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gicelig; adj. Icy; glacialis, Hpt. Gl. 454, 465.
gicel-stán, es; m. A piece of ice, hailstone :-- He sent gicelstán mittit chrystallum, Blickl. Gl.
gicenes, se; f. An itch, or burning in the skin; prurigo, Cot. 156.
gicþa, gyhþa, an; m. Itch, itching :-- Gicþa pruritus, Ælfc. Gl. 11; Som. 57, 62: Wrt. Voc. 20, 6: Past. 11; Swt. 70, 19; Cot. MS. Wið gicþan against itch, Herb. 21, 3; Lchdm. i. 116, 23: L. M. 2, 41; Lchdm. ii. 252, 19, 24: 2, 65; Lchdm. ii. 296, 6. [Prompt. Parv. &yogh;ikthe prurigo: O. H. Ger. iuchido prurigo, scabies.] v. gihþa.
gicþa hiccup, Lchdm. ii. 4, 27.
gid, gidd, gied, giedd, gyd, gydd, ged, es; n. I. a song, lay, poem; cantus, cantilena, carmen, poema :-- Gid oft wrecen a song oft sung [recited], Beo. Th. 2135; B, 1065. Gidda gemyndig mindful of songs, Beo.Th. 1741; B. 868. Ðæ-acute;r wæs gidd and gleó there was song and glee, Beo. Th. 4216; B. 2105. Gliówordum gól gyd æt spelle sung in metre a lay in his discourse, Bt. Met. Fox 7, 4; Met. 7, 2. Geríseþ gleómen gied a song is proper for a gleeman, Exon. 91 b; Th. 344, 1; Gn. Ex. 167. Cúþ gyddum known in lays [songs], Beo. Th. 304; B. 151. Se wítga song and ðæt gyd awræc the prophet sang and recited the poem, Exon. 84 a; Th. 316, 20; Mód. 51. Ðæt ic ða ged ne mæg gefégean that I cannot compose the poems [songs], Bt. Met. Fox 2, 10; Met. 2, 5. II. as Old English or Saxon proverbs, riddles, and particular speeches were generally metrical, and their historians were bards, hence, A speech, tale, sermon, proverb, riddle; sermo, dictum, loquela, proverbium, ænigma :-- Gyd æfter wræc the speech afterwards recited, Beo. Th. 4315; B. 2154. Mæg ic be me sylfum sóþ gied wrecan of myself I can relate a true tale, Exon. 81 b; Th. 306, 2; Seef. 1. On gewunon gyddes gehwyrfed in consuetudinem proverbii versum, Bd. 3, 12; S. 537, 27. On gydde into a proverb, 3, 12; 537, 30. Nú me ðisses gieddes onsware ýwe now shew me an answer of this riddle, Exon. 114 a; Th. 437, 28; Rä. 56, 14. v. Grmm. D. M. 853.
giddian, gieddian, gyddian, giddigan; p. ode; pp. od To sing, recite, speak :-- Ongan he giddian he began to sing, Bt. 31, 2; Fox 112, 24. Giddigan, 16, 4; Fox 56, 36: 21; Fox 72, 27. Se hiora cyning ongan ðá singan and giddian Tyrtæi ducis composito carmine et pro concione recitato, Ors. 1, 14; Bos. 37, 29. Ongan ðá gyddigan þurh gylp micel began then to speak through great pride, Cd. 205; Th. 253, 21; Dan. 599. Se wísdóm geoddode ðus wisdom recited this song, Bt. 12; Fox 36, 6: Bt. Met. Fox 1, 168; Met. 1, 84. Wíga gyddode Beówulf maðelode the warrior spake, Beowulf said, Beo. Th. 1264: B. 630; Cd. 97; Th. 127, 6; Gen. 2106. Waldere gyddode wordum, Wald. 83; Vald. 2, 13. Ðus fród guma in fyrndagum gieddade thus sang a wise man in days of old, Exon. 64 a; Th. 236, 8; Ph. 571. Gyddedon hæleþ in healle hwæt seó hand write heroes in hall discussed what did the hand write, Cd. 210; Th. 261, 18; Dan. 728.
gidding, giedding, e; f. Song, saying, discourse :-- Iobes gieddinga Job's songs, Exon. 63 b; Th. 234, 32; Ph. 549. Mid gieddingum with songs, 92 b; Th. 347, 13; Sch. 12. To ðyssere gereccednysse genam se apostol menigfealde gyddunga and gewitnyssa heáhfædera and wítegena for this narrative the apostle took manifold sayings and testimonies of patriarchs and prophets, Homl. Th. ii. 420, 11. Giddung divinatio, cantus, Hpt. Gl. 466. [Chauc. &yogh;edding.] v. gid.
gidig; adj. GIDDY; vertiginosus, Som.
gied, giedd, es; n. A song, lay, riddle, Exon. 91 b; Th. 344, 1: 114 a; Th. 437, 28; Rä. 56, 14: 18 a; Th. 45, 2; Cri. 713. v. gid.
giefa a giver. v. gifa.
giefan; p. geaf, pl. geáfon; pp. gifen To give; dare :-- Ic eów meaht giefe I will give you might, Exon. 14 b; Th. 30, 11; Cri. 478. He us æ-acute;t giefeþ he giveth us food, 16 b; Th. 38, 9; Cri. 604: 87 a; Th. 327, 23; Vy. 8. Ðú us freádóm gief do thou give us freedom, Hy. 5, l0; Hy. Grn. ii. 286, 10. v. gifan.
giefernes, -ness, e; f. Gluttony; gula :-- Gemidliaþ hiera giefernesse [gífernesse, MS. Cot.] refrenant gulam, Past. 46, 2; Swt. 345, 23; Hat. MS. 66 a, 9. v. gífernes.
gief-stól, es; m. A gift-seat, throne of grace; donorum thronus, gratiæ thronus :-- Wile nú gesécan sáwla Nergend gæ-acute;sta giefstól now will the Saviour of souls seek the spirits' throne of grace, Exon. 16 a; Th. 36, 6; Cri. 572: 77 a; Th. 289, 7; Wand. 44. v. gif-stól.
giefu, e; gen. pl. -end; f. A gift, grace, favour; donum, munus, gratia :-- To giefe as a gift, or freely, gratuitously, Exon. 65 b; Th. 241, 19; Ph. 658: 96 b; Th. 359, 32; Pa. 71. God-bearn on grundum his giefe bryttaþ the divine Child on earth his grace dispenseth, 17 b; Th. 43, 2; Cri. 682. Us giefe sealde uppe mid englum gave us favour above with angels, 17 b; Th. 41, 24; Cri. 660: 32 a; Th. 101, 24; Cri. 1663. v. gifu.
gield, es; n. A payment of money, recompense, substitute, offering, worship, service, a heathen deity :-- Sáwlum to gielde for a recompense to their souls, Exon. 23 b; Th. 66, 30; Cri. 1079. Wæs Abeles gield was Abel's substitute, Cd. 55; Th. 67, 32; Gen. 1109: 5; Th. 7, 5; Gen. 101: 47; Th. 60, 5; Gen. 977: Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 17; Jul. 146: 58 a; Th. 253, 3; Jul. 174. v. gild.
gieldan, ic gielde, ðú gieltst, gielst, he gieldeþ, gielt, pl. gieldaþ; p. geald, pl. guldon; pp. golden To yield, pay, render, repay, requite :-- Sceoldon gombon gieldan they must pay homage, Cd. 93; Th. 119, 11; Gen. 1978. Werum gieldeþ gaful pays tribute to men, Exon. 108 b; Th. 415, 15; Rä. 33, 11: 34 a; Th. 109, 24; Gú. 95: 39 a; Th. 130, 9; Gú. 435. He ðé mid wíte gieldeþ he will requite thee with punishment, 80 a; Th. 301, 15; Fä. 19: Bt. 41, 3; Fox 248, 22. v. gildan.
gieldra older, Th. Diplm. A. D. 901-909; 162, 18. v. ieldra.
giellan to yell, Exon. 106 b; Th. 406, 19; Rä. 25, 3: 82 a; Th. 309, 25; Seef. 62. v. gellan.
gielp. v. gilp.
gielpan to glory, boast, vaunt; glori&a-long;ri, jact&a-long;re :-- Ðæt hý gielpan ne þorftan dæ-acute;dum that they should not boast of deeds, Exon. 36 a; Th. 116, 21; Gú. 210: 114 b; Th. 440, 4; Rä. 59, 12. v. gilpan.
giéman. v. gýman.
gién, giéna again, still, yet. v. gén, géna.
giéng went, Cd. 29; Th. 39, 15; Gen. 626; p. of gangan.
gierian; p. ede; pp. ed To clothe, deck, adorn; indu&e-short;re, vest&i-long;re, orn&a-long;re :-- Hæleþ gierede mec mid golde a man adorned me with gold, Exon. 107 a; Th. 408, 16; Rä. 27, 13. v. gearwian, gyrian.
gierstandæg yesterday. v. gyrstandæg.
gierwan; p. ede; pp. ed To make ready, prepare, put on, clothe, adorn; p&a-short;r&a-long;re, indu&e-short;re, vest&i-long;re :-- Ongunnon him on uhtan æðelcunde mægþ gierwan to geonge the noble women resolved to prepare for journey at dawn, Exon. 119 b; Th, 459, 19; Hö. 2. Bearn fæder and módor gierwaþ father and mother adorn the child, Exon. 87 a; Th. 327, 23; Vy. 8. v. gearwian.
giest, es; m. A guest :-- Mid giestum with the guests, Cd. 112; Th. 148, 11; Gen. 2455: 112; Th. 147, 15; Gen. 2440: Exon. 94 a; Th. 353, 11; Reim. 11. DER. gryre-giest, hilde-, ryne-, stæle-. v. gæst.
giest-líðnys, -nyss, e; f. Hospitality, entertainment; hosp&i-short;t&a-long;l&i-short;tas :-- Him se æðela geaf giestlíðnysse the noble [man] gave them entertainment, Cd. 112; Th. 147, 28; Gen. 2446. v. gæst-líðnes.
giestron yesterday; hesterus :-- Ic giestron wæs acenned I was yesterday brought forth, Exon. 111 a; Th. 426, 24; Rä. 41, 44. v. geostra.
giet, gieta yet. v. git, gita.
gietan. v. gitan.
gif, e; f: nom. acc. gif [as tíd, dæ-acute;d] A gift, grace; donum, gratia :-- Hú he his gif cýðde geond woruld how he shewed his grace throughout the world, Andr. Kmbl. 1150; An. 575.
gif, gief, gyf, gib; conj. with indic. or subj. If, though, whether :-- For ðý me þyncþ betre gif iów swæ-acute; þyncþ therefore it seems to me better, if it seems so to you, Past. pref; Swt. 7, 6. Gif hie brecaþ his gebodscipe if they break his commandment, Cd. 22; Th. 28, 3; Gen. 434. Gif ic æ-acute;negum þegne þeóden-mádmas forgeáfe if to any follower I gave princely treasures, 22; Th. 26, 19; Gen. 409. Gif ðú him wuht hearmes gespræ-acute;ce he forgifþ hit ðeáh though thou didst speak to him aught of harm yet will he forgive it, 30; Th. 41, 23; Gen. 661. Frægn gif him wæ-acute;re niht getæ-acute;se asked whether the night had been pleasant to him, Beo. Th. 2643; B. 1319. Ðú wást gif hit is swá we secgan hýrdon thou knowest if it is as we heard say, 550; B. 272. [Laym. &yogh;if: Orm. &yogh;iff: Piers P. Chauc. &yogh;if, if: O. Frs. jef.]
gifa, gyfa, giefa, geofa, an; m. A giver, bestower; dator, largitor :-- Me þincþ betere ðæt ic forléte ða gyfe and folgyge ðam gyfan it seems to me better to leave the gift and follow the giver, Shrn. 176, 19. Used in the following compounds :-- ár-gifa, æt-, beáh-, beág-, blæ-acute;ð-, eád-, feorh-, gold-, hyht-, lác-, máððum-, ræ-acute;d-, sinc-, symbel-, wil-, will-. [Laym. ræd&yogh;ive counsellor: O. Sax. méðom-gi&b-bar;o: O. H. Ger. gebo dator.]
gifan, gyfan, giefan, geofan, giofan; ic gife; ðú gifest, gifst; he gifeþ, gifþ, pl. gifaþ; p. geaf, gæf, gaf, gef, ðú geáfe, géfe, pl. geáfon, géfon; pp. gifen, giefen, gyfen To give; dare, impertire :-- Hwá meahte me swelc gewit gifan who could give to me such perception? Cd. 32; Th. 42, 10; Gen. 672. Ic gife impertior, Ælfc. Gr. 37; Som. 39, 13. Gife ic hit ðé I will give it thee, Cd. 32; Th. 42, 26; Gen. 679. Us drincan gifest potum dabis nobis, Ps. Th. 79, 5. Hwæt gifst ðú me quid dabis mihi, Gen. 15, 2. God gifeþ gleáw word godspellendum dominus dabit verbum evangelizantibus, Ps. Th. 67, 12: Hy. 7, 102; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 102: Ælfc. Gr. 7; Som. 6, 22: Ps. Th. 68, 27. He nallas beágas geaf he gave no rings, Beo. Th. 3443; B. 1719. Gæf wæstm his dedit fructum suum, Ps. Spl. T. 66, 5. Him scippend geaf [gaf, MS. A.] wuldor-lícne wlite the Creator gave it wondrous beauty, Salm. Kmbl. 114; Sal. 56. Gé him hleoþ géfon ye gave them shelter, Exon. 27 b; Th. 83, 11; Cri. 1354 Weoruda waldend ðé wist gife heofonlícne, hláf the Lord of hosts grant to thee food, heavenly bread, Andr. Kmbl. 776; An. 388. On Moyses hand wearþ wíg gifen into Moses' hand martial force was given, Cd. 173; Th., 216, 11; Dan. 5. Ðæ-acute;r wurdon ða áðas gesworene his dohter ðam Cásere to gifene oaths were then sworn there to give [in marriage] his daughter to the emperor, Chr. 1109; Erl. 242, 23. [Laym. Orm. Chauc. Piers P. &yogh;iven: O. Sax. ge&b-bar;an: Goth. giban: Icel. gefa: O. Frs. jeva: O. H. Ger. geban.] DER. a-, æt-, ed-, for-, of-gifan.