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gealh-swile a swelling of the jowl, L. M. 1, 4; Lchdm. ii. 44, 8. v. geagl-swile.

GEALLA, ealla, an; m. I. GALL, bile; fel, b&i-long;lis :-- Gealla fel vel b&i-long;lis, Ælfc. Gl. 76; Som. 71, 111; Wrt. Voc. 45, 17. Ðe cymeþ of togotennysse ðæs geallan which cometh of effusion of the gall, Herb. 141, 2 : Lchdm. i. 262, 12, MS. O : 146, 2; Lchdm. i. 270, 4, MS. H. Hig sealdon hym wín drincan mid geallan gemenged d&e-short;d&e-long;runt ei v&i-long;num b&i-short;b&e-short;re cum felle mistum, Mt. Bos. 27, 34 : Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 13; Cri. 1439. Wið seóndum geallan for straining out bile, L. M. 3, 11; Lchdm. ii. 314, 7. II. a gall, fretted place on the skin; intertr&i-long;go :-- Wið horses geallan for a horse's gall, L. M. 1, 88; Lchdm. ii. 156, 21. Lácna ðone geallan mid cure the gall therewith, 1, 88; Lchdm. ii. 156, 21. [Orm. galle : O. Sax. galla, f : Dut. gal, f : Ger. M. H. Ger. galle, f : O. H. Ger. galla, f : Dan. galde, m. f : Swed. galle, m : Icel. gall, n : Lat. fel, n : Grk. χολ&eta-tonos;, f; χ&omicron-tonos;λos, m.]

gealled; part. Galled, fretted; intertr&i-long;g&i-short;n&o-long;sus :-- Gif hors geallede síe if a horse be galled, L. M. 1, 88; Lchdm. ii. 156, 18.

geallig; adj. Acris, tristis, Hpt. Gl. 456.

gealp boasted, Beo. Th. 5160; B. 2583; p. of gilpan.

ge-an ic, he I give, he gives, Th. Diplm. 560, 24; 1st and 3rd pres. of ge-unnan.

geán; prep. Against, over against, on the opposite side; contra :-- Mónaþ is ðonne se móna gecyrþ niwe fram ðære sunnan, óþ-ðæt he eft cume hyre fórne geán a month is when the moon returns new from the sun, until it [the moon] again comes opposite it [the sun], Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl, science 8, 13; Lchdm. iii. 248, 17, note 30. On ðæm clife on ðæm is geán bearwum on the cliff which is over against the woods, Blickl. Homl. 209, 35. [Orm. &yogh;æn.] v. on-geán.

geána; adv. Yet, still; adhuc :-- Get geána adhuc, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 15, 16. v. gén.

ge-anbídian; part. -anbídiende, -anbídigende; p. ode; pp. od [anbídian to abide] To abide, await, wait for, expect; expect&a-long;re, sust&i-short;n&e-long;re :-- Ðes man wæs óþ Israhéla frófor geanbídiende h&o-short;mo iste expectans cons&o-long;l&a-long;ti&o-long;nem Israel, Lk. Bos. 2, 25. Ðæt folc wæs Zachariam geanbídigende &e-short;rat plebs expectans Zachariam, 1, 21. Hí þrý dagas me geanbídiaþ jam tr&i-long;duo sust&i-short;nent me, Mk. Bos. 8, 2. Geanbída Drihten, werlíce dó ðú, and sý gestrangod heorte ðín, and geanbída Drihten expecta D&o-short;m&i-short;num, vir&i-long;l&i-short;ter &a-short;ge, et confort&e-long;tur cor tuum, et sust&i-short;ne D&o-short;m&i-short;num, Ps. Spl. 26, 20.

ge-anbyrdan, ge-onbyrdan; p. de; pp. ed To strive against, resist; repugn&a-long;re, resist&e-short;re :-- Gif he gewyrce ðæt man hine afylle þurh ðæt ðe be ongeán riht geanbyrde if he act so that he be killed because he strove against right, L. C. S. 49; Th. i. 404, 13. v. anbyrdnys.

ge-ancsumian; p. ode; pp. od To make anxious, vex; anxi&a-long;re :-- Wæs geancsumod mín heorte anxi&a-long;r&e-long;tur cor meum, Ps. Lamb. 60, 3. v. ge-angsumian.

geán-cyme, es; m. A coming against, meeting; occursus :-- Ðæt ðú yfele geáncymas ne ondræ-acute;de ut occursus m&a-short;los ne form&i-long;des, Herb. 111, 3; Lchdm. i. 224, 19.

geán-cyr, -cyrr, es; m. A turning against, coming against, meeting; occursus :-- Fram heán heofone is útgang his, and geáncyr his óþ to heáhnesse his a summo cœlo est egressio ejus, et occursus ejus usque ad summum ejus, Ps. Spl. 18, 7.

ge-ándagian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To appoint a day or term; diem d&i-long;c&e-short;re :-- Ðæt he him geándagode of ðam folclande that he should give him a term respecting the folk-land, L. Ed. 2; Th. i. 160, 12. v. ándagian.

ge-andettan, -ondettan; p. te; pp. ed To confess; conf&i-short;t&e-long;ri :-- Se seóca sceal geandettan ðam sacerde the sick must confess to the priest, L. Ælf. C. 32; Th. ii. 354, 28 : L. Alf. pol. 14; Th. i. 70, 15, note 38. Gif he hine geandette if he confess himself, L. Alf. pol, 5; Th. i. 64, 22 : L. In. 71; Th. i. 148, 3, note 4. v. andettan.

ge-andswarian; p. ode; pp. od To answer; respond&e-long;re :-- Ðá ne geandswarode he hyre qui non respondit ei verbum, Mt. Bos. 15, 23. v. and-swarian.

ge-andwerdian; p. ode; pp. od [andweard present] To present, bring before one; præsent&a-long;re :-- Ða hét he ðone biscop mid his preóstum samod geandwerdian then commanded he to bring the bishop together with his priests before [him], Homl. Th. i. 416, 4. Geandweardod beón præsent&a-long;tus esse, præsent&a-long;ri, R. Ben. 7. Giondweardad præsent&a-long;tus, Rtl. 4, 28.

ge-andwyrdan, -andwerdan; p. -andwyrde; pp. -andwyrded, -andwyrd To answer; respond&e-long;re :-- Ne mihton hig agén ðis him geandwyrdan non p&o-short;t&e-short;rant ad hæc respond&e-long;re illi, Lk. Bos. 14, 6 : Bt. 41, 2; Fox. 244, 23. Geandwyrde [geandwerde MS. G.] he ðam óðrum swá hundréde riht þence let him answer to the other as shall seem right to the hundred, L. C. S. 27; Th. i. 392, 6. Him wæs geandwyrd ðus he was answered thus, Gen. 19, 21.

ge-áned; part. [án one] Made one, united; ad&u-long;n&a-long;tus :-- Oþ-ðæt ðe hí wæ-acute;ron on æ-acute;nne unmæ-acute;tne lég geánede usque ad in immensam ad&u-short;n&a-long;ti sunt flammam, Bd. 3, 19; S. 548, 25. [Cf. Ger. vereint : O. H. Ger. gaeinón adunare.]

geán-fær, es; n. A going again, returning, return; r&e-short;d&i-short;tus :-- Him wiðcwæþ se cyng æ-acute;lces geánfæres [MS. geánfares] to Engla lande the king prohibited him from all return to England, Chr. 1119; Erl. 247, 34.

ge-angsumian, -ancsumian, -anxsumian; p. ode; pp. od To vex, make anxious or uneasy; ang&e-short;re, anxi&a-long;re :-- Ic geangsumige ango, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 5; Som. 31, 56.

geán-hweorfan; p. -hwearf, pl. -hwurfon; pp. -hworfen To turn again, return; r&e-short;d&i-long;re, Hpt. Gl. 409; Leo A. Sax. Gl. 229, 21.

geán-hworfennis, se; f. A return; obvia quæque, ad propria limina reversio, Hpt. Gl. 470.

geán-hwyrft a turning again. v. gæ-acute;n-hwyrft.

ge-ánlæ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte; pp. -læ-acute;ht To make one, join, unite; un&a-long;re, un&i-long;re :-- Ic geánlæ-acute;ce [MS. -lace] &u-long;no, &u-long;nio, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 29. Þurh ðæs Hálgan Gástes tocyme wurdon ealle gereord geánlæ-acute;hte through the advent of the Holy Ghost all languages became united, Homl. Th. i. 318, 24. Geánlæ-acute;can adsciscere, miscere, Hpt. Gl. 504.

ge-anlícian; p. ode; pp. od [líc like] To make like, liken; ass&i-short;m&i-short;l&a-long;re :-- For hwam geanlície we heofena ríce cui ass&i-short;m&i-short;l&a-long;b&i-short;mus regnum Dei? Mk. Bos, 4, 30.

ge-anmétan; p. -anmétte; pp. -anméted, -anmétt To encourage; an&i-short;m&a-long;re :-- He him to fultume com, and hine swíðe geanmétte he came to his help and greatly encouraged him, Ors. 3, 10; Bos. 70, 45. Wæs Demetrias swíðe þearle geanmétt Demetrius was very greatly encouraged, 3, 11; Bos. 75, 25.

geánnis, se; f. A meeting; obviam itio, Hpt. Gl. 513.

geán-ryne, gæ-acute;n-ryne, es; m. A running against, meeting; occursus :-- Arís on geánryne mínne exurge in occursum meum, Ps. Spl. 58, 5.

geán-þingian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad [þingian to address, speak] To speak again, answer, reply; respond&e-long;re :-- Him brego engla geánþingade the Lord of angels replied to him, Cd. 48; Th. 62, 5; Gen. 1009.

geánunga; adv. Directly :-- Geánunga foron ða sunnan directly before the sun, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 5, 29; Lchdm. iii. 242, 12, note. v. gegnunga.

ge-anwyrde; adj. Known, manifest, confessed; professus :-- Ic eom geanwyrde monuc professus sum monachus, Coll. Monast. Th. 18, 23. He ðæs geanwyrde wæs ætfóran eallum ðám mannum he confessed it before all the men, Chr. 1055; Erl. 189, 5. v. note where the Latin is given, ipse ante cognovit ita esse.

ge-anxsumian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To make anxious, vex; anxi&a-long;re :-- Geanxsumad is ofer me gást mín anxi&a-long;tus est s&u-short;per me sp&i-long;r&i-short;tus meus, Ps. Lamb. 142, 4. v. ge-angsumian.

geap, gæp; comp, m. geappra, f. n. geappre; adj. I. crooked, bent, curved; curvus, pandus :-- Geap curvus, Cot. 50. Geap stæf a crooked letter, Salm. Kmbl. 250; Sal. 124 : 269; Sal. 134. Geapum, gebígedum pando, Mone B. 90. II. not straightforward, deceitful, crafty, cunning, shrewd, astute; fallax, call&i-short;dus, ast&u-long;tus :-- Geap call&i-short;dus, Wrt. Voc. 49, 11. Seó næddre wæs geappre ðonne ealle ða óðre nýtenu serpens &e-short;rat call&i-short;dior cunctis animant&i-short;bus terræ, Gen. 3, 1. Cild geap an astute child, Obs. Lun. § 2; Lchdm. iii. 184, 14 : § 9; Lchdm. iii. 188, 11. DER. hinder-geap. Grein writes geáp, in support of which may be noticed &yogh;æp in the Ormulum. Layamon also has the word, and it occurs in Piers P.

geáp took, Exon. 106 b; Th. 405, 29; Rä. 24, 9; p. of geópan.

GEÁP; adj. Open, spread out, extended, broad, roomy, spacious, wide; p&a-short;tens, p&a-short;t&u-short;lus, amplus, l&a-long;tus :-- Gim sceal on hringe standan, steáp and geáp a gem shall stand in a ring, prominent and broad, Menol. Fox 505; Gn. C. 23. Steáp and geáp high and wide, Salm. Kmbl. 827; Sal. 413. Reced hlifade, geáp and goldfáh the mansion towered, spacious and golden-hued, Beo. Th. 3604; B. 1800. Munt is hine ymbútan, geáp gylden weal a mountain is about him, a lofty golden wall, Salm. Kmbl. 511; Sal. 256. Sum sceal on geápum galgan rídan one shall ride on the extended gallows, Exon. 87 b; Th. 239, 12; Vy. 33. Under geápne hróf under the spacious roof, Beo. Th. 1677; B. 836. [Cf. Icel. gaupn both hands held together in the form of a bowl; geypna to encompass.] DER. horn-geáp, sæ-acute;-.

geáp, geápu, e; f. [geáp roomy, spacious] Expanse, room; lat&i-short;t&u-long;do, sp&a-short;tium :-- Ðás hofu dreórgiaþ, and ðæs teáfor geápu these courts are dreary, and its purple expanse [?], Exon. 124 a; Th. 477, 27; Ruin. 31.

geápan, geapian; p. te, ode; pp. ed, od To GAPE, open; pand&e-short;re, Cot. 158.

geápes; adv. [gen. of geáp broad, spacious, roomy] In width, wide; l&a-long;te :-- Strúdende fýr, steápes and geápes, forswealh eall eador the ravaging fire swallowed all together, high and wide, Cd. 119; Th. 154, 16; Gen. 2556. So Bouterwek takes it, but the word is rather a neuter genitive after 'eall;' cf. vv. 2548-9.

geaplíc; adj. Crafty, cunning, deceitful; subd&o-short;lus, call&i-short;dus :-- Hí mid geaplícre fare ferdon to Iosue they went to Joshua with deceitful expedition, Jos. 9, 6.

geaplíce; adv. Deceitfully, boldly; subd&o-short;le, proc&a-long;c&i-short;ter, Prov. 21.

geap-neb; adj. [geap crooked; neb the head, face, beak, nib] Crooked-nibbed, with a bent beak, arched; curv&a-long;tus :-- Standeþ me hér on eaxelum Ælfheres láf, gód and geapneb Ælfhere's legacy stands here on my shoulders, good and crooked-nibbed, Wald. 94; Vald. 2, 19.