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fuglere, es; m. A fowler; auceps, Wrt. Voc. 285, 15. v. fugelere.
fugles of a bird or fowl, Exon. 17 a; Th. 41, 11; Cri. 654; gen. of fugel.
fugles beán, e; f. Vetch, Gl. Mett. 919.
fuglian to fowl; auc&u-short;p&a-long;ri :-- Ic fuglige auc&u-short;por, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 27, 12. v. fugelian.
fuglung, e; f. Fowling, bird-catching; auc&u-short;pium, Wrt. Voc. 285, 19.
fugol, es; m. A bird, fowl; &a-short;vis :-- Friteþ wildne fugol it eateth the wild bird, Salm. Kmbl. 597; Sal. 298. Fugole gelícost most like to a bird, Andr. Kmbl. 994; An. 497. God gelæ-acute;dde ðære lyfte fugolas to Adame Deus vol&a-long;t&i-short;lia cæli adduxit ad Adam, Gen. 2, 19: Cd. 200; Th. 248, 14; Dan. 513. v. fugel.
fugol-cyn, -cynn, -cinn, es; n. Fowl-kind; v&o-short;lucrium g&e-short;nus :-- Micel fugolcyn much fowl-kind, Ex. 16, 13. Fisccinn and fugolcinn fish and fowl, Ælfc. T. 8, 26. v. fugel-cyn.
fugoloþ, es; m? Bird-catching, fowling; auc&u-short;pium :-- Búton huntoþe and fugoloþe besides hunting and fowling, Homl. Th. ii. 576, 34. v. fugelnoþ.
fugol-wylle; adj. Bird-springing, producing birds, abounding in birds; &a-short;v&i-short;bus &a-short;bundans :-- Hit is fiscwylle and fugolwylle it is abounding in fish and fowl, Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 41.
fugul, es; m. A bird, fowl; &a-short;vis, v&o-short;lucris :-- Ne wæs ðæt ná fugul ána it was not a bird only, Exon. 109 b; Th. 418, 23; Rä. 37, 9. Heofones fugulas hit fræ-acute;ton v&o-short;lucres cæli com&e-long;d&e-long;runt illud, Lk. Bos. 8, 5. Fugulum vol&a-long;t&i-short;l&i-short;bus, Ps. Spl. 78, 1. v. fugel.
fuhlas birds, fowls, Mt. Bos. 13, 32, = fuglas; pl. nom. acc. of fugel.
FÚHT; adj. Moist, damp; h&u-short;m&i-short;dus :-- Ðeós wyrt biþ cenned on fúhtum and on wæteregum stówum this herb is produced in damp and watery places, Herb. 9, 1; Lchdm. i. 98, 25; 39, 1; Lchdm. i. 140, 5: 52, 1; Lchdm. i. 154, 26. [Plat. fucht: Dut. vocht, n. moisture; vochtig damp, humid: Ger. feucht: M. H. Ger. viuhte: O. H. Ger. fiuhti: Dan. fugtig: Swed. fukt, m. moisture; fuktig moist.]
fúhtiende; part. Moist, damp; h&u-short;m&i-short;dus, Som. Ben. Lye.
fuhton fought, Chr. 449; Erl. 12, 4; p. pl. of feohtan.
ful; adj. Full, filled, complete, entire; pl&e-long;nus :-- Ealra fúla ful full of all foulness [impurities], Elen. Kmbl. 1534; El. 769: 1875; El. 939: Cd. 166; Th. 206, 11; Exod. 450: Exon. 74 b; Th. 279, 12; Jul. 612: 78 b; Th. 294, 33; Crä. 24: 84 a; Th. 316, 4. Mód. 43. Æfþancum ful filled with grudges, Salm. Kmbl. 992; Sal. 497. Ðá beád Swegen ful gyld and metsunge to his here ðone winter Sweyn then commanded full tribute and provisions for his army during the winter, Chr. 1013; Erl. 149, 24. v. full.
ful, full; adv. Full, perfectly, very, well; pl&e-long;ne, perfecte, valde :-- Wyrd ne ful cúðe he knew not well her destiny, Exon. 66 a; Th. 244, 26; Jul. 33.
ful, full, es; a. I. a cup; p&o-long;c&u-short;lum :-- He ðæt ful geþah he partook of the cup, Beo. Th. 1261; B. 628. Him wæs ful boren to him the cup was borne, Beo. Th. 2388; B. 1192. Onfóh ðissum fulle accept this cup, Beo. Th. 2342; B. 1169. Full the cup, Exon. 106 b; Th. 406, 8; Rä. 24, 14. Drince þreó ful fulle nistig let him drink three cups full fasting, Herb. 3, 6; Lchdm. i. 88, 13. II. what contains liquids, A collection of water, the sea, clouds; recept&a-long;c&u-short;lum liqu&i-short;di, m&a-short;re, n&u-long;bes :-- He ða frætwe wæg ofer ýða ful he carried the ornament over the sea [lit. the cup of the waves], Beo. Th. 2421; B. 1208. Ic wíde toþringe lagustreáma full I widely disperse the clouds [lit. the collection of water-streams], Exon. 102 a; Th. 385, 1; Rä. 4, 38. [O. Sax. ful, n. a goblet: Icel. full, n. a goblet full of drink.] DER. medo-ful, meodu-, sele-.
ful-, full-, in composition, denotes the fulness, completeness or perfection of the meaning of the word with which it is joined. [Cf. Goth. fulla-.] v. full.
-ful, -full, e; f. -ful, as in búc-ful a bucketful, hand-ful, -full a handful, q.v.
-ful, -full, the termination of many adjectives, as,--Bealo-ful, -full baleful: Car-ful, cear-ful careful: Ege-full fearful, etc.
FÚL; adj. FOUL, dirty, impure, corrupt, rotten, stinking, guilty, convicted of a crime; fœdus, immundus, sord&i-short;dus, obscœnus, spurcus, p&u-long;t&i-short;dus, fœt&i-short;dus, culpæ conscius, cr&i-long;m&i-short;ne convictus :-- Byrgen útan fæger, and innan fúl a sepulchre fair without, and foul within, Ps. Th. 13, 5. On ðínne fúlan múþ in thy foul mouth, 49, 17. In fúle wyllan to the foul spring, Cod. Dipl. 724; A.D. 1016; Kmbl. iii. 367, 13: 366, 31. Þurh fúle synne through foul sin, Exon. 29 b; Th. 90, 33; Cri. 1483. Ne náht fúles ne þicge nec immundum quidquam com&e-short;das, Jud. 13, 4. Wið fúlne gálscipe against foul lasciviousness, L. C. E. 24; Th. i. 374, 9. Ascúnige man swíðe fúle forligra let foul fornications be earnestly shunned, L. Eth. vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 15. Swá fúle swá gæ-acute;t as foul as goats, Exon. 26 a; Th. 75, 34; Cri. 1231. Fúl wín spurcum v&i-long;num, Ælfc. Gl. 32; Som. 61, 127; Wrt. Voc. 27, 54. Ic eom wyrslicre ðonne ðes wudu fúla I am viler than this rotten wood, Exon. 111 a; Th. 424, 33; Rä. 41, 48. Fúl fýr of heora múþe bláwende de &o-long;re ignem p&u-long;t&i-short;dum efflantes, Bd. 5, 12; S. 628, 41: 5, 12; S. 630, 12. Ic fúlre eom ðonne ðis fen swearte, ðæt hér yfle adelan stinceþ I am fouler than this black fen, that here smells badly of filth, Exon. 110 b; Th. 423, 32; Rä. 41, 31. Gif se mynetere fúl wurþe if the minter be guilty, L. Ath. i. 14; Th. i. 206, 20: v. § 1, 1; Th. i. 228, 14. Gif he ðonne fúl wurþe if he then be convicted, L. Eth. i. 1; Th. i. 280, 19: i. 2; Th. i. 282, 21: L. C. S. 30; Th. i. 394, 6. [Piers P. Chauc. R. Glouc. foul: Laym. ful, fule: Orm. fule: Plat. vuul, ful, fuul: Frs. fuwle, fule: O. Frs. ful: Dut. vuil: Ger. faul: M. H. Ger. vúl: O. H. Ger. fúl: Goth. fuls: Dan. fuul: Swed. ful: Icel. fúll: Lat. p&u-short;ter foul, putrid: Lith. pú-lei putrid matter: Sansk. p&u-long;ti putrid; from the root p&u-long;y to become foul or putrid.]
FÚL, es; n. Foulness, impurity, guilt, offence, fault; ill&u-short;vies, imp&u-long;r&i-short;tas, culpa :-- Fúl and wydel ill&u-short;vies, Cot. 105. Ealra fúla ful full of all foulness [impurities], Elen. Kmbl. 1534; El. 769. Ðár æ-acute;nig þing fúles neáh ne cume where nothing foul [of foulness] may come near, L. Edg. C. 42; Th. ii. 252, 25. Se ðe ðæs fácnes and ðæs fúles gewita sý he who is privy to the crime and the guilt, L. Ath. v. § 1. 2; Th. i. 228, 22. Sleá man of ða hand ðe he ðæt fúl mid worhte let the hand be struck off with which he wrought that offence, i. 14; Th. i. 206, 21. v. fúl foul; adj.
fúl, es; m. A convicted offender; reus, qui sc&e-short;l&e-short;ris damn&a-long;tus est :-- Ðæt hý ne fúl náwár friðian ne feormian nor that they anywhere protect or harbour a convicted offender, L. Ed. 7; Th. i. 162, 25. Be ðon ðe fúl friðiaþ concerning those who protect a convicted offender, 8 titl; Th. i. 164, 1. v. fúl; adj.
fúl, e; f: fúle, an; f. A foul, common or unconsecrated place, a highway where criminals were buried; l&o-short;cus prof&a-long;nus :-- Sleá mon hine and on fúl lecge let him be slain and be laid in a common place, L. Eth. i. 4; Th. i. 284, 2. Hine man on fúlan lecge let one lay him in a common place, L. C. S. 33; Th. i. 396, 17. v. Th. L. Gl.
ful-æðele full noble, very noble, v. full-æðele.
ful-bealdlíce, -baldlíce; adv. Full boldly, very boldly; aud&a-long;ciss&i-short;me :-- Ðe ðines síþes fulbealdlíce biddaþ who full boldly pray for thy coming, Ps. Th. 68, 7. He fulbaldlíce beornas læ-acute;rde he exhorted the warriors full boldly, Byrht. Th. 140, 60; By. 311.
fúl-beám; gen. fúlan beámes; m. The black alder; alnus nigra, rhamnus frang&u-short;la :-- Wyl on wætere fúlan beámes rinde boil in water black alder rind, L. M. 1, 32; Lchdm. ii. 78, 12.
ful-berstan; p. -bærst, pl. -burston; pp. -borsten; v. intrans. To burst fully or thoroughly; pl&e-long;ne rumpi, Off. Reg. 3.
ful-bétan, full-bétan; p. -bétte; pp. -béted To make full amends, give satisfaction; p&e-short;n&i-short;tus compens&a-long;re, s&a-short;tisf&a-short;c&e-short;re :-- Ðæt he fulbéte till he make full amends, L. Pen. 12; Th. ii. 280, 29.
ful-blác; adj. [blác I. bright, shining] Full bright, very bright; præl&u-long;c&i-short;dus :-- On fulblácne beám on the very bright tree, Exon. 116 b; Th. 449, 4; Dóm. 66.
ful-blíðe full glad, very joyful, v. full-blíðe.
ful-boren; part. Full-born, noble-born; n&o-long;b&i-short;lis n&a-long;tu :-- Mid eahta and feówertig fulborenra þegena with eight and forty noble-born thanes, L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 228, 4.
ful-bót full amends; pl&e-long;na compens&a-long;tio. Som. Ben. Lye.
ful-brecan; p. -bræc, pl. -bræ-acute;con; pp. -brocen To break entirely, violate; p&e-short;n&i-short;tus frang&e-short;re, viol&a-long;re :-- Se ðe áðor fulbrece he who violates either, L. C. E. 2; Th. i. 358, 21.
ful-brice, -bryce, es; m. [ful full, brice a breaking, breach] A full or entire breach of the peace; pl&e-long;na p&a-long;cis viol&a-long;tio :-- Gif fulbrice wyrþe si pl&e-long;na p&a-long;cis viol&a-long;tio fi&e-short;ret, L. E. B. 4, 6, 7; Th. ii. 240, 17, 23; 242, 3. Fulbryce, 5, 8; Th. ii. 240, 20; 242, 6.
ful-cáflíce full quickly, very eagerly, v. full-cáflíce.
ful-clæ-acute;ne; adj. Full clean, very pure; puriss&i-short;mus :-- Ic ðíne gewitnesse wát fulclæ-acute;ne I know thy testimonies [are] very pure, Ps. Th. 118, 14.
ful-cúÞ, full-cúþ; adj. Full known, well known, famous, public; b&e-short;ne n&o-long;tus, insignis, publ&i-short;cus :-- On fulcúþum gemynde in famous memory, Ælfc. T. 21, 1. Bí fulcúþum stræ-acute;tum juxta publ&i-short;cos vi&a-long;rum trans&i-short;tus, Bd. 2, 16; S. 520, 4, note, MS. T: Nar. 2, 15.
ful-cyrten; adj. Very beautiful; pulcherr&i-short;mus :-- Fulcyrtenu ceorles dóhtor a churl's very beautiful daughter, Exon. 106 b; Th. 407, 16; Rä. 26, 6.
ful-dón; p. -dyde, pl. -dydon; pp. -dón To do fully, satisfy; pl&e-long;ne &a-short;g&e-short;re, satisf&a-short;c&e-short;re, R. Ben. 44.
ful-dysig very foolish or ignorant, v. full-dysig.
ful-dyslíce; adv. Very foolishly; stultiss&i-short;me :-- Se Godes cunnaþ fuldyslíce he tempteth God very foolishly, Salm. Kmbl. 455; Sal. 228.
ful-earmlíce; adv. Full miserably, very wretchedly; miserr&i-short;me :-- Sum sceal fulearmlíce ealdre linnan one shall full miserably lose his life, Exon. 88 a; Th. 330, 20; Vy. 54.
ful-eáðe, full-eáðe; adv. Full easily, very easily; facill&i-short;me :-- Ða men ðe habbaþ unhále eágan ne mágon fuleáðe lócian ongeán ða sunnan the men who have weak eyes cannot very easily look at the sun, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 204, 27.
ful-endian to end fully, complete. v. full-endian.
ful-fealdan; p. -feóld, pl. -feóldon; pp. -fealden To explain; expl&i-short;c&a-long;re :-- Ic fulfealde expl&i-short;co, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 52.