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ge-wunsum; adj. Pleasant :-- Swíðe gewunsum hit biþ ðæt mon wíf hæbbe and bearn it is very pleasant to have wife and children, Bt. 31, 1; Fox 112, 8. [Cf. wynsum.]
ge-wurde wast, hast been, Andr. Kmbl. 1100; An. 550; 2nd sing. p. of ge-weorþan: ge-wurde happened, Andr. Kmbl. 1115; An. 558; p. subj. of ge-weorþan: ge-wurdon happened, Ors. 5, 10; Bos. 108, 16; p. pl. of ge-weorþan.
; adj. Full of matter, suppurated; purulentus, Cot. 185, Lye. v. wyrmsig, wyrms.
ge-wurþan; he -wurþ; subj. pres. -wurþe, pl. -wurþon. I. to be, become; fi&e-short;ri :-- Ne mæg nán þinc gewurþan bútan godes willan nothing can happen without God's will, Th. Ap. 22, 7: 9, 5. Hit gewurþ him of mínum fæder, ðe on heofonum ys fiet illis a patre mea, qui in cælis est, Mt. Bos. 18, 19. Ic ðé háte ðæt ðú hí gehele and gehealde óþ-ðæt ic wite hwæt God wylle, hwæt be me gewurþe quam te silentio t&e-short;g&e-short;re v&o-short;lo, donec sciam quid de me fi&e-short;ri velit Deus, Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 38. Ðæt ðás stánas to hláfe gewurðon ut l&a-short;p&i-short;des isti p&a-long;nes fiant, Mt. Bos. 4, 3: 5, 18. II. v. impers. cum acc. To happen, come to pass, come together, agree; ev&e-short;n&i-long;re, conv&e-short;n&i-long;re :-- Ne meahte hie gewurþan they might not agree, Cd. 81; Th. 101, 32; Gen. 1691. v. ge-weorþan.
ge-wurþian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To distinguish, honour, adorn, celebrate, praise; insign&i-long;re, hon&o-long;r&a-long;re, orn&a-long;re, celebr&a-long;re :-- Ðæt gé gewurþien wuldres Aldor that ye honour the chief of glory, Cd. 156; Th. 195, 1; Exod. 270. On Dryhtnes naman se dæg is gewurþod the day is celebrated in the Lord's name, Hy. 9, 30; Hy. Grn. ii. 292, 30: 7, 59; Hy. Grn. ii. 288, 59. Hæfde he gewurþodne werodes aldor he had honoured the prince of the multitude, Cd. 143; Th. 179, 19; Exod. 31. Wæs ðis eálond gewurþad mid ðám æðelestum ceastrum ins&u-short;la &e-short;rat civit&a-long;t&i-short;bus nobiliss&i-short;mis insign&i-long;ta, Bd. 1, 1; S. 473, 26. v. ge-weorþian.
ge-wyder, es; pl. nom. acc. -wyderu, -wydera; n. Weather, the temperature of the air; tempestas, cæli temp&e-short;ries :-- Bringþ sumor wearme gewyderu summer brings warm weather, Menol. Fox 177; Men. 90. Godes miht gefadaþ ealle gewydera God's power ordereth all weathers, Bd. de nat. rerum; Lchdm. iii. 278, 13, MS. R. Of untýdlícan gewyderum from unseasonable weather, Ors. 3, 3; Bos. 55, 20. v. ge-weder.
ge-wyht, es; n. A weight; pondus :-- Gewyht vel pund pondus, Ælfc. Gl. 59; Som. 67, 113; Wrt. Voc. 38, 36. v. ge-wiht.
ge-wyld, -wild, es; n. Power, dominion :-- Æfter ðam ðe Alexander hæfde ealle Inde him to gewyldon gedón perdomita Alexander India, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67. 21. [Cf. ge-weald in pl.]
ge-wyldan, -wildan; he -wyld, -wild, -wylt; p. -wylde; pp. -wyld; v. a. To exercise power over, to tame, subdue, conquer, temper, seize, take; dominari, domare, subigere, prehendere, capere :-- Hí gewildon heora dominati sunt eorum, Ps. Spl. 105, 38. He gewild ðé ipse dominabitur tibi, Gen. 3, 16. Dauid gewylde ðone wildan beran, and his ceaflas totær David subdued the wild bear, and tore apart his jaws, Ælfc. T. Lisle 13, 26: 14, 1. Hine nán man gewyldan ne mihte nemo poterat eum domare, Mk. Bos. 5, 4: Homl. Th. ii. 192, 25. Gewylt ealle þeóda will subdue all the nations, Deut. 31, 3. Heora flæ-acute;sclícan gewilnunga gewyldaþ they subdue their fleshly desires, Homl. Th. i. 552, 24. Gewyld mid ðam ele ðe sý of lawer treówe gewrungan temper with the oil which is wrung out of laurel, Herb. 72, 2; Lchdm. i. 174, 11. Gewildaþ ða eorþan subjicite terram, Gen. 1, 28. Gewylde man hine prehendat aliquis eum, L. C. S. 25; Th. i. 390, 20: L. E. G. 4; Th. i. 168, 22. Seó burh wearþ gewyld the city was taken, Ælfc. T. Lisle 42, 20: Jud. 16, 7. Ðonne he hine hæfþ gewyldne dum dominabitur pauperi, Ps. Th. 9, 30. He hæfþ nú gewyld to mínum anwealde Scottas and Cumbras and eác swylce Bryttas subditis nobis sceptris Scottorum, Cumbrorumque, ac Brittonum, Th. Chart. 240, 3. Alexander hine [Poros] gewildne gedyde Porus captus est, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 67, 35: Guthl. 12; Gdwin. 56, 23. Mid ele wel gewylde well tempered with oil, Herb. 12, 3; Lchdm. i. 104, 6. Ic me gedó allophilas ealle gewylde mihi allophyli subditi sunt, Ps. Th. 59, 7.
ge-wylde; adj. Subject, under one's power or control, in one's possesion :-- Him wæs gelíce gewylde his wynstre and his swíðre utraque manu pro dextra utebatur, Jud. 3, 15. Nis us nán lim swá gewylde to æ-acute;lcum weorce swá us sind úre fingras we have no limb so at our disposal for every work as are the fingers, Homl. Th. ii. 204, 7. Seó gewylde gleáwnes consummata prudentia, Nar. 2, 1. He hit eft gedyde unc swá gewylde swá hit ðá wæs ðá we hit him óðfæstan he should put it again as much under our control as it was when we entrusted it to him, Th. Chart. 484, 30: Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. v. 120, 19. He ne funde nán máre landes ðe ðiderynn gewylde wæ-acute;re ðonne twá hída landes he found no more land belonging thereto than two hides, Th. Chart. 429, 3. Swá he swíðor syngaþ swá he deófle gewyldra biþ the more he sins the more he will be in the devil's power, Homl. Th. i. 268, 24. v. un-gewylde.
ge-wyldor, es; m. A ruler, governor; rector, gubernator, Som.
ge-wyle, es; n. A will; v&o-short;luntas, L. C. S. 76; Th. i. 418, 11, MS. A. v. ge-wil.
ge-wyllan; pp. ed To boil :-- Gewyll boil, Herb. 12, 1; Lchdm. i. 102, 21. Wel gewyllede well boiled, 12, 3; Lchdm. i. 104, 6, MS. O. v. a-wyllan.
ge-wylwed wallowed, rolled; volutatus, Dial. 2, 2.
ge-wynsumian to exult; exultare, Rtl. 1, 17: 13, 37.
ge-wynsumlíc; adj. Pleasant; acceptus, desiderativus, Hpt. Gl. 412, 446.
ge-wyrcan, -wyrcean; p. -worhte, ðú -worhtest; pp. -worht. I. to work, make, build, form, dispose, do, perform, celebrate, commit :-- Úre Drihten wolde mannan gewyrcan our Lord would make man, Hexam. 10; Norm. 16, 16: 11; Norm. 18,14. Gewyrcean mycelne tor to build a great tower, Blickl. Homl. 187, 12: Beo. Th. 139; B. 69. Ðú miht wundor gewyrcean tu facis mirabilia, Ps. Th. 76. 11. Gif ic godes meahte willan gewyrcean if I could do God's will, Cd. 39; Th. 51, 31; Gen. 835. Ne meahte ic æt hilde mid Hruntinge wiht gewyrcean I could not perform aught with Hrunting in fight, Beo. Th. 3324; B. 1660. Ða noldon fleám gewyrcan they would not fly, Byrht. Th. 134, 9; By. 81. Hí woldon hyra Eástron gewyrcan they would celebrate Easter, Lk. Bos. 22, 7. God wille ðisse worlde ende gewyricean God will put an end to this world, Blickl. Homl. 109, 33. He nest gewyrceþ it makes a nest, Exon. 62 b; Th. 230, 9; Ph. 469. Hie gewyrcaþ æ-acute;nne líchoman they form one body, Bt. 34, 6; Fox 142, 16. Crist him to cwæþ 'Ic ðé geworhte' Christ said to him 'I made thee,' Blickl. Homl. 231, 28. Ðú eall geworhtest þing þearle gód thou didst make every thing exceeding good, Bt. Met. Fox 20, 88; Met. 20, 44. For úres lífes dæ-acute;dum ðe we geworhtan for our life's deeds that we have done, Blickl. Homl. 63, 32. Geworhton me him to wæfersýne made me a spectacle for themselves, Rood Kmbl. 61; Kr. 31. Mycel yfel gewrohtan did much harm, Chr. 993; Erl. 133, 3. Þeáh we æbylgþ wið hine oft gewyrcen though we oft offend against him, Elen. Krnbl. 1024; El. 513. Sió wund ðe him se eorþdraca æ-acute;r geworhte the wound that the dragon had before given him, Beo. Th. 5418; B. 2712. Hie geweorc geworht hæfdon they had made a fort, Chr. 894; Erl. 90, 2. He hæfþ mon geworhtne he hath made man, Cd. 21; Th. 25, 18; Gen. 395. Synna ðe we wið Godes willan geworht habbaþ the sins that we have done against God's will, Blickl. Homl. 25, 15: 125, 4. Heora ciningas hæfdon sige geworht on heora feóndum their kings had got victory over their foes, 67, 9. Of glæse geworht made of glass, 127, 33. He nys swá wel wið rite geworht swá he wæs he is not so well disposed to me as he was, Gen. 31, 5. II. to get by working, gain, obtain, merit :-- Ic me mid Hruntinge dóm gewyrce I with Hrunting will gain myself glory, Beo. Th. 2986; B. 1491. Lof se gewyrceþ hafaþ heáhfæstne dóm he gains praise, hath undying glory, Exon. 97 a; Th. 327, 6; Víd. 142. Se ðe gewyrceþ ðæt him wuldorcyning milde geweorþeþ he who obtains that the king of glory becomes mild to him, 63 b; Th. 234, 8; Ph. 536. Hú geworhte ic ðæt how did I merit this? Cd. 127; Th. 162, 3; Gen. 2675. III. with gen. [cf. wyrcan with gen.] :-- For hwam nele mon him georne gewyrcan dryhtscipes why will not man earnestly gain himself worship, Salm. Kmbl. 774; Sal. 386.
ge-wyrd, e; f. Event, fate, destiny, condition :-- Ðeós æþele gewyrd this noble event [the crucifixion], Elen. Kmbl. 1291; El. 647. Sume cwæ-acute;don ðæt se steorra his gewyrd wæ-acute;re. Gewíte ðis gedwyld fram geleáffullum heortum ðæt æ-acute;nig gewyrd sý búton se ælmihtiga scyppend some said that the star was his destiny. Let this error depart from believing hearts, that there is any destiny except the Almighty Creator, Homl. Th. i. 110, 11. Fore giwyrd líchomes pro conditione carnis, Rtl. 66, 37. Gewyrd vel gecwide conditio, Ælfc. Gl. 13; Som. 57, 117; Wrt. Voc. 20, 54. Hit is of ðæra bisceopa gehlote and of heora ágenre gewyrde ðæt ðæt hý secgaþ in potestate esse antistitis quid velit fingere, Ors. 3, 9; Bos. 65, 34. Gewyrd fatum, parca, fortuna, Hpt. Gl. 529, 467. Binnan ðam wendun gewyrda and gewát Eádræ-acute;d cyng meanwhile matters changed and king Eadred died, Th. Chart. 207, 22. [Cf. wyrd, ge-weorþan; and see ge-wyrde.]
ge-wyrdan, -werdan; p. de; pp. ed; v. trans. To hurt, injure; lædere, nocere :-- Gif hwá on ceáse wíf gewerde [gewyrde, MS. G.] if any one in strife hurt a woman, L. Alf. 18; Th. i. 48, 17. Gif hwá gewerde
[gewyrde, MS. G.] óðres monnes wíngeard if any one injure another man's vineyard, 26: Th. i. 50, 24. Ne mæg ðæ-acute;r rén ne snáw gewyrdan neither rain nor snow can there injure, Exon. 56 a; Th. 199, 1; Ph. 19. Hæfde hí hungor and þurst heard gewyrded esurientes et sitientes, Ps. Th. 106, 4.