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feorh-scyldig; adj. Life-guilty, liable in one's life; vitæ reus, morte dignus :-- Gif feorhscyldig man cyning gesóhte if a man who had forfeited his life sought the king, L. Eth. vii. 4; Th. i. 330, 10. Se ðe ofslehþ man binnan ciricwagum, he biþ feorhscyldig he who slays a man within church-walls, he is liable in his life, vii. 13, 15; Th. i. 332, 8, 14.

feorh-seóc; adj. Life-sick, mortally wounded; let&a-long;l&i-short;ter vuln&e-short;r&a-long;tus :-- Scolde Grendel ðonan feorhseóc fleón Grendel must flee thence mortally wounded, Beo. Th. 1644; B. 820.

feorh-sweng, es; m. A life-blow, deadly blow, l&e-long;t&a-long;lis ictus :-- Hond feorhsweng ne ofteah, his hand withdrew not the deadly blow, Beo. Th. 4972; B. 2489.

feorh-þearf, e; f. Distress of life, urgent need; v&i-long;tæ necess&i-short;tas :-- Drihten me hraðe gefultuma æt feorhþearfe D&o-short;m&i-short;ne ad adj&u-long;vandum me fest&i-long;na, Ps. Th. 69, 1.

feorh-wund, e; f. A life-wound, mortal wound; l&e-long;t&a-long;le vulnus :-- He ðæ-acute;r feorhwunde hleát he sank there with a mortal wound, Beo. Th. 4760; B. 2385.

feorlen; adj. Far off, distant, remote; longinquus :-- Se gingra sunu ferde wræclíce on feorlen ríce adolescentior f&i-long;lius p&e-short;regre profectus est in r&e-short;gi&o-long;nem longinquam, Lk. Bos. 15, 13. v. fyrlen.

feor-lond, es; n. A far country, distant land; rem&o-long;ta.terra :-- Feor-londum on in distant lands, Exon. 95 b; Th. 356, 12; Pa. 10.

FEORM, fiorm, fyrm, e; f. I. food, provision, goods, substance; victus, substantia, b&o-short;na :-- Nó ðú ymb mínes ne þearft líces feorme leng sorgian thou needest not longer care about my body's food, Beo. Th. 906; B. 451. Hí bærndon and awéston ðæs cynges feorme hámas [MS. hames] they burnt and laid waste the king's provision-homes [or farms], Chr. 1087; Ed. 224, 13. Twegra daga feorme provision for two days; firmam du&o-long;rum, di&e-long;rum, Th. Dipim. A. D. 950; 501, 23; 504, 14: Chr. 777; Erl. 55, 10. Gewát him mid cnósle, ofer Caldéa folc feran mid feorme, fæder Abrahames the father of Abraham departed with his family, with his goods, to travel over the Chaldeans' nation, Cd. 83; Th. 104, 6; Gen. 1731: 126; Th. 161, 2; Gen. 2659. Gewiton him eástan æ-acute;hta læ-acute;dan, feoh and feorme they departed from the east leading their possessions, cattle and substance, Cd. 80; Th. 99, 22; Gen. 1650. II. an entertaining, entertainment, feast; hosp&i-short;t&a-long;l&i-short;tas, conv&i-long;vium, cœna :-- Gif mon cierliscne monnan fliéman feorme téo if a man accuse a churlish man of the entertaining of a fugitive, L. In. 30; Th. i. 120, 16. Án dæ-acute;l bisceope and his híréde for feorme and onfangenysse gesta and cumena &u-long;na portio episc&o-short;po et f&a-short;m&i-short;liæ propter hospit&a-long;l&i-short;t&a-long;tem atque suscepti&o-long;nem, Bd. 1, 27; S. 489, 7. Ðætte ælþeódige bisceopas sýn þoncfulle heora gæstlíþnesse and feorme ut episc&o-short;pi peregr&i-long;ni contenti sint hosp&i-short;t&a-long;l&i-short;t&a-long;tis m&u-long;n&e-short;re obl&a-long;to, 4, 5; S. 573, 3. To ðære écan feorme to the eternal feast, Homl. Th. ii. 372, 5. He gegearwode mycele feorme magnam cœnam f&e-long;cit, Mk. Bos. 6, 21: Lk. Bos. 14, 12, 16: Homl, Th. ii. 370, 31: 372, 1, 3. III. a place where provisions are kept, provision-quarters of an army; victus st&a-short;tio :-- Se here eódan him to heora gearwan feorme út þuruh Hamtúnscíre into Bearrucsíre to Reádingon the army went to their ready provision-quarters out through Hampshire into Berkshire to Reading, Chr. 1006; Th. 256, 20-22, col. 1. IV. use, benefit, profit, enjoyment; &u-long;sus, fructus :-- Ða swíðe lytle feorme, [fiorme MS. Hat.] ðata bóca wiston, forðæmðe hie heora nán wuht ongietan ne meahton they got very little benefit from the books, because they could not understand anything of them, Past. pref; Cot. MS. [Chauc. farme meal: Laym. feorme; veorme feast.] DER. bén-feorm, bend-, cyning-, eáster-, eástor-, gyt-, swíþ-, winter-: or-feorme.

feorma; adj. First; pr&i-long;mus :-- Ða feorman men the first men, Exon. 73 a; Th. 272, 15; Jul. 499. v. forma.

feormend-leás; adj. Wanting a polisher; p&o-short;l&i-long;t&o-long;re c&a-short;rens :-- Geseah he orcas stondan, fyrnmanna fatu, feormendleáse, ðæ-acute;r wæs helm monig eald and ómig he saw bowls standing, vessels of men of yore, wanting a polisher, there was many a helmet, old and rusty, Beo. Th. 5516, note; B. 2761. v. feormynd.

feormere, es; m. One who supplies with food, a purveyor, FARMER; obs&o-long;n&a-long;tor :-- Se ðe má manna [MS. manne] inlæ-acute;de ðonne he sceole, búton ðæs, stíwerdes leáfe and ðæra feormera, gylde his ingang he who introduces more men than he should, without leave of the steward and of the purveyors, let him forfeit his admission, Cod. Dipl. 942; Kmbl. iv. 278, 19-21.

feorm-fultum, es; m. Food-support, purveyance; victus aux&i-short;lium, comme&a-long;tus, pr&o-long;c&u-long;r&a-long;tio :-- Ðæt him nán man ne þearf to feormfultume nán þingc syllan, bútan he sylf wille that no man need give him anything as purveyance, unless he himself be willing, L. C. S. 70; Th. i. 412, 22.

feormian; part. feormende; p. ode, ade; pp. od; v. a. [feorm food]. I. to supply with food, feed, support, sustain, entertain, receive as a guest, cherish, benefit, profit; victum supp&e-short;d&i-short;t&a-long;re, ep&u-short;l&a-long;re, susc&i-short;p&e-short;re, susc&i-short;p&e-short;re hosp&i-short;tio, f&o-short;v&e-long;re, c&u-long;r&a-long;re, v&a-short;l&e-long;re :-- Ðæt ic [cyning] bebeóde eallum mínan geréfan ðæt hí on mínan ágenan rihtlíce tilian, and me mid ðam feormian; and ðæt him nán man ne þearf to feormfultume nán þingc syllan, bútan he sylf wille that I [the king] command all my reeves that they justly provide on my own, and feed [supply with food, maintain] me therewith; and that no man need give them anything as purveyance [food-support], unless he himself be willing, L. C. S. 70; Th. i. 412, 22. Feorma, mihtig Dryhten, mínre sáwle mighty Lord, sustain my soul, Exon. 118 b; Th. 454, 33; Hy. 4, 42. Áh he feormendra lyt lifgendra he has few of entertainers living, Exon. 87 b; Th. 329, 7; Vy. 30. Ðæt se, ðe hine feormode, and se, ðe gefeormod wæs, sýn hí begen bisceopes dóme scyldig that he, who entertained him, and he, who was entertained, be both guilty to the bishop's doom, Bd, 4, 5; S. 572, 44. Feorma mec hwæðre, ðeáh ðe ic fremede má gylta yet cherish me, though I have committed more crimes, Exon, 118 a; Th. 453, 36; Hy. 4, 25. Feorma ðú in ðínum ferþe gód cherish thou good in thy soul, Exon. 80 b; Th. 303; 10; Fä. 51: Ps. Th. 77, 69. Forðon hí ongeáton ðætte seó hálwende onsægedness to écre alýsnesse swíþrade and feormade ge líchoman and sáwle for they understood that the wholesome sacrifice availed and profited [v&a-long;l&e-long;ret] to the eternal redemption both of body and of soul, Bd. 4, 22 Whel. 318, 25-27. II. to feed on, devour, consume; vesci, com&e-short;d&e-short;re, cons&u-long;m&e-short;re :-- Fealo líg feormaþ and Fénix byrneþ the yellow flame consumes and burns up the Phœnix, Exon. 59 a; Th. 213, 1; Ph. 218. III. to cleanse, FARM or cleanse out; mund&a-long;re, purg&a-long;re, expi&a-long;re :-- He feormaþ his bernes flóre he will cleanse the floor of his barn, Lk. Bos. 3, 17; purg&a-long;bit &a-long;ream suam, Vulg. He feormaþ æ-acute;lc ðara, ðe blæ-acute;da byrþ, ðæt hyt bare blæ-acute;da ðe swíðor omnem, qui fert fructum, purg&a-long;bit eum, ut fructum plus aff&e-short;rat, Jn. Bos. 15, 2. Seofon dagas ðú feormast ðæt weofod, Ex. 29, 37: seuen daies thow shalt dense the auter, Wyc; septem di&e-long;bus expi&a-long;bis alt&a-long;re, Vulg. DER. a-feormian, ge-.

feorm-riht, es; n. Right in an estate; in prædio jus, Herring, p. 50, Mann.

feormþ, e; f. A harbouring, an entertaining, a cleansing; susceptio, hosp&i-short;tium. purg&a-long;tio. v. fyrmþ.

feormung, e; f. I. a harbouring, an entertaining; susceptio,, hosp&i-short;tium :-- Þurh wreccena feormunge by the harbouring of exiles, L. Alf. Pol. 4; Th. i, 62, 16. II. a cleansing, polishing; purg&a-long;tio, p&o-short;l&i-long;tio :-- Gif sweordhwíta óðres monnes wæ-acute;pn to feormunge onfó if a sword polisher receive another man's weapon for polishing, L. Alf. pol. 19; Th. i. 74, 9. DER. a-feormung, niht-.

feormynd [ = feormend],es; m. [feormian III. to cleanse] A cleanser, furbisher, polisher; purg&a-long;tor, p&o-short;l&i-long;tor :-- Feormynd swefaþ, ða ðe beadogrímman býwan sceoldon the polishers are dead, who should prepare the war-helmet, Beo. Th. 4505, note; B. 2256.

feornes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. FARNESS, distance; longinqu&i-short;tas :-- Gif mycel feornys síþfætes betwihligeþ si longinqu&i-short;tas it&i-short;n&e-short;ris magna interj&a-short;cet, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 39.

feorr; adj. Far, distant; longinquus :-- Ðeáh him mon feorr land gehéte though a distant land was promised him, Past. 50; Hat. MS: Andr. Recd. 850; An. 423. v. feor; adj. far.

feorr; adv. Far, at a distance; pr&o-short;cul, longe :-- Hyra heorte is feorr fram me cor e&o-long;rum longe est a me, Mt. Bos. 15, 8. Hí feorr ætstódon de longe st&e-short;t&e-long;runt, Ps. Spl. 37, 12. Seó sunne gæ-acute;þ eall swá feorr adúne on nihtlícre tíde under ðære eorþan swá heó on dæg bufan up astíhþ the sun goes quite as far down under the earth in the night time as it rises above it in the day, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 2, 22; Lchdm. iii. 234, 20. v. feor; adv.

feorran, feorrane, feorren; adv. Afar, far off, at a distance, from far; a longe, pr&o-short;cul, longe, e longinquo :-- Ðæ-acute;r wæ-acute;ron manega wíf feorran &e-short;rant &i-short;bi m&u-short;li&e-short;res multæ a longe, Mt. Bos, 27, 55: Mk. Bos. 5, 6. Folgiaþ feorran ðære hálgan earce follow at a distance from the holy ark, Jos. 3, 3. Swíðe feorran ymbúton very far about, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 11. Ic eom hider feorran gefered I have journeyed hither from far, Cd. 25; Th. 32, 4; Gen. 498: Beo. Th, 728; B. 361: Andr. Kmbl. 48; An. 24: Elen. Kmbl. 1982; El. 993: Rood Kmbl. 114; Kr. 57; Salm. Kmbl. 357; Sal. 178: Exon. 103 a; Th. 389, 15; Rä. 7, 8: Boutr. Scrd, 17, 11. Feorran and neán from far and near, Beo. Th. 1683; B. 839: Exon. 60 b; Th. 220, 26; Ph. 326: Cd. 50; Th. 64, 8; Gen. 1047. Petrus hym fyligde feorran Petrus sequ&e-long;b&a-long;tur eum a longe, Mt. Bos. 26, 58. Feorran, Cd. 89; Th. 110, 10; Gen. 1836.

feorran; p. de; pp. ed To remove to a distance, withdraw; rem&o-short;v&e-long;re, elong&a-long;re :-- Ne wolde feorhbealo feorran he would not withdraw the mortal bale, Beo. Th. 314; B. 156. DER. a-feorran, of-.

feorran-cund; adj. Having a distant origin, coming from afar; e longinquo ortus :-- Sóna him seleþegn, síþes wérgum, feorrancundum forþ wísade forthwith the hall-thane guided him forth, weary from his journey, coming from afar, Beo. Th. 3594, note; B. 1795. v. feor-cund.

feorren; adv. From far; e longinquo :-- Uncer twega feorren cumenra of us two come from far, Cd. 89; Th. 110, 10; Gen. 1836. v. feorran; adv.

feorsian, fyrsian; p. ode; pp. od To go beyond, remove; ult&e-short;rius proc&e-long;d&e-short;re, elong&a-long;re :-- Ðú meaht feorsian thou mayest go beyond, Bt. Met. Fox 24, 52; Met. 24, 26. DER. a-feorsian, -fyrsian, afor-feorsian.

feor-stuðu, e; f. A slanting post? obst&i-long;pum, Som. Ben. Lye :-- Feorstuðu obstupum? Wrt. Voc. 290, 11.

feorþ, es; n. The soul, spirit, life; an&i-short;ma, v&i-long;ta :-- Feorþ biþ on síþe his soul shall be on its journey, Exon. 87 b; Th. 328, 32; Vy. 26. v. ferþ.