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Godmundingahám Goodmanham, between Pocklington and Beverley, a place a little to the east of York, beyond the river Derwent, where a famous Witena-gemót was convened by Edwin, king of Northumbria, in A. D. 625, to consider the propriety of receiving the Christian faith. The speeches were so much in favour of Christianity that the creed was at once received; these speeches are particularly worthy of notice, Bd. 2, 13; S. 517, 17.
gódnes, -ness, e; f. Goodness :-- Se hálga hí eft alýsde and lét hí forþgán for his gódnysse the holy man loosed them again, and let them proceed through his goodness, Homl. Th. ii. 508, 22: Ps.Th. 24, 8. Ðæs gódan gódnes biþ his ágen gód and his ágen edleán the goodness of the good is his own good and his own reward, Bt. 37, 3; Fox 190, 14: 33, 4; Fox 128, 15.
god-sæ-acute;d, es; n. The fear of God, piety :-- Æþele cnihtas and æ-acute;fæste ginge and góde in godsæ-acute;de noble youths and pious, young and good in the fear of God, Cd. 176; Th. 221, 19; Dan. 90.
godscipe, es; m. Goodness :-- Godscipe bonitas, Rtl. 100, 11: 12, 23.
god-scyld, e; f. A sin against a god, impiety :-- Ic nýde sceal godscyld wrecan I needs must avenge impiety, Exon. 68 b; Th. 254, 29; Jul. 204.
god-scyldig; adj. Guilty against God, Exon. 45 a; Th. 153, 31; Gú. 834.
god-sibb, es; m. A sponsor :-- Godsibbas and godbearn sponsors and godchildren, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 94. [Ayenb. godzyb: Piers P. Chauc. gossib.]
gód-spédig; adj. Rich in good, Cd. 48; Th. 62, 4; Gen. 1009.
god-spell, es; n. Gospel :-- Gódspel evangelium, id est, bonum nuntium, Ælfc. Gl. 8; Wrt. Voc. 75, 9. Hér ys godspellys angyn initium euangelii, Mk. Skt. 1, 1. Gelýfaþ ðam godspelle credite euangelio, 15. Matheus ongan godspell æ-acute;rest wordum wrítan Matthew began first to write the gospel in words, Andr. Kmbl. 24; An. 12. [Laym. Orm. goddspell: Piers P. godspel, gospel: Chauc. gospel: O. Sax. god-spell: Icel. guð-spjall: O. H. Ger. gotspel.]
godspell-bóc, e; f. A copy of the gospels :-- Saltere and pistolbóc and godspellbóc a psalter, a copy of the epistles, and a copy of the gospels, L. Ælf. C. 21; Th. ii. 350, 13. [Orm. goddspellboc: Icel. guðspjallabók.]
godspellere, es; m. An evangelist :-- Iohannes se godspellere John the evangelist, Homl. Th. i. 58, 3, 27: Chr. 84; Erl. 8, 6. [A. R. Ayenb godspellere: Chauc. gospellere.]
godspellian; p. ode; pp. od To declare the gospel; evangelizare :-- Ic godspellige evangelizo, Ælfc. Gr. 24; Som. 25, 45. Godspellian [MS. A. godspel secgan] Salm. Kmbl. 132; Sal. 65. God gifeþ gleáw word godspellendum Dominus dabit verbum evangelizantibus, Ps. Th. 67, 12.
godspellíc; adj. Evangelical :-- He fylgde ðæt weorc ðæt him gewunelíc wæs ðæt he godspellíce láre læ-acute;rde solitum sibi opus evangelizandi exsequens, Bd. 3, 19; S. 547, 9: Homl. Th. ii. 586, 3. Mid ðysum wordum ða godspellícan gesetnysse ongan with these words began the gospel narrative, i. 70, 11, 18.
godspellisc; adj. Evangelical :-- Ðæs godspellesca bodes euangelicæ prædicationis, Mk. Skt. p. 1, 11.
god-spræ-acute;ce, es; n. An oracle :-- Wæs sum godspræ-acute;ce and heofonlíc onwrigenes oraculum cæleste, Bd. 2, 12; S. 512, 23. v. god-gespræ-acute;ce.
god-sprec, es; n. An oracle :-- We neáh stódan ðæ-acute;m godsprecum we stood near to the oracles, Nar. 28, 32.
god-sunu, a; m. A GODSON :-- Ðá onféng he him and æt fulluhtbæþe nam æt ðæs B' handa him to godsuna then he accepted him and took him from the font at the bishop's hand as his godson, Bd. 3, 7; S. 529, 18. Hiora wæs óðer his godsunu óðer Æþerédes ealdormonnes one of them was his godson, the other was alderman Ethelred's, Chr. 894 ; Erl. 91, 29: L. In. 76; Th. i. 150, 13.
god-þrym; gen. -þrymmes; m. Divine majesty :-- He geseah ðone hæ-acute;lend silfne standan on his godþrimme he saw the Saviour himself stand in his divine majesty, Shrn. 32, 2. Melchisedech godþryn, onwráh éces alwaldan Melchizedec revealed the divine majesty of the eternal ruler of all, Exon. 10 a; Th. 9, 24; Cri. 139.
god-web, gode-web, -webb; gen. -webbes; n. A divine or very, precious web, purple cloth, excellently woven material :-- Mid golde and mid godewæbbe gefrætewod auro et purpura compositum, Bd. 3, 11; S. 535, 32: HomL Th. i. 62, 26. Godweb mid golde gefágod a purple garment variegated with gold, Blickl. Homl: 113, 20. Weofod bewrigen mid baswe godwebbe an altar covered with a purple pall, 207, 17. Twegea bleó godwebb fine cloth of two colours; ex duplici tinctura, Past. 14, 6; Swt. 87, 9; Hat. MS. Heó bewand sce adrianes hand on godwebbe she wrapped up St. Adrian's hand in fine linen, Shrn. 59, 35. Gold and godweb iosepes gestreón gold and purple, Joseph's treasures, Cd. 171; Th. 215, 22; Exod. 587: Bt. Met. Fox 8, 49; Met. 8, 25. Geolo godwebb yellow silk, Exon. 109 a; Th. 417, 25; Rä. 36, 10. Godwebba cyst choicest of textures [the veil of the temple], Exon. 24 b; Th. 70, 8; Cri. 1135. [O. Sax. godu-webbi: O. Frs. god-wob; Icel. guð-vefr: O. H. Ger. gota-, goto-, gotu-, cots-, coti-weppi sericum, purpura, polymitum, byssus, Grff. i. 646-8.]
god-webben; adj. Purple :-- Ná mid golde ne mid godwebbenum hræglum not with gold nor with purple raiment, Blickl. Homl. 95, 19. [O. H. Ger. gotaweppin carbaseus, hyacinthinus, purpureus, coccineus, sericus.]
godweb-wyrhta, an; m. A weaver of godweb :-- To ðám diólgum godwebwyrhtum ad abditos seres, Nar. 6, 15.
god-wrac, -wrec; adj. Impious :-- Crist forlét mid him beón ðone godwracan þeóf Christ let that impious thief [Judas] be with him, Blickl. Homl. 75, 26. Ðá æféstgodon ðæt sume godwrece men then certain wicked men were envious of that, Shrn. 74, 28. Gangaþ út git godwrecan and gongaþ út git ródewyrðan come out ye two wretches that deserve to be hanged, 43, 8.
god-wrecnis, -niss, e; f. Wickedness, impiety :-- Hefig mán is and godwrecnis ðæt mon hine menge mid his steópméder cum noverca miscere grave est facinus, Bd. 1, 27; S. 491, 10.
gold, es; n. Gold :-- Ðæs landes gold ys golda sélost the gold of that land is the best of all gold, Gen. 2, 12: Cd. 12; Th. 14, 14, 29; Gen. 226. Abram wæs swíðe welig on golde Abram was very rich in gold. Gen. 13, 6. Cnihtas cúþ gedydon ðæt hie him ðæt gold to gode noldon habban the youths made known that they would not have that gold [the golden image] as their god, Cd. 182; Th. 228, 4; Dan. 197: 183; Th. 229, 9; Dan. 216. Reád gold aurum obrizum, Ælfc. Gl. 58; Som. 67, 110; Wrt. Voc. 38, 33. Ealle ðás goldsmiþas secgaþ ðæt hí næ-acute;fre æ-acute;r swá clæ-acute;ne gold ne swá reád ne gesáwon all these goldsmiths say that they never before saw such pure and such red gold, Homl. Th. i. 64, 9. Eall mid reádum golde his cynestól geworhte he wrought his throne all with red gold, H. R. 101, 2. Hundtwelftig mancæs reádes goldes a hundred and twenty mancuses of red gold, Th. Chart. 232, 10: 375, 28: Bt. Met. Fox 19, 11; Met. 19, 6: Cd. 109; Th. 145, 11; Gen. 2404. Wunden gold twisted gold, 91; Th. 116, 4; Gen. 1931: Beo. Th. 2391; B. 1193. Other epithets applied to gold are æpled, beorht, fæted, fætt, hyrsted, scír, smæ-acute;te. Geared gumum gold brittade Jared dispensed gold to men, Cd. 59: Th. 72, 4; Gen. 1181. Goldes brytta a dispenser of gold, 137; Th. 173, 26; Gen. 2867. [Goth. gulth: O. Sax. O. Frs. O. Ger. gold: Icel. gull.] DER. cyne-, fæt-, heáfod-gold.
gold-æ-acute;ht, e; f. A possession or treasure of gold, Beo. Th. 5489; B. 2748.
gold-beorht; adj. Bright with gold; auro splendens :-- Beorn monig goldbeorht scán many a warrior shone bright with golden ornaments, Exon. 124 b; Th. 477, 33; Ruin. 34.
gold-bleoh; gen. -bleós; n. A golden colour; crisoletus, auricolor, Ælfc. Gl. 49; Som. 65, 89; Wrt. Voc. 34, 21.
gold-blóma, an; m. A golden mass :-- Se hálga Gást wunode on ðam gecorenan hordfæte ... se goldblóma on ðas world becom and menniscne líchoman onféng æt Sancta Marian the Holy Ghost dwelt in the chosen treasury ... the golden mass came into this world and received a human body from St. Mary, Blickl. Homl. 105, 18. [Or blóma = bloom, blossom; cf. Goth. blóma: Icel. blómi?] v. blóma.
gold-burh; gen. -burge; f. A town where gold is distributed or which is ornamented with gold, Andr. Kmbl. 3308; An. 1657: Cd. 119; Th. 154, 2; Gen. 2549. v. Grm. A. u. E. xxxviii.
gold-fæt, es; n. A golden vessel :-- Godes goldfatu God's golden vessels, Cd. 212; Th. 262, 36; Dan. 755. [O. Sax. gold-fat: O. H. Ger. golt-faz.]
gold-fæt [-fatu?], es; n. A thin plate of gold; bractea, lamina aurea :-- Stáne gelícast gladum gimme ðonne in goldfate smiþa orþoncum biseted weorþeþ to a stone most like to a bright jewel when by the smiths' art it has been set in a bracelet, Exon. 60 a; Th. 219, 7; Ph. 303.
gold-fáh; adj. Variegated or adorned with gold :-- Hió becwiþ him hyre goldfágan treówenan cuppan she bequeaths to him her wooden cup ornamented with gold, Th. Chart. 536, 17: Beo. Th. 621; B. 308: 5615; B. 2811. Goldfág scinon web æfter wagum the hangings along the walls shone interwoven with gold, 1993; B. 994. [Laym. gold-fah, -fa&yogh;e, -fawe.]
gold-fell, es; n. Gold skin, gold leaf; bractea, Cot. 24, Lye.
gold-finc, es; m. A gold-finch; auricinctus, florentius, Ælfc. Gl. 37; Som. 62, 126; Wrt. Voc. 29, 21: 38; Som. 63, 36; Wrt. Voc. 29, 54.
gold-finger, es; m. The ring-finger :-- Goldfinger medicus vel annularis, Ælfc. Gl. 73; Som. 71, 21; Wrt. Voc. 44, 7: L. Alf. pol. 59; Th. i. 96, 5: L. Eth. 54; Th. i. 16, 12.
gold-frætwe; pl. f. Gold ornaments, Exon. 22 b; Th. 62, 3; Cri. 996.
gold-geweorc, es; n. Gold-work, what is made of gold :-- Ðæ-acute;r wæs ðære sunnan anlýcnys geworht of golde and heó wæs on gyldenum scryd and æt ðam wæ-acute;ron gyldene hors ... ðá eode ðæ-acute;r egeslíc deóful út of ðam goldgeweorce and ðæt goldgeweorc eall todreás swá swá weax gemylt æt fýre there was an image of the sun made of gold, and it was on a golden chariot, and there were golden horses to the chariot ... then came there a horrible devil out of the goldwork, and the goldwork all fell away as wax melts at the fire, Shrn. 156, 10-16.
gold-gifa, an; m. A giver of gold, a liberal lord or chief :-- Funde ðá on bedde blácne licgan his goldgifan he found then his lord lying pale on the bed, Judth. 12; Thw. 25, 26; Jud. 279. Goldgyfan, Beo. Th. 5297; B. 2652. Cyningas ne cáseras ne goldgiefan neither kings nor emperors nor lords, Exon. 82 b; Th. 310, 31; Seef. 83. See other compounds under gifa.