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ge-lod-wyrt, e; f. Silverweed; potentilla anserina :-- Gelodwyrt heptaphyllon, Recd. 42, 75; Wrt. Voc. 68, 10 : Lchdm. ii. 78, 1 : 98, 16.

ge-logian; p. ode; pp. od To place, lodge, dispose, regulate; ponere, disponere, reponere, collocare :-- God gelogode ðone man Deus posuit hominem, Gen. 2, 8 : Homl. Th. i. 12, 33. Ða geleáfullan folc híg sylfe gelogiaþ and heora líf for Gode the faithful folk dispose themselves and their life for God, Ælfc. T. Lisle 28, 13. Gelogaþ his ágen líf regulates his own life, Tract. de Spir. Septif : Homl. Th. i. 168, 11. Godes ðeów se ðe hád underféhþ sceal beón on ða wíson gelogod ðe God tæ-acute;hte the servant of God who takes orders must be disposed in the manner that God has taught, ii. 48, 31 : i. 286, 13. Ðæt mynster he gelogode mid wellybbendum mannum that monastery he filled with men of good life, 506, 15. Ðá ðwóh man ða hálgan bán and gelogodon hí up then the holy bones were washed and laid up, Swt. Rdr. 100, 158. Hí gelogodon sce Ælfeáges hálgan líchaman on norþhealfe weofodes they placed S. Ælfeg's holy body on the north side of the altar, Chr. 1023; Erl. 163, 33. He begeat má castelas and ðæ-acute;r inne his ríderas gelogode he got more castles and lodged his knights therein, 1090; Erl. 226, 30. Geloga híg on ðære sélostan stówe in the best of the land make them to dwell, Gen. 47, 6. Ðás lamb ðe ðú gelogast on sundron these lambs which thou hast set by themselves, 21, 9. Ðone wudu gelogode laid the wood in order, 22, 9. He wæs gelogod to his folcum he was gathered to his people, Deut. 32, 50.

ge-logod; part. p. Arranged; appositus :-- For ðære gelícnisse his gelogodan spræ-acute;ce for the likeness of his disposed speech or style, Ælfc. T. Lisle 17, 12.

GE-LÓMAN; pl. m. Household stuff, furniture, utensils, tools; supellex, instrumenta :-- Ísern-gelóman ferramenta ruralia, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 32 : Shrn. 146, 15. Ða men hwílum ða íren-gelóman liccodan milites nunc ferramenta lambendo, Nar. 9, 19. v. andlóman.

ge-lóme; adv. Often, frequently, continually, repeatedly; sæpe, fr&e-short;quenter, cont&i-short;nuo, crebro :-- Fregn gelóme freca óðerne one warrior often asked the other, Andr. Kmbl. 2327; An. 1165 : Beo. Th. 1122; B. 559 : Ps. Th. 54, 13 : 62, 4. Ðonne h-i gelóme sáwon swíðlíce rénas when they frequently saw severe showers, Boutr. Scrd. 21, 22 : 17, 11. Wæs he se mon æ-acute;fest on his dæ-acute;dum and gelóme on hálgum gebedum &e-short;rat rel&i-short;gi&o-long;sis act&i-short;bus, crebris pr&e-short;c&i-short;bus, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 6. Oft and gelóme very frequently, Bt. Met. Fox 30, 10, 14; Met. 30, 5, 7 : Chr. 887; Erl. 86, 11 : 959; Erl. 119, 25. Oft gelóme full oft, very often, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 2; Gen. 1539. [O. H. Ger. ki-lómo frequenter.]

ge-lómed; part. p. Having rays; radiatus. v. ge-leómed.

ge-lómelíc frequent, Bd. 2, 7; S. 509, 32. v. ge-lómlíc.

ge-lómlæ-acute;can; p. -læ-acute;hte; pp. -læ-acute;ht To frequent, to use often; frequentare :-- Gelómlæ-acute;cende word frequentative verb, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Som. 38, 14. Mid gelómlæ-acute;cendum hryrum with frequent destructions, Homl. Th. i. 578, 34 : ii. 350, 19.

ge-lómlæ-acute;cing, -lómlæ-acute;cung, e; f. Frequency, a frequenting, a common resort; frequentatio, Ælfc. Gr. 36; Som. 38, 15.

ge-lómlæ-acute;cnys, -lómlícnes, ness, e; f. A frequented or public place; locus condensus, Ps. Spl. 117, 26.

ge-lómlíc, -lómelíc; adj. Frequent, repeated; fr&e-short;quens, cr&e-long;ber :-- Mid gelómlícra wundra wyrcnysse virt&u-long;tum fr&e-short;quentium op&e-short;rati&o-long;ne, Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 39. Mid gelómlícum oncunningum by frequent accusations, 3, 19; S. 548, 3. Mid his gelómlícum bedum crebris or&a-long;ti&o-long;n&i-short;bus, 2, 7; S. 509, 32.

ge-lómlíce; comp. -lícor; superl. -lícost; adv. Often, frequently, repeatedly; sæpe, fr&e-short;quenter, crebro :-- Gelómlíce sæpe, Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 39, 52. Hwí fæste we and ða Sundor-hálgan gelómlíce quare nos et Pharisæi jej&u-long;n&a-long;mus fr&e-short;quenter? Mt. Bos. 9, 14 : Bd. 3, 22; S. 552, 9 : 3, 23; S. 554, 11. Búton hí hyra handa gelómlíce þweán nisi crebro l&a-long;v&e-short;rint m&a-short;nus, Mk. Bos. 7, 3 : Bd. 3, 13; S. 538, 8 : Hymn. Surt. 116, 14. Gelómlícor oftener; sæpius, Ælfc. T. 22, 22 : Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 39, 53. Gelómlícost most frequently; sæpiss&i-short;me, Ors. 4, 4; Bos. 81, 3 : Ælfc. Gr. 38; Som. 39, 53.

ge-lómlícian; p. ode; pp. od To become frequent :-- Manig yfel we geaxiaþ hér on lífe gelómlícian and wæstmian many an evil we learn has become frequent in this life and flourishes, Blickl. Homl. 109, 2.

ge-lomp happened, Bt. 18, 4; Fox 66, 27; p. of ge-limpan.

ge-londa, an; m. A fellow-countryman; compatriota :-- Be ðám monnum ðe hiora gelondan bebycgaþ of those men who sell their countrymen, L. In. 11; Th. i. 110, 1. Cf. ge-leód. [O. H. Ger. gi-lante patriota.]

ge-long. v. ge-lang.

ge-lósian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To lose, perish :-- We bíðn gelósoad perimus, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 8, 25. Gelósiga perdet, 16, 25. Ðæt gelósade quod perierat, 18, 11. [Laym. i-losed.]

ge-lostr a gathering to form matter, imposthume; suppuratio, Som.

ge-loten dæg oððe ofernón latter part of the day; suprema, Ælfc. Gl. 95; Som. 75; Wrt. Voc. 53, 14. v. lútan.

gelp, es; m. Glory, vain-glory, pride; gl&o-long;ria, v&a-long;na gl&o-long;ria :-- Ne gýtsung, ne ídel gelp him on ne rícsode neither avarice nor vain-glory reigned in him, Bd. 3. 17; S. 545, 9. Gif he unnýtne gelp ágan wille if he will possess unprofitable glory, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 3; Met. 10, 2. v. gilp.

gelpan to boast; gl&o-long;ri&a-long;ri :-- Gif hwá ðæs gelpþ if any one boast of it, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 19, MS. Bod. v. gilpan.

gelp-scaða, an; m. A boastful foe :-- Ðone gelpscaðan ríces beræ-acute;dan to deprive that boastful foe of his power, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 99; Met. 9, 49. v. gielp-sceaða.

gelsa. v. gælsa.

gelt, es; m. A sin, crime, fault, debt; delictum, d&e-long;b&i-short;tum :-- Geltas geclánsa ða ðe ic gefremede cleanse the sins which I have committed, Ps. C. 50, 39; Ps. Grn. ii. 277, 39. Gelt d&e-long;b&i-short;tum, Prov. 24. v- gylt.

ge-lúcan; p. -leác, pl. -lucon; pp. -locen To shut, lock, fasten, weave; claud&e-short;re, nect&e-short;re :-- Ðé gelúcaþ ríce heofona quia clauditis regnum cælorum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 23, 13. He geseah segn eallgylden, hondwundra mæ-acute;st, gelocen leóðo-cræftum [or leoðo-cræftum?] he saw an all-golden ensign, greatest of hand-wonders, woven by arts of song [by magic], Beo. Th. 5531; B. 2769. [Cf. hand-locen.]

ge-ludon descended. v. geleódan.

ge-lufian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To love, esteem; &a-short;m&a-long;re, dil&i-short;g&e-short;re :-- Ne sceal se Dryhtnes þeów máre gelufian eorþan æ-acute;htwelan nor shall the Lord's servant love more of earth's riches, Exon. 38 a; Th. 125, 23; Gú. 358 : 119 b; Th. 458, 26; Hy. 4, 106. Se hálga wer, in ða æ-acute;restan ældu, gelufade frécnessa fela the holy man, in his first age, loved much mischief, 34 a; Th. 108, 30. Gú. 80 : 39 b; Th. 130, 25; Gú. 443 : 43 a; Th. 144, 23; Gú. 682. Ic eom gelufod &a-short;mor, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 1, 6, 9, 12, 16. Ðú eart mín gelufoda sunu tu es f&i-long;lius meus dilectus, Mk. Bos. 1, 11. Hí wæ-acute;ron gelufode &a-short;m&a-long;ti sunt, Ælfc. Gr. 25; Som. 26, 8, 11, 13, 16.

ge-luggian to pull, lug; vellere, Som.

ge-lugon deceived, Exon. 118 b; Th. 455, 27; Hy. 4, 56; p. pl. of ge-leógan.

ge-lumpe, pl. -lumpen would happen, Bd. 5, 1; S. 614, 3 : Exon. 35 a; Th. 113, 32; Gú. 165; subj. p. of ge-limpan : ge-lumpen happened, Homl. Th. ii. 130, 28; pp. of ge-limpan : ge-lumpon befell, Chr. l011; Erl. 145, 1; p. pl. of ge-limpan.

ge-lustfullian; p. ode; pp. od. I. v. intrans. To be delighted, be pleased, rejoice; delect&a-long;ri, læt&a-long;ri :-- Hí gelustfulliaþ on mycelnysse sybbe delect&a-long;buntur in mult&i-short;t&u-long;d&i-short;ne p&a-long;cis, Ps. Spl. 36, 11. Gelustfulla on Drihtne delect&a-long;re in D&o-short;m&i-short;no, 36, 4. For ðysum gelustfullod is heorte mín propter hoc læt&a-long;tum est cor meum, 15, 9. Ðe gelustfullaþ on yfelum lustum that delights in evil pleasures, Homl. Th. i. 496, 13. II. v. trans. To delight, please; delect&a-long;re, j&u-short;v&a-long;re :-- Me gelustfullaþ j&u-short;vat me, Ælfc. Gr. 33; Som. 37, 12. Gelustfullodon ðé dóhtra cyninga delect&a-long;v&e-long;runt te f&i-long;liæ r&e-long;gum, Ps. Spl. 44, 10. Ða welan gelustfulliaþ riches afford pleasure, Homl. Th. ii. 88, 20 : 130, 9.

ge-lustfullíce; comp. -lícor; adv. Willingly, earnestly, studiously; st&u-short;di&o-long;se :-- Næ-acute;nig ðínra þegna neódlícor [MS. -lucor] ne gelustfullícor hine sylfne underþeódde to úra goda bigange ðonne ic nullus tu&o-long;rum st&u-short;di&o-long;sius quam &e-short;go cult&u-short;ræ de&o-long;rum nostr&o-long;rum se subd&i-short;dit, Bd. 2, 13; S. 516, 5.

ge-lustfulling, e; f. That which delights or pleases; oblectamentum, Scint. 81.

ge-lustfulnys, -nyss, e; f. Delight, pleasure; delect&a-long;tio :-- Gelustfulnyssa [synd] on swíðran ðíne óþ on ende delect&a-long;ti&o-long;nes [sunt] in dext&e-short;ra tua usque in f&i-long;nem, Ps. Spl. 15, 11.

ge-lútan; p. -leát To bow :-- Se bisceop eádmódlíce to ðam Godes were geleát the bishop humbly bowed to the man of God, Guthl. 17; Gdwin. 72, 17.

ge-lútian; p. ode; pp. od To lie hid; l&a-short;t&e-long;re :-- Ðæt ic gelútian ne mæg on ðyssum sídan sele that I may not lie hid in this wide hall, Cd. 216; Th. 273, 2; Sat. 130.

ge-lýcost a twin; gemellus :-- Didymus, ðæt is gelýcost. Jn. 20, 24 : 21, 2.

ge-lýfan, -lífan, -léfan; to -lýfanne, -lýfenne; part. -lýfende; ic -lýfe, ðú -lýfest, -lýfst, he -lýfeþ, -lýfþ, pl. -lýfaþ; p- ic, he -lýfde, ðú -lýfdest, pl. -lýfdon; impert. -lýf, pl. -lýfe, -lýfaþ; subj. pres. -lýfe, pl. -lýfon; pp. -lýfed To believe, confide, trust, hope; cr&e-long;d&e-short;re, conf&i-long;d&e-short;re, sp&e-long;r&a-long;re :-- We sceolon on hine gelýfan we should believe in him, Homl. Th. i. 274, 27 : 280, 22 : 290, 31. To gelýfanne [-lýfenne, col. 1] to ðan leófan Gode to trust in the beloved God, Chr. 1036; Th. 294, 10, col. 2. Of ðyssum lytlingum on me gelýfendum ex his pusillis cr&e-long;dent&i-short;bus in me, Mk. Bos. 9, 42. Se Hæ-acute;lend wiste hwæt ða gelýfendan wæ-acute;ron sciebat Jesus qui essent credentes, Jn. Bos. 6, 64. Ne gelýfe ic nó, ðæt . . . I do not believe that . . . , Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 4 : Exon. 82 a; Th. 309, 33; Seef. 66. Gif ðú sóþne God lufast and gelýfest if thou lovest and believest the true God, 66 b; Th. 245, 21; Jul. 48 : Cd. 203; Th. 252,14; Dan. 578. Gelýfst ðú ðyses cr&e-long;dis hoc? Jn. Bos. 11, 26. He his Hláfordes hyldo gelýfeþ he believes his Lord's kindness, Exon. 120 b; Th. 463, 9; Hö. 67 : 81 b; Th. 307, 21; Seef. 27. He gelýfþ on God conf&i-long;dit in Deo, Mt. Bos. 27, 43 : Jn. Bos. 11, 25. Ðe on me gelýfaþ qui in me cr&e-long;dunt, Mt. Bos. 18, 6. Ic ðín bebod gelýfðe mand&a-long;tes tuis cr&e-long;d&i-short;di, Ps. Th. 118, 66 : Bt. 38, 1; Fox 194, 14. Ðú mínum wordum ne gelýfdest non cr&e-long;d&i-short;disti verbis meis, Lk. Bos. 1, 20 : Jn. Bos. 1, 50. Hí nó gelýfdon ðæt he God wæ-acute;re they believed not that he was God, Andr. Kmbl. 1123; An. 562 : Elen. Kmbl. 1034; El. 518. Aarones hús on Dryhten leófne gelýfdan d&o-short;mus Aaron sp&e-long;r&a-long;vit in D&o-short;m&i-short;no, Ps. Th. 113, 19. Gelýf me cr&e-long;de mihi, Jn. Bos. 4, 21. Gelýfe gyt, ðæt ic inc mæg gehæ-acute;lan cr&e-long;d&i-short;tis quia hoc possum f&a-short;c&e-short;re v&o-long;bis? Mt. Bos. 9, 28. Gelýfaþ for ðám weorcum propter &o-short;p&e-short;ra ipso cr&e-long;d&i-short;te, Jn. Bos. 14, 11. Ne bepæ-acute;ce nán man hine sylfne, swá ðæt he secge oððe gelýfe ðæt þrý Godas syndon let no man deceive himself, so as to say or believe that there are three Gods, Homl. Th. i. 284, 16. Ðæt gé gelýfon, ðæt se Hæ-acute;lend ys Crist ut cr&e-long;d&a-long;tis, quia Jesus est Christus, Jn. Bos. 20, 31 : Ex. 4, 5. Ne gelýfe ic me nú ðæs leóhtes furðor I have no longer now any hope for myself of that light, Cd. 21; Th. 26, 3; Gen. 401. [Goth. ga-laubjan : O. Sax. gi-ló&b-bar;ian : O. H. Ger. gi-louban : Ger. glauben.]