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for-slegen slain, slaughtered, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 5; Gen. 2022; pp. for-sleán.

for-sliet, es; m. [sliet = slite a slit] Slaughter, massacre; intern&e-short;cio, Cot. 108.

for-slihþ smites, L. Alf. pol. 50; Th. i. 94, 14; 3rd sing. pres. of for-sleán.

for-slítan; p. -slát, pl. -sliton; pp. -sliten [slítan to tear] To tear with the teeth, to devour; mord&i-short;cus lac&e-short;r&a-long;re, com&e-short;d&e-short;re :-- Lét [wyrm] hiora wyrta wæstme forslítan he let [the worm] devour the fruit of their plants, Ps. Th. 77, 46. [O. Sax. farslítan to tear up, consume.]

for-slóh slew, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 33, 34; p. of for-sleán.

for-slyhþ smites, L. Alf. pol. 50; Th. i. 94, 14, MS. H; 3rd sing. pres. of for-sleán.

for-smorian; p. ode; pp. od; v. trans. To smother, choke, suffocate, stifle; suff&o-long;c&a-long;re :-- Hí synd mid heora lífes lustum forsmorode ... woruldcara and wélan forsmoriaþ ðæs modes þrotan they are choked with the pleasures of their life ... worldly cares and riches choke the throat of the mind, Homl. Th. ii. 92, 8-11. On úrum gástlícum fulluhte biþ se deófol forsmorod fram us in our spiritual baptism the devil is stifled by us, ii. 200, 19.

for-sóc, pl. -sócon refused, Chr. 1070; Erl. 208, 4; p. of for-sacan.

for-sogen sucked or drawn out, L. M. 2, 7; Lchdm. ii. 186, 17; pp. of for-súgan.

fór-sorged; part, [fór, sorgian to sorrow] Made very sad, grieved, sorrowful; trist&a-long;tus, triste factus, Som. Ben. Lye.

for-sóþ; adv. FORSOOTH, truly, certainly; certe :-- Wite ðú forsóþ know thou assuredly, Bt. 14, 3; Fox 46, 16. Ic forsóþ wát v&e-long;rum n&o-long;vi. Bd. 3, 13. S. 538, 33. Saga him forsóþ dic ergo illi, Bd. 5, 9; S. 622, 37.

for-spanan, he -spaneþ, -spenþ; p. -spón, -speón, pl. -spónon, -speónon; pp. -spanen, -sponen; v. trans. [spanan to allure] To entice, seduce; ill&i-short;c&e-short;re, sed&u-long;c&e-short;re :-- Gehwá se ðe óðerne to leahtrum forspenþ is manslaga every one who entices another to sins is a manslayer, Homl. Th. ii. 226, 30. Hine his hyge forspeón, ðæt he ne wolde Drihtnes word wurþian his mind seduced him, that he would not revere the Lord's word, Cd. 18; Th. 22, 34; Gen. 350. Forspanen beón seductum esse, sed&u-long;ci, Prov. 30, Lye. [O. Sax. for-far-spanan to entice.]

for-spancg, -spanc an enticement, allurement, v. for-spanincg.

for-spanend, es; m. A seducer; seductor, Som. Ben. Lye.

for-spanincg, -spannincg, e; f. An enticement, allurement; ill&e-short;cebra, Scint. 21, Lye.

for-speca, fore-speca, -spreca, -spræca, an; m. One who speaks for another, a defender, advocate; adv&o-short;c&a-long;tus, patr&o-long;nus :-- Forspeca vel mundbora adv&o-short;c&a-long;tus, patr&o-long;nus, vel interpell&a-long;tor, Ælfc. Gl. 106; Som. 78, 62; Wrt. Voc. 57, 42. Slaga sceal his forspecan on hand syllan, and se forspeca mágum the slayer shall give pledge to his advocate, and the advocate to the kinsmen, L. Edm. S. 7; Th. i. 250, 14, 15, 16. Ðe hire forsprecan [-specan MS. B.] synd who are her advocates, L. Edm. B. 1; Th. i. 254, 5.

for-specan; p. -spæc, pl. -spæ-acute;con; pp. -specen [for-, specan, sprecan to speak] To speak in vain, speak negatively, deny; frustra d&i-long;c&e-short;re, n&e-short;g&a-long;re :-- Hæbbe he ðæt eall forspecen let him have spoken that all in vain, L. C. S. 27; Th. i. 392, 6. Ne sý forspecen ne forswígod let it not be denied nor concealed, L. Ath. v. § 8, 9; Th. i. 238, 15.

fór-spédian; p. ode; pp. od To speed forward, to prosper; prosp&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- Eálá ðu Driht gehæ-acute;l me, eálá ðú Driht wel to fórspédienne O D&o-short;m&i-short;ne salvum me fac, O D&o-short;m&i-short;ne b&e-short;ne prosp&e-short;r&a-long;re. Ps. Spl. T. 117, 24. v. spédan.

for-spendan; p. de; pp. ed [for-, spendan to spend] To spend utterly, to consume; cons&u-long;m&e-short;re :-- Swíðost ealle hys spéda hý forspendaþ they squander almost all his property. Ors. 1. 1; Bos. 22, 45.

for-spennen, e; f. An enticement; l&e-long;n&o-long;c&i-short;nium :-- Forspennene l&e-long;n&o-long;c&i-short;nia, Mone B. 671. v. for-spenning.

for-spennend, es; m. A whoremonger; l&e-long;no, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Som. 8, 49: Mone B. 3130. v. for-spanend.

for-spennestre, -spennystre, an; f. A bawd; l&e-long;na, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Som. 8, 49.

for-spenning, e; f. An enticement, allurement; ill&e-short;cebra, l&e-long;n&o-long;c&i-short;nium :-- Forspenningce ill&e-short;cebras, Mone B. 4614. Mid forspennincge l&e-long;n&o-long;c&i-short;nio, 3098. Forspenningce l&e-long;n&o-long;c&i-short;nia, 6013: 6274.

for-spenþ entices, Homl. Th. ii. 226, 30; 3rd sing. pres. of for-spanan.

for-speón seduced, Cd. 18; Th. 22, 34; Gen. 350; p. of for-spanan.

for-spild, es; m. Destruction; perd&i-short;tio :-- On forspild into destruction, Past. 40, 5; Cott. MS.

for-spildan; p. de; pp. ed [spild destruction] To bring to naught, destroy; perd&e-short;re :-- Sum sceal on geóguþe, mid Godes meahtum, his earfoþsíþ forspildan one shall in youth, with God's power, bring to naught his hard lot, Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 31; Vy. 59.

for-spillan, -spyllan; p. de; pp. ed [spillan to spill, spoil, destroy] To spill, lose, waste, destroy, disperse; perd&e-short;re, disperd&e-short;re, diss&i-short;p&a-long;re :-- Darfus wolde hine sylfne forspillan Darius would destroy himself, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65, 40. Alýfþ reste-dagum wel to dónne, hwæðer ðe yfele? sáwla gehæ-acute;lan, hwæðer ðe forspillan l&i-short;cet sabb&a-short;tis benef&a-short;c&e-short;re, an m&a-short;le? an&i-short;mam salvam f&a-short;c&e-short;re, an perd&e-short;re ? Mk. Bos. 3, 4. Se ðe wyle hys sáwle hále gedón, he hig forspilþ; and se ðe wyle hig for me forspyllan, se hig fint qui v&o-short;lu&e-short;rit an&i-short;mam suam salvam f&a-short;c&e-short;re, perdet eam; qui autem perd&i-short;d&e-short;rit an&i-short;mam suam propter me, inv&e-short;niet eam. Mt. Bos. 16, 25. Ðú forspildest ealle ða ðe forligriaþ fram ðé perd&i-long;disti omnes qui forn&i-short;cantur abs te, Ps. Spl. 72, 26. He his gód forspilde dissipasset b&o-short;na ips&i-long;us, Lk. Bos. 16, 1: 15, 13. Ne forspil ðú sáwle míne ne perdas an&i-short;mam meam, Ps. Spl. 26, 9. Ðæt he fordó oððe forspille of lande gemynd heora ut perdat de terra m&e-short;m&o-short;riam e&o-long;rum, Ps. Lamb. 33, 17. [Dut. ver-spillen to spend, waste.]

for-spillednes, -nys, -ness, -nyss, e; f. [forspilled, pp. of forspillan to spill; -nes, -ness] A spilling, waste, perdition, destruction; perd&i-short;tio :-- Forhwí wæs ðisse sealfe forspillednes geworden ut quid perd&i-short;tio ista unguenti facta este Mk. Bos. 14, 4. Ne forwearþ hyra nán, búton forspillednysse beam n&e-long;mo ex eis p&e-short;riit, n&i-short;si f&i-long;lius perd&i-short;ti&o-long;nis. Jn. Bos. 17, 12. Se weg is swíðe rúm ðe to forspillednesse gelæ-acute;t spati&o-long;sa via est, quæ d&u-long;cit ad perd&i-short;ti&o-long;nem. Mt. Bos. 7, 13.

for-spreca one who speaks for another, an advocate, L. Edm. B. 1; Th. i. 254, 5. v. for-speca.

fór-sprecen; part. Fore-spoken, fore-mentioned; præf&a-long;tus :-- Todæ-acute;lde se fórsprecena here on twá the fore-mentioned army divided into two, Chr. 885; Erl. 83, 22. v. fóre-sprecen.

for-spyllan to lose :-- Wyle forspyllan will lose, Mt. Bos. 16, 25. v. for-spillan.

for-spyrcan; p. te; pp. ed [spearca a spark] To dry out, empty; exaresc&e-short;re, ar&e-long;re :-- Forspyrcende synd mine mearhcófan ossa mea aru&e-long;runt. Ps. Th. 101, 3.

FORST, es; m. FROST; g&e-short;lu :-- Se hearda forst the hard frost, Exon. 56 b; Th. 201, 19; Ph. 58: 111 a; Th. 425, 11; Rä. 41, 54. Forst g&e-short;lu, Ælfc. Gl. 94; Som. 75, 101; Wrt. Voc. 52, 51: 76, 39: Ps. Th. 148, 8. Hwílum hára scóc forst of feaxe sometimes the hoar frost shook from my hair, Exon. 130 a; Th. 498, 27; Rä. 88, 8. Án sceal inbindan forstes fetre one shall unbind frost's fetters, 90 a; Th. 338, 9; Gn. Ex. 76: Beo. Th. 3222; 6. 1609: Salm. Kmbl. 708; Sal. 353. Forste gefeterad fettered with frost, Menol. Fox 407; Men. 205: Homl. Th. i. 84, 15. Forstas and snáwas frosts and snows, Cd. 192; Th. 239, 31; Dan. 378. [Chauc. froste: Orm. frosst: O. Sax. frost, m: Frs. froast: O. Frs. frost, forst: Dut. vorst, f: Ger. frost, m: M. H. Ger. vrost, m: O. H. Ger. frost, m: Goth. frius, n: Dan. frost, m. f: Swed. frost, m: Icel. frost, n.] DER. rím-forst.

for-stæl, pl. -stæ-acute;lon stole, Gen. 27, 36: Mt. Bos. 28, 13: p. of for-stelan.

fór-stæpþ steps before, goes before. Ps. Spl. 96, 3; pres. of fór-stapan.

fór-stal an assault, fine for an assault, L. C. S. 12; Th. i. 382, 14. v. fór-steal.

for-stalian; p. ede; pp. ed [stalian to steal] To steal away; auf&u-short;g&e-short;re :-- Gif wíteþeów hine forstalie if a penal slave steal himself away, L. In. 24; Th. i. 118, 6. Gif he hine forstalede if he should have stolen himself away, L. Ath. v. § 6, 3; Th. i. 234, 7.

for-standan, -stondan; he -stent; p. -stód. pl. -stódon; pp. -standen; v. trans. I. to stand up for, to defend, aid, help, benefit, avail; defend&e-short;re, prodesse :-- Gif hine nelle forstandan if he will not stand up for him, L. In. 62; Th. i. 142, 6. Twelfhyndes mannes áþ forstent vi ceorla áþ a twelve hundred man's oath stands for the oath of six churls, L. O. 13; Th. i. 182, 19. Ðæt his gewitnes eft náht ne forstande that his witness avail again nothing, L. Ath. i. 10; Th. i. 204, 24. Gif hine hwá forstande if any one stand up for him, L. Ath. i. 1; Th. i. 198, 25. Gif hine hwá fórene forstande if any one defend him, v. § 1, 4; Th. i. 230, 4: v. § 8, 2; Th. i. 236, 12: L. Eth. i. 4; Th. i. 284, 3: L. C. S. 33; Th. i. 396, 17. He mihte hord forstandan he might defend the treasure, Beo. Th. 5903; B. 2955. Forstond ðú mec protect thou me, Exon. 118 b; Th. 455, 31; Hy. 4, 58. Hwá forstandeþ hie, gif ðu hie ne scyldest who shall defend it, if thou dost not shield it, Blickl. Homl. 225, 18. Hwæt forstód ðám betestum mannum -- oððe hwæt forstent hit what did it help the best men -- or what does it profit? Bt. 18, 4; Fox 68, 7, 9. Ne forstent ðæt þweál náuht the washing profits nothing, Past. 54; Hat. MS. II. to understand; intellig&e-short;re :-- Uneáðe ic mæg forstandan ðíne acsunga I can scarcely understand thy questions, Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 15. Selfe forstódon his word onwended they themselves understood his words [to be] perverted, Cd. 37; Th. 48, 2; Gen. 769. v. under-standan. [Like Dut. ver-staan: Ger. ver-stehen to understand.]

fór-standan, -stondan; p. -stód, pl. -stódon; pp. -standen To stand before or against, withstand, oppose, hinder; resist&e-short;re, imp&e-short;d&i-long;re :-- Ne meahte seó weáláf wíge fórstandan the miserable remnant could not withstand in battle, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 44; Met. 1, 22. Ne mágon gé him ða wíc fórstondan to him ye may not hinder the dwellings, Exon. 42 b; Th. 144, 7; Gú. 674. Ic him ðæt fórstonde I hinder them from that. Exon. 105 a; Th. 398, 15; Rä. 17, 8. Godes engel fórstód ðone weg st&e-short;tit ang&e-short;lus D&o-short;m&i-short;ni in via, Num. 22, 22. v. wiðstandan to withstand.

fór-stapan; he -stæpþ; p. -stóp, pl. -stópon; pp. -stapen To stop or