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ge-brudon drew, unsheathed, Ps. Spl. 36, 14; p. pl. of ge-bredan.
ge-bryce a breaking, breach, Ps. Lamb. 105, 23. v. ge-brice.
ge-bryceþ breaks, destroys, Salm. Kmbl. 613; Sal. 306; 3rd sing. pres. of ge-brecan.
ge-brýcgan to use :-- Gibrýcgende utenda, Rtl. 97, 33. v. brýcian.
ge-brýcsian; p. ade, ode; pp. ad, od To use, enjoy :-- Gebrýcsiaþ utuntur, Rtl. 118, 39. Gebrýcsade functus est, 195, 1. v. brýcian, brícsian.
ge-bryddan; p. de; pp. ed To frighten, terrify; terr&e-long;re :-- Gif ðú mec gebringest, ðæt ic sí gebrydded þurh ðæs cantices cwide Cristes línan if thou wilt bring me, that I may be frightened through the word of the canticle of Christ's discipline, Salm. Kmbl. 32; Sal. 16. v. broddetan.
ge-bryidan; p. de; pp. id [ge-, bryidan to take] To take; toll&e-short;re, s&u-long;m&e-short;re :-- Ðonne mon hæfþ his æ-acute;hte gebryid when a man has taken [Th. discovered] his property, L. O. 2; Th. i. 178, 11.
ge-brýsed; part. p. [ge-, brýsed, pp. of brýsan to bruise] Bruised; contr&i-long;tus :-- Ðæt he his preósta æ-acute;nne of horse fallende and gebrýsedne gelíce gebiddende and bletsigende fram deáþe gecyrde ut cl&e-long;r&i-short;cum suum cadendo contr&i-long;tum, æque &o-long;rando ac bened&i-long;cendo a morte revoc&a-long;v&e-short;rit, Bd. 5, 6; S. 618, 24.
ge-brýsednes, -ness, e; f. A bruising; cont&u-long;sio, Som. Ben. Lye.
ge-brytan; p. te; pp. ed [ge-, brytan to break] To break up, destroy; confring&e-short;re, exterm&i-short;n&a-long;re :-- Gebrytte hine eofor of wuda exterm&i-short;n&a-long;vit eam &a-short;per. de sylva, Ps. Spl. C. 79, 14. Gebryted wið ecede broken up with vinegar, Med. ex Quadr. 5, 1; Lchdm. i. 348, 3.
ge-búan; p. -búde, pl. -búdon; pp. -búen, -bún [ge-, búan to dwell]. I. intrans. To dwell, abide; hab&i-short;t&a-long;re, vers&a-long;ri al&i-short;quo l&o-short;co :-- Hí gebúdon betweoh Capadotiam and Pontum they abode between Cappadocia and Pontus, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 36. II. v. a. acc. To inhabit, occupy; inhab&i-short;t&a-long;re, inc&o-short;l&e-short;re :-- Hú hit [ðæt hús] Hring-Dene gebún hæfdon how the Ring-Danes had occupied it [the house], Beo. Th. 235; B. 117. Ne sceal ðes wong gebúen weorþan nor shall this field be occupied, Exon. 37 a; Th. 120, 24; Gú. 276 : Blickl. Homl. 121, 33.
ge-budon proposed, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 52, 27; p. pl. of ge-beódan.
ge-búdon abode, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 36; p. pl. of ge-búan.
ge-búgan; p. ic, he -beág, -beáh, ðú -buge, pl. -bugon; impert. -búh, pl. -búgaþ; pp. -bogen [ge-, búgan to bow]. I. v. intrans. To bow or bow down oneself, bend, submit, turn, turn away, revolt; se flect&e-short;re vel incl&i-long;n&a-long;re, curv&a-long;re, decl&e-short;n&a-long;re, transf&u-short;g&e-short;re :-- He cwæþ ðæt he wolde to fulluhte gebúgan he said that he would submit to baptism, Homl. Th. ii. 26, 10 : Boutr. Scrd. 22, 43 : Bt. Met. Fox 25, 128; Met. 25,64. Heó on flet gebeáh she bowed to the floor, Beo. Th. 3085; B. 1540 : 5953; B. 2980. Se wyrm gebeáh snúde tosomne the worm quickly bent together, 5128; B. 2567. Hí gebugon to Iosue and to Israhéla bearnum transf&u-long;g&e-short;rit ad Iosue et ad f&i-long;lios Israel, Jos. 10, 4. Ne ðú ne gebúh fram ðære æ-acute; on ða swíðran healfe ne on ða wynstran ne decl&i-long;nes ab l&e-long;ge ad dext&e-short;ram vel ad sinistram, 1, 7. Ðæt ðú to sæ-acute;mran gebuge that thou should bow to worse, Exon. 71 a; Th. 264, 9; Jul. 361. Eall folc him to gebogen wæs all people submitted to him, Chr. 1013; Erl. 148, 2, 21 : L. Edm. S. 4; Th. i. 250, 1. Ðe æ-acute;r fram him gebogene wæ-acute;ron who had formerly turned from them, Ors. 2, 5; Bos. 45, 44. II. v. trans. acc. To bow to, turn towards; incl&i-long;n&a-long;re ad :-- Sum fletreste gebeág one bowed to his domestic couch, Beo. Th. 2487; B. 1241. Monig snellíc sæ-acute;rinc selereste gebeáh many a keen seaman bowed to his hall-couch, 1385; B. 690. DER. in-gebúgan.
ge-búgian, -bógian; p. ode; pp. od; v. trans. [ge-, búgian II, to inhabit, occupy] To inhabit, occupy; inhab&i-short;t&a-long;re, inc&o-short;l&e-short;re :-- Hý hit ne mágon ealle gebúgian they cannot inhabit it all, Bt. 18, 1; Fox 62, 10.
ge-búh turn from, Jos. 1, 7; impert. of ge-búgan.
ge-bún inhabited, Ors. 1, 1, § 13; Bos. 20, 2, 3, 7; pp. of ge-búan, q. v.
ge-bunden bound, Mk. Bos. 15, 7; pp. of ge-bindan.
gebundennes, -ness, e; f. [ge-bunden, pp. of ge-bindan to bind] A binding, an obligation; obl&i-short;g&a-long;tio :-- Gibundennises ligandi, Rtl. 59, 11. Ða abúgendan on gebundennesse oððe to bændum decl&i-long;nantes in obl&i-short;g&a-long;ti&o-long;nes, Ps. Lamb. 124, 5.
GEBÚR, es; m. A dweller, husbandman, farmer, countryman, BOOR; inc&o-short;la, agric&o-short;la, c&o-short;l&o-long;nus :-- Gif he on gebúres húse gefeohte if he fight in a boor's house, L. In. 6; Th. i. 106, 8. Gebúres gerihte rights of the boor, Th. i. 434, 3. See the section to which this heading belongs for an account of the relation of the 'gebur' to his lord. [Cf. Icel. búi [in compounds] and bónde [v. Cl. and Vig. Dicty. s. v.], and see Kemblé s Saxons in England, i. 131 : Plat. buur, m; in earlier time a neighbour, a citizen; now a farmer, a peasant : Dut. Frs. boer. m : Ger. bauer, m : in Silesia gebaur, m. The Old Franc. and Al. writers designate by puarre, buara an inhabitant, and by gibura, giburo a peasant, a farmer. From the A.-S. búan to dwell, inhabit.] DER. neáh-gebúr.
gebúr-gerihta; pl. n. A boor's or farmer's rights or dues; c&e-short;l&o-long;ni consuet&u-long;d&i-short;nes :-- Gebúrgerihta sýn mislíce, gehwár hý sýn hefige, gehwár eác medeme geburi consuetudines inveniuntur multimode, et ubi sunt onerose et ubi sunt levioris aut medie, Th. i. 434, 4.
ge-burh-scípe, es; m. A township; municipium, municipatus :-- On ðam ylcan geburhscipe [MS. B. gebúrscipe] in the same township, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 21. v. burh-scipe.
ge-burnen burnt, Ors. 4, 2; Bos. 79, 19; pp. of beornan.
ge-búr-scipe, es; m. [ge-búr a dweller; scipe state, condition] A neighbourhood, an association of the dwellers in a certain district acknowledged by the state; colonia, vicinia, consociatio :-- On ðam ylcan gebúrscipe in the same neighbourhood, L. Ed. 1; Th. i. 158, 21 [MS. B].
ge-býa; p. -býde To dwell :-- Gibýaþ miþ ðæ-acute;m habitabit cum eis, Rtl. 71, 3. Gebýde habitavit, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 1, 23; 4, 13. Gibýe posside, Rtl. 165, 20. v. gebúgian.
ge-bycgan, -bicgan, -bicgean; ic -bycge, -bicge, ðú -bygest, -bigest, he -bygeþ, -bigeþ, -bigþ, pl. -bycgaþ, -bicgaþ; p. -bohte, pl. bohton; pp. -boht To buy, procure, purchase, redeem; emere, redimere :-- Hí meahton hefonríce gebycgan [MS. gebycggan] they could buy the kingdom of heaven, Past. 59, 2; Swt. 449, 15; Hat. MS. Cyning sceal mid ceápe cwéne gebicgan a king shall buy a queen with goods, Exon. 90 a; Th. 338, 22; Gn. Ex. 82. [For this use of the verb see Grimm R. A. pp. 421 sqq. where similar phrases in other dialects are given.] Ðæt hý móston friþ gebicgean that they might buy peace, L. Eth. ii. 1; Th. i. 284, 13. Ic gebycge bát I buy a boat, Exon. 119 a; Th. 458, 11; Hy. 4, 99. Ðæt hí man beágum gebycge that one may buy her with bracelets, Menol. Fox 551; Gn. C. 45 : L. H. E. 16; Th. i. 34, 3 : L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 11. Bútan he hine æt ðam cynge gebicge unless he buys it of the king, L. Edg. ii. 3; Th. i. 266, 18. Gif mon hwelcne ceáp gebyceþ if a man buy any kind of cattle, L. In. 56; Th. i. 138, 10. Gif man mægþ gebigeþ if a man buy a maiden, L. Ethb. 77; Th. i. 22, 1. Se man gebigþ ðone æcer homo emit agrum illum, Mt. Bos. 13, 44. Hine gebohte Putifar emit eum Putiphar, Gen. 39, 1 : Cd. 149; Th. 187, 15; Exod. 151 : Beo. Th. 1951; B. 973 : 4956; B. 2481. God us deópum ceápe gebohte Deus redemit nos alto pretio, L. C. E. 18; Th. i. 370, 28 : Exon. 29 a; Th. 89, 27; Cri. 1463 : 98 a; Th. 368, 25; Seel. 30. Ðú blóde gebohtest bearn Israéla thou host redeemed the children of Israel with thy blood, Hy. 8, 26; Hy. Grn. ii. 290, 26. Lundenwaru him friþ gebohton the Londoners bought themselves peace, Chr. 1016; Erl. 159, 23. Næ-acute;nig usic mið leáne gebohte nemo nos conduxit, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 20, 7. Geboht þeówa emptitius, Ælfc. Gl. 86; Som. 74, 33; Wrt. Voc. 50, 16 : Gen. 17, 12.
ge-býcnian to beckon, shew, indicate, St. A. 44, 12 : Evan. Nic. 4, 13 : Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 30, 48, MS. D : 37; Som. 39, 40, MS. D. v. ge-bícnian.
gebýdan to abide, wait. v. gebídan.
ge-býgan, -bígan, -býgean, -bígean, -bégan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To bow, bend, turn, inflect or decline a part of speech, recline, twist, bow down, humble, abase, bring under, subdue, crush; flectere, incurvare, inflectere, declinare, reclinare, torquere, humiliare, confringere :-- Gebígdum cneówum flexis genibus, Bd. 4, 10; S. 578, 28. Hý gebýgdon sáwle míne incurvaverunt animam meam, Ps. Spl. 56, 8 : Gen. 27, 29. Ðá hí hwæsne beág ymb mín heafod gebýgdon then they twisted a sharp crown around my head, Exon. 29 a; Th. 88, 25; Cri. 1445. Hý ealle to him gebígde he brought them all under him, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 64, 15 : 5, 3; Bos. 104, 11. Ðæt hig ealle leóda sceoldan gebígan to geleáfán that they should subdue all nations to the faith, Ælfc. T. Lisle 30, 5. Íserne steng gebígeþ vectes ferreos confringit, Ps. Th. 106, 15 : 72, 17; 143, 18. v. býgan.
ge-býgean, -bígean; v. trans. To bow, bend, turn, bow down, subdue, crush :-- Ðú miht leon and dracan liste gebýgean conculcabis leonem et draconem, Ps. Th. 90, 13. Gebígean to synnum adigere ad peccata, Alb. resp. 68 [Lye]. v. ge-býgan.
ge-býgednys, -nyss, e; f. A bending, declining, declension, case. v. ge-bígednys.
ge-býgel; adj. Subject, submissive, obedient; subjectus :-- Gebýgle to dónne to make obedient, Chr. l091; Th. 358, 38 : 1105; Th. 367, 22.
ge-býgendlíc; adj. Bending, flexible, declined with cases. v. ge-bígendlíc.
ge-bygeþ buys, L. In. 56; Th. i. 138, 10; pres. of ge-bycgan.
ge-byld, e; f. [byld boldness] Boldness, courage; aud&a-long;cia :-- Calep hig gestilde and cwæþ mid gebylde Caleb quieted them and said with courage, Num. 13, 31 : Jos. 4, 9.
gebyld; adj. Bold, courageous; audax :-- Gebyld swiðe ðurh God, Jud. 4, 14.
ge-bylded, -bælded, -byld; part. [ge-, byldan to make bold] Emboldened, encouraged, animated; corr&o-long;b&e-short;r&a-long;tus, an&i-short;m&a-long;tus :-- Wæs Laurentius mid ðæs apostoles swingum and trymnessum swíðe gebylded apost&e-short;li flagellis s&i-short;mul et exhortati&o-long;n&i-short;bus an&i-short;m&a-long;tus &e-short;rat Laurentius, Bd. 2, 6; S. 508, 22. He wið mongum stód ealdfeónda elne gebylded he stood against many of the old fiends, emboldened with courage, Exon. 39 b; Th. 130, 31; Gú. 446. Se Barac, gebyld swíðe þurh God, feaht him togeánes Barak, much encouraged by God, fought against them, Jud. 4, 14. Hý wæ-acute;ron gebylde they were encouraged, Ors. 4, 1; Bos. 77, 25. We us bletsiap gebylde ðurh God we bless ourselves emboldened by God, H. R. 105, 17.