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ge-hýran; p. de; pp. ed To hire; conducere, locare :-- Ðæs híredes ealdor gehýrde wyrhtan the chief of the household hired workmen, Homl. Th. ii. 74, 7. Behíring vel gehýred feóh locatio, Ælfc. Gl. 13; Som. 57, 123; Wrt. Voc. 20, 60. v. be-híring.
ge-hyrdan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To harden, to strengthen; durare, indurare, Exon. 88 a; Th. 331, 26; Vy. 74. v. hyrdan.
ge-hyrde. v. ge-hyrwan.
ge-hyrdnes, -ness, e; f. A keeping, guard, watch; cust&o-long;dia :-- Sete gehyrdnessa múþe mínum p&o-long;ne cust&o-long;diam &o-long;ri meo, Ps. Lamb. 140, 3.
ge-hyrned; part. Horned; corn&u-long;tus :-- Gehyrned corn&u-long;tus, Ælfc. Gr. 43; Som. 45, 17 : Ex. 34, 29, 30. Byþ he ymlíce gehyrned he is equally horned, Bd. de nat. rerum; Wrt. popl. science 15, 2; Lchdm. iii. 266, 22.
ge-hýrnes, se; f. A hearing, report; auditus :-- Of gehýrnysse gé gehýraþ, and gé ne ongytaþ audietis, et non intelligetis, Mt. Bos. 13, 14 : Blickl. Homl. 55, 31. DER. hýrnes.
ge-hyrst, e; f. An ornament; orn&a-long;mentum :-- Man reliquias réran onginneþ, háliga, gehyrste man begins to elevate relics, holy ornaments, Menol, Fox 146; Men. 74. Gehyrsto phaleræ, Lye.
ge-hýrst hearest, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Som. 33, 57, 58; 2nd sing. pres. of ge-hýran.
ge-hyrstan; p. -hyrste; pp. -hyrsted, -hyrst To adorn, ornament, decorate; adorn&a-long;re, orn&a-long;re, d&e-short;c&o-short;r&a-long;re :-- He gehyrsteþ wél he adorns the metal work, Exon. 88 a; Th. 331, 27; Vy. 74. Golde gehyrsted adorned with gold, Elen. Kmbl. 662; El. 331 : Andr. Kmbl. 90; An. 45. Ða bióþ mid fetlum gehyrste who are adorned with belts, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 6.
ge-hyrstan, -hierstan; p. -hyrste; pp. -hyrsted, -hyrst To fry, roast; fr&i-long;g&e-short;re :-- Hí cócas gehyrstan cooks roasted them, Ps. Th. 101, 3. Gehyrsted síe fr&i-long;g&e-long;tur, Cot. 87. Gehyrst hláf frixius p&a-long;nis, Ælfc. Gl. 66; Som. 69, 69; Wrt.Voc.41, 23. Et ðas sídan ðe gehirsted is eat this side that is roasted, Shrn. 116, 6. [O. H. Ger. giharstit frixus.]
ge-hyrstan; p. te To murmur :-- Gehyrston murmurabant, Lk. Skt. Lind. 15, 2.
ge-hýrsum, -hiérsum; adj. Obedient, obliging, ready to serve; ob&e-short;diens, off&i-short;ci&o-long;sus :-- Wæs Abraham Gode gehýrsum Abraham was obedient to God, Boutr. Scrd. 23, 4 : Homl. Th. ii. 162, 26 : Mt. Bos. 6, 24. Éstful vel gehýrsum off&i-short;ci&o-long;sus, Ælfc. Gl. 115; Som. 80, 54; Wrt. Voc. 61, 32. H woldon hint beón gehýrsume they would be obedient to him, Chr. 1083 ; Erl. 217, 6. [O. H. Ger. and Ger. gehórsam.]
ge-hýrsumian, -hiérsumian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad. I. to obey, be obedient to; ob&e-short;d&i-long;re, p&a-short;r&e-long;re :-- Ic gehýrsumige ob&e-short;dio, Ælfc. Gr. 30, 5; Som. 34, 56 : p&a-short;reo, 26, 2; Som. 28, 43. Ðe heora lustum gehýrsumiaþ who obey their lusts, Homl. Th. ii. 82, 13. II. to make obedient, bring into subjection; subj&i-short;c&e-short;re :-- Ðæt he him Norþ-Wealas gehýrsumode [gehiérsumade, col. 1] that he might make the North Welsh obedient to him, Chr. 853; Th. 122, 22, col. 2. [O. H. Ger. gihórsamón to obey.]
ge-hýrsumlíce; adv. Obediently; ob&e-short;dienter, Som. Ben. Lye.
ge-hýrsumnys, -nyss, e; f. Obedience, subjection; ob&e-short;dientia :-- God wolde fandian Abrahames gehýrsumnysse tent&a-long;vit Deus Abraham, Gen. 22, 1 : Boutr. Scrd. 19, 26 : Chr. 1091; Erl. 228, 3.
ge-hyrtan; p. -hyrte; pp. -hyrted, -hyrt [hyrtan to hearten, encourage; heorte the heart] To encourage, animate, refresh; confortare, animare, refrigerare :-- Beó ðú húru gehyrt, and hicg þegenlíce be thou only encouraged, and strive nobly, Jos. 1, 18. Ðæt ðínre wylne sunu sý gehyrt that the son of thy slave may be refreshed; ut refrigeretur filins ancillæ tuæ, Ex. 23, 12. Drihten us gehyrte the Lord encouraged us, Homl. Th. ii. 538, 12. Mín werod gehyrted wæs my army was encouraged, Nar. 8, 17. Gehyrtan refocillare, confortare, Hpt. Gl. 478. Se læg dæg and niht geswógen. He wearþ ðá gehyrt he lay day and night senseless. He then revived, Homl. Th. ii. 356, 27.
ge-hýrþ hears, Ælfc. Gr. 30; Som. 33, 58; 3rd sing, pres. of ge-hýran.
ge-hyrwan; p. de; pp. ed To make game of, despise, disparage, traduce, vex, oppress; cavill&a-long;ri, contemn&e-short;re, detr&a-short;h&e-short;re :-- Elene ne wolde ðæs wilgifan word gehyrwan Elene would not despise the dear prince's word, Elen. Kmbl. 442; El. 221 : Exon. 39 b; Th. 131, 27; Gú. 462. He gehyrweþ fuloft hálge láre he very often traduces holy lore, 117 a; Th. 449, 12; Dóm. 70. Hý ðæs láreowes word ne gehyrwdon they despised not the teacher's words, 14 b; Th. 29, 8; Cri. 459. Beóþ ða gehyrwede they are despised, Ps. 52, 6; Ps. Grn. ii. 150, 6. Seó langung hine swíðe gehyrde and ðreáde that longing much oppressed and afflicted him, Blickl. Homl. 113, 14. Hí wurdon gehergode and gehyrde they were wasted and oppressed; Jud. 10, 8. [O. H. Ger. harwjan exasperare.]
ge-hyscan; p. te To mock, deride :-- Úre fýnd gehyscton us inimici nostri subsannauerunt nos, Ps. Lamb. 79, 7. Gehiscþ abominabitur, 5, 8.
ge-hyspan; p. de, te To deride, mock, scoff; insultare, exprobare, Hpt. Gl. 441. Se god ðe on heofonum ys híg gehyspþ qui habitat in cœlis irridebit eos, Ps. Th. 2, 4,
ge-hyspendlíc; adj. Despicable, abominable :-- Hí syndon gehyspendlíc geworden sunt abominabiles facti, Ps. Lamb. 13, 1.
ge-hýt hides, Bt. 39, 8; Fox 224, 11; 3rd sing. pres. of ge-hýdan.
ge-hyðegod; part. p :-- Gehyðegode expedita, Gl. Prud. 229.
ge-hyðelíc; adj. Favourable, seasonable; opportunus, Ps. Spl. 31, 7; Hpt. Gl. 470.
ge hyþnes, se; f. Opportunity.
ge-hýwan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To shew; ostendere :-- Ðú gehýwdest ðam eorle bán Iosephes thou shewest the man the bones of Joseph, Elen. Kmbl. 1570; El. 787. v. geýwan.
ge-hywian; p. ode; pp. od. I. to form, fashion; fing&e-short;re :-- Se ðe gehywode synderlíce heortan heora qui finxit singill&a-long;tim corda e&o-long;rum, Ps. Lamb. 32, 15. II. to seem, pretend; s&i-short;m&u-short;l&a-long;re :-- Ðeáh ðe hit swá gehywod wæ-acute;re though it seemed so, Job Thw. 166, 6. Mid gehywedan móde with feigned mind, Th. Ap. 3, 2. v. ge-hiwian.
ge-hywung a form, fashion, shape, Ps. Spl. C. 102, 13. v. ge-hiwung.
ge-ícan, -ícean, -ýcan, -iécan; p. -ícte, -íhton; pp. -íced, -íct To eke, increase, add, enlarge; augere, extendere :-- Heó ongan his mæ-acute;g-burge geícean sunum and dohtrum she began his kindred to increase with sons and daughters, Cd. 56; Th. 69, 8; Gen. 1132. Eall geíceaþ increase all things, 74; Th. 91, 18; Gen. 1514. Ofer eall ðæt geícte adjecit hoc supra omnia, Lk. Bos. 3, 20. Æðelinga rím feorum geícte he increased the number of men with lives, 58; Th. 70, 33; Gen. 1162. Bizantium wæs fram Constantino geiéced Byzantium was enlarged by Constantine, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 61, 10 : Th. Diplm. A. D. 864; 125, 19. v. écan.
ge-ícendlíc; adj. Added to, adjective; adjectivus :-- Geícendlíc nama a noun adjective, Som.
ge-íchte, -íhton added; p. of ge-ícan.
ge-ídlian; p. ade To make or become vain, empty :-- Giídladest vacuasti, Rtl. 33, 3. Giídlege vanescat, 98, 24.
ge-iermed, -irmed; adj. Afflicted, Past. 28, 1; Swt. 188, 16.
ge-iéwan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To shew; ostendere :-- He ðæt beácen geseah ðæt him on heofonum æ-acute;r geiéwed wearþ he saw the beacon which to him before in heaven was shewn, Elen. Grm. 102. v. ýwan, eáwan.
ge-íhtnyss, e; f. An addition, epact, Lye.
ge-illerocaþ surfeited; crapulatus, Ps. Spl. C. 77, 71.
ge-incfullian; p. ade; pp. ad To offend, scandalize :-- We ðonne ðýles geincfulligæ hiæ ut autem non scandalizemus eos, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 17, 27. Se ðe ne biþ in me geincfullad qui non fuerit scandalizatus in me, 11, 6 : 15, 12.
ge-inlagian; p. ode; pp. od [ge, inlagian] To inlaw, to restore to the protection of the law; inlagare, intra legum protectionem accipere :-- Man geinlagode Swegen eorl Earl Sweyn was inlawed, Chr. 1050; Erl. 176, 6. Willem se cyng Eádgár geinlagode and ealle his men William the king inlawed Edgar and all his men, 1074; Erl. 212, 5.