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[man], Exon. 49 b; Th. 171, 21; Gú. 1130. Ferþloca freórig a trembling body, 76 b; Th. 288, 18; Wand. 33.
freórig-ferþ; adj. Sad in soul; tristis an&i-short;mo :-- Cwom freórigferþ ðá seó fæ-acute;mne wæs he, sad in soul, came to where the damsel was, Exon. 52 b; Th. 182, 30; Gú. 1318.
freórig-mód; adj. Sad in mind; tristis an&i-short;mo :-- He monge gehæ-acute;lde, ðe hine ádle gebundne gesóhtun, freórigmóde he healed many, who, oppressed with malady, sad in mind, sought him, Exon. 45 b; Th. 155, 14; Gú. 860.
freó-riht, es; n. A free right, common right, right of a freeman; lib&e-short;r&o-long;rum et ingenu&o-long;rum jus:-- He ne beó syððan æ-acute;niges freórihtes wyrðe he shall not afterwards deserve any free right, L. C. S. 20; Th. i. 386, 22.
FREÓSAN, hit freóseþ, frýsþ, frýst; p. freás, pl. fruron; pp. froren To FREEZE ; g&e-short;l&a-long;re :-- Forst sceal freósan frost shall freeze, Exon. 90 a; Th. 338, 1; Gn. Ex. 72. Men steorran mágon [MS. magan] geseón swá sutole swá on niht ðonne hit swíðe freóseþ men may see the stars as plainly as at night when it freezes hard. Homl. Blick. 93, 20. Hit frýst [frýsþ MS. D.] g&e-short;lat, Ælfc. Gr. 22; Som. 24, 8. [Wyc. frees, freesede froze: Plat, fresen, freren: Dut. vriezen: Ger. frieren : M. H. Ger. vriusen: O. H. Ger. friusan, freosan: Goth. frius, n. frost: Dan. fryse: Swed, frysa: Icel. frjósa.] DER. ge-freosan: ofer-froren.
freót, freód, es; m. Freedom, liberty, an enfranchisement, a setting a man free; l&i-long;bertas, m&a-short;n&u-long;missio :-- Þolie his freótes let him forfeit his freedom, L. E. G. 7; Th. i. 170, 17. We scylon todæ-acute;lan freót and þeówet we ought to distinguish between freedom and slavery, L. C. S. 69; Th. i. 412, 9: L. Ed. 9; Th. i. 164, 10.
freót-gifa, an; m. A giver of freedom, liberator, emancipator; manumissor, Ælfc. Gl. 112; Som. 79, 91; Wrt. Voc. 59, 58.
freót-gifu, e; f. The gift of freedom, emancipation, manumission; manumissio :-- Freótgifu [MS. freótgife] manumissio, Ælfc. Gl. 112; Som. 79, 92; Wrt. Voc. 60, 1.
freoða, an; m. A protector, defender; t&u-long;tor :-- Ðú me, God, wæ-acute;re freoða thou, O God, wast a protector to me; ref&u-short;gium meum es tu. Ps. Th. 70, 3.
freoðan; p. ede; pp. ed To FROTH; sp&u-long;m&a-long;re, Som. DER. a-freoðan.
freoðian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To care for, maintain, cherish, protect, keep, observe ; cons&u-short;l&e-short;re, sustent&a-long;re, f&o-short;v&e-long;re, tu&e-long;ri, observ&a-long;re :-- In eallum þingum ðære cirican eahtum and gódum he freoðode and fultemede eccl&e-long;siæ rebus in omn&i-short;bus cons&u-short;l&e-short;re ac f&a-short;v&e-long;re c&u-long;r&a-long;vit, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 32. Ðæt mínes freán módwén freoðaþ what my master's mind's thought will maintain, Exon. 129 b; Th. 498, 3 ; Rä. 87, 7. God mín feorg freoðaþ God will protect my life, Exon. 36 a; Th. 116, 28; Gú. 214. Hie ælmihtig sigebearn Godes freoðode the almighty victorious Son of God protected her, Elen. Kmbl. 2292; El. 1147: Exon. 94 b; Th. 354, 3; Reim. 40: 103 a; Th. 391, 14; Rä. 10, 5. Hine weoruda God freoðade on foldan the God of hosts protected him on earth, Exon. 38 a ; Th. 126, 6; Gú. 367. Hí ðone heágan dæg healdaþ and freoðiaþ they keep and observe the high day [Sunday], Hy. 9, 27; Hy. Grn. ii. 291, 27. DER. ge-freoðian. v. friðian.
freoðo, frioðo, freoðu, friðo, fryðo, freðo; indecl. f: freoðu, friðu, e; f. Peace, security, protection, a refuge; pax, sec&u-long;r&i-short;tas, t&u-long;t&e-long;la, as&y-long;lum :-- Seó [treów] ðé freoðo sceal in lífdagum weorþan which [faith] shall be peace to thee in thy life's days, Cd. 163 ; Th. 204, 21; Exod. 422. Wel biþ ðæm ðe mót Drihten sécean, and to Fæder fæðmum freoðo wilnian it shall be well to him who may seek the Lord, and desire peace in his Father's bosom, Beo. Th. 379; B. 188: Exon. 121 a; Th. 465, 3; Hö. 98. Gif me freoðo Drihten an if the Lord will grant me protection, Cd. 89; Th. 110, 15; Gen. 1838: 183; Th. 229, 25; Dan. 222. Ic me freoðu to ðé wilnige I desire peace from thee, Ps. Th. 55, 8. Hí ðæ-acute;r lifgaþ á in freoðu Dryhtnes they shall live there for ever in the Lord's peace, Exon. 64 b; Th. 238, 1; Ph. 597. Þurh ðé eorþbúende ealle onfóþ freoðo and freóndscipe through thee all dwellers upon earth shall receive peace and friendship, Cd. 84 ; Th. 105, 28; Gen. 1760. Ic eów freoðo healde I will hold you in protection, Andr. Kmbl. 672; An. 336. Ne mihte earmsceapen findan freoðe the poor wretch could not find protection, 2261; An. 1132. Utan us to Fæder freoða wilnian let us desire peace from our Father, Exon. 19 a; Th. 48, 18; Cri. 773. [O. Sax. friðu: O. H. Ger. fridu.] DER. fenfreoðo. v. friþ.
freoðo-beácen, es; n. A sign of peace, sign granting safety; p&a-long;cis signum, signum incolum&i-short;t&a-long;tem præbens :-- Hine Waldend on tácen sette, freoðobeácen, ðý-læs hine feónda hwilc mid gúþ-þræce grétan dorste the Lord set a token, a sign of peace, upon him [Cain], lest some enemy durst greet him with hostile force, Cd. 50; Th. 64, 4; Gen. 1045.
freoðo-burh; gen. -burge; f. A peaceful city, city of refuge, an asylum; p&a-long;cis arx, as&y-long;lum :-- He gesóhte freoðoburh he sought the peaceful city. Beo. Th. 1048; B. 522. v. friþ-burh.
freoðo-leás; adj: Peaceless; p&a-long;ce c&a-short;rens :-- Swylc wæs ðæs folces freoðoleás tácen such was the people's peaceless token, Andr. Kmbl. 58; An. 29. v. friþ-lcás.
freoðo-scealc, es; m. A minister of peace; p&a-long;cis minister :-- Swá se engel, fæ-acute;le freoðoscealc, fæ-acute;mnan sægde as the angel, the faithful minister of peace, said to the damsel, Cd. 105; Th. 138, 33; Gen. 2301. Spræ-acute;con fæ-acute;le freoðoscealcas to Lothe the faithful ministers of peace spake to Lot, Cd. 115 ; Th. 150, 25 ; Gen. 2497.
freoðo-sibb protecting peace, v. friðu-sibb.
freoðo-spéd, friðo-spéd, e; f. Abundance of peace, protecting power; p&a-long;cis c&o-long;pia, tut&e-long;l&a-long;ris p&o-short;testas :-- Enoch siððan ealdordóm ahóf. freoðospéd Enoch then raised his sovereignty, his protecting power, Cd. 60; Th. 73, 2; Gen. 1198.
freoðo-tácen a token or sign of peace, v. friðo-tácen.
freoðo-þeáw, es; m. Peaceful behaviour or manner; pac&i-short;f&i-short;ci m&o-long;res :-- Ðá wæs sibb on heofnum, freoðobeáwas then there was agreement in heaven, peaceful manners, Cd. 4 ; Th. 5, 29; Gen. 79.
freoðo-wæ-acute;r, freoðu-wæ-acute;r, frioðo-wæ-acute;r, frioðu-wæ-acute;r, friðo-wæ-acute;r, e; f. A covenant of peace, an agreement, compact; p&a-long;cis fœdus, pactum :-- Wæs seó eorla gedriht ánes módes, fæstum fæðmum freoðowæ-acute;re heóld the host of men was of one mind, held the covenant of peace in their firm breasts, Cd. 158; Th. 197, 13; Exod. 306. Hí onféngon fulwihte and freoðuwæ-acute;re they received baptism and the covenant of peace, Andr. Kmbl. 3259: An. 1632. /. fríoðo-wár, -waru.
freoðo-weard a guardian of peace, v. freoðu-weard.
freoðo-webba a peace-weaver, an angel, v. friðo-webba.
freoðo-webbe a peace-weaver, woman, v. freoðu-webbe.
freoðo-wong, es; m. A peaceful plain; p&a-long;cis campus :-- Freoðowong ðone ofereódon they went over the peaceful plain, Beo. Th. 5910; B. 2959.
freoðu peace, security, protection, Ps. Th. 55, 8: Exon. 64 b; Th. 238, 1; Ph. 597. v. freoðo.
freoðu-wæ-acute;r a covenant of peace, Andr. Kmbl. 3259; An. 1632. v. freoðo-wæ-acute;r.
freoðu-weard, es; m. A guardian of peace; p&a-long;cis custos :-- Him wæs engel neáh fæ-acute;le freoðuweard the angel was near him, a faithful guardian of peace, Exon. 35 a; Th. 112, 15; Gú. 144.
freoðu-webbe, an; f. A peace-weaver, woman; p&a-long;cis textrix, conciliatrix, m&u-short;lier :-- Ne biþ swylc cwénlíc þeáw, ðætte freoðuwebbe feores onsæce leófne mannan such is no feminine usage, that a peace-weaver deprive a dear man of his life, Beo. Th. 3888; B. 1942. Widsíþ mid Ealhhilde, fæ-acute;lre freoðuwebban, hám gesóhte Eormanríces Widsith with Ealhild, faithful peace-weaver, sought the home of Ermanric, Exon. 84 b ; Th. 319, 2 ; Wíd. 6. v. Grm. And. u. El. 144.
freót-man. -mann, es; m. A freedman; l&i-long;bertus :-- Hió hyre an ðara [MS. ðere] manna and ðæs yrfes, bútan ðám freótmannum [MS. -mannon] she gives her the men and the stock, except the freedmen, Cod. Dipl. 1290; A. D. 995; Kmbl. vi. 131, 10.
freó-wine, es; m. A noble friend; n&o-long;b&i-short;lis vel princeps &a-short;m&i-long;cus :-- Ðæt ðú me ne forwyrne, freówine folca that thou deny me not, noble friend of people, Beo. Th. 864, note ; B. 430.
Fresan; gen- Fresena, Fresna; pl. m. The Frisians; Frisii, Fres&o-long;nes :-- He mid Wilbrord done hálgan bisceop Fresena wæs wuniende &a-short;pud sanctiss&i-short;mum Fres&o-long;num gentis archiepisc&o-short;pum Vilbrordum mor&a-long;b&a-long;tur, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 8: Beo. Th. 2191; 8. 1093. Ðæt Swíþbyrht and Wilbrord biscopas wæ-acute;ron Fresna þeóde gehálgode that Swithbyrht and Wilbrord were consecrated bishops of the Frisians' nation, Bd. 5, 11; S. 625, 28: Exon. 85 a; Th. 320, 11; Wíd. 27: Beo. Th. 5823; B. 2915. v. Frysa.
Fres-cyning, es; m. A Frisian king; Fres&o-long;num rex :-- Nalles he Frescyninge breóstweorbunge bringan móste he could not bring the ornament to the Frisian king, Beo. Th. 5000; B. 2503.
Fresisc; adj. Of or belonging to Friesland, Frisian; Fr&i-long;s&i-short;cus :-- Næ-acute;ron hí náwðer ne on Fresisc gescsepene ne on Denisc they were shapen neither as the Frisian nor as the Danish, Chr. 897 ; Erl. 95, 15. Ðæ-acute;r wearþ ofslægen Lucumon, and ealra monna, Fresiscra and Engliscra, Ixii there was slain Lucumon, and of all the men, Frisian and English, sixty-two, Chr. 897; Erl. 96, 4. v. Frysisc.
Fres-lond, es; n. Friesland; Fr&i-long;sia :-- Freslondum on Hreðles eafora swealt Hrethel's offspring perished in the Frieslands, Beo. Th. 4704; B. 2357. v. Frys-land.
FRETAN, ic frete, ðúfritest, fritst, he freteþ. friteþ, fritt, fryt, pl. fretaþ; p. ic, he fræt, ðú fræ-acute;te. pl. fræ-acute;ton; pp. freten [for-, etan to eat?]. I. to eat up, gnaw, FRET , devour, consume; dev&o-short;r&a-long;re, cons&u-long;m&e-short;re, com&e-short;d&e-short;re :-- Ða ðe wilniaþ fretan mín folc qui dev&o-short;rant pl&e-long;bem meam, Ps. Th. 13, 9: 26, 3: Exon. 127 a; Th. 488, 11; Rä. 76, 5: 87 b; Th. 329, 34; Vy. 44: Beo. Th. 6021; B. 3014: 6220; B. 3114. Swá líg freteþ mórhæ-acute;þ v&e-short;lut flamma incendat montes, Ps. Th. 82, 10. Friteþ wildne fugol it eats the wild bird, Salm. Kmbl. 596; Sal. 297: 808; Sal. 403. Deáþ misfédeþ oððe fritt hig mors depascet eos, Ps. Spl. T. 48, 14. Fýr fryt land mid his wæstme ignis dev&o-short;r&a-long;bit terram cum germ&i-short;ne suo, Deut. 32, 22. Gærstapan hit fretaþ eall locustæ dev&o-short;r&a-long;bunt omnia, Deut. 28, 38 : Ps. Th. 52, 5. He fræt fýftýne men he devoured fifteen men, Beo. Th. 3167; 6. 1581: Exon. 112 b; Th. 432, 4; Rä. 48, 1. He fræt uncer wurþ c&o-short;m&e-long;dit pr&e-short;tium nostrum, Gen. 31, 15: Ps. Spl. 79, 14.