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HÆ-acute;L - HÆN
hæ-acute;l; adj. Hale, safe, whole, sound :-- Hæ-acute;le and trume safe and sound, Blickl. Homl. 171, 30. v. hál.
hæ-acute;la. v. héla.
hæ-acute;lan; p. de; pp. ed To heal, make whole, cure, make safe, save; sanare, salvare :-- Ys hyt álýfed tó hæ-acute;lenne on restedagum si licet sabbatis curare, Mt. Bos. 12, 10. Earm heora ne hæ-acute;lþ hig brachium eorum non salvavit eos, Ps. Spl. 43, 4. Sweord mín ne hæ-acute;lþ mé gladius meus non salvabit me, 43, 8. Hæ-acute;l ús on heánessum Hosanna in the highest, Blickl. Homl. 72, 12 : Jn. Skt. Rush. 12, 13. Hæ-acute;laþ untrume heal the sick, Mt. Bos. 10, 8. Ic offrige míne lác Hæ-acute;lendum Criste I will present my offerings to Jesus Christ, Homl. Th. i. 416, 17. Hí hrædlíce hæ-acute;lde wæ-acute;ron sanavit eos, Ps. Th. 106, 19. [Goth. hailjan : O. Sax. hélean : O. Frs. héla : O. H. Ger. heilan sanare, curare, salvare : Ger. heilen.]
hæ-acute;l-bæ-acute;re; adj. Salutary, Lye.
hæle, es; m. A man, brave man, hero [a word occurring only in poetry] :-- Fród hæle the aged man, Cd. 62; Th. 74,14; Gen. 1222. Boitius se hæle hátte that man was called Boethius, Bt. Met. Fox 1, 105; Met. 1, 53 : Cd. 74; Th. 90, 28; Gen. 1502 : 112; Th. 147, 27; Gen. 2446 : 121; Th. 156, 16; Gen. 2589 : Andr. Kmbl. 287; An. 144. [Icel. (in poetry only), halir a man.]
hæ-acute;le, an; f. Health, safety :-- On gode standeþ mín gearu hæ-acute;le in Deo salutare meum, Ps. Th. 61, 7.
hæ-acute;lend, hélend, es; m. A healer, Saviour, Jesus :-- Se Hæ-acute;lend ðe is genemned Crist Iesus qui vocatur Christus, Mt. Bos. 1, 16. Ðú nemst hys naman Hæ-acute;lend. Hé sóþlíce hys folc hál gedéþ fram hyra synnum vocabis nomen ejus Iesum; ipse enim salvum faciet populum suum a peccatis eorum, 1, 16. Iesus is on Léden Saluator and on Englisc Hæ-acute;lend Jesus is in Latin Salvator and in English healer, Homl. Th. ii. 214, 22 : i. 94, 27 : Shrn. 47, 28. Hæ-acute;lend Crist Jesus Christ, Homl. Th. i. 420, 32. Ðú eart sóþ hélend thou art the true Saviour, Hy. Grn. 8, 16. [Laym. hælend (and MS. helare) : Orm. hælennde : O. Sax. héliand : O. H. Ger. heilant : Ger. heiland.]
hæ-acute;lendlíc; adj. Healthy, salutary; salvans, prosperus, Hpt. Gl. 442, 511. [O. H. Ger. heilantlih salubris.]
hæ-acute;letend. v. hálettend.
hæleþ, heleþ, es; m. A man, warrior, hero [a word occurring only in poetry, but there frequently] :-- Gleáwferhþ hæleþ the man wise of mind, Cd. 57; Th. 70, 12; Gen. 1152 : 59; Th. 72, 6; Gen. 1182, 94; Th. 122, 13; Gen. 2026 : Beo. Th. 383; B. 190 : 668; B. 331. Hæleþas heardmóde warriors stern-minded, Cd. 15; Th. 19, 2; Gen. 285. Hæleþ hátene wæ-acute;ron Sem and Cham Iafeþ þridde the heroes were named Shem and Ham, the third Japhet, Cd. 75; Th. 93, 22; Gen. 1550. Hæleþa scyppend creator of men, Exon. 11 b; Th. 17, 7; Cri. 266 : Cd. 98; Th. 129, 6; Gen. 2139 : Andr. Kmbl. 41; An. 21. Hæleþa bearn the children of men, Cd. 35; Th. 46, 30; Gen. 752. Heleþa sceppend creator of men, Hy. Grn. 8, 34. [Laym. hæleþ, heleþ : O. Sax. helið : O. H. Ger. helid (appears first in 12th cent. v. Graft. iv. 544) : Ger. held.]
hæleþ-helm, es; m. A helm which makes the wearer invisible, Cd. 23; Th. 29, 2; Gen. 444. [O. Sax. helið-helm : O. H. Ger. helot-, helanthelm latibulum.] v. Grm. D. M. 432, and cf. heoloþ-helm.
hæ-acute;letoþ, es; m. Greeting, Hosanna, Hpt. Gl. 467.
hæ-acute;lettung, e; f. A greeting, salutation :-- Hæ-acute;lettungæ on gemóte salutationes in foro, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 23, 7.
hælftre, e; f. A halter :-- Hælftre capistrum, Wrt. Voc. 84, 8. On hælftre in camo, Ps. Spl. C. 31, 12. Hælftra chamos, Coll. Monast. Th. 28, 1. [O. H. Ger. halftra brachiale, capistrum : Ger. halfter.]
hæ-acute;lig; adj. Slippery, easily moved, fickle, inconstant; levis :-- Ðam ungestæþþegan and ðam hæ-acute;lgan ðú miht secggan ðæt hé biþ winde gelícra oððe unstillum fugelum levis, atque inconstans studio permutat? nihil ab avibus differt, Bt. 37, 4; Fox 192, 23. [Cf. Icel. háll slippery : O. H. Ger. háli lubricus, caducus.]
hæ-acute;ling, e; f. Healing :-- Ic nán yfel on hym næbbe gemét be hæ-acute;linge I have found no evil in him with regard to healing, Nicod. 10; Thw. 5, 21. [Prompt. Parv. heelinge : O. H. Ger. heilunga sanatio : Ger. heilung.]
hæ-acute;lnes, se; f. I. haleness, salvation :-- Nú sint hæ-acute;lnesse dagas now are the days of salvation, Past. 36, 1; Swt. 246, 14. II. a sanctuary :-- On circan and on hæ-acute;lnessan in churches and sanctuaries, L Eth. 7, 25; Th. i. 334, 26. v. hálignes.
hæ-acute;lnes-griþ, es; n. Privilege of security belonging to a sanctuary, L. Eth. 7, 19; Th. i. 332, 25.
hæ-acute;lo. v. hæ-acute;lu.
hæ-acute;lsend, es; m. An augur, Cot. 73, Lye.
hæ-acute;lsere, es; m. A soothsayer, diviner; aruspex, augur, extispex, Cot. 190 : exorcista, Lye. v. hálsere.
hæ-acute;lsian to foretell; augurari, ariolari, auspicari, Cot. 14, 17, Lye. v. hálsian.
hæ-acute;lsung, e; f. Divination, augury; augurium, Cot. 11, Lye.
hæ-acute;lþ, e; f. Health, healing, cure :-- Ðám áríst rihtwísnysse sunne and hæ-acute;lþ is on hyre fiðerum to them shall arise the sun of righteousness, and healing is on its wings, Lchdm. iii. 236, 31. Ðes þegen bæd for his þeówan hæ-acute;lþe this officer prayed for the health of his servant, Homl. Th. i. 128, 1. For hæ-acute;lþe heora untrumra for the healing of their sick, ii. 396, 21. Úre líchamana hæ-acute;lþe wé áwendaþ we pervert the health of our bodies, 540, 9. Ealle ða wundra and hæ-acute;lþa áwrítan to write down all the miracles and cures, 28, 10. [O. H. Ger. heilida sanitas, salus.]
hæ-acute;lu, hæ-acute;lo; indecl. f. Health, safety, salvation :-- Æt him is hæ-acute;lu mín ab ipso salutare meum, Ps. Th. 61, 1. Sý hæ-acute;lu úrum Gode ðe sitt ofer his þrymsetle salvation be to our God that sitteth on his throne, Homl. Th. i. 538, 18. Hæ-acute;lo, Exon. 13 b; Th. 26, 1; Cri. 411. Hæ-acute;lu bútan sáre health without pain, 32 a; Th. 101, 8; Cri. 1655. Tó hæ-acute;lo hýðe to a haven of safety, 20 b; Th. 53, 33; Cri. 860. For heora sáwla hæ-acute;lu for the salvation of their souls, Homl. Th. ii. 344, 1. Hæ-acute;lo, L. M. Th. i. 102, 7. Uton hæ-acute;lu sécan let us seek salvation, Exon. 97 b; Th. 365, 11; Wal. 87. Drihten ús sealde hæ-acute;lu and éce álýsednysse the Lord gave us salvation and eternal redemption, Homl. Th. ii. 248, 25. Heó forstæl hire hæ-acute;lu she stole her health, 394, 12. Gif gie hæ-acute;lo beádas si salutaveritis, Mt. Kmbl. Lind. 5, 47. v. hæ-acute;l.
hæ-acute;lu-bearn, hæ-acute;lo-, es; n. A child who brings salvation, the Saviour, Exon. 16 a; Th. 37, 1; Cri. 586 : 19 a; Th. 47, 12; Cri. 754.
hæ-acute;man; p. de; pp. ed To lie with, have intercourse with, to marry; concumbere, coire, nubere :-- Wit wæ-acute;ron swíðe unróte geworden for ðý hæ-acute;mede ðe wé wéndon ðæt wit hæ-acute;man sceoldon we became very sad on account of the intercourse that we expected we should be obliged to have, Shrn. 39, 21. Mid ðám hæleþum hæ-acute;man wolden, Cd. 112; Th. 148, 18; Gen. 2458. Gif hwylc man wið óðres riht-æ-acute;we hæ-acute;mþ if any man lie with the lawful wife of another, L. Ecg. P. ii. 8; Th. ii. 184, 21. Hé hæ-acute;mþ unrihtlíce he commits adultery, Homl. Th. ii. 208, 16. Ðám mannum ðe deófol mid hæ-acute;mþ for those women with whom the devil hath carnal commerce, L. M. 3, 61; Lchdm. ii. 344, 8. Ne hæ-acute;meþ ne hæ-acute;mde bióþ neque nubent neque nubentur, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 22, 30 : 19, 10. Gif hwilc carlman hæ-acute;mde wið wimman hire unþances if any man lay with a woman against her will, Chr. 1086; Erl. 222, 7 : Num. 25, 1. Ne hæ-acute;m ðú unrihtlíce commit not adultery, Homl. Th. ii. 198, 7. Gif æ-acute;nig man hæ-acute;me mid óðres wífe if a man be found lying with a woman married to an husband, Deut. 22, 22 : L. Alf. pol. 10; Th. i. 98, 9.
hæ-acute;med, es; n. A lying with, sexual intercourse, marriage; coitus :-- Ða ðe rihtlíce healdaþ hyra æ-acute;we and for bearnes gestreóne hæ-acute;med begáþ those who rightly observe their marriage and for procreation of children have carnal intercourse, Homl. Th, i. 148, 22. Mægþhád biþ forloren on hæ-acute;mede maidenhead is lost in intercourse, ii. 10, 5 : 220, 4. Be hæ-acute;mede de coitu, L. Ecg. C; Th. ii. 128, 26. On unrihton hæ-acute;mede in adulterio, Jn. Skt. 8, 4 : Shrn. 132, 6. Ic wið brýde ne mót hæ-acute;med habban with a bride I may not have intercourse, Exon. 105 b; Th. 402, 11; Rä. 21, 28. Hæ-acute;med connubium, Mone Gl. 340. Hæ-acute;meda connubii convenientia, 417. Hæ-acute;meda himeneas, Ælfc. Gl. 9; Som. 56, 119; Wrt. Voc. 19, 2. Hæ-acute;mdo nubtiæ, Jn. Skt. Lind. Rush. 2, 1.
hæ-acute;med-ceorl, es; m. A married man :-- Hwæðer hé sig hægsteald ðe hæ-acute;medceorl utrum cælebs sit an uxoratus, L. Ecg. C. 1; Th. ii. 132, 28.
hæ-acute;med-gemána, an; m. Matrimony, marriage; matrimonium, Cot. 129, Lye.
hæ-acute;med-gifta, pl. f. Nuptials; hymenæi, Cot. 102, Lye.
hæ-acute;med-lác, es; n. Sexual intercourse; coitus, Exon. 112 a; Th. 429, 11; Rä. 43, 3.
hæ-acute;med-scipe, es; m. Marriage, matrimony; connubium, Hpt. Gl. 482 : lenocinium, seductio, 521.
hæ-acute;med-þing, es; n. Carnal intercourse, venery, matrimony :-- Sió lufu ðæs hæ-acute;medþinges biþ for gecynde the desire of intercourse is from nature, Bt. 34, 11; Fox 152, 14 : Blickl. Homl. 59, 16. Be hæ-acute;ðenra manna hæ-acute;medþincge de gentilium hominum matrimonio, L. Ecg. C; Th. ii. 128, 27. Gif hí him betwynan hæ-acute;medþing fremmen si inter se fornicationem commiserint, 16; Th. ii. 144, 9. Be hæ-acute;medþingnm : eallum þyrrum líchomum hæ-acute;medþing ne dugon of venery : venery does not do for all dry constitutions, L. M. 2, 27; Lchdm. ii. 222, 28 : 36; Lchdm. ii. 244, 4.
hæ-acute;med-wíf, es; n. A married woman; uxor, matrona, Cot. 136, Lye.
hæ-acute;mere, es; m. One who lies with another; concubinus, Lye.
hæn, hen, henn, e; f. A hen :-- Hæn gallina, Recd. 36, 56; Wrt. Voc. 63, 10. Seó henn gallina, Mt. Kmbl. 23, 37 : Lind. Rush. henne. Hænne æges geolocan the yolk of a hen's egg, L. M. 1, 2, 23; Lchdm ii. 38, 6 : 3, 2; Lchdm. ii. 40, 10 [Icel. hæna : O. H. Ger. henna : Ger. henne.]