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ge-mearcund. v. ge-mercung.
ge-meare an end, Ps. Lamb. 58, 14. v. ge-mæ-acute;re.
ge-mearr, es; n. A hindrance, error :-- Ðonne se Godes ðiów on ðæt gemearr ðære woruldsorga beféhþ when the servant of God accepts the hindrance of worldly cares, Past. 51, 7; Swt. 401, 20; Hat. MS. Ða gemearr ðe man drífþ on mislícum gewiglungum the erroneous practices which are carried on with various spells, L. Can. Edg. 16; Th. ii. 248, 4. Gemear nugæ, errores, Gl. Prud. 662. [Cf. Goth. ga-marzeins a stumbling-block.] v. myrran.
ge-mearr; adj. Wicked, fraudulent :-- Gif hwá gemearra manna wæ-acute;re if there were any wicked man, L. Edw. 1; Th. i. 160, note 2. v. ge-mearr.
ge-mec; adj. Equal, suited, matched :-- Oððe wíf habbaþ him gemæc oððe him gemece nabbaþ either they are well-matched in marriage or have not wives suited to them, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 5. v. ge-mæc.
ge-mecca, an; m. and f. A consort, an equal :-- Ic Oswulf aldormonn ond Beorndryþ mín gemecca I Oswulf alderman and Beornthryth my wife, Th. Dipl. 459, 3 : 469, 30. Gemecca conjunx, Ælfc. Gl. 3; Wrt. Voc. 72, 9. Clippende to heora gemeccum clamantes coæqualibus, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 11, 16. v. ge-mæcca.
ge-méd mad. v. ge-mæ-acute;d.
ge-méde, es; n. That which pleases, satisfies, due observance :-- Maga gemédu the due observances of kinsmen, Beo. Th. 499; B. 247. [O. Sax. gimódi :-- Ðemu manne te gimódea to satisfy the man : O. H. Ger. gi-muati.] v. ge-méde; adj.
ge-méde; superl. -médost; adj. Agreeable, pleasing; acceptus, gr&a-long;tus :-- Swá him gemédost wæs as was most agreeable to them, Andr. Kmbl. 1188; An. 594. Geméde agreeable, Bt. 11, 1; Bt. Fox 32, note 1. Gimoedo &l-bar; wala middangeardes prospera mundi, Rtl. 50, 6. [O. H. Ger. gi-muati : cf. O. Sax. gi-módi, n.] DER. un-geméde.
ge-medemian; p. ode; pp. od [medeme] To deign, deem worthy, honour, vouchsafe, moderate, humiliate, humble :-- Ic gemedemige ðé to ðam ðinge dignor te illa re, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Som. 44, 5. Ðætte hia mildelíce mið woere hire gisomnia ðú gimeodomiga ut eam propitius cum viro suo copulare digneris, Rtl. 108, 42 : 36. Ic ðancige mínum Gode ðe me gemedemode to his hálgum I thank my God that has deemed me worthy to be among his saints, Homl. Th. i. 424, 15. Ðú eart on écnesse gemedemod thou art honoured for ever, Blickl. Homl. 147, 12. Godes sunu gemedemode hine sylfne ðæt he wolde beón acenned of Marian God's Son condescended to be born of Mary, Homl. Th. 32, 7 : Blickl. Homl. 39, 17 : Nicod. 20; Thw. 10, 9. Crist sylf gemedemode ðæt he wolde gebígan his hálige heáfod to his ðeówan handum Christ himself deigned to bow his head to his servant's hands, Homl. Th. i. 40, 25, He wæs gemedomad on róde beón ahangen he suffered the humiliation of being hung on the cross, L. E. I. 21; Th. ii. 416, 28 : Blickl. Homl. 179, 9 : 139, 26. Gemedemud temperatus, Scint. 12.
ge-medemlíce, -meodomlíce; adv. Worthily; digne, Rtl. 18, 33 : dignanter, 34, 18.
ge-méder; f. A godmother; commater, Som.
ge-medmicel; adj. Small, mean, weak :-- Gimetomicla infirma, Rtl. 50, 11.
ge-médred; part. Mothered, of the same mother; uterinus, Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 60, 19. v. ge-médrian.
ge-médrian; p. ede, ode; pp. ed, yd To MOTHER, to adopt or to have as a son or daughter; adoptare, habere sibi filium vel filiam :-- Ða þrý gebróðra næ-acute;ron ná Philippuse gemédred the three were not brothers of Philip by their mother [mothered], Ors. 3, 7; Bos. 60, 19. Geseah hys gemédrydan bróðor Beniamin vidit Benjamin fratrem suum uterinum, Gen. 43, 29.
ge-médryd; def. se ge-médryda; part. p. Mothered, of the same mother, Gen. 43, 29 : 44, 20. v. ge-médrian.
ge-meldian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To announce; nuntiare, adnuntiare :-- Blód-gyte weorðeþ mongum gemeldad bloodshed shall be announced to many, Exon. 116 b; Th. 448, 20; Dóm. 37 : Ps. Th. 61, 11.
géme-leás; adj. Negligent; negl&i-short;gens, C. R. Ben. 54. v- gýme-leás.
géme-leáslíce; adv. Negligently; negl&i-short;genter :-- For hwon sæ-acute;dest ðú Ecgbyrhte swá gémeleáslíce and swá wlætlíce ða þing ðe ic ðé bebeád him to secganne qu&a-long;re tam negl&i-short;genter ac t&e-short;p&i-short;de dixisti Ecgbercto quæ tibi d&i-long;cenda præc&e-long;pi? Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 9. Ða ðe unwærlíce and gémeleáslíce Gode hýraþ those who heedlessly and carelessly serve God, Blickl. Homl. 63, 22. v. gýme-leáslíce.
géme-leásniss, e; f. Negligence; negligentia, Rtl. 178, 11. v. gýme-leásness.
géme-lést, e; f. Negligence, carelessness; negl&i-short;gentia, inc&u-long;ria :-- Þurh ðíne ágene gémeléste through thine own negligence, Bt. 5, 1; Fox 10, 2. Þurh heora gémelést through their carelessness, Chr. 1070; Erl. 209, 34. v. gýme-leást.
ge-meltan, -myltan; p. -mealt, pl. -multon; pp. -molten To melt, digest :-- Beorgas gemeltaþ the hills shall melt, Exon. 22 a; Th. 61, 2; Cri. 978. Gif his mete gemyltan nelle if his meat will not digest, Herb. i. 90, 9; Lchdm. i. 196, 6 : 1, 19; Lchdm. 76, 15. Ðæt sweord eal gemealt íse gelícost the sword all melted just like ice, Beo. Th. 3220; B. 160S : 3235; B. 1615. Ne gemealt him se módsefa his courage did not fail, 5249; B. 2628. On hyre bryne gemultan ealle ða anlícnessa togædere in its burning all the statues melted together, Ors. 5, 2; Bos. 101, 21. Eorðe is gemolten liquefacta est terra, Ps. Th. 74, 3. Me wearþ gemolten mód on hreðre defectio animo tenuit me, 118, 53.
ge-men; nom. pl : gen. -manna Men :-- Wæ-acute;ron ðæ-acute;rin gemanna hand twelftig ðúsenda there were therein a hundred and twenty thousand men, Salm. and Sat. Kmbl. 186, 1.
gémen; gen. gémenne; f. Care; c&u-long;ra :-- Æ-acute;lc mon mæg witan hú hefig sorg men beoþ seó gémen his bearna every one may know how heavy a trouble to a man is the care of his children, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 17 : 12; Fox 36, 38. Be ðære hæfegan gémenne bearna concerning the heavy care of children, 31, 1; Fox 112, 19. Mid micle gémænne and gewinne cum magna cura ac labore, Bd. 2, 7 : S. 509, 11. v. gýmen.
ge-mencgan to mingle, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 33. v. ge-mengan.
ge-mencgednys, -nyss a mingling together, Bd. 1, 27; S. 495, 29. v. ge-mengednys.
ge-mend a memorial. v. ge-mynd.
gémend, es; m. A keeper; custos, Mt. Kmbl. p. 20, 4.
ge-mendful, -full; adj. [ge-mend = ge-mynd the mind, memory] Of good memory, mindful; m&e-short;mor :-- Cild biþ gemendful a child will be of good memory, Lchdm. iii. 186, 24.
ge-ménelíc; adj. [ge-méne = ge-mæ-acute;ne common] Common; comm&u-long;nis :-- For geménelícre neóde for the common need, L. C. S. 10; Th. i. 382, 2, MS. A. v. ge-mæ-acute;nelíc.
ge-ménelíce; adv. In common, commonly; comm&u-long;n&i-short;ter :-- We mynegiaþ eów ealle geménelíce we admonish you all in common, Wanl. Catal. 111, 25, col. 2. v. ge-mæ-acute;nelíce.
ge-mengan, -mencgan; p. de; pp. ed To mingle, commingle, mix, blend, confuse, unite, join, combine; misc&e-long;re, commisc&e-long;re, confund&e-short;re, cons&o-short;ci&a-long;re, inf&i-short;c&e-short;re :-- Ðæt he wísdóm mæ-acute;ge wið ofermetta gemengan that he may mingle wisdom with sensuality, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 16; Met. 7, 8. Ic gemencge confundo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 6; Som. 32, 33. Ic gemenge conf&i-short;cio, Ælfc. Gl. 36; Som. 62, 99; Wrt. Voc. 28, 76. Ðú hí on ðisse worulde gemengest thou unitest them in this world, Bt. 33, 4; Fox 132, 24. He gemengeþ ðæt fýr wið ðam cíle he mingles the fire with the cold, 39, 13; Fox 234, 11 : Bt. Met. Fox 11, 182; Met. 11, 91. Ic me to ðam plegan gemengde l&u-long;dent&i-short;bus me miscui, Bd. 5, 6; S. 619, 11. Ðæt we hit gemengen to ðam æ-acute;rran that we mix it with the preceding, Bt. 34. 5; Fox 140, 13. Eorþe wearþ eall mid blóde máne gemenged infecta est terra in sanguin&i-short;bus eórum, Ps. Th. 305, 28, Ðæt wæter and seó eorþe wæ-acute;ron gemengede óþ ðone þriddan dæg the water and the earth were commingled unto the third day, Hexam. 4; Norm. 8, 15. Ðæ-acute;r gemengde beóþ onhæ-acute;lo gelác engla and deófla there shall be mingled the whole assemblage of angels and of devils, Exon. 21 a; Th. 56, 4; Cri. 895 : Bd. 5, 23; S. 646, 4. Se ryhtwísa Déma se ðe hine on úrne geférscipe ðurh flæ-acute;sces gecynd gemengde the righteous Judge who joined himself to our fellowship through fleshly nature, Past. 21; Swt. 167, 23; Hat. MS.
ge-menged, -mencged; part. p. Mixed, mingled, confused; mixtus, commistus, confusus :-- God sende rénscúr mid swefle gemenged God sent a shower of rain mingled with brimstone, Gen. 19, 24. Gemencged mixtus, Ps. Spl. 74, 7. Gemencged hund and wulf commistus canis et lupus, Wrt. Voc. 77, 79. Gemenged stemn is, ðe biþ bútan andgite, swylc swá is hryþera gehlów, hunda gebeorc, treówa brastlung confused voice is what is without understanding, such as lowing of oxen, barking of dogs, rustling of trees, etc, Ælfc. Gr. 1; Som. 2, 34, 3.
ge-mengednys, -mengdnys, -mencgednys, -mencgdnys, -mencgnys, -nyss, e; f. A mingling together, mixing, mixture, connection; commixtio, admixtio :-- Seó gemengdnys ðæs flæ-acute;sces carnis commixtio, Bd. 1, 27; S. 495, 31. Se willa má waldeþ on ðæs weorce ðære gemengdnysse v&o-short;luntas d&o-short;m&i-short;n&a-long;tur in &o-short;p&e-short;re commixti&o-long;nis, 1, 27; S. 495, 38. On ðæs líchoman gemengednysse biþ willa in carnis commixti&o-long;ne v&o-short;luptas est, 1, 27; S. 493, 20 : 1, 27; S. 495, 39. Æfter his wífes gemengednysse post admixti&o-long;nem conj&u-short;gis, 1, 27; S. 496, 17. Hwæðere on ðám wordum is sweotol ðæt he wónysse nemde nalæs ða gemencgdnysse ðæs gesinscypes, ac ðone sylfan willan ðære gemencgednysse in qu&i-short;bus t&a-short;mers verbis non admixti&o-long;nem conj&u-short;gium in&i-long;qu&i-short;t&a-long;tem n&o-long;m&i-short;nat, sed ipsam videl&i-short;cet v&o-short;lupt&a-long;tem admixti&o-long;nis, 1, 27; S. 495, 28, 29. Seó alýfede gemencgnyss ipsa l&i-short;c&i-short;ta admixtio, 1,27; S. 495, 18. Æfter gemencgnysse ágenes wífes post admixti&o-long;nem propriæ conj&u-short;gis, 1, 27; S. 495, 15. Bútan womme oððe gemencgednysse ðwyrlíces weorces without blemish or admixture of perverse work, Homl. Th. i. 544, 17. Ðære sæ-acute; gemengednyssa the minglings of the sea, 610, 11 : 608, 20. [Cf. Lk. 21, 25.]
ge-mengung, e; f. A mixing, confusing; mixtura, Cot. 35.
ge-menigfealdan, -menigfildan; p. de [menig many, feald a fold, plait] To multiply, increase, extend; multiplicare, Ex. 32, 13 : Gen. 9, 27 : 32, 12.