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FOR-LÝST -- FOR-RÆ-acute;DAN. 315
for-lýst loses, Mk. Bos. 9, 41: 3rd sing. pres. of for-leósan.
FORMA; m; forme f. n: def. adj. The first, earliest; pr&i-long;mus :-- Se forma ys Simon the first is Simon, Mt. Bos. 10, 2: 22, 25: Bt. 15; Fox 48, 22: Cd. 143; Th. 179, 2; Exod. 22: Exon. 18 b; Th. 45, 16; Cri. 720: Beo. Th. 1437; B. 716; Menol. Fox 17; Men. 9: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 109; Met. 8, 55. Hú gesæ-acute;lig seó forme eld was ðises middangeardes how happy was the first age of this world, Bt. 15; Fox 48, 2: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 7; Met. 8, 4: Boutr. Scrd. 21, 8. Ðis wæs ðæt forme tácn this was the first miracle, Jn. Bos. 2, 11. On ðone forman dæg on the first day, Boutr. Scrd. 19, 4: Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 4, 12; Lchdm. iii. 238, 15: Cd. 48; Th. 61, 17; Gen. 998: Byrht. Th. 133, 68; By. 77. Forman síðe for the first time, Beo. Th. 4562; B. 2286: Exon. 84 b; Th. 319, 3; Wíd. 6: Cd. 17; Th. 21, 4; Gen. 319. Gebletsode Metod monna cynnes ða forman twá the Lord blessed the first two of mankind, Cd. 10; Th. 12, 31; Gen. 194. On forman at first, Blickl. Homl. 127, 20. [Wyc. forme in forme-fadris: Chauc. forme: Laym. uorme, forme: Orm. forrme: O. Sax. formo: O. Frs. forma: Goth. fruma the first: Icel. frum- in compounds, the first.]
fór-mæl, fór-mál, e; f. [fór = fóre, mæ-acute;l a speech, discourse] An agreement, a treaty; fœdus, pactum :-- Wið ðam ðe he eall ðæt læ-acute;ste ðæt uncer fórmæ-acute;l wæs on condition that he fulfil all that was our agreement, L. O. 1; Th. i. 178, 8. Æfter ðam fórmálum [MS. -málan] according to the treaties, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 11.
fór-mæ-acute;rnes, -ness, e; f. Brightness, glory, renown; cl&a-long;r&i-short;tas :-- Fórmæ-acute;rnes and genyht renown and abundance, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 140, 23, note 8. v. fóre-mæ-acute;rnes.
fór-maneg, -moni; adj. Very many; permultus :-- Heora fórmanega oft féngon to ánwealde very many of them often undertook the government, Jud. Thw. 161, 26.
for-meltan, -myltan; p. -mealt, pl. -multon; pp. -molten; v. intrans. To melt away, become liquid, liquefy; l&i-short;quesc&e-short;re, l&e-short;qu&e-short;fi&e-short;ri :-- Hét wæ-acute;pen eall formeltan he commanded the weapons all to melt away, Andr. Kmbl. 2294; An. 1148. Formealt oððe hnesce geworden is eorþe l&i-short;qu&e-short;facta est terra, Ps. Lamb. 74, 4: Ex. 16, 21. Ealle ða scipu formultan all the ships were consumed, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 14. [Dut. ver-smelten to melt, dissolve: Ger. ver-schmelzen to melt away.]
for-mengan; p. de; pp. ed To join together, mingle; conjung&e-short;re, Past. 21, 1? Lye. [Dut. Ger. ver-mengen to mix, mingle, confuse.] v. mengan.
formesta; m: formeste; f. n: def. adj. [sup. of forma the first] Foremost, first, best, most valiant; pr&i-long;mus, str&e-long;nuiss&i-short;mus :-- Wæs he se wer se formesta &e-short;rat vir ipse str&e-long;nuiss&i-short;mus, Bd. 5, 20; S. 641, 37. v. fyrmest.
fór-mete, es; m. [fór a journey, mete food] Fare-meat, provision for a journey; c&i-short;bus in it&i-short;n&e-short;re s&u-long;mendus, Gr. Dial. 2, 13: Deut. 15, 14.
for-molsnian; p. ode, ede; pp. od, ed [molsnian to corrupt] To putrefy, corrupt, make rotten, decay; putref&a-short;c&e-short;re, tabef&a-short;c&e-short;re, mac&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- To duste formolsnod decayed to dust, Wanl. Catal. 20, 4; Homl. Th. i. 218, 25. Se ylca God, ðé ealle þing of náhte geworhte, mæg aræ-acute;ran ða formolsnedan líchaman of ðam duste the same God, that wrought all things from naught, can raise up the decayed corpses from the dust, Homl. Th. ii. 608, 6.
fór-moni; adj. Very many; permultus :-- Fórmoni man many a man, Byrht. Th. 138, 52; By. 239. v. fór-maneg.
for-myltan to melt :-- Ic formylte l&i-long;quor, Ælfc. Gr. 29; Som. 33, 44. v. for-meltan.
for-myrþrian; p. ode; pp. od To kill, murder, destroy utterly; occ&i-long;d&e-short;re, en&e-short;c&a-long;re, perd&e-short;re :-- Gif wíf hire cild formyrþrige innan hire si m&u-short;lier infantem suum intra se perdid&e-short;rit, L. M. I. P. 10; Th. ii. 268, 5.
FORN, e; f? A trout? turnus :-- Forn turnus? Ælfc. Gl. 102; Som. 77, 72; Wrt. Voc. 55, 76. [Ger. fohre, fore, forelle. f. a trout: Ger. Swiss dial. forne: M. H. Ger. vorhen, f: O. H. Ger. forahana, forhana trutta: Dut. voorn, f; vóren, m. a roach.]
fórn, fórne; adv. Before; c&o-long;ram :-- Gesæt Benedictus fórn ongeán ðam Riggon Benedict sat opposite to Riggo, Homl. Th. ii. 168, 15, Óþ-ðæt he eft cume hyre fórne geán until he again comes opposite to it, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 8, 13; Lchdm. iii. 248, 17. v. fóran; prep.
for-nam, pl. -námon took away, destroyed, consumed, Beo. Th. 2415; B. 1205: Ps. Th. 77, 53; p. of for-niman.
forne; prep. acc. For; pro, propter :-- Gif hwá hine forne forstande if anyone will stand up for him, L. Eth. i. 4; Th. i. 284, 3, note 8. v. for; prep. v. forene.
fórne; adv. Before, sooner; prius, c&i-short;tius :-- Se oðer leorningcniht fórarn Petrus fórne ille &a-short;lius disc&i-short;p&u-short;lus præcucurrit c&i-short;tius Petro, Jn. Bos. 20, 4. v. fóran; adv. [O. Sax. forana.]
fór-neáh, fór-neán; adv. Very nearly, nigh, nearly, almost, about; pr&o-short;pe, f&e-short;re, pæne, paulo m&i-short;nus, circ&i-short;ter :-- Fórneáh f&e-short;re, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 50. Fórneáh oððe hwæt-hwega hí fordydon me on eorþan paulo m&i-short;nus consumm&a-long;v&e-long;runt me in terram, Ps. Lamb. 118, 87: 93, 17. Seó upastíhþ fórneán óþ ðone mónan it extends upwards very nearly to the moon, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 17, 4; Lchdm. iii. 272, 18. Fórneán f&e-short;re, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 41, 45. Míne fórneán astyrode synt fét mei pæne m&o-long;ti sunt p&e-short;des, Ps. Lamb. 72, 2. Fórneán þreó þusend circ&i-short;ter tria millia, Ælfc. Gr. 47; Som. 47, 42, 43.
fór-nefe, an; f. A nephew's daughter; proneptis. Som. Ben. Lye. v. nefe.
Fornétes folm, e; f. Fornet's palm; Forn&e-long;ti palma :-- Wyl on eówe meolce Fornétes folm boil Fornet's palm in ewe's milk, L. M. 1. 70; Lchdm. ii. 144, 22. Nim Fornétes folm take Fornet's palm, 1, 71; Lchdm. ii. 146, 4. The Icel. has Fornjótr; gen. Fornjóts, the name of an eóten, es; m. a giant. Fornjótr's three sons had control over air, fire, and wind. In the Gl. Cleop. folm is glossed m&a-short;nus, the hand or palm. As this refers to the palm only, it leaves us in difficulty what variety is intended by Fornet's palm. It must, however, be one of the chief species, as Fornjótr was a chief god of the heathen Icelanders.
for-niman, -nyman; p. -nam, -nom, pl. -námon, -nómon; pp. -numen; v. trans. To take away, deform, plunder, destroy, ransack, waste, consume, devour; rap&e-short;re, perd&e-short;re, exterm&i-short;n&a-long;re, vast&a-long;re, cons&u-long;m&e-short;re, dev&o-short;r&a-long;re :-- Ðú hí eáðe miht forniman thou mayest easily consume them, Ps. Th. 72, 16: 118, 36. Eów in beorge bæ-acute;l fornimeþ fire shall consume you upon the hill, Elen. Kmbl. 1153; El. 578. Se ðe fornimþ þearfan on dýgelnysse qui dev&o-short;rat paup&e-short;rem in abscond&i-short;to, Cant. Abac. Lamb. fol. 190 b, 14. Hig fornymaþ hyra ansýna exterm&i-short;nant f&a-short;cies suas, Mt. Bos. 6, 16. Hine wyrd fornam fate took him away, Beo. Th. 2415; B. 1205: 2877; B. 1436: 4245; B. 2119. Líg eall fornam the flame consumed all, Cd. 119; Th. 153, 34; Gen. 2548: Andr. Kmbl. 1988; An. 996: 3061; An. 1533. Swylt ealle fornom secga hlóþe death destroyed all the band of men, Exon. 75 b; Th. 283, 5; Jul. 675: 59 b; Th. 216, 15; Ph. 268. Se Brytta þeóde fornom qui gentem vast&a-long;vit Britt&o-long;num, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 20. Him írenne ecga fornámon iron edges had taken them away from him. Beo. Th. 5649; B. 2828. Fórneáh hí fornámon me on lande paulo m&i-short;nus consumm&a-long;v&e-long;runt me in terra, Ps. Spl. C. 118, 87. Fornómon [MS. -noman] have consumed, Exon. 78 a; Th. 292, 14; Wand. 99. Wylt ðú we secgaþ ðæt fýr cume of heofone, and fornime hig vis d&i-long;c&i-short;mus ut ignis descendat de cælo, et cons&u-long;mat illos? Lk. Bos. 9, 54. Ðæs mannes wlite wyrþeþ eall fornumen mid onsígendre ylde the beauty of man becomes thoroughly destroyed by approaching old age, Basil admn. 8; Norm. 50, 20. Swá swá sceáp from wulfum and wildeórum beóþ fornumene, swá ða earman ceasterwaran toslitene and fornumene wæ-acute;ron fram heora feóndum s&i-long;cut agni a f&e-short;ris, &i-short;ta mis&e-short;ri c&i-long;ves discerpuntur ab host&i-short;bus, Bd. 1, 12; S. 481, 26, 27: Homl. Th. ii. 416, 12.
for-nýdan; p. -nýdde; pp. -nýded, -nýdd To force greatly, compel; c&o-long;g&e-short;re :-- Wydewan syndon wíde fornýdde on unriht to ceorle v&i-short;duæ crebro injuste ad nuptias tr&a-short;huntur, Lupi Serm. i. 5; Hick. Thes. ii. 100, 25.
for-nyman to take away, deform, disfigure, Mt. Bos. 6, 16. v. for-niman.
forod, forad, fored, forud; adj. part. [v. nacod naked] Broken, fractured, violated; fractus, viol&a-long;tus :-- Wæs him gylp forod their vaunt was broken, Cd. 4; Th. 5, 10; Gen. 69. Ðá wearþ hire mid ánum wyrpe án ribb forod then with one throw one of its ribs was broken, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 84, 41. Gif se earm biþ forod if the arm be broken, L. Alf. pol. 54; Th. i. 94, 24, note 57. Gif monnes ceácan mon forslihþ, ðæt hie beóþ forode if a man smite another's cheeks, so that they be broken, L. Alf. pol. 50; Th. i. 94, 15: Ps. Th. 30, 12. Foredum sceancum with broken legs, H. R. 101, 21.
fór-oft; adv. Very often; persæpe :-- Se deófol sæ-acute;wþ fóroft mánfullíce geþohtas into ðæs mannes heortan the devil very often sows evil thoughts in the heart of man, Boutr. Scrd. 20, 16. Swá swá we sylfe fóroft gesáwon as we ourselves have very often seen, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 12, 9; Lchdm. iii. 260, 2: Wrt. popl. science 11, 8; Lchdm. iii. 256, 16.
fóron went, Ps. Spl. 65, 11; pl. p. of faran to go.
for-pæ-acute;ran; p. de; pp. ed To turn away, pervert, ruin, destroy; pervert&e-short;re, perd&e-short;re :-- He ðæs óðres sáwle forpæ-acute;rþ þurh his yfelum tihtingum he perverts the other's soul by his evil instigations, Homl. Th. ii. 226, 31: 208, 20. Hie forpæ-acute;raþ ðæm edleáne m&e-short;r&i-short;tum pervertunt. Past. 39, 3; Hat. MS. 53 b, 8. Gif we us sylfe ne forpæ-acute;raþ if we do not destroy ourselves, Homl. Th. i. 216, 9: ii. 50, 5. Adam us forpæ-acute;rde þurh ánes æpples þigene Adam ruined us by the eating of an apple, Homl. Th. ii. 330, 32. Ðæt he ðone man forpæ-acute;re that he may destroy the man, Boutr. Scrd. 20, 20.
for-pyndan; p. de; pp. ed To turn away; rem&o-short;v&e-long;re, repr&i-short;m&e-short;re :-- Ðæt Euan scyld is eal forpynded the sin of Eve is all turned away, Exon. 9 a; Th. 7, 7; Cri. 97. [Icel. pynda pr&e-short;m&e-short;re, vex&a-long;re.] v. pynding.
fór-rád rode before :-- Fórrád sió fierd hie fóran the force rode before them, Chr. 894; Th. 166, 7; p. of fór-rídan, q.v.
fór-radian to hasten before, prevent, Nat. S. Greg. Els. 23, 4: 24, 6. v. fór-hradian.
for-ræ-acute;dan; p. -ræ-acute;dde; pp. -ræ-acute;ded; or p. -reord, -réd; pp. -ræden, v. a. to give counsel against, to condemn, plot against, deprive by