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Jul. 251. Ða earmþa beóþ endeleáse ðe éce bióþ those miseries are endless which are eternal. Bt. 38, 2 ; Fox 198, 16.

ende-leáslíce; adv. ENDLESSLY, eternally; infinite. Som. Ben. Lye.

ende-leásnys, -nyss, e; f. ENDLESSNESS, eternity; inf&i-long;n&i-short;tas, Ælfc. Gr. 18; Som. 21, 58.

ende-líf, es; n. An end of life, death; v&i-long;ta f&i-long;n&i-long;ta, mors :-- Wurdon hie deáþes on wénan, ádes and endelífes they were in expectation of death, of the funeral pil&e-long; and end of life, Elen. Kmbl. 1166; El. 585.

ende-mæst endmost, last; extr&e-long;mus, Som. Ben. Lye.

ende-mes, endemest, ændemes, ændemest; adv. Equally, likewise, in like manner, together; p&a-short;r&i-short;ter :-- Forðon ic ne mæg eal ða monigfealdan yfel endemes areccan because I cannot equally reckon all the manifest evils, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 49, 11: 3, 10; Bos. 69, 36. Ne mæg hió ealle endemest gescínan nor can she equally shine upon all, Bt. 41, 1; Fox 244, 9.

endemestnes, -ness, e; f. An extremity; extr&e-long;m&i-short;tas, R. Ben. interl. 6.

ende-néhst, -nýhst, ende-néxta, ende-níhsta; adj. The nighest end, the last, uttermost; ult&i-short;mus :-- Drihten, ðú oncneówe ealle ða nywestan oððe ða endeníhstan [MS. ændenihstan] D&o-short;m&i-short;ne, tu cogn&o-long;visti omnia noviss&i-short;ma, Ps. Lamb. 138, 5. Febru&a-long;rius se mónaþ is ealra scyrtst and endenýhst February is the shortest and last month of all, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 13, 28; Lchdm. iii. 264, 8.

ende-rím, es; n. The final number, the number; f&i-long;n&a-long;lis n&u-short;m&e-short;rus :-- Daga enderím he gesette he set the number of days, Cd. 213; Th. 265, 24; Sat. 12.

ende-sæ-acute;ta, an; m. An end or border inhabitant, one stationed at the extremity of a territory; l&i-long;m&i-short;tis inc&o-short;la, Beo. Th. 487; B. 241.

ende-spæc, e; f. An end-speech, epilogue; ep&i-short;l&o-short;gus, Reg. Conc. in Ep&i-short;l&o-short;go.

ende-stæf; pl. nom. acc. -stafas; m. An epilogue, conclusion, destruction; ep&i-short;l&o-short;gus, peror&a-long;tio :-- Heó endestæf gesceáwiaþ they shall behold their end, Cd. 225; Th. 398, 30; Sat. 541.

endian, ændian; p. ode; pp. od To END, make an end; f&i-long;n&i-long;re, d&e-long;s&i-short;n&e-short;re :-- Hí hit endian sceoldon they should end it. Ps. Th. 9, 6. v. ge-endian.

endleofan, endlufon, endlyfun, inflected cases of endleof, endluf, endlyf [end = an one; unus; leof=lif, from lífan to leave; relinqu&e-short;re, Grm. ii. 947, or end = án one; lif ten; d&e-short;cem; existing in Teutonic languages only in the words for 11 and 12; A. Sax. end-lif and twé-lf = twá-lf= twá-lif, Grm. Gsch. §246] ELEVEN ; und&e-short;cim = GREEK :-- Ósréd ðæt rice hæfde endleofan wintra Osred held the kingdom for eleven years, Bd. 5, 18; S. 635, 20. Mid híra endlufon sunum cum undecim filiis, Gen. 32, 22. Endleofan steorran eleven stars, Gen. 37, 9: Chr. 71; Th. 13, 3, col. 3. [Wyc. enleuene, enleuen, enleue: R. Glouc. endleve: Laym. elleoue, elleouen: Plat. elv, elwen: O. Sax. ellevan; Frs. alve, alue: O. Frs. andlova, elleva: Dat. elf: Ger. eilf, elf: M. H. Ger. einlif, einlef: O. H. Ger. einlif: Goth. ainlif: Dan. elleve: Swed. elfva: Icel. ellifu.] v. twelf.

endlyfta, ændlyfta, ællyfta; seó, ðæt, -e; adj. The eleventh; und&e-short;c&i-short;mus :-- On ðam endlyftan mónþe und&e-short;c&i-short;mo mense, Deut. 1, 3. Endlyfta ðæra t&a-short;cna ys geháten áqu&a-long;rius the eleventh of the signs is called &a-short;qu&a-long;rius, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 7, 9; Lchdm. iii. 246, 3.

endung, e; f. An ENDING, end; f&i-long;nis, consumm&a-long;tio :-- Ðæt ríp is worulde endung messis consumm&a-long;tio sæc&u-short;li est, Mt. Bos. 13, 39. DER. ge-endung.

end-werc, es; n. [werc = wærc pain] A pain in the buttocks; n&a-short;tium d&o-short;lor :-- Ðes drænc is gód wið endwerce this drink is good for pain in the buttocks, Lchdm. iii. 50, 11.

ENED, e; f. I. a duck; &a-short;nas, gen. &a-short;n&a-short;tis; f. &a-short;n&e-short;ta :-- Óþ enede mére to the duck's mere, Cod. Dipl. 204; A. D. 814; Kmbl. i. 258, 5. Ened &a-short;n&e-short;ta, Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 52: Wrt. Voc. 77, 22: 280, 8. II. ened, es; m. A drake; &a-short;nas, an&e-short;t&a-long;rius, masc&u-short;lus ist&i-long;us &a-short;vis :-- Ened a drake? &a-short;nas, gen. &a-short;n&a-short;tis; m. Ælfc. Gl. 36; Som. 62, 122; Wrt. Voc. 29, 18. Ened a drake? larax? Wrt. Voc. 280, 9. [Dut. eend, end, f. a duck; m. a drake: Ger. ente, f. a duck; enterich, m. a drake: M. H. Ger. ant, f. a duck; m. a drake: O. H. Ger. an&u-short;t, anit &a-short;nas: Dan. and, m. f: Swed. and, f. a wild duck: Icel. önd, f. pl. endr, andir a duck: Lat. &a-short;anas, gen. &a-short;n&a-short;tis, m. f: Grk. GREEK, GREEK, f. a duck.]

eneleác, es; n. An onion; cæpe :-- We hæfdon porleác and eneleác in mentem nobis v&e-short;niunt porri et cæpe, Num. 11, 5. v. enneleác.

énetere, énitre; adj. Of a year old; anniculus :-- Ðú dést æ-acute;lce dæg on ðaet weofod twá énetere lamb f&a-short;cies in alt&a-long;ri agnos ann&i-short;c&u-short;los duos per sing&u-short;los dies, Ex. 29, 38. v. án-wintre.

énga sole :-- Mid ðínne éngan Freán with thy sole Lord, Exon. 11a ; Th. 15, 17; Cri. 237. v. ánga.

enge from confinement, Cd. 71; Th. 86, 23; Gen. 1435. v. engu.

enge; def. se enga; adj. Narrow, anxious; angustus, anxius :-- Ufan hit is enge it is narrow above, Exon. 116a; Th. 446, 14; Dórn. 22: 47a; Th. 162, 3; Gú. 970. Of ðam engan hofe from that narrow house, 73b; Th. 274, 12; Jul. 532: 8a; Th. 3, 6; Cri. 32. Enge ánpaðas narrow passes, Cd. 145; Th. 181, 8; Exod. 58: Beo. Th. 2824; B. 1410. Helle wísceþ, ðæs engestan éðel-ríces shall wish for hell, the narrowest realm, Salm. Kmbl. 213; Sal. 106. v. ange.

ENGEL, ængel, angel, engyl; gen. engles; dat. engle; pl. nom. acc. englas, engel; gen. engla; dat. englum; m. An ANGEL, a messenger; angelus = GREEK :-- Se engel him to cwæþ dixit illis ang&e-short;lus, Lk. Bos. 2, 10: 1, 13 : Mt. Bos. 28, 5 : Gen. 22, 12. Godes engel stód on emn hí the angel of God stood before them, Homl. Th. i. 30, 15, 17: Mt. Bos. 1, 20, 24: Jn. Bos. 5, 4. Ðæt mæg engel ðín eáþ geferan that thine angel may more easily travel. Andr. Kmbl. 387; An. 194. Þurh ðæs engles word through the angel's word, Exon. 20a; Th. 51, 31; Cri. 824: 34b; Th. 110, 11; Gú. 106: Salm. Kmbl. 901; Sal. 450: Homl. Th. i. 30, 22. He ðam engle oncwæþ he spake to the angel, Cd. 141; Th. 176, 12 ; Gen. 2910: Lk. Bos. 2, 13. God sent his engel befóran ðé Dóm&i-short;nus mittet ang&e-short;lum suum córam te, Gen. 24, 7: 16, 7. Máran cýððe habbaþ englas to Gode ðonne men angels are more like God than men. Homl. Th. i. 10, 3. Englas bláwaþ býman angels shall blow the trumpet, Exon. 20b; Th. 55, 9; Cri. 881: 14a; Th. 28, 17; Cri. 448. Cómon twegen englas ven&e-long;runt duo ang&e-short;li, Gen. 19, 1, 12, 15. Be-heóldon ðæt [MS. ðær] engel Dryhtnes ealle all the angels of the Lord beheld it, Rood Kmbl. 18; Kr. 9. Hér sindon nigon engla werod here are nine hosts of angels, Homl. Th. i. 10, 14: 12, 8 : Elen. Kmbl. 2559; El. 1281. Engla ríce the kingdom of angels, 2460; El. 1231. Engla beorhtast brightest of angels, Exon. 9b; Th. 7, 21; Cri. 104. Gif ðú in heofonríce habban wille eard mid englum if thou wilt have in heaven's realm a dwelling with angels, Elen. Kmbl. 1240; El. 622: Andr. Kmbl. 1197; An. 599: 3440; An. 1724. Mid hys englum cum angelis suis, Mt. Bos. 16, 27. Englas God worhte, ða sind gástas, and nabbaþ næ-acute;nne líchaman God created angels, which are spirits, and have no body, Homl. Th. i. 276, 1. Mannes sunu sent his englas mittet f&i-long;lius h&o-short;m&i-short;nis ang&e-short;los suos. Mt. Bos. 13, 41: Mk. Bos. 13, 27. [Wyc. aungel: Chauc. aungel: Laym. engles, pl: Orm. enngell: O. Sax. engil, m: Frs. ingel: O. Frs. angel, angl, engel, m: Dut. Ger. M. H. Ger. engel, m: O. H. Ger. engil, m: Goth. aggilus, m: Dan. engel, m. f: Swed. engel, m: Icel. engill, m: Lat. ang&e-short;lus, m: Grk. GREEK, m. f. a messenger, angel.] DER. heáh-engel, heofon-, up-.

Engel; gen. Engle; f. Anglen in Denmark, the country from which the Angles came into Britain; Ang&u-short;lus, terra quam Angli ante trans&i-short;tum in Britanniam c&o-short;lu&e-long;runt :-- Of Engle cóman Eást-Engle, and Middel-Engle, and Myrce, and eall Norþhembra cynn from Anglen came the East-Angles, and Middle-Angles, and Mercians, and all the race of the Northumbrians, Bd. 1, 15 ; S. 483, 24. v. Angel.

engel-cund; adj. Angelic; ang&e-short;l&i-short;cus = GREEK :-- God him giefe sealde engelcunde God gave him angelic grace, Exon. 34a; Th. 108, 13; Gú. 72.

engel-cyn, -cynn, es; n. [engel ang&e-short;lus; cyn, cynn g&e-short;nus] The angel race or order; genus vel ordo ang&e-short;l&o-long;rum :-- Wæs ðæt engelcyn [MS. encgelcyn] genemnad the angel race was named, Cd. 221; Th. 287, 12; Sat. 366. Ðú sitest ofer ðam engelcynne thou sittest above the angel race. Elen. Kmbl. 1463; El. 733. Hæfde se Ealwalda engelcynna tyne getrymede the Almighty had ten established orders of angels, Cd. 14; Th. 16, 21; Gen. 246: Andr. Kmbl. 1434; An. 717.

engel-líc, engle-líc; adj. Angelic; ang&e-short;l&i-short;cus :-- He ge-earnode ðæt he wæs brúcende engellícre gesihþe ang&e-short;l&i-short;ca m&e-short;ruit v&i-long;s&i-long;one perfrui. Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 13.

Engla feld; gen. feldes; dat. felda, felde; m. [Hovd. Englefeld: Brom. Englefelde: Matt. West. Anglefeld: Angles' field, the field of the English] ENGLEFIELD or INGLEFIELD, near Reading, Berkshire; l&o-short;ci n&o-long;men in agro Berkeriensi :-- Her cwom se here to Reádingum on West-Seaxe, and dæs ymb iii niht ridon ii eorlas up: ðá gemétte hie Æðelwulf aldorman on Engla felda, and him ðæ-acute;r wið gefeaht, and sige nam in this year [A. D. 871] the army came to Reading in Wessex, and three nights after two earls rode up: then alderman Æthelwulf met them at Inglefield, and there fought against them, and gained the victory. Chr. 871; Erl. 74, 5-8.

Engla land, es; n. The land of the Angles or Engles, ENGLAND; Anglórum terra. It extended in the time of Bede, A. D. 731, from the present Lincolnshire to the Frith of Forth, on the south of which Æbber-curníg is located :-- Ðæt mynster Æbbercurníg, ðæt is geseted on Engla lande the minster Abercorn, that is seated in the land of the Angles, or Engla land = England, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 36.

Englan; gen. ena; dat. um; acc. an; pl. m. The Angles; Angli :-- Ða Wealas flugon ða Englan [=Engle, Th. 22, 27, col. 2, 3] the Welsh fled from the Angles, Chr. 473; Th. 23, 26, col. 2; 23, 27, col. 1. Betweox Wealan and Englan between the Welsh and Angles, L. O. D. 2 ; Th. i. 354, 2: 3; Th. i. 354, 10. v. Engle, Angle the Angles.

englas angels, Homl. Th. i. 276, 1. v. engel.

Engle, Angle; pl. nom. acc; gen. a; dat. um; pl. m: Englan; gen. ena; pl. m. The Angles; Angli The inhabitants of Anglen in Denmark. Anglen was the province from which the English derived their being and name. Anglen [v. Engel] lies on the south-east part of the Duchy of Sleswick, in Denmark. The majority of settlers in Britain