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Th. 2148; 6. 1072: 2180; B. 1088: 2286; 3. 1141: 2294; B. 1145. [O. Nrs. jötunn, m.] v. ent, eten.
eótenisc, eótonisc; adj. Belonging to or made by a giant, giant; giganteus, a gigante factus :-- Geseah ðá eald sweord eótenisc then he saw an old giant sword. Beo. Th. 3120; B. 1558. Ætbær eald sweord eótonisc bore away the old giant sword, 5225 ; B. 2616. v. entisc.
Eotol-ware; gen. -wara; dat. -warum; pl. m. Inhabitants of Italy, Italians, Italy; It&a-short;li, It&a-short;lia :-- He sinoþ gesomnade Eotolwara biscopa c&o-long;g&e-short;ret syn&o-short;dum episc&o-short;p&o-long;rum It&a-short;liæ. Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 33.
eóton ate, Chr. 998; Erl. 135, 20, = æ-acute;ton; p. pl. of etan.
eótonisc, Beo. Th. 5225; B. 2616: 5950; B. 2979. v. eótenisc.
eóton-weard, e; f. Giant-protection; contra g&i-short;gantem protectio :-- Seleweard eótonweard abeád the hall-guard offered protection against the giant [Grendel], Beo. Th. 1341, note; B. 668.
eow, es; m? A griffin; gryps = GREEK, gryphus :-- Eow, fiðerfóte fugel griffin, a four-footed bird; griffes [=gryphus], Ælfc. Gl. 18; Wrt. Voc. 22, 44. v. giw.
eow, es; m. I. the yew; taxus, L. M. 3, 63; Lchdm. ii. 350, 24. v. íw. II. the mountain ash; ornus? Ælfc. Gl. 47; Som. 65, 40; Wrt. Voc. 33,
eów to you, YOU ; v&o-long;bis, vos; GREEK, GREEK pers. pron; dat. acc. pl. of ðú, Ex. 6, 8: Mt. Bos. 6, 16: 5, 46 : Lk. Bos. 12, 28. v. gé.
eów; interj. Wo! alas! væ! heu! -- Eów me! heu mihi! Ps. Spl. T. 119, 5. v. wá.
eówa ewes, female sheep; pl. nom. acc. of eówu.
eówan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To shew, manifest, confer; ostend&e-short;re, manifest&a-long;re, conferre :-- Ne gesacu óhwæ-acute;r ecghete eóweþ nor strife anywhere shews hostility, Beo. Th. 3480; B. 1738. Da gén Abrahame eówde selfa hálige spræce then he himself shewed again to Abraham a holy speech, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 24; Gen. 2164. Ealne ðone egesan, ðe him eówed wæs all that terror which was shewn to him, 202; Th. 250, 4; Dan. 541. v. eáwan, ýwan.
eów-berge, an; f. A yew-berry; taxi bacca, L. M. 3, 63; Lchdm. ii. 350, 24.
eówcig; adj. Of or belonging to a ewe; ad &o-short;vem f&e-long;m&i-short;nam pert&i-short;nens :-- Mid eówcigre wulle with ewe's wool, L. M. 1, 31; Lchdm. ii. 74, 5. v. eówocig.
eówd a flock, herd, sheepfold, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 2, 61; Som. 8, 27; 13, 47. v. eówde.
eówde, eówede, eówode, es; n: eówd, eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex :-- Neuter, Ðæt-Drihtnes eówde the Lord's flock, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 25: 2, 6; S. 508, 15. We wæ-acute;run sceáp eówdes ðínes nos &o-short;ves gr&e-short;gis tui, Ps. Th. 78, 14. He genam hine æt eówde, úte be sceápum t&u-short;lit eum de gr&e-short;g&i-short;bus &o-short;vium, 77, 69. Ne scealt ðu ðæt eówde ánforlæ-acute;tan thou shalt not desert the flock, Andr. Kmbl. 3334; An. 1671. Hafaþ se awyrgda wulf tostenced, Dryhten, ðín eówde hath the accursed wolf scattered thy flock, O Lord? Exon. 11 b; Th. 16, 23; Cri. 257. Ofer ðín ágen eówde sceápa s&u-short;per &o-short;ves gr&e-short;gis tuæ, Ps. Th. 73, I: 118, 111. He gelæ-acute;dde hí swá swá eówde [eówode, Ps. Lamb. 77, 52] on wéstne perduxit eos tanquam gr&e-short;gem in deserto, Ps. Spl. 77, 57. Of eówdum [eówedum, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70] sceápa de gr&e-short;g&i-short;bus &o-short;vium, Ps. Spl. 77, 76. Feminine, Ðeós eówd hic grex, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 61; Som. 13, 47. He ðæt sceáp bær on his exlum to ðære eówde he bare the sheep on his shoulders to the flock, Homl. Th. i. 340, 2. Ic wylle ahreddan mine eówde wið eów I will deliver my flock from you, i. 242, 13. 2. eówd, e; f. A sheepfold, fold; &o-short;v&i-long;le :-- Eówd &o-short;v&i-long;le, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 2 ; Som. 8, 27. Sceal beón án eówd and án hyrde there shall be one fold and one shepherd, Homl. Th. i. 244, 1, 3. Ic hæbbe óðre scep ðe ne sind ná of ðisre eówde I have other sheep which are not of this fold. Homl. Th. i. 242, 35: 244, 6: ii. 114, 21.
eówe, es; m. f. A sheep, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, MSS. G. H. v. éwe, es.
eówe of a ewe, L. In. 55 ; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MS. B. v. eówu.
eówede a flock, Ps. Lamb. 77, 70. v. eówde.
eówena of ewes :-- Twáhund eówena two hundred sheep, Gen. 32, 14. v. eowu.
eowend membrum v&i-short;r&i-long;le, L. Alf. pol. 25; Th. i. 78, 15.
eowendende; part. Returning; r&e-short;diens, Ps. Spl. 77, 44. v. awendan.
eówer of you; vestrûm vel vestri, GREEK; gen. pl. of pers. pron. ðú :-- Án eówer &u-long;nus vestrûm, Mt. Bos. 26, 21. Eówer sum one of you, Beo. Th. 502; B. 248, Eówer æ-acute;nig any of you, Cd. 22; Th. 27, 34; Gen. 427. v. ge.
eówer YOUR; vester, vestra, vestrum GREEK adj. pron :-- Biþ eówer blæ-acute;d micel your prosperity shall be great, Cd. 170; Th. 214, 3; Exod. 563. Sceal eall éðel-wyn eówram cynne leófum alicgean all joy of country shall fail to your beloved kindred, Beo. Th. 5763; B. 2885.
eówer-lendisc; adj. Of your land or country; vestras :-- Eówer-lendisc vestras, Ælfc. Gr. 15; Som. 17, 45.
eowes a sheep's, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MSS. G. H. v. éwes.
eówestras sheepfolds, Som. Ben. Lye. v. éwestre.
eówian; p. ode; pp. od To shew; ostend&e-short;re :-- Hi eówodon me ða wunde monstr&a-long;v&e-long;runt mihi vulnus, Bd. 4, 19; S. 589, 17. Ðá hét he his tungan forþdón of his múþe, and him eówian linguam pr&o-long;ferre ex &o-long;re, ac s&i-short;bi ostend&e-short;re jussit, Bd. 5, 2; S. 615, 6. v. eáwan, ýwan.
eówic you; acc. pl. of pers. pron. ðú :-- Fæder alwalda mid ár-stafum eówic gehealde may the all-ruling Father with honour hold you, Beo. Th. 640; B. 317. Eówic grétan hét bade to greet you, 6182; B. 3095. v. gé.
eówih = eówic you; acc. pl. of pers. pron. gé ye.
Eowland, es; n. Oeland, an island on the coast of Sweden; Oelandia :-- Wæ-acute;ron us ðás land, ða synd hátene Blecinga ég, and Meore, and Eowland, and Gotland, on bæcbord we had, on oar left, those lands which are called Blekingey, and Meore, and Oeland, and Gothland, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 22, 1.
eówocig, eówcig; adj. Of or belonging to a ewe; ad &o-short;vem f&e-long;m&i-short;nam pert&i-short;nens :-- Mid eówocigre wulle with ewe's wool, L. M. 1, 3; Lchdm. ii. 43, 25.
eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 23. v. n. and f. in eówode.
eówode, es; n: eówod, e; f. A flock, herd; grex :-- Neuter, He gebrohte híg swylce eówode on wéstene perduxit eos tamquam gr&e-short;gem in deserto. Ps. Lamb. 77, 52. Feminine, He nýtenum læ-acute;cedðm forgeaf, ahredde fram wódnysse, and hét faran aweg to ðære eówode ðe hí ofadwelodon he gave medicine to animals, saved them from madness, and bade them go away to the herd from which they had strayed, Homl. Th. ii. 514, 21-23. v. eówde.
eówo-humele, an; f. The female hop-plant; hum&u-short;lus f&e-long;m&i-short;na :-- Genim eówohumelan take the female hop-plant, L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm. ii. 344, 8.
eówre your, Deut. 32, 11; acc. of eówer.
EÓWU; gen. eówe; pl. nom. acc. eówa; gen. eówena; dat. eówenum; f; ewe, an; f. A EWE, female sheep; &o-short;vis f&e-long;m&i-short;na :-- Ewes were milked by the Anglo-Saxons. The milk was used for domestic purposes: butter and cheese were made from it; for Ælfric teaches the shepherd [sceáp-hyrde] to say, 'On fórewerdne morgen ic drífe sceáp míne to heora lease, and ic agénlæ-acute;de híg to heora loca, and melke híg tweówa on dæg, and cýse and buteran ic dó in pr&i-long;mo m&a-long;ne m&i-short;no &o-short;ves meas ad pascua, et r&e-short;d&u-long;co eas ad caulas, et mulgeo eas bis in die, et caseum et butyrum f&a-short;cio,' UNCERTAIN Coll. Monast. Th. 20, 11-19. Twáhund eówena, and twentig rammena two hundred ewes, and twenty rams, Gen. 32, 14. Eówu biþ, mid hire geonge sceápe, scilling weorþ a ewe, with her young sheep, shall be worth a shilling, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 7, MS. B. Be eówe weorþe of a ewe's worth; de &o-short;vis pr&e-short;tio, L. In. 55; Th. i. 138, 6, note 11, MS. B. Wyl on eówe meolce hindhioloðan boil water agrimony in ewe's milk, L. M. 1, 70; Lchdm. ii. 144, 22. v. ram, the m. of eowu. [Plat. ouwe, ouw a female sheep : Frs. eij, ei, n. &o-short;vis f&e-long;m&i-short;na: Dut. ooi, f. a ewe-lamb: Ger. Swiss Dial. au, auw, ow, f. a female sheep: M. H. Ger. owe, f. a female sheep: O. H. Ger. awi, owi, au, f. ov&i-short;c&u-short;la, agna: Goth. in the words aweþi, n. a herd of sheep; awistr, n. a sheepfold: Lat. &o-short;vis, f: Grk. GREEK, m. f. a sheep; Lith. awis. f. a sheep: Sansk, avi, m. f. a sheep.]
eówunga; adv. Openly; p&a-short;lam, Mk. Rush. War. 8, 32. v. eáwunga.
epegitsung, e; f. Avarice, covetousness; av&a-long;r&i-short;tia, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 36.
epiphania = GREEK the Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. v. twelfta dæg.
epistol, e; f. A letter; &e-short;pist&o-short;la :-- Eall heora gewinn awacnedon æ-acute;rest fram Alexandres epistole all their wars arose first from a letter of Alexander, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 20. [Ger. epistel, f; M. H. Ger. epistole, f: O. H. Ger. epistula, f: Goth. aipistaule, f: Lat. &e-short;pist&o-short;la, f; Grk. GREEK f.] v. pistol.
epl, eppl an apple, Ps. Spl. 78, 1. v. æppel.
epse an asp-tree, Som. Ben. Lye. v. æps.
ér ere, before. Th. Diplm. A. D. 830; 465, 30. v. æ-acute;r.
éran a shrill sound, the ears; tinnulus, aures, Som. Ben. Lye. v. eáre.
er-bleadd, es; n. [er = ear an ear of corn, bleadd = blæd a blade, leaf] A stalk, stem, blade, haulm, straw, stubble; st&i-short;p&u-short;la :-- Dú asendest yrre ðín and hit æt hí swá swá erbleadd m&i-long;sisti &i-long;ram tuam, quæ dev&o-short;r&a-long;bit eos s&i-long;cut st&i-short;p&u-short;lam, Cant. Moys. Ex. 15, 8; Thw. 29, 8.
erc an ark, a chest :-- Ere gehálgunge ðínre area sanctif&i-short;cati&o-long;nis tuæ, Ps. Surt. 131, 8: Lk. Rush. War. 17, 27. v. earc II.
erce-biscop an archbishop, Bd. 2, 20; S. 521, 42. v. arce-bisceop.
erce-diácon an archdeacon; archidi&a-long;conus, Wrt. Voc. 71, 80: Homl. Th. i. 416, 29: 418, 16. v. arce-diácon.
erce-hád, es; m. Archhood, an archbishop's pall, his dignity, of which the pall was a sign; pallium :-- Ðæt his æftergengan symle ðone pallium and ðone ercehád æt ðam apostolícan setle Rómániscre gelaðunge feccan sceoldon that his successors should always fetch the pall and the archiepiscopal dignity from the apostolic seat of the Roman church, Homl. Th. ii. 132, 10.
Ercol, es; m: Erculus, i; m. Lat. Hercules; Hercules :-- Hý Ercol ðæ-acute;r gebrohte Hercules brought them there, Ors. 3, 9 ; Bos. 68, 6. Erculus wæs Iobes sunu Hercules was the son of Jove, Bt. 39, 4; Fox 216, 23.