupi Serm. 5, 3, Lye.

earfoþ-ríme; adj. Difficult to be numbered; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis num&e-short;r&a-long;tu :-- Ða bísgu us sint swíðe earfoþríme the occupations are to us very difficult to be numbered, Bt. proœm; Fox viii. 7.

earfoþ-sæ-acute;lig; adj. Unblessed; inf&e-long;lix :-- Ne biþ æ-acute;nig ðæs earfoþsæ-acute;lig mon on moldan there is not any man on earth so unblessed, Exon. 78 b; Th. 294, 1; Crä. 8.

earfoþ-síþ, earfeþ-síþ, es; m. A laborious journey, misfortune, calamity; m&o-short;lestum &i-short;ter, infort&u-long;nium, cal&a-short;m&i-short;tas :-- Weorn geferaþ earfoþsíða ye travel plenty of laborious journeys, Andr. Kmbl. 1355; An. 678: Cd. 72; Th. 89, 5; Gen. 1476. Se folc-toga findan sceolde earfoþsíðas the nation's leader should find calamities, 208; Th. 257, 13; Dan. 657: Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 30; Vy. 59. Ðú wást ánra gehwylces earfeþsíðas thou knowest every man's calamities, Andr. Kmbl. 2568; An. 1285.

earfoþ-tæ-acute;cne; adj. Difficult to be shewn; diff&i-short;c&i-short;lis demonstr&a-long;tu :-- Eorþe and wæter earfoþtæ-acute;cne wuniaþ on fýre earth and water dwell in fire difficult to be shewn, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 294; Met. 20, 147.

earfoþ-þrag, e; f. Time of tribulation; m&o-short;lestum tempus :-- Á syððan earfoþþrage þolaþ ever after will suffer a time of tribulation, Beo. Th. 572; B. 283.

EARG, earh; comp. eargra, earhra; sup. eargost; adj. I. inert, weak, timid, cowardly; iners, ign&a-long;vus, segnis, t&i-short;m&i-short;dus :-- Se earga féðe Brytta &a-short;cies segnis Britt&o-short;num, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 19. Ful oft mon wearnum tíhþ eargne full oft one urges the inert with threats, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 14; Gn. Ex. 188. Ne biþ swylc earges síþ such is not the path of the cowardly, Beo. Th. 5076; B. 2541: Ors. 6, 36; Bos. 131, 27. II. evil, wretched, vile; pr&a-long;vus, impr&o-short;bus :-- Ða cyningas, ðe æfter Romuluse rícsedan, wæ-acute;ran eargran ðonne he wæ-acute;re the kings who reigned after Romulus, were more vile than he was. Ors. 2, 2; Bos. 41, 24. Tarcuinius hiora eallra eargost wæs Tarquin was the most vile of them all, 2, 2; Bos. 41, 26. Swá fela eargra worda so many evil words, Cd. 27; Th. 36, 32; Gen. 580: Exon. 26 b; Th. 79, 29; Cri. 1298. [Chauc, erke indolent, indisposed: Laym. eær&yogh;h timid: Scot. arch, argh, ergh averse: Frs. erg bad, wicked: O. Frs. erch, erg, arg bad: Dut. erg bad; Ger. arg bad, wicked: M. H. Ger. arc m&a-short;lus, pr&a-long;vus: O. H. Ger. arg av&a-long;rus, pr&a-long;vus: Dan. arg, arrig bad, wicked, passionate: Swed. arg angry: Icel. argr emasculate, effeminate.] DER. un-earg.

earge; adv. Inertly, badly; segn&i-short;ter, m&a-short;le :-- Earge gé ðæt læ-acute;stun ye performed that badly, Exon. 30 a; Th. 92, 3; Cri. 1503.

ear-gebland, ear-geblond, earh-geblond, es; n. Wave-mingling; oce&a-short;ni turb&a-long;tio, und&a-long;rum commixtio :-- Ofer eargebland [æra gebland, col. 1] land gesóhtan they sought the land over the ocean [lit. the wave-mingling], Chr. 937; Th. 202, 38, col. 2: Th. 203, 38, col. 1, 2: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 59; Met. 8, 30.

eár-gespeca, eár-gespreca, an; m. An ear-speaker, a whisperer; auric&u-short;l&a-long;rius, susurro, Cot. 14.

earg-faru, e; f. A flight or shooting of an arrow. Exon. 71 b; Th. 266, 26; Jul. 404. v. earh-faru.

eargian to be slothful, dull, idle; torpesc&e-short;re. DER. a-eargian.

eargra weaker, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 27, = comp. of earg.

ear-grund, es; m. The ocean's ground; oce&a-short;ni fundus, Exon. 53 b; Th. 188, 3; Az. 40.

eargscipe, earhscipe, es; m. Idleness, sloth; ign&a-long;via, Lye.

earh ocean. DER. earh-geblond. v. ear.

earh; adj. Swift, fleeing through fear, timorous, weak; f&u-short;gax, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 60; Som. 13, 43: Byrht. Th. 138, 50; By. 238. v. earg.

EARH, e; f; arewe, an; f. An ARROW; sagitta :-- Earh áttre gemæ-acute;l the arrow stained with poison, Andr. Recd. 2661; An. 1333. [Laym. Chauc. arwe: Piers P. arwe, pl. arewes: Wyc. arewe, arwe: Goth. arhwazna. f. telum: O. Nrs. ör; gen. örvar. f. sagitta.]

earh-faru, e; f. [earh an arrow; faru a going, journey, passage] A flight of arrows; sagitt&a-long;rum v&o-short;l&a-long;tus :-- Habbaþ scearp speru, atole earhfare they have sharp spears, a terrible flight of arrows, Salm. Kmbl. 259; Sal. 129. Mid earhfare with a flight of arrows, Andr. Kmbl. 2097; An. 1050. Ða us gescildaþ wið sceððendra eglum [MS englum] earhfarum they shall shield us against the enemies' noxious flights of arrows, Exon. 19 a; Th. 47, 28; Cri. 762.

earh-geblond wave-mingling, Elen. Kmbl. 477; El. 239. v. ear-gebland.

earhlíce; adv. Fearfully, timidly, disgracefully, basely; trep&i-short;de, remisse, ign&a-long;ve, turp&i-short;ter :-- Earhlíce timidly, Gen. 20, 4. Hí hine earhlíce ofslógon they basely slew him, Chr. 1086; Erl. 223, 9. v. earh.

earhra weaker, Bt. 26, 2; Fox 92, 27, MS. Bod. v. earg.

eár-hring, eár-ring, es; m. An ear-ring; inauris :-- Nymaþ gyldene eár-hringas of eówer wífa eáron toll&i-short;te inaures aureas de ux&o-long;rum vestr&a-long;rum aur&i-short;bus, Ex. 32, 2: Ælfc. Gl. 4; Som. 55, 91. v. eár-spinl.

eá-risc, e; f. A water-rush, bulrush; scirpus, juncus, Cot. 219: R. 42 ? Lye. v. æ-acute;-risc.

eá-riþ, es; m. A water-stream; aquae r&i-long;vus :-- Ðæ-acute;r synd fúle eáriþas yrnende there are foul running water-streams, Guthl. 3; Gdwin. 20, 5.

eá-rixe, an; f. A water-rush :-- Nim eárixena wyrtruman take roots of water-rushes, Lchdm. iii. 122, 8. v. eá-risc.

eár-læppa, an; m. [eáre an ear, læppa a lap] An ear-lap; pinn&u-short;la :-- Eár-læppa vel ufweard [MS. ufwaard] eáre pinn&u-short;la: flæ-acute;ran vel eár-læppan pinn&u-short;læ, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 83, 84; Wrt. Voc. 43, 15, 16.

eár-loccas; pl. m. [eár = æ-acute;r before] Forelocks; antiæ, Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 69, 16; Wrt. Voc. 40, 49.

EARM, es; m. I. an ARM, the limb extending from the shoulder to the hand; brachium :-- Gif se earm biþ forad búfan elmbogan, ðæ-acute;r sculon xv scillinga to bóte if the arm be broken above the elbow, there shall be fifteen shillings for compensation, L. Alf. pol. 54; Th. i. 94, 24: 66; Th. i. 96, 28. Earm brachium, Wrt. Voc. 64, 69: 71, 22: 283, 7: