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festen, es; n. A fastness, fortress; m&u-long;n&i-long;mentum :-- Hí manige festena and castelas abræ-acute;con they demolished many fastnesses and castles, Chr. 1094; Erl. 230, 35. v. fæsten II.
festen-mon, -monn. es; m. A surety; f&i-short;d&e-short;jussor, Som. Ben. Lye. v. féster-man.
féster food, nourishment, foster-, in the compounds féster-bearn, -fæder, -man, -módor. v. fóster.
féster-bearn, es; n. A foster-child; &a-short;lumnus :-- Fésterbearn &a-short;lumni, Martyrol. ad 22 Martii. v. fóster-bearn.
féster-fæder, es; m. A foster-father, nourisher; altor, nutr&i-long;tor :-- Fésterfæder altor, Wrt. Voc. 284, 72. Ætýwde me mín iú magister and fésterfæder app&a-long;r&u-short;it m&a-short;gister quondam meus et nutr&i-long;tor, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 34. v. fóster-fæder.
féster-man, es; m. A foster-man, bondsman, security; f&i-short;d&e-short;jussor :-- Æ-acute;lc preóst finde him xii féstermen let every priest find for himself twelve bondsmen, L. N. P. L. 2; Th. ii. 290. 15.
féster-módor, -módur; f. A foster-mother, nurse; altrix, nutrix :-- Féstermódor altrix, Wrt. Voc. 284, 73. Wífmonna láreów and féster-módur m&a-long;ter et nutrix f&e-long;m&i-short;n&a-long;rum, Bd. 4, 6; S. 574, 17. v. fóster-módor.
festing-men, -menn servants of the king entrusted to the keeping of the monasteries while going from place to place, Th. Diplm. A. D. 823; 67, 2: A. D. 828; 79, 30. v. fæsting-men.
festlíce; adv. Firmly, vigorously; firm&i-short;ter :-- Hí on ða burh festlíce feohtende wæ-acute;ron they were vigorously fighting against the town, Chr. 994; Erl. 133, 11. v. fæstlíce.
festnes, -ness, e; f. A fastness, firmament; firm&a-long;mentum :-- Weorc handa his bodaþ festnes [MS. fesnesse] &o-short;p&e-short;ra m&a-short;nuum ejus annuntiat firm&a-long;mentum, Ps. Spl. T. 18, 1. v. fæstnes.
festnian to confirm; confirm&a-long;re :-- Ic Ceólréd abbud ðas úre selene mid Cristes róde tácue trymme and festnie I Ceolred abbot ratify and confirm this our gift with the sign of Christ's cross, Th. Diplm. A. D. 852; 106, 10-12. DER. ge-festnian. v. fæstnian.
féstrian; p. ode, ude; pp. od, ud To foster, nourish; nutr&i-long;re :-- Féstrud beón nutr&i-long;ri, Scint. 81. v. fóstrian.
fet fetches, brings, Prov. Kmbl. 61; 3rd sing. pres. of fetian.
fét to or for a foot, feet, Ex. 21, 24: Ps. Lamb. 72, 2: Mt. Bos. 18, 8; dat. sing. and nom. acc. pl. of fót.
fét feeds, Mt. Bos. 6, 26, = fédeþ; 3rd sing. pres. of fédan.
fetan; p. fæt, pl. fæ-acute;ton; pp. feten To make, travail, join; f&a-short;c&e-short;re, procre&a-long;re, jung&e-short;re. [Goth. fitan; p. fat, pl. fetum; pp. fitans to travail in birth; part&u-short;r&i-long;re.] v. fetian.
féte; adj. Provided with feet, footed; p&e-short;d&i-short;bus instructus. v. án-féte, twý-, þrý-, feówer-.
FETEL; gen. feteles, fetles; m. A girdle, belt; cing&u-short;lum, balteus :-- Sweordum and fetelum with swords and belts, Bt. Met. Fox 25, 19; Met. 25, 10. Mid fetlum with belts. Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 5. [Ger. fessel, f: M. H. Ger. vezzel, m: O. H. Ger. fazzil, fezzil, fezil, m. balteus: Icel. fetill, m. a strap, belt.]
fetel-hilt, es; n. A belted hilt; c&a-short;p&u-short;lus balt&e-short;o instructus :-- He geféng fetelhilt he seized the belted hilt, Beo. Th. 3130; B. 1563.
fetels, es; m. A little vessel, bag; vas, saccus :-- Fórwerede fetelsas saccos v&e-short;t&e-short;res, Jos. 9, 5. v. fætels.
FETER, fetor, e; f. A FETTER, chain for the feet; compes, p&e-short;d&i-short;ca :-- He fédeþ swá on feterum he feeds him thus in fetters, Exon. 88b; Th. 332, 30; Vy. 88: Ps. Th. 78, 11. Án sceal inbindan forstes fetre one shall unbind fetters of frost, Exon. 90a; Th. 338, 9; Gn. Ex. 76. Ic módsefan mínne sceolde feterum sæ-acute;lan I must bind my thought in fetters, 76b; Th. 287, 29; Wand. 21: Salm. Kmbl. 141; Sal. 70. [O. Sax. feterós, pl. m: Ger. fesser, f: M. H. Ger. vëzzer, f; O. H. Ger. fëzzera: Icel. fjöturr, m. a fetter of iron.]
feterian to fetter. DER. ge-feterian.
feter-wrásen a chain, fetter. v. fetor-wrásen.
féða, an; m. I. a band on foot, infantry, a host, troop, tribe, company; ph&a-short;lanx p&e-short;destris, p&e-short;dites, l&e-short;gio, &a-short;cies, tr&i-short;bus, c&a-short;terva :-- Eórod sceal getrume rídan, fæste féða stondan a band of horse [ = cavalry] shall ride in a body, a band of foot [ = infantry] stand fast, Exon. 90a; Th. 337. 13; Gn. Ex. 64. Féða [MS. féðu] l&e-short;gio. Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 73; Wrt. Voc. 18, 25. Se earga féða Brytta &a-short;cies segnis Britt&o-short;num, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 19, MSS. B. C. Féða eal gesæt the band all sat, Beo. Th. 2853; 8. 1424. Iudisc féða the tribe of Judah, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 25 ; Exod. 312. Se féða com up to earde the company came up to their home, 223; Th. 293, 19; Sae. 457. Ðæ-acute;r wæs ungemetlíc wæl geslagen Persa, and Alexandres næs ná má ðonne hund-twelftig on ðam ræ-acute;de-here, and nigon on ðam féðan there was a very great slaughter made of the Persians, and no more than a hundred and twenty in Alexander's cavalry, and nine in the infantry, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 28. He cwiþ to ðara synfulra sáwla féðan he shall say to the band of sinful souls, Exon. 30a; Th. 93, 1; Cri. 1519. Ic him on féðan befóran wolde I would [go] before him in the host, Beo. Th. 4987; B. 2497: 5830; B. 2919: Cd. 220; Th. 284, 19; Sal. 324. Dú here fýsest, féðan to gefeohte thou leadest a host, a troop to battle. Andr. Kmbl 2377; An. 1190. Fór fyrda mæ-acute;st, féðan trymedan the greatest of armies marched, the infantry were strong, Elen. Kmbl. 70; El. 35. Féðan sæ-acute;ton the bands sat, Andr. Kmbl. 1182; An. 591. Ymb ðæt héhsetl standaþ engla féðan hosts Of angels stand around the throne, Cd. 218; Th. 278, 13; Sat. 221: Beo. Th. 2659; B. 1327. Ðæ-acute;r wæs Persa X M ofslagen gehorsedra, and eahtatig M féðena there were slain ten thousand of the Persians' cavalry and eighty thousand of the infantry, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65, 2: 68, 9. Ne willaþ eów andræ-acute;dan deáde féðan dread ye not dead bands, Cd. 156; Th. 194, 26; Exod. 266. Hí bæ-acute;don ðæt hí móston ofer ðone ford faran, féðan læ-acute;dan they gave orders to go over the ford, to lead the troops onward, Byrht. Th. 134, 23; By. 88. Geræ-acute;rud féða on arranged band; &a-short;cies: getrimmed féða c&u-short;neus: gangende [MS. gangend] féða a moving band; agmen, Ælfc. Gl. 7; Som. 56, 74, 79, 82; Wrt. Voc. 18, 26, 31. 34. II. a battle; pugna :-- He beald in gebéde bídsteal gifeþ, fæste on féðan he bold in prayer maketh a stand, firmly in battle, Exon. 71a; Th. 265, 30; Jul. 389. DER. gum-féða, here-.
féðan; p. de; pp. ed To lead; d&u-long;c&e-short;re :-- Bearn fergaþ and féðaþ fæder and módor father and mother carry and lead the child, Exon. 87a; Th. 327, 21.
Féðan-leag; gen. -leage; f. [Flor. Fethanleah: Hunt. Fedhalnea, Fedhanlea: Matt. West. Frithenleia] Frethern, Gloucestershire? -- Hér Ceáwlin and Cúþa fuhton wið Brettas in ðam stede ðe mon nemneþ Féðanleag [Féðanlea, Th. 35, 8, col. 1] in this year [A. D. 584] Ceawlin and Cutha fought against the Britons at the place which is called Frethern, Chr. 584; Th. 34, 9.
féðe, es; n. The power of going on foot, walking, going, motion, pace; f&a-short;cultas p&e-short;d&i-short;bus eundi, amb&u-short;l&a-long;tio, gressus, passus :-- Ðæra hæ-acute;ðenra anlícnyssa habbaþ fét bútan féðe the idols of the heathen have feet without the power of going, Homl. Th. i. 366, 27. An féðe mihtigost most powerful in walking, Bt. 36, 5; Fox 180, 21. He náhte his féðes geweald he had no power of waiting, Homl. Th. i. 336, 9. Hit is nædrena gecynd ðæt heora féðe biþ on heora ribbum it is the nature of serpents that their power of going is in their ribs, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84, 44. On féðe léf [MS. líf] lame in walking, Exon. 87b; Th. 328, 16; Vy. 18. Sum sceal on féðe gongan one shall go on foot, 87b; Th. 328, 33; Vy. 27. Swift ic eom on féðe I am swift of pace, Exon. 104b; Th. 396, 10; Rä. 16, 2: Beo. Th. 1944; B. 970. Habbaþ hringa gespong afyrred me mín féðe the clasping of rings has taken from me my power of going, Cd. 19; Th. 24, 17; Gen. 379. He féðe ne sparode he spared not pace, 117; Th. 153, 6; Gen. 2534.
féðe-cempa, an; m. A foot-soldier, champion; p&e-short;dester m&i-long;les :-- Féðecempa, nom. Beo. Th. 3092; B. 1544: 5698; B. 2853.
féðe-gang, es ; m. A foot-journey; p&e-short;destre &i-short;ter :-- Ne mæg ic aldornere míne swá feor heonon féðegange gesécan I cannot seek my life's safety so far hence by a foot-journey, Cd. 117; Th. 152, 1; Gen. 2513.
féðe-georn; adj. Desirous of going; meandi c&u-short;p&i-short;dus :-- Sió féðegeorn fremman onginneþ desirous of going it resolves to proceed, Exon. 108a; Th. 413, 21; Rä. 32, 9.
féðe-gest, es; m. A pedestrian guest; p&e-short;dester adv&e-short;na :-- Féðegestas eódon in on ða ceastre the pedestrian guests went into the city, Elen. Kmbl. 1687; El. 845. Wæs gerýmed féðegestum flet the hall was cleared for the pedestrian guests, Beo. Th. 3956; B. 1976.
féðe-here, es; m. A foot army, infantry; p&e-short;destris exerc&i-short;tus, p&e-short;dit&a-long;tus :-- On his féðehere wæ-acute;ron XXXII M in his infantry were 32,000, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 17.
féðe-hwearf, es; m. A company on foot, pedestrian multitude; p&e-short;destris cáterva :-- On féðehwearfum amongst the pedestrian multitude, Exon. 35a; Th. 113, 24; Gú. 162.
féðe-lást, es; m. A footstep, pace; passus, gressus :-- Hie féðel&a-long;ste forþ onettan they hastened forth with pace, Judth. 11; Thw. 23, 25; Jud. 139. Ferdon forþ ðonon féðelástum they went forth thence with their footsteps, Beo. Th. 3269; B. 1632.
féðe-leás; adj. Footless; p&e-short;d&i-short;bus c&a-short;rens :-- Ðú scealt faran féðeleás thou shall go footless, Cd. 43; Th. 56, 6; Gen. 908 : Exon. 127a; Th. 488, 7; Rä. 76, 3.
féðe-man, -mann, es; m. A footman or soldier; p&e-short;destris m&i-long;les, p&e-short;des, Som. Ben. Lye.
féðe-mund, e; f. A foot-hand; mánus gressus. Used for the fore-feet of the badger :-- Ic sceal fromlíce féðemundum þurh steápne beorg stræ-acute;te wyrcan I [a badger] shall strenuously work a road through a steep mountain with my fore-feet, Exon. 104b; Th. 397, 10; Rä. 16, 17.
FEÐER; gen. dat. acc. feðere; pl. nom. acc. feðera, feðra, feðre; f. I. a FEATHER; penna, pl&u-long;ma :-- Mid níre [ = niwre] feðere with a new feather, Herb. 122, 1; Lchdm. i. 234, 13: L. M. 1, 39; Lchdm. ii. 102, 8. Gedó feðere on ele put a feather in oil, L. M. 1, 18; Lchdm. ii. 62, 11. Swanes feðre, nom. pl. swan's feathers, Exon. 57b; Th. 207, 6; Ph. 137. Wurp ða feðera wið æftan ðæt weofod pl&u-short;mas proj&i-short;ciet pr&o-short;pe alt&a-long;re. Lev. 1, 16: Cd. 72; Th. 88, 26; Gen. 1471. Se fenix UNCERTAIN ascæceþ feðre the phœnix shakes its feathers, Exon. 58a;