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ge-rád; adj. Considered, instructed, learned, skilful, expert, prudent, suited, conditioned; consultus, consideratus, instructus, peritus, prudens, elegans, concinnus :-- Gif ic ðé gerádne geméte if I find thee instructed [skilful], Bt. 5, 1; Fox 10, 16. Hí wurdon geráde wígcræfta they became skilful in the arts of war, Ors. 1, 2; Bos. 26, 29. Sió is swíðe wel gerád and swíðe gemetfæst she is very prudent and very modest, Bt. 10; Fox 28, 20: Beo. Th. 1751; B. 873. Ic him rúmne weg and gerádne tæ-acute;hte I might shew him a spacious and direct road, Guthl. prol; Gdwn. 6, 3. On geráde spræ-acute;ce into prose, Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 22. Gerád beón wiþ his wyrd to be suited to his fortune, Bt. 11, 1; Fox 32, 11. ¶ Ðus gerád, swá gerád such, of such sort, Jn. Bos. 8, 5: Deut. 4, 32: Basil admn. 2; Norm. 36, 30: Guthl. 3; Gdwn. 22, 2: Bt. 39, 11; Fox 230, 16. Hú gerád of what kind, Guthl. 17; Gdwn. 72, 2. [Laym. i-rad: Goth. ga-raids.] DER. un-ge-rád.

ge-rádegian; p. ode; pp. od To reckon with :-- Anlíc ðam cyninge ðe hys ðeówas gerádegode adsimilatum regi qui voluit rationem ponere cum servis suis, Mt. Bos. 18, 23. [Cf. ge-rádian.]

ge-rádian; p. ode; pp. od To arrange, reason, argue; disponere, rationem conferre, supputare cum aliquo :-- Wiðerwearda gesceafta wæ-acute;ron gegaderode and gerádode contrary creatures were united and arranged, Bt. 35, 2; Fox 156, 36. v. ge-ræ-acute;dan.

ge-rádnes,-ness, e; f. An agreement, a conspiracy; conjuratio. Cot. 209.

ge-radod; part. p. Quick; citatus, Obs. Lun. 26; Lchdm. iii. 196, 7. v. ge-hradian.

ge-rádscipe, es; m. [gerád consideration, scipe condition] Prudence; prudentia :-- He áwuht nafaþ on his módsefan rihtwísnesses ne gerádscipes he has not aught in his mind of wisdom or prudence, Bt. Met. Fox 22, 96; Met. 22, 48.

ge-ræ-acute;c, es; m? Opportunity; opportunitas :-- In geræ-acute;cum in opportunitatibus, Ps. Spl. 9, 9.

ge-ræ-acute;can, -ræ-acute;cean; p. -ræ-acute;hte; pp. -ræ-acute;ht To reach, obtain, seize, get, lay hold on, attain, reproach, present, offer :-- Sió fird hie geræ-acute;can ne mehte the [English] force could not reach them, Chr. 895; Erl. 93, 22: 894; Erl. 90, 11: Cd. 216; Th. 275, 10; Sat. 169. Geræ-acute;cean, Blickl. Homl. 207, 22. Ne ðú ðé æ-acute;fre ne læ-acute;t wlenca geræ-acute;can never do thou let pride lay hold on thee, Bt. Met. Fox 5, 61; Met. 5, 31. Ðæs landes mæ-acute;re geræ-acute;can to obtain more of the land, Chr. 921; Erl. 106, 21. Sige geræ-acute;can to get the victory, Ors. 3, 1; Bos. 53, 30: 9; 68, 11, 12. Andlifne geræ-acute;can to get [one's] living, Cd. 43; Th. 57, 26; Gen. 934. Of eágum teáras geræ-acute;can to draw tears from the eyes, L. Edg. C. iv; Th. ii. 288, 5. Ðæt he þence ðone sélestan hwet-stán on to geræ-acute;canne that he think of applying the best whetstone, Ors. 4, 13; Bos. 100, 30. To freán hond geræ-acute;can to present to the lord's hand, Exon. 90 b; Th. 339, 10; Gn. Ex. 92. Siððan ic ðurh hylles hróf geræ-acute;ce when I reach through the hill's summit, 104 b; Th. 397, 30; Rä. 16, 27. Ðe geræ-acute;caþ wæ-acute;pen whom weapons reach, 102 a; Th. 386, 7; Rä. 4, 58. Ðú me geræ-acute;htest mid handa extendisti manum tuam, Ps. Th. 137, 7. Hyne Wulf wæ-acute;pne geræ-acute;hte Wolf reached him with his weapon, Beo. Th. 5923; B. 2965: 1117; B. 556: Byrht. Th. 135, 63; By. 142: 136, 29; By. 158. He ða burh geræ-acute;hte he took the town, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 14. He hæ-acute;lu geræ-acute;hte écan lífes he obtained the salvation of eternal life, Exon. 35 a; Th. 112, 12; Gú. 142. Ða scipo alle geræ-acute;hton seized all the ships, Chr. 885; Erl. 82, 29: Cd. 119; Th. 154, 13; Gen. 2555. Hí ðæt ríce geræ-acute;ht hæfdon they had got that kingdom, Bt. Met. Fox 26, 36; Met. 26, 18. Æfter ðæm ðe ða wíf hí swá scandlíce geræ-acute;ht hæfdon after the women had so reproachfully addressed them, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 36, 12.

ge-ræ-acute;d elegans, Cot. 80.

ge-ræ-acute;d advised; p. of ge-ræ-acute;dan; p. -reórd.

ge-ræ-acute;dan; p. -reórd, -réd, -ræ-acute;d To give counsel, advise, bring about by advice; consilium dare :-- Ðe him ðone teónan geræ-acute;d who brought that injury upon them by his counsel, Cd. 37; Th. 48, 12; Gen. 774: 37; Th. 49, 25; Gen. 797. [Cf. O. Sax. Siu bad, that he iru helpa gerédi.] v. ræ-acute;dan; p. -reórd.

ge-ræ-acute;dan; p. de; pp. ed, -ræ-acute;dd, -ræ-acute;d. I. to arrange, dispose, direct, advise, determine, ordain, consult for, provide for; decernere, statuere, edicere, consulere, providere :-- Gerece and geræ-acute;d ða rihtwísan diriges justum, Ps. Th. 7, 10: 24, 4. Geræ-acute;des dispensas, Rtl. 71, 11. Ðæne ræ-acute;d geræ-acute;dde Síric arcebisceop that counsel advised archbishop Sigeric, Chr. 991; Th. 238, 28: 1052; Th. 320, 13, col. 1. Gyf ðú ðæt geræ-acute;dest if thou decidest on that, Byrht. Th. 132, 54; By. 36: Exon. 92 a; Th. 344, 24; Gn. Ex. 178. Ðá witan geræ-acute;ddan the counsellors ordained, L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 15. Heó hire feax geræ-acute;dde crines composuit, Bd. 3, 9; S. 534, 13. [Cf. Icel. greiða hár to dress the hair.] Bíðon giræ-acute;ded disponentur, Rtl. 86, 24. Ic ðone friþ geræ-acute;dd hæbbe I have ordained the peace, L. Ath. v. § 11; Th. i. 240, 14. Geræ-acute;d ordained, § l0; Th. i. 240, 2: L. Eth. vi. 32; Th. i. 324, 1. [Goth. ga-raidjan to enjoin: Icel. greiða to arrange.] II. to read; legere :-- Sý geræ-acute;d sit lectus, C. R. Ben. 22. Hit is geræ-acute;d on gewyrdelícum racum it is read in historical narratives, Homl. Th. i. 58, 9. Ðonne geræ-acute;de gé ðás word beforan him ðæt híg gehíron then read these words before them that they may hear, Deut. 31, 11. [Cf. ge-rádian.]

ge-ræ-acute;de, es; n: ge-ræ-acute;du, e; f? A housing, harness, trappings, equipage; phaleræ, apparatus :-- Ða here-geata medemra þegna syndon hors and his geræ-acute;da the heriots of the medial thanes are a horse and his trappings, L. C. S. 72; Th. i. 414, 12, MS. G: Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 22, MS. B. Folc féreþ herega geræ-acute;dum the nation marches with martial equipage, Cd. 209; Th. 259, 29; Dan. 699: Elen. Kmbl. 2105; El. 1054: 2213; El. 1108. v. ge-réde, ge-ræ-acute;þle.

ge-ræ-acute;de; adj. Ready, swift, prompt, easy, plain, simple; paratus, celer, promptus, expeditus, planus, simplex :-- He gedyde míne fét swá geræ-acute;de swá swá heorotum qui perfecit pedes meos [celeres] tanquam cervi, Ps. Th. 17, 32. Ge meterfers, ge geræ-acute;dre spræ-acute;ce et versibus heroicis, et simplici oratione, Bd. 4, 28; S. 605, 13: 5, 18; S. 636, 6; Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 27. [Icel. greiðr ready, free: cf. North. E. gradely.] v. ræ-acute;de, ge-rád.

ge-ræ-acute;den, ne; f. A proposal, purpose, condition; propositum, Rtl. 92, 36. On ða geræ-acute;dene on the condition, Th. Chart. 484, 29.

ge-ræ-acute;dend, es; m. A disposer; dispositor, Rtl. 108, 16.

ge-ræ-acute;ding, es; m. A decree; consultum, Cot. 59; Lye.

ge-ræ-acute;dnes, -ræ-acute;dnis, -ræ-acute;dnys, -ness, e; f. An ordinance, a decree, purpose, an intention, a resolution, condition; consultum :-- Ðis is seó geræ-acute;dnys ðe Eádgár cyng geræ-acute;dde this is the ordinance that king Eadgar ordained, L. Edg. i. pref; Th. i. 262, 2: L. E. G. pref; Th. i. 166, 5: L. Ath. v. pref; Th. i. 228, 6: L. Eth. vi. 1, 2, 3; Th. i. 314, 2, 12, 19: Cod. Dipl. ii. 150, 33: Th. Chart. 168, 27. In ðas gerédnisse on this condition, 104, 20. [Cf. Goth. ga-raideins an ordinance.]

ge-ræ-acute;dod; part. p. Furnished with trappings, harnessed :-- Án geræ-acute;dod hors a harnessed horse, Ælfc. T. Lisle 36, 12: Th. Chart. 501, 5. v. ge-ræ-acute;de; subst.

ge-ræ-acute;f; adj. Fixed; fixus :-- Gif mon folc-leásunge gewyrce and hió on hine geræ-acute;f weorðe if a man commit folk-leasing and it be fixed upon him, L. Ælf 32; Th. i. 80, 21, note.

ge-ræft torn, distracted; discerptus, Bt. 37, 1; Fox 186, 21.

ge-ræ-acute;pan to bind, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 15; Met. 13, 8: 25, 73, 96; 25, 37, 48. v. ræ-acute;pan.

ge-ræ-acute;san; p. de; pp. ed [ræ-acute;san to rush] To rush; irr&u-long;&e-short;re :-- Ðe wið swá miclum mægne geræ-acute;sde who rushed against so great a power, Cd. 97; Th. 126, 15; Gen. 2095: Beo. Th. 5671; B. 2839. Hí geræ-acute;sdon they rushed, Chr. Erl. 5, 7: Shrn. 130, 22, 23.

ge-ræstan to rest, sit; quiescere :-- Geræstun mid þone Hæland discumbebant cum Jesu, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 9, 10: Mk. Skt. Lind. 2, 15: Jn. Skt. Lind. 21, 20. v. ræstan.

ge-ræ-acute;swa, an; m. [ræ-acute;swa a chief] A chief, prince; dux, princeps :-- Cymeþ engla geræ-acute;swa the prince of angels cometh, Salm. Kmbl. 223; Sal. 111.

ge-ræ-acute;þle, an; n. A harness, trappings; phaleræ :-- Hors and his geræ-acute;þlan a horse and his trappings, L. C. S. 72; Th. i. 414, 12. v. ge-ræ-acute;de.

ge-ræ-acute;wen, -ræ-acute;wud set in rows, plaited, embroidered; segmentatus :-- Geræ-acute;wen hrægel segmentata vestis, Ælfc. Gl. 63; Som. 68; Wrt. Voc. 40, 10.

ge-rafende, -rawende RIFTING, cleaving; infindens, Cot. 181.

Geransingas; gen. a; pl. The Gergesenes :-- In lond Geransinga in regionem Gerasenorum, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 8, 28.

ge-rár a roaring, howling; boatus, ululatus, Shrn. 50, 10.

ge-rás. v. ge-rísan.

GERD, e; f. A yard, rod, reed, twig, young shoot; virga, arundo, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 11, 7: 12, 20. Sex foður gerda six fothers of faggots, Th. Chart. 104, 27.

gerdel a girdle, Prov. 31. v. gyrdel.

gere; adv. Entirely, well, very well; penitus, bene, optime, Cd. 158; Th. 196, 14; Exod. 291. v. geare; adv.

ge-reæ-acute;pan to bind. v. ge-ræ-acute;pan.

ge-reáfa, an; m. A reeve, judge, count; præfectus, judex, comes :-- Ic bebeóde eallum mínum gereáfum I command all my reeves, L. Ath. i. prm: Th. i. 194, 14. v. ge-réfa.

ge-reáfian; p. ode; pp. od To rob, steal, spoil :-- Gereófage diripere, Mk. Skt. Lind. 3, 27. Secgaþ ðæt his ðegnas gereáfodan his líc on us and forstæ-acute;lan say that his disciples robbed his body from us and stole it away, Blickl. Homl. 177, 29. Gereáfydon diripiebant, Ps. Spl. C. 43, 12. Ðone deórwyrþan gym ðone ðe deófol wolde gereáfian the precious jewel that the devil would steal, Shrn. 155, 21.

ge-reahte, -reaht related, explained, denoted, directed, ruled, reproved, Exon. 34 b; Th. 110, 12; Gú. 106: Bt. Met. Fox 11, 197; Met. 11, 99; p. and pp. of ge-reccan.

ge-rec, es; n. Rule, government, management, order, direction, explanation; regimen, moderamen, ratio, directio, expositio :-- On ðara óðra mæ-acute;gþa gerece awunode in illarum provinciarum regimine permansit, Bd. 4, 12; S. 581, 28: 4, 23; S. 593, 26. Ðone bisceophád mid mycele gerece heóld and rihte episcopatum sedulo moderamine gessit, 3, 7; S. 530, 35: Bt. 21; Fox 74, 29: Bt. Met. Fox 22, 2; Met. 22, 2. Be efen-nihte æfter Anatholius gerece concerning even-night [the equinox] after the explanation of Anatolius, Bd. 5, 23; S. 648, 19, note.