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346 FUL-LÆ-acute;STAN -- FULLIAN.

leader, the greatest of supports, who leads this expedition, Cd. 170; Th. 213, 18; Exod. 554. Ðæt we hæfdon æt ðæm fýre leóht and fulláste that we might have light and help from the fire, Nar. 13, 3. [O. Sax. fullésti; O. H. Ger. folleist.]

ful-læ-acute;stan, -léstan; p. te; pp. ed To help, aid, support; op&i-short;t&u-short;l&a-long;ri :-- Ic ðé fullæ-acute;stu I will support thee, Beo. Th. 5330; B. 2668. RUNE [ós] fullésteþ [the mind] gives aid, Exon. 106 b; Th. 407, 1; Rä. 25, 8. Him men fulléstaþ men aid them, 119 a; Th. 457, 31; Hy. 4, 92. [O. Sax. fulléstian: O. H. Ger. folleistian.]

full-æðele; adj. Full noble, very noble; valde n&o-long;b&i-short;lis :-- Manege beóþ æ-acute;gðer ge fullæðele ge fullwélige, and beóþ ðeáh fullunróte many are both very noble and very wealthy, and yet are very unhappy, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 3.

Fullan-ham, -hom; gen. -hammes, -hommes; m. [Asser Fullonham: Hunt. Fulenham: Sim. Dun. Fulanham: Brom. Fullenham] FULHAM, Middlesex; l&o-short;ci n&o-long;men in agro Middlesexiensi, ad r&i-long;pam T&a-short;m&e-short;sis fl&u-long;m&i-short;nis :-- Æt Fullanhamme be Temese at Fulham on the Thames, Chr. 879; Th. 150, 3. On Fullanhomme at Fulham, 880; Th. 150, 12, col. i.

full-bétan; p. te; pp. ed To make full satisfaction; s&a-short;tisf&a-short;c&e-short;re :-- Ic fullbéte oððe behreówsige s&a-short;tisf&a-short;cio, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 40. v. ful-bétan.

full-blíðe; adj. Full glad, very joyful; lætiss&i-short;mus :-- Ða Philistei fullblíðe wæ-acute;ron the Philistines were very joyful, Jud. 16, 23.

full-cáflíce; adv. Full quickly, very eagerly; velociss&i-short;me :-- Se fullcáflíce bræd of ðæm beorne blódigne gár he very eagerly plucked the bloody dart from the chief, Byrht. Th. 136, 19; By. 153.

full-cúþ; adj. Full known, well known; b&e-short;ne n&o-long;tus :-- On cyninga bócum ys fullcúþ be ðám in the books of the kings it is well known about them, Jud. Thw. 161, 20.

full-dysig; adj. Very foolish or ignorant; perfecte stultus :-- Fulldysig biþ se mann the man is very foolish, Hexam. 2; Norm. 4, 6.

full-eáðe; adv. Very easily; facill&i-short;me :-- Ne meht ðú fulleáðe cweðan ðæt ðú earm sé thou canst not very easily say that thou art miserable, Bt. 8; Fox 24, 22. v. ful-eáðe.

full-endian; p. ode; pp. od To end fully, complete, finish; compl&e-long;re, f&i-long;n&i-long;re :-- He bæd Cynebill ðæt he ða árfæstan ongunnennesse fullendode p&e-short;tiit Cynibillum pia cœpta compl&e-long;re, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 39, note. [Ger. vollenden.]

full-eóde, pl. -eódon went after, followed, aided, Beo. Th. 6230, note; B. 3119: Cd. 98; Th. 130, 1; Gen. 2153; p. of full-gán.

fullere, es; m. A FULLER, bleacher; fullo :-- His reáf wurdon glitiniende swá hwíte swá snáw, swá nán fullere ófer eorþan ne mæg swá hwíte gedón, Mk. Bos. 9, 3; vest&i-long;menta ejus facta sunt splendentia et cand&i-short;da n&i-short;mis v&e-short;lut nix, qu&a-long;lia fullo non p&o-short;test s&u-short;per terram cand&i-short;da f&a-short;c&e-short;re, Vulg; his clothis ben maad schynynge and white ful moche as snow, and which maner clothis a fullere, or walkere of cloth may not make white on erthe, Wyc. Fulleras full&o-long;nes, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 57, 1; Wrt. Voc. 19, 12.

full-fleón, ic -fleó; p. -fleáh, pl. -flugon; pp. -flogen To flee fully or completely, flee away; perf&u-short;g&e-short;re :-- Ic fullfleó perf&u-short;gio, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 49.

full-fremedlíce; comp. -lícor; adv. Fully, completely, perfectly; perfecte :-- Nán man ne mæg fullfremedlíce secgan embe ðone sóþan God no man is able to speak perfectly about the true God, Hexam. 3; Norm. 4, 26. Ne eart ðú fullfremedlíce gefullod non es perfecte bapt&i-long;z&a-long;tus, Bd. 5, 6; S. 620, 6: 618, 38. Æ-acute;rðon ðe he be ðám forþgewitenum gýmeleásnyssum his fullfremedlícor of ðære tíde geclæ-acute;nsade priusquam præt&e-short;r&i-short;tas negl&i-short;gentias perfectius ex temp&o-short;re cast&i-long;g&a-long;ret, 3, 27; S. 559, 6. [Orm. fullfremeddlike.] v. ful-fremedlíce.

full-fremednes, -ness, -nyss, e; f. Fulfilment, perfection; perfectio :-- Ðæt ic hæbbe manege men gelæ-acute;d to ðæm stæðe fullfremednesse on ðæm scipe mínes módes that I have brought many men to the shore of perfection in the ship of my mind, Past. 65; Hat. MS. Ðæt he fullfremednysse hæbbe that it may have fulfilment, Ælfc. Gr. 21; Som. 23, 27. DER. un-fullfremednes. [Orm. fullfremeddness.] v. ful-fremednys.

full-fremman, to -fremmenne; p. -fremede; pp. -fremed To do fully, fulfil, finish, perfect, practise; perf&i-short;c&e-short;re, per&a-short;g&e-short;re, patr&a-long;re :-- Syððan he ne mæg ðæne grundweall fullfremman posteaquam fund&a-long;mentum non potu&e-short;rit perf&i-short;c&e-short;re, Lk. Bos. 14, 29. Hwæðer he hæbbe hine to fullfremmenne si h&a-short;beat ad perf&i-short;ciendum, 14, 28. Ðæt ic fallfremme his weorc ut perf&i-short;ciam &o-short;pus ejus, Jn. Bos. 4, 34. Ðæt he hí eft fullfremme that he practise them [the vices] again, Bt. 35, 6; Fox 170, 18. Swá eówer heofonlíca fæder is fullfremed s&i-long;cut p&a-short;ter vester cœlestis perfectus est, Mt. Bos. 5, 48: Ælfc. Gr. 20; Som. 23, 12, 13. Ðeáh hí on manegum þingum síen fullfremede though they are perfect in many things, Past. 65; Hat. MS. [Orm. fullfremedd.] v. ful-fremman.

full-fyllan; p. -fylde; pp. -fylled To fulfil, accomplish; compl&e-long;re :-- Ic fullfylle compleo, Ælfc. Gr. 26; Som. 28, 29.

full-gán; he -gæ-acute;þ; p. -eóde, pl. -eódon; pp. -gán; with the dat. To fulfil, perform, go after, follow, aid; perf&i-short;c&e-short;re, per&a-short;g&e-short;re, s&e-short;qui, adj&u-short;v&a-long;re :-- We ne móton fullgán úres Scippendes willan we cannot perform our Maker's will, Bt. 7, 5; Fox 24, 8. Se lyðra man fullgæ-acute;þ deófles willan the wicked man fulfils the devil's will, Homl. Th. i. 172, 18. Sceaft fláne fulleóde the shaft went after the arrow, Beo. Th. 6230, note; B. 3119. Hie me fulleódon they well aided me, Cd. 98; Th. 130, 1; Gen. 2153. v. ful-gán.

full-gangan; p. -geóng, pl. -geóngon; pp. -gangen; with the dat. To fulfil, accomplish, finish; perf&i-short;c&e-short;re, f&i-long;n&i-long;re :-- Ðæt hí móstan ðám gewinne fullgangan that they might finish the war, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 54, 21. v. ful-gangan.

full-georne; adv. Full earnestly, very diligently; diligentiss&i-short;me :-- Ic míne earfeðu ealle fullgeorne fóre him sæcge I tell all my troubles very diligently before him, Ps. Th. 141, 2. v. ful-georne.

full-getreów; adj. Full true, altogether true; p&e-short;n&i-short;tus v&e-long;rax :-- We synd fullgetreówe s&u-short;mus p&e-short;n&i-short;tus v&e-long;r&a-long;ces, Gen. 42, 31.

full-gewépned; part. Fully weaponed, fully armed; perfecte arm&a-long;tus :-- Hi cómon onuppon ða munecas fullgewépnede they came upon the monks fully armed, Chr. 1083; Erl. 217, 11.

full-gleáwlíce; adv. Full wisely, very prudently; sapientiss&i-short;me, prudentiss&i-short;me :-- Ic míne sáwle symble wylle fullgleáwlíce Gode underþeódan I will always very prudently subject my soul to God, Ps. Th. 61, 1: 72, 13: 106, 42.

full-hearde; adv. Full strongly, very firmly or tightly; firmiss&i-short;me, artiss&i-short;me :-- He ðone fullhearde geband he bound it very tightly, Cd. 23; Th. 29, 3; Gen. 444.

fullian, fulligan, fulwian, to fullianne; part. fulligende; ic fullige, ðú fullast, he fullaþ, pl. fulliaþ; p. fullode, ede; pp. fullod, ed; v. trans. To FULL or make white as a fuller [fullere, q.v.], to baptize; alb&a-long;re, cand&i-short;dum f&a-short;c&e-short;re, bapt&i-long;z&a-long;re = GREEK. A word of doubtful origin. It is by some connected with the verb which appears in Gothic as weihan to sanctify, See fulluht. Ongunnon hí men læ-acute;ran and fullian ipsi præd&i-short;c&a-long;re et bapt&i-long;z&a-long;re cœp&e-long;runt, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 4: 1, 27; S. 493, 25. Se ðe me sende to fullianne on wætere qui m&i-long;sit me bapt&i-long;z&a-long;re in &a-short;quam, Jn. Bos. 1. 33. Iohannes wæs on wéstene fulligende fuit Joannes in deserto bapt&i-long;zans, Mk. Bos. 1, 4. Ic fullige on wætere &e-short;go bapt&i-long;zo in &a-short;qua, Jn. Bos. 1, 26. Hwí fullast ðú quid bapt&i-long;zas? 1, 25. Se ðe fullaþ on Hálgum Gáste qui bapt&i-long;zat in Sp&i-long;r&i-short;tu Sancto, 1, 33: 3, 26: L. C. E. 4; Th. i. 360, 30. Iohannes fullode ða ðe him to cómon John baptized those who came to him, Homl. Th. i. 352, 16: Jn. Bos. 1, 28, 31: 3, 22, 23: 4, 2: 10, 40. Læ-acute;raþ ealle þeóda, and fulligeaþ hig d&o-short;c&e-long;te omnes gentes, bapt&i-long;zantes eos, Mt. Bos. 28, 19. Ðæt he hine fullode that he might baptize him, 3, 13. Iohannes se Fulluhtere cwæþ, witodlíce ic eów fullige on wætere, to dæ-acute;dbóte; se ðe æfter me towerd ys ... he eów fullaþ on Hálgum Gáste, Mt. Bos. 3, 11; Joon Baptist saide, forsothe Y cristene [ = waische] &yogh;ou in water, in to penaunce; forsothe he that is to cumme after me ... he shal baptise, or cristen &yogh;ow in the Holy Goost, Wyc: Joannes Baptista dixit, &e-short;go qu&i-short;dem bapt&i-long;zo vos in &a-short;qua in pœn&i-short;tentiam; qui autem post me vent&u-long;rus est ... ipse vos bapt&i-long;z&a-long;bit in Sp&i-long;r&i-short;tu Sancto, Vulg. 'In Anturs of Arther, end of 13th century, we find, st. xviii. lines 4, 5 :-- pp. Fulled whitened, baptized: R. Glouc. A.D. 1297; 3 p. Follede; pp. y-fulled, fulled; s. fullynge: Piers P. 1362, Wrt. small 8vo. London, Pickering, 1842, pp. 244, 322, fullynge baptizing, whitening: 398, fullynge baptizing. After this, we do not find fulled, y-fulled, fullynge; yet in A. Sax. Mk. Bos. 9, 3, we have fullere: Wyc. 1389, fullere [or walkere of cloth, note]: Tynd. 1526 and Eng. version 1611, fuller. Baptem and Baptym with the verb Baptise is used by Wycliffe, and Baptyme and Baptyzyn by the compiler of the Promptorium. Wycliffe also uses the 1st person of the verb I waisch in Mt. 3, 11; and the two forms of the pp. waischen, waischun, in Mt. 3, 6, and Mk. 10, 38, 39. The form Bapteme seems to have been introduced into the language, through the French, by Robert Manning, called de Brunne, from Bourne, near Depyng in Lincolnshire, in his translation of Peter Langtoft's Chronicle, and to have been current, with slight variation in the orthography, till nearly the middle of the 16th century = 1550. Thus the forms Baptim and Baptime appear in the version of the N.T. by Tyndale in 1526, and Baptym, Baptyme in that by Cranmer in 1539. In the version made by Coverdale and other Protestant exiles at Geneva in 1559, in the Anglo-Rhemish version made by Cardinal Alien and other Romanists at Rheims in 1559, and in the authorized version of 1611, the word is written Baptisme. This last form is also found in. Piers P. p. 398. Ormin only uses the verb to dip, once :-- Unnderr waterr dippesst, H. 1551. In Goth. and in other divisions of the Teutonic as well as in the Swed. and Dan. divisions of the Scandinavian branch of the Gothic language, a noun and verb are used expressive of dipping, e.g. Goth. daupyan, daupeins: O. H. Ger. doufan, doufa: Dut. doopen, doop; Ger. taufen, taufe: Swed. döpa. döpelse: Dan. döbe, daab.' Orm. ii. 626, 627. Dyppan is also used in the Rushworth Gloss. v. fulwian. DER. ge-fullian, -fulwian: un-gefullod.

fullian; p. ode; pp. od To fulfil, perfect; exs&e-short;qui :-- Gif gé bebodu willaþ mín fullian if ye will fulfil my commandments, Cd. 106; Th. 139, 29; Gen. 2317. Ðonne sceal he ðæt mid mildheortum weorcum