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ge-sceapen; part. p. Formed, created :-- Adam wearþ ðá mann, gesceapen on sáwle and on líchaman Adam then became man, formed with soul and body, Homl. Th. i. 12, 30. v. sceppan to create.
ge-sceapennys, -sceapenys, -scapennys, -nyss, e; f. A creation, creating, formation; cre&a-long;tio :-- God geswác ðære niwan gesceapennysse God ceased from the new creation, Boutr. Scrd. 17, 17. On ðæs mannes gesceapennysse in the creating of man, 19, 7. Se man ðe deófle ge-efenlæ-acute;cþ se biþ deófles bearn, ná þurh gecynd oððe þurh gesceapenysse, ac þurh ða geefenlæ-acute;cunge and yfele geearnunga the man who imitates the devil is a child of the devil, not by nature nor by creation, but by that imitation and evil deserts, Homl. Th. i. 260, 13, 15.
ge-sceap-hwíl, e; f. The time appointed by fate for dying :-- To gescæphwíle at the appointed time, Beo. Th. 52; B. 26. v. Grm. D. M. 817.
ge-sceaplíce; adv. Properly, fitly, well; apte :-- Seó heáfodstów gesceaplíce gehiwad to ðam gemete hyre heáfdes locus capitis ad mensuram capitis illius aptissime figuratus, Bd. 4, 19; S. 590, 1, note.
ge-scearfan to cut off; succidere, Lk. Skt. Lind. 13, 9.
ge-sceát shot forward, darted, Beo.Th. 4628; B. 2319; p. of ge-sceótan.
ge-sceátaþ fall to, shall fall to or be allotted to, Ex. 29, 28, = ge-sceótaþ; pres. pl. of ge-sceótan.
ge-sceaþan. v. ge-sceþþan.
ge-sceaþian; p. ode; pp. od To injure, harm, scathe :-- Hú he on manna sáulum mæ-acute;st gesceaþian mæ-acute;ge how he can most injure the souls of men, L. C. E. 26; Th. i. 374, 31. [Cf. ge-sceþþan.]
ge-sceáwian; p. ode; pp. od. I. acc. To spew, manifest, exhibit; exhibere, monstr&a-long;re, manifest&a-long;re :-- Áre ne wolde gesceáwian would not shew reverence, Cd. 76; Th. 95, 19; Gen. 1581. Wile ðonne gesceáwian wlitige and unclæ-acute;ne then will he manifest the fair and the foul, 227; Th. 303, 7; Sat. 609. Eorle monegum áre gesceáwaþ to many a man he shews honour, Exon. 100 b; Th. 379, 15; Deor. 33. He him wolde árlíc bisceop-setl gesceáwian he would shew [provide for] him an honourable bishop's-seat, Bd. 3, 7; S. 530, 2. II. acc. To see, behold, view, look round upon; videre, perspicere, circumspicere :Heó endestæf gesceáwiaþ they shall behold their end, Cd. 225; Th. 298, 31: Sat. 541. Ðæt deáþ ne gesceáwige qui non videbit mortem, Ps. Th. 88, 41. Mínre heortan gehygd gesceáwa view the thoughts of my heart, 138, 20. Hord ys gesceáwod the hoard has been seen, Beo. Th. 6161; B. 3084. Ðæt ðú ða bisne sweotole gesceáwige that thou mayest clearly view the example, Bt. 22, 2; Fox 78, 15. Him eallum gesceáwodum iis omnibus circumspectis, L. Bos. 6, 10. III. intrans. To see, consider; videre, considerare :-- And he scearpe ne mæ-acute;ge gesceáwian non considerat? Ps. Th. 93, 9.
ge-sceft, e; f. The creation, a creature; cre&a-long;tio, cre&a-long;t&u-long;ra :-- In ðære écan gescefte [MS. gesceft] in the eternal creation, Cd. 228; Th. 306, 15; Sat. 664. Ealra gescefta of all creatures, 226; Th. 301, 20; Sat. 584: 217; Th. 277, 13; Sat. 203. v. ge-sceaft.
ge-sceldod; part. p. Provided with a shield :-- Twegen englas ge-sceldode two angels with shields, Blickl. Homl. 221, 28.
ge-scénan; p. de; pp. ed To break, bruise, wound; cont&e-short;r&e-short;re, vuln&e-short;r&a-long;re :-- Hí woldon æ-acute;ninga heafolan gescénan they would at once wound the head, Andr. Kmbl. 2286; An. 1144. Forðon he æ-acute;ren dór gesceeneþ quia contrivit portas æreas, Ps. Th. 106, 15. v. ge-scæ-acute;nan.
ge-scendan, -scindan, -scyndan; p. de; pp. ed To shame, put to shame, confound, corrupt :-- Drihten hýg gescent Dominus subsannabit eos, Ps. Th. 2, 4. Gescendes corrumpit, Lk. Skt. Lind. 12, 33. Ðæt ðú híg gescindest that thou didst shame her, Gen. 20, 6. He us gescende and úre weorc he hath put us and our deeds to shame, Blickl. Homl. 243, 11. Hwá biþ gescended ðæt me forðæm ne scamige who is shamed and I am not ashamed? Past. 21, 6; Swt. 165, 5; Hat. MS. Ne gescend me non confundas me, Ps. Th. 118, 116. Ðæt ic ne wese gescended ut non confundar, 80: 87, 15: 126, 6. Beóþ gescende míne fýnd confundantur inimici mei, 69, 2: 82, 13. Ne wylt ðú me gescyndan noli me confundere, 118, 31. Ne beó ic gescynded non confundar, 6.
ge-scendnys, -scyndnys, se; f. A confounding; confusio :-- Gescendnys, Ps. Spl. 43, 17: 34, 30. Ðone deófol ðe ða synfullan gelæ-acute;t to gescyndnysse. Babilonia seó Chaldeisca burh is gereht gescyndnys the devil that leads the sinful to confusion. Babylon, the Chaldean city, is interpreted 'confusion,' Homl. Th. ii. 66, 21.
ge-sceó shoes; calceamenta, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 3, 11. v. ge-scý.
ge-sceód; part. p. Provided with shoes, shod :-- Gesceóde [gescóed, Lind.] mid calcum calciatos sandalis, Mk. Bos. 6, 9: Homl. Th. ii. 264, 9.
ge-sceón; p. de To happen, come upon; accidere, contingere :-- Him níþ godes gesceóde God's enmity came upon him, Cd. 206; Th. 255, 7; Dan. 620. [Cf. Cod. Ex. Th. 226, 4; Ph. 400.] Him bonena hand hearde gesceóde [Kmbl. gesceód] the hand of slayers had been hard upon him, Andr. Kmbl. 36; An. 18. Egyptum wearþ ðæs dægweorces deóp leán gesceód to the Egyptians for that day's work a deep requital was given, Cd. 167; Th. 209, 29; Ex. 506.
ge-sceorf, es; n. Scurf, the fur of the mucous membrane; mucus intestinorum, L. M. 2, 35; Lchdm. ii. 240, 23. v. sceorf.
ge-sceorpan; p. -scearp To scrape, carve in pieces; conscindere minutatim, Herb. 57, 1; Lchdm. i. 160, 4. v. sceorfan, screpan.
ge-sceortian; p. ade To fall short, fail :-- Miððý ðæt wín gesceortade vino deficiente, Jn. Skt. Lind. 2, 3.
ge-sceot, -scot, es; n. I. the collection of weapons necessary for shooting, a weapon that is shot or hurled, an arrow, dart :-- Nim ðín gesceot ðínne cocur and ðínne bogan take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, Gen, 27, 3. Ðú of heofenum dóm mid gescote sendest de cælo judicium jaculatum est, Ps. Th. 75, 6. Ðæ-acute;r forwearþ micel Alexandres heres for geæ-acute;tredum gescotum there much of Alexander's army perished by poisoned arrows, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 68, 38. [O. H. Ger. gaseoz jaculum: Ger. geschoss.] II. an advance [of money], a contribution, tribute [cf. Ger. vorschiessen]. v. corn-, Róm-gesceot. III. a part of a building shut off from the rest [v. Cl. and Vig. Icel. Dict. skot, III ; and cf. Ger. geschoss story of a house] :-- Gesceot bæftan ðæm heáhweofode propitiatorium, vel sanctum sanctorum, vel secretarium, vel pastoforum, Ælfc. Gl. 109; Som. 79, 26; Wrt. Voc. 59, 1. v. selegesceot.
ge-sceót, es; n. I. shooting, hurling :-- Ge mid gesceótum [or gesceotum? v. gesceot] ge mid stána torfungum both with shootings and flingings of stones, Ors. 3, 9: Bos, 68, 19. II. rapid movement as of anything shot :-- Ða wæ-acute;mna flugon mid swiftum gesceóte on heora fínd the weapons flew with swift movement on to their enemies, Jud. c. 16; Thw. 162, 8. v. sceót.
ge-sceótan; he -scýt, -scítt, pl. -sceótaþ; p. -sceát, pl. -scuton; subj. ic, ðú, he -sceóte, pl. -sceóten; pp. -scoten. I. to shoot forward, to rush or dart forward with a quick motion, send forth, expend, pay, to fall to any one's share, be allotted to; cum impetu movere vel ruere, expendere, cedere in partem alicujus :-- Draca hord eft gesceát, dryhtsele dyrne the dragon again darted to his hoard, his secret hall, Beo. Th. 4628; B. 2319. Ðæt feoh ðe ic for hyre áre gescoten [MS. gesceoten] hæbbe the money which I have paid for her honour, Th. Diplm. 558, 19. Ðú nást hwám hit [wela] gescýt thou knowest not to whom it [wealth] shall fall, Homl. Th. ii. 104, 9. Hit gescítt to his dæ-acute;le it shall fall to his share, Ex. 29, 26 Híg gesceótaþ [MS. gesceataþ] to Aarones dæ-acute;le and his suna écre lage fram Israhéla bearnum cedent in partem Aaron et filiorum ejus jure perpetuo a filiis Israel, 29, 28. Ðeáh sumum men gesceóte læsse dæ-acute;l though a less part be allotted to one man, Homl. Th. ii. 272, 2: Jos. 9, 7. II. to bring before or refer to any one; referre ad aliquem :-- We læ-acute;raþ, ðæt nán sacu ðe betweóx preostan sí, ne beó gescoten to worldmanna sóme we enjoin that no dispute that be between priests be referred to the adjustment of secular men, L. Edg. C. 7; Th. ii. 246, 4.
ge-sceppan, -scippan, -scyppan; p. -sceóp, -scóp, pl. -sceópon, -scópon; pp. -scæpen, -sceapen, -sceopen, -sceapen To form, create; formare, disponere, creare :-- Ic gescippe creo, Ælfc. Gr. 26; Som. 29, 16. God gescypþ symle edniwan God creates ever anew, Boutr. Scrd. 18, 18. Ðá gesceóp Adam naman his wífe then Adam made a name for his wife, Gen. 3, 20: Boutr. Scrd. 19, 32. Hér æ-acute;rest gesceóp éce Drihten heofon and eorþan here the Lord eternal first created heaven and earth, Cd. 5; Th. 7, 26; Gen. 112: 12; Th. 14, 16; Gen. 219. God ðas world gescóp God created this world, Exon. 17 b; Th. 41, 22; Cri. 659: Salm. Kmbl. 936; Sal. 467. Hwæt! ðú éce God! ealra gesceafta wundorlíce wel gesceópe O! eternal God! thou hast made all creatures wonderfully well, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 10; Met. 20, 5: Exon. 117 b; Th. 452, 14; Hy. 4, 1. Æ-acute;r ðæt ðec ic gesceópe prius quam to formarem, Rtl. 55. 4. Næ-acute;ron náwðer ne on Fresisc gescæpene ne on Denisc they were formed neither, on a Frisian nor on a Danish model, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 15. Ðá ðá híg wæ-acute;ron gesceopene when they were created, Gen. 2, 4. Mon wæs to Godes anlícnesse æ-acute;rest gesceapen man was to God's image first created, Cd. 75; Th. 92, 16; Gen. 1529. Gesceapene híg synt creata sunt, Ps. Lamb. 32, 9: Ps. Th. 148, 5. Gescype scylfan on scipes bósme make shelves in the ship's bosom, Cd. 65; Th. 79, 4; Gen. 1306. God wolde þurh his ágene handa hine gescyppan God would form him with his own hands, Boutr. Scrd. 19, 10. To gescippenne in order to create, 3.