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treachery, wrong; condemn&a-long;re, ins&i-short;dias p&a-short;r&a-long;re :-- We beódaþ ðæt man Cristene men for ealles tó lytlum to deáþe ne forræ-acute;de we command that Christian men be not for altogether too little condemned to death, L. C. S. 2: Th. i. 376, 19. Eádweard man forræ-acute;dde and syððan acwealde they plotted against Edward and afterwards murdered him, Lupi Serm. i. 9; Hick. Thes. ii. 102, 10. Ðæt man his hláford of lífe forræ-acute;de that a man deprive his lord of life, Lupi Serm. i. 9; Hick. Thes. ii. 102, 7. [Cf. Icel. ráða af dögum to kill.] Gif man gehádodne man forræ-acute;de æt feó oððe æt feore if any one wrong a man in holy orders as to money or as to life, L. C. S. 40; Th. i. 400, 5: L. E. G. 12; Th. i. 174, 6. [Ger. ver-rathen to betray.]

fór-raðe; adv. Very quickly; c&i-short;to :-- Hí Godes bebod tobræcon fórraðe they broke the commandment of God very quickly, Ælfc. T. 5, 6: Gen. 20, 7.

fór-rídan; p. -rád, pl. -ridon; pp. -riden To ride before, intercept; præequ&i-short;t&a-long;re, interc&i-short;p&e-short;re :-- Fórrád sió fierd hie fóran the force rode before them. Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 25. Ða men hie fóran fórridan mehton bútan geweorce the men they might intercept outside the work, 894; Erl. 93, 11. [Laym. p.p. forriden: Ger. vor-reiten to ride before.]

fór-rídel, es; m. A fore-rider, outrider, harbinger; præcursor :-- Cyning Totilla sende his fórrídel cýðan his tocyme ðam hálgan were king Totila sent his harbinger to announce his coming to the holy man, Homl. Th. ii. 168, 10. [A.R. vorrideles: Ger. vor-reiter a fore-rider.]

for-rotian; p. ode, ade, ede; pp. od, ad, ed [for-, rotian to rot] To become wholly rotten, to rot, putrefy; computresc&e-short;re :-- Ða fixas acwelaþ and ða wæteru forrotiaþ fisces m&o-short;rientur et computrescent &a-short;quæ, Ex. 7, 18. Hit forrotode computruit, 16, 20. Gemolsnad flæ-acute;sc vel forrotad corrupted flesh; t&a-long;bes, Ælfc. Gl. 12; Som. 57, 74; Wrt. Voc. 20, 16. Ðæt sió réþnes ðæs wínes ða forrotedan wunde clæ-acute;nsige that the harshness of the wine may cleanse the corrupted wound, Past. 17, 10; Hat. MS. 25 a, 9. [A.R. vorrotien: Dut. Ger. ver-rotten to rot, putrefy, mortify.]

for-rotodnys, -rotednys, -nyss, e; f. Rottenness, corruption; putr&e-long;do, pus :-- Mín flæ-acute;sc is ymbscrýd mid forrotodnysse my flesh is covered with corruption, Job Thw. 167, 36: Prov. 12: Homl. Th. ii. 282, 11. Ðeós forrotednyss hoc pus, Ælfc. Gr. 8; Som. 7, 35.

fór-rynel, fóre-rynel, es; m. A forerunner; præcursor :-- Is se forrynel fæger and sciéne the forerunner [morning star] is fair and shining, Bt. Met. Fox 29, 49; Met. 29, 25. Iohannes wæs Cristes fórrynel John was Christ's forerunner, Homl. Th. i. 484, 34: 356, 21: Bt. 36, 1; Fox 170, 28. Ðæs mæ-acute;ran fórryneles of the great forerunner, Homl. Th. i. 364, 6.

for-sacan; p. -sóc, pl. -sócon; pp. -sacen To declare an opposition, oppose, object to, refuse, give up, forsake; detrect&a-long;re, rec&u-long;s&a-long;re, des&e-short;r&e-short;re :-- Gange án mynet ofer ealne ðæs cynges ánweald, and ðone nán man ne forsace let one money pass throughout the king's dominion, and that let no man refuse, L. Edg. ii. 8; Th. i. 270, 1. Forsóc ðæne triumphan refused the triumph, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 42, 43. He ðæt wæs eall forsacende he was giving up all that, 1, 12; Bos. 36, 16. v. sacan.

for-sæ-acute;can to punish, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 2; Gú. 348. v. for-sécan.

for-sæ-acute;de, pl. -sæ-acute;don accused, Homl. Th. i. 50, 14, 16; p. of for-secgan.

for-sæt, pl. -sæ-acute;ton delayed, deferred, obstructed, Od. 138; Th. 173, 10; Gen. 2859: 114; Th. 150, 10; Gen. 2489; p. of for-sittan.

for-sáwon rejected, despised, Elen. Kmbl. 2633; El. 1318; p. pl. of for-seón.

for-scáden scattered, Exon. 39 b; Th. 131, 1; Gú. 449; pp. of for-scádan. v. for-sceádan.

for-scæncednys, -nyss, e; f. [for-, screncednes supplant&a-long;tio] A supplanting, deceit; supplant&a-long;tio, fraus :-- Man miclode ofor me hleóhræscnesse oððe forscæncednysse h&o-short;mo magn&i-short;f&i-short;c&a-long;vit s&u-short;per me supplanl&a-long;ti&o-long;nem, Ps. Lamb. 40, 10.

for-scapung, -sceapung, e; f. A bad action, fault, crime; perversa actio, sc&e-short;lus :-- Hí sæ-acute;don ðæt hió ware for Fetontis forscapunge they said that it was for the fault of Phaëton, Ors. 1. 7; Bos. 30, 35. On mislícre forsceapunge by various misdeeds, 1, 11; Bos. 35, 2.

for-sceádan, -scádan; p. -sceód, pl. -sceódon; pp. -sceáden, -scáden [sceádan to separate] To scatter, disperse; disperg&e-short;re :-- Ðæt ða giemmas wæ-acute;ren forsceádne [forsceadene. Cot.] æfter ðæ-acute;m stræ-acute;tum that the gems were scattered along the streets. Past. 18, 4; Hat. MS. 26 b, 25. Gé sind forscádene ye are scattered, Exon. 39 b; Th. 131, 1; Gú. 449.

for-sceáf cast down, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 25; Exod. 204; p. of for-scúfan.

for-sceamian, -scamian, -scamigan; p. ode; pp. od [sceamian to be ashamed] To be greatly ashamed; er&u-short;besc&e-short;re :-- Forsceamian er&u-short;besc&e-short;re, Scint. 8. Hie forscamige let it shame them, Past. 21, 1; Hat. MS. 29 a, 26. [Orm. forrshamedd much ashamed.]

for-sceap, es; n. [from sceapen formed, created; pp. of sceppan to create] What is for- or mis-shapen a fault, crime; m&a-short;lefactum :-- Me nædre to forsceape scyhte the serpent incited me to crime, Cd. 42; Th. 55, 22; Gen. 898.

fór-sceáwian; p. ode; pp. od To foreshew, foresee; præ-ostend&e-short;re, p&o-long;r&e-short;re in conspectu, prov&i-short;d&e-long;re :-- Ic fórsceáwode Driht on gesihþe mínre symble prov&i-short;d&e-long;bam D&o-short;m&i-short;num in conspectu meo semper, Ps. Spl. 15, 8. [Ger. vor-schauen to foresee.] v. fóre-sceáwian.

fór-sceáwudlíce; adv. Providently, carefully, prudently; pr&o-long;vide, Proœm. R. Conc.

fór-sceáwung, e; f. Providence; pr&o-long;v&i-short;dentia :-- Þurh Godes fórsceáwunge by the providence of God, Homl. Th. i. 234, 21. v. fóre-sceáwung.

for-scending, e; f. [scendan to confound] Confusion; conf&u-long;sio :-- Mið forscendinge præ conf&u-long;si&o-long;ne, Lk. Skt. Rush. 21, 25.

for-sceóppan; p. -scóp, pl. -scópon; pp. -sceápen To re-create, transform, deform; transform&a-long;re :-- Sume, hí sæ-acute;don, ðæt hió [Circe] sceolde forsceóppan to león some, they said, she [Circe] should transform to a lioness, Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 33. v. for-sceppan.

for-sceorfan; p. -scearf, pl. -scurfon; pp. -scorfen [sceorfan to gnaw, bite] To gnaw or eat off; arr&o-long;d&e-short;re :-- Gærstapan æ-acute;lc wuht forscurfon, ðæs ðe on ðam lande wæs grówendes locusts ate off everything that was growing in the land, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 17, notes, p. 24, 7, MS. L.

fór-sceótan, he -scýt, pl. -sceótaþ; p. -sceát, pl. -scuton; pp. -scoten To shoot before, anticipate, come before, prevent; antic&i-short;p&a-long;re, præv&e-short;n&i-long;re :-- Ða ungesæ-acute;ligan menn ne mágon gebidon hwonne he [deáþ] him to cume, ac fórsceótaþ hine fóran unhappy men cannot wait till he [death] comes to them, but anticipate him beforehand, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 3. Fórscýt ðæt hwílendlíce wíte ða écan geniðerunge the transient punishment will prevent eternal damnation, Homl. Th. i. 576, 2. Mín God fórscýt [MS. forscytte] oððe fórestepþ me Deus meus præv&e-short;niet me, Ps. Lamb. 58, 11. [Ger. vor-schiessen.]

for-sceppan, -sceóppan; p. -sceóp, pl. -sceópon; pp. -scepen To transform; transform&a-long;re :-- Heó alle forsceóp Drihten to deóflum the Lord transformed them all to devils, Cd. 16; Th. 20, 14; Gen. 308. Scinnan forscepene [their] beauty transformed, Cd. 214; Th. 269, 12; Sat. 72.

fór-scip, es; n. The forepart of a ship, the prow; pr&o-long;ra :-- Ancersetl [MS. anfer-] vel fórscip pr&o-long;ra, Ælfc. Gl. 83; Som. 73, 73; Wrt. Voc. 48, 12.

for-scranc shrank up, dried up, withered, Gen. 32, 25: Mt. Bos. 21, 19: Mk. Bos. 4, 6; p. of for-scrincan.

for-scrang shrank up, dried up. Ps. Spl. 128, 5, for-scranc; p. of for-scrincan.

for-screncan, -scræncan; p. -screncte, -scræncte; pp. --scrænct, -screnct [screncan to trip up] To supplant, overcome, oppress, cast down; supplant&a-long;re, oppr&i-short;m&e-short;re, el&i-long;d&e-short;re :-- Ða ðe leahtras forscrencaþ belimpaþ to Godes ríce those who overcome sins belong to God's kingdom, Homl. Th. i. 198, 23. Forscrænc hine supplanta eum, Ps. Lamb. 16, 13. Ðú forscrænctest onarísende on me supplantasti insurgentes in me, 17, 40. Forscrenct el&i-long;sa vel dejecta, Ælfc. Gl. 78; Som. 72, 36; Wrt. Voc. 45, 68. Crist aræ-acute;rþ ða forscrenctan Christ raises the oppressed, Homl. Th. ii. 414. 23.

for-screncend, es; m. [part. of forscrencan] A supplanter; supplant&a-long;tor :-- Iacob is gecweden, forscrencend Jacob is interpreted, a supplanter, Homl. Th. i. 198, 21.

for-scrífan; p. -scráf, pl. -scrifon; pp. -scrifen [scrífan to judge], I. to condemn, proscribe; condemn&a-long;re, proscr&i-long;b&e-short;re :-- He ðæt scyldige werud forscrifen hefde he had proscribed the guilty host, Cd. 213 i Th. 267, 5; Sat. 33. Grendel fífelcynnes eard weardode hwíle, siððan him Scyppend forscrifen hæfde Grendel inhabited a while the monster-race's abode, after the Creator had proscribed him, Beo. Th. 213; B. 106. II. to write or cut into, cut down; inc&i-long;d&e-short;re, succ&i-long;d&e-short;re :-- Awríteþ he on his wæ-acute;pne wællnota heáp, bealwe bócstafas bill forscrífeþ he writes upon his weapon a heap of fatal marks, baleful letters he cuts into the bill, Salm. Kmbl. 323-326, note; Sal. 161, 162. Forscrif hine succ&i-long;de illam, Lk. Skt. Hat. 13, 7, 9. [Ger. ver-schreiben to prescribe.]

for-scríhan; p. -scráh, pl. -scrigon; pp. -scrigen [scríhan d&i-short;c&a-long;re] To abdicate, resign, give up; abd&i-short;c&a-long;re :-- Forscráh abd&i-short;c&a-long;vit, Cot. 205.

for-scrincan, he -scrincþ; p. -scranc, pl. -scruncon; pp. -scruncen [for-, scrincan to shrink] To shrink up, dry up, dwindle away, wither; emarcesc&e-short;re, exaresc&e-short;re, arefi&e-short;ri, aresc&e-short;re :-- He forscrincþ arescit, Mk. Bos. 9, 18. Æt-hrán he his sine on his þeó and heó ðæ-acute;rrihte forscranc t&e-short;t&i-short;git nervum f&e-short;m&o-short;ris ejus, et st&a-short;tim emarcuit. Gen. 32, 25. Sæ-acute;d forscranc s&e-long;men ex&a-long;ruit, Mk. Bos. 4, 6: Lk. Bos. 8, 6. Sóna forscranc ðæt fíctreów arefacta est cont&i-short;nuo f&i-long;culnea. Mt. Bos. 21, 19. Hig forscruncon &a-long;ru&e-long;runt, Mt. Bos. 13, 6. Mín hýd is forscruncen my skin is shrunk up, Job Thw. 167, 37. Hí gesáwon ðæt fíctreów forscruncen of ðám wyrtruman v&i-long;d&e-long;runt f&i-long;cum ar&i-short;dam factam a rad&i-long;c&i-short;bus, Mk. Bos. 11, 20. On ðam porticon læg mycel menigeo forscruncenra in his port&i-short;c&i-short;bus j&a-short;c&e-long;bat mult&i-short;t&u-long;do magna ar&i-short;d&o-long;rum, Jn. Bos. 5, 3.

for-scrufon ate off, Ors. 5, 4; Bos. 105, 17, = for-scurfon; p. pl. of for-sceorfan.

for-scruncen shrank up, dried up, withered, Job Thw. 167, 37: Mk. Bos. ii. 20; pp. of for-scrincan.

for-scruncon dried up, Mt. Bos. 13, 6; p. pl. of for-scrincan.

for-scúfan; p. -sceáf, pl. -scufon; pp. -scofen To cast down; am&o-short;v&e-long;re, dispell&e-short;re :-- Wlance forsceáf mihtig engel a mighty angel cast down their pride, Cd. 153; Th. 190, 25; Exod. 204. v. scúfan.