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flyne, flene, an; f. What is made soft, batter; flu&i-short;dum quid :-- Gewyrce to fiynan micelne citel fulne work a large kettle full into a batter, L. M. 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 98, 6. Geót ða flynan on pour the batter on, 1, 38; Lchdm. ii. 98, 10.
FLÝS, fiís, fliés, flés, fle&o-short;s. es; n. A fleece, wool; vellus, l&a-long;n&u-long;go :-- Dis flýs hoc vellus, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 32; Som. 12, 12. Gilde ðæt flýs mid twám pæningum let the fleece be paid for with two pence, L. In. 69; Th. i. 146, 11, MS. H. Mid his flýse with its fleece, L. In. 69; Th. i. 146, 9, 10, MSS. B. H. He nyðerastíhþ swá swá rén on flýs descendet sicut pl&u-short;via in vellus, Ps. Lamb. 71, 6: Ps. Th. 147, 5. Of flýsum mínra sceápa wæ-acute;ron gehlyde þearfena sídan the sides of the poor were clothed with the fleeces of my sheep, Job Thw. 165, 2. Wulle flýsum with fleeces of wool, Exon. 109a; Th. 417, 12; Rä. 36, 3. Flýs l&a-long;n&u-long;go. Cot. 122. [Piers P. flus: Plat. fliis vellus: Dut. vlies, n: Ger. vlies, fliesz, n: M. H. Ger. vlies, n.]
flýte, an; f. Cream; flos lactis :-- Dó flýtan to add cream, L. M. 1, 34: Lchdm. ii. 80, 23. v. flét.
flýte, es; m? [fleótan to float] What floats, hence, -- A boat, punt; pont&o-long;nium :-- Flýte pont&o-long;nium, Ælfc. Gl. 103; Som. 77, 103; Wrt. Voc. 56. 25: 63, 35.
flyþ, es; m. Flight; v&o-short;l&a-long;tus :-- Forgeaf ðám fugelum flyþ geond ðas lyft he gave to the birds flight through this air, Hexam. 8; Norm. 14, 10. v. flyht.
flýþ flee, flee from, avoid, Bt. 41, 5; Fox 252, 27; pres. pl. of fleón.
flýtst, he flýt floatest, floats, Homl. Th. ii. 564, 13; 2nd and 3rd pers. pres. of fleótan.
fnæd, es; pl. nom. acc. fnadu, fnado; gen. fnada; dat. fnadum; n. A hem, edge, fringe; fimbria :-- Fnæd fimbria, Wrt. Voc. 81, 66. Án wíf æt-hrán hys reáfes fnæd m&u-short;lier t&e-short;t&i-short;git fimbriam vest&i-long;menti ejus, Mt. Bos. 9, 20: Bd. 1, 27; S. 494, 6, MS. B: Ps. Th. 132, 3. Híg mæ-acute;rsiaþ heora reáfa fnadu magn&i-short;f&i-short;cant flmbrias, Mt. Bos. 23, 5. Fnado vel læppan fimbriæ [MS. timbria], Ælfc. Gl. 64; Som. 68, 128; Wrt. Voc. 40, 33. On fnadum gyldenum in fimbriis aureis, Ps. Lamb. 44, 14.
fnæs, es; pl. nom. acc. fnasu; gen. fnasa; dat. fnasum; n. A fringe; fimbria :-- Mid gyldnum fnasum in flmbriis aureis, Ps. Th. 44, 15. v. fæs, fnæd.
FNÆST, es; m. A puff, blast, breath; fl&a-long;tus, anh&e-long;l&i-short;tus :-- Úre fnæst ateoraþ our breath faileth, Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 18. Þurh ðæs fíres fnæst through the fire's blast, Exon. 74a; Th. 277, 29; Jul. 588. Hyt bringþ forþ ðone [MS. ðane] fnæst it will bring forth the breath, Lchdm. iii. 100, 13: 116, 24. Fnæstas [MS. fnæstiaþ] swíðe beóþ fortogene the breathings are very hard drawn, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 7. [O. H. Ger. fnastón anh&e-long;l&a-long;re: Dan. fnyse to puff: Swed. fnysa to snort; Icel. fnasa to sneeze: Grk. GREEK I blast, puff.]
fnæstiaþ, L. M. 2, 36; Lchdm. ii. 242, 7, = fnæstas? pl. of fnæst.
fneósung, e; f. A sneezing; stern&u-long;t&a-long;tio, stern&u-long;t&a-long;mentum :-- Snytingc vel fneósung stern&u-long;t&a-long;tio vel stern&u-long;t&a-long;mentum, Ælfc. Gl. 79; Som. 72, 62. [Wyc. fnesynge, fnesing: Icel. fnasan, fnösun a sneezing.]
fnésan to sneeze. [Icel. fnœsa to sneeze.] DER. ge-fnésan.
fnora, an; m. A sneezing, sneeze; stern&u-long;t&a-long;tio, Wrt. Voc. 289, 4.
fó I take; 1st sing. pres. indic. of fón. Ne ne fó he he may not take, L. Ælf. C. 30; Th. ii. 354, 2; 3rd sing. pres. subj. of fón.
foca, an; m. A cake baked on the hearth; p&a-long;nis sub c&i-short;n&e-short;re pistus :-- Wire focan fac subc&i-short;n&e-short;r&i-short;cios p&a-long;nes, Gen. 18, 6.
FÓDA, an; m. FOOD, nourishment; &a-short;l&i-short;mentum :-- On ðære óðre fléringe wæs ðæra nýtena fóda gelogod on the second flooring [of the ark] the food of the cattle was placed, Boutr. Scrd. 21, 8. Fóda fýres, holt food of fire, wood, Scint. 12. Búton ðam gódspellícan fódan without the evangelical food, Homl. Th. ii. 396, 31. [Orm. fode: Plat. föde, vöde: Goth. fódeins. f: Dan. føde, m. f: Swed. föda, f: Icel. fæði, n.]
fódder, fóddor, fóddur, fóder, fódor; gen. fódres; dat. fódre; n. I. FODDER, dry food for cattle, hay, corn, provender, food generally; j&u-long;menti p&a-long;b&u-short;lum, fœnum, &e-short;d&u-long;lium, p&a-long;b&u-short;lum, esca, victus :-- Ða ungesceádwísan neát ne wilniaþ nánes óðres feós to eácan ðam fódre the irrational cattle desire no other wealth in addition to the fodder, Bt. 14, 2; Fox 44, 23. Wolde syllan his assan fóddur ut d&a-short;ret j&u-long;mento p&a-long;b&u-short;lum, Gen. 42, 27. Fódder neátum fœnum jumentis, Ps. Th. 103, 13. We fódder horsum úrum habbaþ p&a-long;b&u-short;la &e-short;quis nostris h&a-short;b&e-long;mus, Coll. Monast. Th. 31, 29. Fóddur, Ps. Th. 77, 20; [mettas, Ps. Spl. 77, 21] ut p&e-short;t&e-short;rent escas an&i-short;m&a-long;bus suis. Fóddor, Exon. 96a; Th. 357, 28; Pa. 35. Fódor, Runic pm. 25; Kmbl. 344, 17; Hick. Thes. i. 135, 49. Brúceþ fódres has an enjoyment of food, Runic pm. 28; Kmbl. 345, 6; Hick. Thes. i. 135, 55. Gif ðam ðe ðæs beþurfe fýr and fóddor let him give fire and food to him who needs it, L. Pen. 15; Th. ii. 282, 26. II. a case from which anything is fed, a case, cover, sheath; th&a-long;ca = GREEK :-- Fódder th&e-long;ca, Ælfc. Gl 53; Som. 66, 68; Wrt. Voc. 35, 54. v. boge&dash-uncertain;fódder. [Laym. fodder, uodder fodder, meat: Plat. foder, voder, voer: Dut. voeder, voér, n. fodder, provender: Ger. futter, n: M. H. Ger. vuoter, n: O. H. Ger. fuotar, n: Goth. fódr, n. a sheath: Dan. Swed. foder, foer, n: Icel. fóðr, n. p&a-long;b&u-short;lum. ] v. fóðer.
fódder-brytta, an; m. A fodder-distributor, fodderer, herdsman; p&a-long;b&u-short;l&a-long;tor :-- Horshyrde vel fódderbrytta p&a-long;b&u-short;l&a-long;tor, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 122; Wrt. Voc. 19, 6.
fóddor-þegu, fóddur-þegu, fódor-þegu, e; f. [þegu a taking, receiving] A taking or receiving food, food; c&i-short;bi acceptio, c&i-short;bus :-- Ðæt hie tobrugdon, blódigum ceaflum, fira flæ-acute;schoman him to fóddorþege that they tore asunder, with bloody jaws, the bodies of men for their food, Andr. Kmbl. 320; An. 160. Léton him ða betweonum tán wísian hwylcne hira æ-acute;rest óðrum sceolde to fóddurþege feores ongildan they let the lot decide between them which of them first should give up to the rest his life for food, 2203; An. 1103. Ðæ-acute;r hí métaþ fódorþege gefeán [MS. gefeon] where they find the joy of taking food, Exon. 59b; Th. 215, 4; Ph. 248.
fóddur-wéla, an; m. Abundance of food; c&i-short;bi c&o-long;pia :-- Fere fóddurwélan folcscipe dreógeþ [a ship] performs the bringing [i. e. a ship brings, Grn.] abundance of food to people, Exon. 108b; Th. 415, 12; Rä. 33, 10.
fódnóþ, es; m? Food, nourishment; &a-short;l&i-short;mentum, Som. Ben. Lye.
fódrere, es; m. A fodderer, forager; p&a-long;b&u-short;l&a-long;tor :-- Þunor ofslóh xxiv heora fódrera thunder killed twenty-four of their foragers, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 78, 1.
fóg, es; n. A joining, joint; conjunctio, commiss&u-long;ra, Som. Ben. Lye. DER. ge-fóg, stán-ge-.
fóge fitly, aptly, comprehensibly. DER. un-ge-fóge.
fógere, es; m. A suiter, wooer; pr&o-short;cus :-- Fógere [MS. foghere] pr&o-short;co, Mone B. 4287. v. wógere.
fóh take :-- Fóh to me take from me; acc&i-short;pe a me, Cd. 228; Th. 308, 2; Sat. 686; impert. of fón.
fóh comprehensible, measurable, moderate. DER. un-ge-fóh.
fóhlíc comprehensible, measurable, moderate. DER. un-ge-fóhlíc.
fóhlíce comprehensibly, measurably, moderately. DER. un-ge-fóhlíce.
fohten fought, contended; pp. of feohtan.
FOLA, an; m. A FOAL, colt; pullus, poledrus :-- Cicen oððe brid oððe fola pullus, Wrt. Voc. 77, 37. Fola poledrus, Ælfc. Gl. 20; Som. 59, 50; Wrt. Voc. 23, 11. HÍ gemétton ðone folan úte inv&e-long;n&e-long;runt pullum f&o-short;ris, Mk. Bos. 11, 4, 5: Mt. Bos. 21, 2, 5. [Piers P. fole: Plat. falen, vale: Frs. fole: O. Frs. folla, m: Dut. volen, veulen, n: Ger. fohle, m; füllen, n: M. H. Ger. vole, vol, m; vüli, vuln, n: O. H. Ger. folo, m. pullus, poledrus; fuli, n. pullus, pultrinus: Goth. fula, m: Dan. fole, m. f; føl, n: Swed. föl, n: Icel. foli, m; Lat. pullus, m. a young animal: Grk. GREEK , m. f. a foal. ]
FOLC, es; n. [Folc being a neuter noun, and a monosyllable, has the nom. and acc. pl. the same as the nom. and acc. sing: it is a collective noun in English, and has not the plural form folks but by a modern corruption] The FOLK, people, common people, multitude, a people, tribe, family; p&o-short;p&u-short;lus, gens, n&a-long;tio, vulgus, plebs, c&i-long;ves, h&o-short;m&i-short;nes, exerc&i-short;tus, mult&i-short;t&u-long;do :-- Twá folc beóþ todæ-acute;led, and ðæt folc oferswíþ ðæt óðer folc two nations shall be divided, and the one folk shall overcome the other folk, Gen. 25, 23. Ðæt folc wæs Zachariam geanbídigende &e-short;rat plebs expectans Zach&a-short;riam, Lk. Bos. 1, 21. Micel folc mid hym cum eo turbo multa, Mt. Bos. 26, 47. Hie awerede ðæt folc the people defended it, Chr. 921; Erl. 106, 10, 33. Gif folces man syngaþ if a man of the people sin, Lev. 4, 27. Ðæs folces hlísa the people's praise, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 16. He slóh folces Denigea fýftyne men he slew of the Danes' folk fifteen men, Beo. Th. 3168; B. 1582. Folces hyrde the people's shepherd, Beo. Th. 1224; B. 610: 3668; B. 1832: 5282; B. 2644. Eallum folce to friþe to the peace of all the people, L. Edg. S. 15; Th. i. 278, 7. Eádmund cyning cýþ eallum folce Edmund king makes known to all people, L. Edm. S; Th. i. 246, 17. Se ðe sý folce ungetrýwe he who may be untrue to the people, L. C. S. 25; Th. i. 390, 17. Man swencte ðæt earme folc one harassed the poor people, Chr. 999; Erl. 135, 32. Se eorl earfoþlíce gestylde ðæt folc the earl hardly stilled the people, Chr. 1052; Erl. 187, 4, 3. Þurh úre folc throughout our folk, L. In. prm; Th. i. 102, 9. Beó se þeóf útlah wið eall folc let the thief be an outlaw to all people, L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 24. He gesóhte Súþ-Dena folc he sought the people of the South-Danes, Beo. Th. 931; B. 463: 1049; B. 522: 1390; B. 693: 2362; B. 1179. Folce gestépte sunu Óhtheres with people he supported Ohthere's son, Beo. Th. 4776; B. 2393. Ða folc fæ-acute;hþe towehton the people excited enmity, 5888; B. 2948: 2849; B. 1422. Freáwine folca friend of peoples, 864; B. 430: 4038; B. 2017: 4849; B. 2429. Folcum gefræ-acute;ge famed among nations, 109; B. 55: 530; B. 262: 3715; B. 1855. Mec wolcna strengu ofer folc byreþ the clouds' strength bears me over people, Exon. 103a; Th. 390, 5; Rä. 8, 6. Folgad folcum followed by peoples, Cd. 226; Th. 300, 4; Sat. 559. [Laym. folc, uolc: Orm. follc: O. Sax. folk, folc, n: Frs. folck: O. Frs. folk, n: Dut. Ger. volk, n: M. H. Ger. volc, m: O. H. Ger. folc, folch, folk, n; Dan. Swed. folk, n: Icel. fólk, n.] DER. dryht-folc, here-, mægen-, sige-, súþ-, wíd-.
folc-ágende; part. Folk-owning; p&a-short;p&u-short;lum poss&i-short;dens :-- Bealg hine swíðe folcágende the folk-owning [man] was much irritated, Exon. 68a; Th. 253, 26; Jul. 186: Beo. Th. 6218; B. 3113. Nis se foldan sceat mongum gefére folcágendra the tract of earth is not easy of access to many folk-owning [men], Exon. 56a; Th. 198, 4; Ph. 5.