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gifung, gyfung, e; f. A giving, granting, assent, consent :-- Mid gyfunge ðære synne peccati consensu, Bd. 1, 27; S. 497, 11.

gigant, gygant, es; m. A giant; gigas :-- Untydras onwócon, eotenas, swylce gigantas unnatural progenies sprang forth, monsters, also giants, Beo. Th. 226; B. 113. Swá swá gigant yrnþ on his weg ut gigas ad currendam viam, Ps. Th. 18, 6. Ne se gigant ne wyrþ ná gehæ-acute;led nec gigas salvus erit, 32, 14. He ðone gigant ofwearp he struck down the giant, Blickl. Homl. 31, 18. [Lat. gigas; gen. gigantis.]

gigant-mæcg, es; m. Giant progeny; filius gigantis, Cd. 64; Th. 76, 36; Gen. 1268.

gi-hrínian, Jn. Skt. p. 188, 4. v. ge-regnian.

gihsinga exugia, Cot. 73, Lye. v. Lchdm. i. lxx, note 6.

gihþa, an; m. Itch, itching :-- Unaberendlíc gyhþa ofereode ealne ðone líchaman an unbearable itching overspread the whole body, Homl. Th. i. 86, 12. [The word used in the passage of Josephus describing Herod's condition is κνησμ&omicron-tonos;s.] v. gicþa.

gihþig, giþig; adj. Lymphaticus, vecors, Hpt. Gl. 520.

gihþu. v. gehþo.

gild, geld, gield, gyld. es; n. I. a payment of money, a tribute, compensation, retribution, substitute; solutio, tributum, compensatio, remuneratio, retributio :-- Beád ðá Swegen full gild then Sweyn commanded a full contribution, Chr. 1013; Th. 273, 6. Ðis wæs swíðe hefigtýme geár þurh mænigfealde gylda this was a very grievous year on account of manifold taxes, Chr. 1096; Erl. 233, 25. Menn guldon him gyld men paid him tribute, 1066; Fri. 203, 8. On Abeles gyld in compensation for Abel, Cd. 55; Th. 67, 22; Gen. 1104: 153; Th. 190, 15; Exod. 199. On ðære sunnan gyld in the sun's stead, Exon. 24 a; Th. 68, 14; Cri. 1103. IX gylde forgylde let him pay nine[-fold] for compensation, L. Ethb. 4; Th. i. 4, 3. II. a GUILD, society, or club, to which payments were made for mutual protection and support, more extensive than our friendly societies; societas, fraternitas. The members of the A. Sax. guild were answerable for each other's conduct, and thus character was made of the very greatest importance. v. Kmbl. Sax. Eng. i. 252-253; Th. Chart. p. xvi; pp. 605-17: Stubbs' Const. Hist. s. v. III. a payment to God, worship, service, sacrifice, offering; cultus, sacrificium :-- Ðú goda ussa gield forhogdest thou hast despised the service of our gods, Exon. 67 b; Th. 251, 17; Jul. 246. To ðam gielde for that sacrifice, Cd. 74; Th. 90, 26; Gen. 1501. His Waldende gilde onsægde dedicated an offering to his Lord, 137; Th. 172, 11; Gen. 2842: Rd. 2, 1; S. 501, note 12. IV. a heathen deity; numen :-- Gif ðú onsecgan nelt sóþum gieldum if thou wilt not sacrifice to true deities, Exon. 68 a; Th. 253, 3; Jul. 174. V. a visible object of worship, an idol; idolum :-- He sum gild bræc he was destroying an idol, Blickl. Homl. 223, 4: 221, 8, 20. Gyld of golde gumum aræ-acute;rde reared up for the people an idol of gold, Cd. 180; Th. 226, 22: Dan. 175: 182; Th. 228, 18; Dan. 204. [O. Sax. geld; n. retributio, tributum, cultus divinus, sacrificium: O. Frs. jeld; n: O. H. Ger. gelt; n: Goth. gild; n. tributum, census, multa: Icel. gildi, gjald; n. tributum, pæna, præmium, multa cædis.] DER. æfter-gild, [-geld, -gield, -gyld], án-, bryne-, deófol-, ed-, feónd-, friþ-, frum-, god-, hæ-acute;ðen-, leód-, sceucc-, þeóf-, un-, wer-, wig-, wiðer-. v. Grmm. D. M. 34: R. A. 601, 649. [Cf. friþ-gild.]

gilda, gylda, an; m. A member of a guild :-- Se gylda ðe óðerne misgrét the guildbrother that insults another, Th. Chart. 606, 22: 609, 10. v. ge-gilda.

gildan, geldan, gieldan, gyldan, ic gilde, gielde, gylde, ðú giltst, gieltst, gyltst, gilst, he gildeþ, gilt, gielt, gylt, pl. gildaþ; p. geald, pl. guldon; pp. golden; v. a; n. To yield, pay, restore, requite, give, render, make an offering, serve, worship; reddere, solvere, tribuere, retribuere, rependere, restituere, service, colere :-- Gafol gyldan to pay tribute, Ors. 1, 10; Bos. 32, 24, 28: Mt. Bos. 17, 24. Ic mín gehát Dryhtne gylde vota mea Domino reddam, Ps. Th. 115, 8: 78, 13: 93, 22. Se gylt æ-acute;lcum be his gewyrhtum he requites each according to his works, Bt. 40, 7; Fox 244, 1: Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 20, 35. Gilde ðæt ilce wíte ðæt se óðer sceolde gif he him ryhtes wyrnde let him pay the like penalty that the other should if he had denied him justice, L. Ath. i. 3; Th. i. 200, 18. Drihtne guldon gód they paid good to the Lord, Cd. 111; Th. 146, 9; Gen. 2419. Gilde be twífealdon duplum restituet, Ex. 22, 4, 7. Gilde twífealdon, 22. 9. Gilde ðone byrst reddet damnum, 22, 6, 12. Gild ðínum esne góde dæ-acute;de retribue servo tuo, Ps. Th. 118, 17. Heaðo-ræ-acute;sas geald mearum and mádmum requited war-attacks with horses and treasures, Beo. Th. 2099; B. 1047. Ðæt æ-acute;lc gulde óþrum edleán æ-acute;lces weorces that each should render to another recompense for every work, Bt. 39, 1; Fox 212, 5: Bt. Met. Fox 27, 51; Met. 27, 26. Mín sceal mid grimme gryre golden wurþan fyll and feorh-cwealm my fall and murder shall be requited with grim horror, Cd. 55; Th. 67, 18; Gen. 1102. Sceuccgyldum swýðe guldan servierunt sculptilibus eorum, Ps. Th. 105, 26. Bebeád se cásere ðæt cristne men guldan deófolgeldum the emperor ordered that christian men should worship idols, Shrn. 88, 14, 22 : 74, 26. Deóflum geldan to worship devils, 110, 18. [Laym. Orm. &yogh;elden: cf. Shakspere's God ild you: O. Sax. geldan reddere, retribuere, solvere, præstare: O. Frs. jelda: O. H. Ger. geltan reddere, solvere, retribuere, sacrificare: Goth. -gildan, fra-gildan; p. -gald, pl. -guldum; pp. -guldans to repay, requite: Icel. gjalda.] DER. a-gildan, an-, on-, for-, ge-, to-.

gildan to gild. v. gyldan.

gilden. v. gylden.

Gild-ford, Gyldford, Guldeford [Gild a fraternity; ford a ford: Domesd. Gilda ad vadum] GUILDFORD, a town in Surrey, on the river Wey, Lye.

gild-ræ-acute;den, gyld-ræ-acute;den, -ræ-acute;denn, e; f. The relation involved in membership of a guild :-- Gif he nele to bóte gebúgan þolige he ðære gefér-ræ-acute;dene and æ-acute;lcere óðre gyldræ-acute;dene if he will not submit to make amends let him forfeit the fellowship and every other interest in the guild, Th. Chart. 606, 31. Ðæt byþ rihtlíce gecweden gyldræ-acute;dene ðæt we ðus dón that is very properly agreed upon as a part of guild-membership, that we do thus, 607, 24.

gild-scipe, gyld-scipe, es; m. A guild-ship, society; sodalitas :-- Án gildscipe is gegaderod on Wudeburg lande a guild-ship is gathered at Woodbury land, Th. Diplm. 608, 30: 605, 8: L. Edg. C. 9; Th. ii. 246, 12. v. gild.

gild-sester, es; m. A measure belonging to a guild; sextarius :-- Sceóte æ-acute;lc gegylda æ-acute;nne gyldsester fulne clæ-acute;nes hwæ-acute;tes let each guild-brother contribute one guild-measure full of clean wheat, Th. Chart. 606, 7: 611, 4.

gillan to yell, Salm. Kmbl. 535; Sal. 267. v. gellan.

Gillinga, Gillinga-hám GILLINGHAM, in Dorsetshire, on the river Stour, Chr. 1016; Erl. 156, 1, 18.

gillister, es; n. Phlegm, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii. 24, 18.

gillistre, an; f. Phlegm, matter, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. ii: 18, 17: 72; 148, 6.

gilm, es; m. A yelm, a handful of reaped corn, bundle, bottle; manipulus :-- Eówre gilmas stódon your sheaves stood, Gen. 37, 7. v. gelm.

gilp powder, dust; scobs, Cot. 181.

GILP, gelp, gielp, gylp, es; m. Glory, ostentation, pride, boasting, arrogance, vain-glory, haughtiness; gloria, ostentatio :-- Se seofoþa heáfod-leahter is ídelwuldor ðæt is gylp the seventh chief sin is vain-glory, that is pride, Homl. Th. ii. 220, 27: 218, 22. He nolde nán þing dón mid gylpe forðon ðe se gylp is án heáfod-leahter he would do nothing in pride, for pride is a deadly sin, i. 170, 24. Geþenc be ðám gebyrdum gif hwá ðæs gilpþ hú ídel and hú unnyt se gilp biþ consider birth; if any one boast of that how vain and how useless is the boast, Bt. 30, 1; Fox 108, 20: Cd. 219; Th. 280, 12; Sat. 254: 4; Th. 5, 10; Gen. 69: Blickl. Homl. 243, 9. Gilpes ðú girnest thou desirest glory, Bt. 32; Fox 114, 18. Hú Orosius spræc ymb Rómána gylp hú hí manega folc oferwunnan how Orosius spoke of the glory of the Romans, how they overcame many peoples, Ors. Bos. 12, 42. Is ðæt unnet gelp that is useless glory, Bt. Met. Fox 10, 34, 26; Met. 10, 17, 13. Næ-acute;fre gielpes to georn never too eager for fame, Exon. 77 b; Th. 290, 22; Wand. 69. On ídel gylp in vanitate sua, Ps. Th. 51, 6. For dínum ídlan gilpe for thine idle boasting, Blickl. Homl. 31, 14. [Laym. &yogh;ælp, &yogh;elp: Orm. &yogh;ellp: O. Sax. gelp: O. H. Ger. gelf jactantia, [inania] gloria.]

gilpan, gielpan, gylpan, ic gilpe, gielpe, gylpe, ðú gilpst, gielpst, gylpst, he gilpþ, gielpþ, pl. gilpaþ, gielpaþ, gylpaþ; p. gealp, pl. gulpon; pp. golpen To glory, boast, desire earnestly; gloriari :-- Gif ðú gilpan wille, gilp Godes if thou wilt glory, glory in God. Bt. 14, 1; Fox 40, 24. Nó ðæs gilpan þearf synfull sáwel the sinful soul need not boast of this, Exon. 116 b; Th. 449, 9; Dom. 68. Ðæt hine swelces gamenes gilpan lyste that he liked to boast of such sport, Bt. Met. Fox 9, 38; Met. 9, 19. Ðæt ðú wile gilpan that thou wilt boast, Salm. Kmbl. 409; Sal. 205. Ic wundrige forhwí hí gilpan swelces anwealdes I wonder why they boast of such power, Bt. 29, 1; Fox 104, 1. Gelpan ne þorfte had no cause to boast, Chr. 937; Erl. 114, 10; Æðelst. 44. Gylpan, Beo. Th. 4016; B. 2006: 5740; B. 2874. Ná ic ðæs gylpe I boast not of that, 1177; B. 586: 4116; B. 2055. Hú lande mánwyrhtan morðre gylpaþ usquequo peccatores gloriabuntur? Ps. Th. 93, 3: 73, 4. He gealp, ðæt him nówiht wiðstandan mihte nihil resist&e-short;re posse jact&a-long;bat, Bd. 3, 1; S. 524, 8. Hréþsigora ne gealp he boasted not of glorious victories, Beo. Th. 5160; B. 2583. Burga aldor gramlíce gealp the ruler of towns angrily boasted, Cd. 210; Th. 260, 23; Dan. 714. Swíðe gulpon they exceedingly boasted, 210; Th. 260, 20; Dan. 712. Sigore gulpon they boasted of victory Cd. 94; Th. 121, 29; Gen. 2017. Firenum gulpon they wickedly boasted, Exon. 36 b; Th. 118, 8; Gú. 236. Ðæt hí ne gulpan ðæs that they may not boast of it. Ps. Th. 74, 4. [Laym &yogh;ælpen, &yogh;elpen: Orm. &yogh;ellpenn, &yogh;illpenn: Chauc. yelpe to boast.]