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hindema; adj. Last :-- Hindeman síðe for the last time, Beo. Th. 4105; B. 2049: 5023; B. 2517. [Cf. Goth. hindumists.] Cf. next word.

hinder; adv. Back, on the further side, behind, down :-- Morðor món sceal under eorþan befeolan hinder under hrusan murder must be buried under earth, down under ground, Exon. 91 a; Th. 340, 24; Gn. Ex. 116. Hí mé ásetton on seáð hinder posuerunt me in lacu inferiori, Ps. Th. 87, 6. Gengde on hinder conversus est retrorsum, 113, 3. On hinder hé eode he [the devil] went behind, Homl. Th. i. 172, 35. Hé on hinder gæ-acute;þ he shall go back, Salm. Kmbl. 254; Sal. 126. On hinder in helle hús down into hell, Exon. 42 b; Th. 142, 23; Gú. 648. [Goth. hindar beyond: O. H. Ger. hintar, hindar retro, post: Ger. hinter.]

hinder-geap, -gep; adj. Crafty, cunning, guileful, deceitful :-- Hindergeap versutus, Ælfc. Gl. 84; Som. 73, 104; Wrt. Voc. 49, 11. Hindergepe versuti, Coll. Monast. Th. 32, 29. [Orm. Þatt mann iss fox and hinnderr&yogh;æp and full off ille wiless, 6646. Cf. Goth. hindar-weis deceitful: hindar-weisei guile. Cf. also Carrais hine biðohte of ane hindere cræfte [hiþer crafte, 2nd MS.]: Laym. 10489: Þe grune of hindre þat is of bipeching, O. E. Homl. ii. 213, 23: hinder-word, 59, 18: hinderfulle rede consilium impiorum, 23.] v. geap.

hinder-hóc, es; m. A stratagem, artifice, snare, Exon. 83 b; Th. 315, 20; Mód. 34. [Cf. hinder-geap, hinder-scipe.] hinderling, es; m. A mean, base, contemptible person :-- Occidentales Saxonici, scilicet execastre, habent in proverbio summi despectus, quod summa ira commotus, unus vocat alterum hinderling, i. ab omni honestate dejectum, L. Ed. C. 35; Th. i. 459, 36. [Orm. halde þe forr hinnderrling and forr well swiþe unnwresste, 4860. Halliwell in his Dictionary says under hilding 'the word is still in use in Devon, pronounced hilderling or hinderling.']

hinder-scipe, es; m. Wickedness; nequitia, Hpt. Gl. 415.

hinder-þeóstru; pl. Darkness in a remote or low place :-- Of helwarena hinderþeóstrum ex inferno inferiori, Ps. Th. 85, 12. v. hinder.

hinder-weard; adj. Backward, slow :-- Nis hé hinderweard swár ne swongor swá sume fuglas ða ðe late þurh lyft lácaþ fiþrum non tamen est tarda, ut volucres quæ corpore magno incessus pigros per grave pondus habent, Exon. 60 a; Th. 220, 2; Ph. 314.

hinde-weard, -werd; adj. Hindward :-- Mid hindewerdum ðam sceafte aversa hasta, Past. 40, 5; Swt. 297, 1013: 295, 17: L. Alf. pol. 36; Th. i. 84, 17: Exon. 106 a; Th. 403, 29; Rä. 22, 15.

hind-fald, es [or -falda, an]; m. A hind-fold. Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. vi. 112, 33.

hind-hæleþe, -heolaþ, -heoloþe, -hioloþe, an; f. Water agrimony :-- Hyndhæleþe ambrosia, Wrt. Voc. 66, 60. Hindheolaþ, 79, 51. Genim hindhæleþan, Lchdm. iii. 74, 4. Hindheoloþan, L. M. 2, 51; Lchdm. ii. 266, 7; 1, 15; Lchdm. ii. 56, 21. Hindhioloþan, L. M. 1, 66; Lchdm. ii. 142, 3: 1, 70; Lchdm. ii. 144, 22. v. Lchdm. iii. 331; col. 2.

hindrian; p. ede To hinder, obstruct, keep back, repress :-- Á hé sceal hæ-acute;ðendðm hindrian he must always repress heathenism, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 306, 7. [Icel. hindra: O. H. Ger. hintarian. Grff. iv. 704: Ger. hindern.] v. ge-hindred.

hind-síð. v. hin-síð.

híne [ = (?) hínan as gehúse = gehúsan, hiwæ = híwan in the same verse] domesticos, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 10, 25. Is this the word which gives later English hine, Mod. E. hind, or are these taken from the gen. pl. of híwan, hína, which occurs most frequently in phrases hina fæder, etc., and which may have come to be looked upon as an uninflected word used in such cases as the first part of a compound? In v. 36 domestici is glossed hígu &l-bar; híne &l-bar; híwen, and 24, 34 pater-familas = híne-fæder [but this may be for hína-fæder]. [Laym. children and hinen, 368: O. E. Homl, ðin owune hine, i. 197, 112: Chauc. Piers P. hine.] v. híwan.

hin-fús; adj. Ready to go away or depart, Beo. Th. 1514; B. 755: Andr. Kmbl. 1223; An. 612.

hin-gang, -gong, es; m. A going hence, departure, death, Exon. 28 b; Th. 86, 24; Cri. 1413: 30 b; Th. 95, 10; Cri. 1555: 44 b; Th. 150, 24; Gú. 783. [O. H. Ger. hina-gang secessus.]

hingrian. v. hyngrian.

hin-síð, hinn-, hind-, es; m. A journey hence, away, from this world, departure, death. Exon. 119 b; Th. 459, 29; Hö. 7: 87 a; Th. 328, 7; Vy. 13: 97 b; Th. 364, 9; Wal. 68: 52 b; Th. 183, 22; Gú. 1331: Cd. 33; Th. 44, 32; Gen. 718: Th. 45, 3; Gen. 74: Judth. 10; Thw. 23, 11; Jud. 117. Hindsíð, Blickl. Homl. 123, 6. [Cf. O. Sax. hin-fard: O. H. Ger. hine-fart exitus, obitus.]

hinsíð-gryre, es; m. Terror connected with death, Cd. 223; Th. 293, 17; Sat. 456.

hió. v. hé.

hiofon. v. heofon.

hioful the face :-- Ondwlita &l-bar; hioful facies, Mt. Kmbl. p. 9, ll.

hion, e; f. A bone of the head [?] :-- Gif sió úterre hion gebrocen weorþeþ, L. Ethb. 36; Th. i. 12, 6, v. note, and cf. L. H. 93, 2; Th. i. 605, 12 si exterius os percussum sit.

hióp. v. heóp.

hior. v. heorr.

hiord. v. heord.

hioro. v. heoru.

hír. v. hýr.

híran. v. hýran.

hird retinue, court :-- Hé férde tó Wudestoke and his biscopes and his hird eal mid him he [Henry] went to Woodstock, and his bishops and his court all with him, Chr. 1123; Erl. 249, 30. Dis geár heáld se kyng Heanri his hird on Windlesoure this year king Henry held his court at Windsor, 1127; Erl. 255, 1. This form as it occurs in late specimens may be merely a contraction of híréd [q.v.], or it may be a form influenced by the Danish hirð. In the former case it should be written hírd.

hírd-clerc. v. hírd-preóst.

hirde, hierde, heorde, hiorde, hyrde, es; m. A herd, shepherd, pastor, guardian, guard, keeper :-- Hierde arimentarius, Wrt. Voc. 287, 52. Crist ðú góda hyrde Christ, thou good shepherd, Blickl. Homl. 191, 24. Ic eom ðære stówe hyrde I am the guardian of the place, 201, 9. Hire ágenes húses hirde the keeper of her own house, Bt. Met. Fox 13, 61; Met. 13, 31. Ríces hirde the guardian of a kingdom, a prince, king, 26, 16; Met. 26, 8. Cilda hyrde vel láreów pædagogus, Ælfc. Gl. 80; Som. 72, 103; Wrt. Voc. 46, 60. Ic ðæs folces beó hyrde and healdend I will be the people's keeper and preserver, Cd. 106; Th. 139, 25; Gen. 2315. Ne ic hyrde wæs bróðer mínes I was not my brother's keeper, 48; Th. 62, 1; Gen. 1007. Heorde, Exon. 43 b; Th. 146, 33; Gú. 719. Hiorde, Ps. Grn. ii. 279, 101. Rihtwís hyrde ofer cristene heorde a righteous shepherd over a Christian flock, L. I. P. 2; Th. ii. 304, 9. Hie settan him hyrdas tó they set guards over him, Blickl. Homl. 177, 26: 237, 18: Andr. Kmbl. 1986; An. 995. Úre ealdan fæderas wæ-acute;ron ceápes hierdas antiqui patres nostri pastores, Past. 17, 2; Swt. 109, 5. Hyrdas pastores ovium, Gen. 46, 32. Hé hæfþ geset his englas ús tó hyrdum he hath appointed his angels as our guardians, Homl. Th. i. 170, 10. [Goth. hairdeis: O. Sax. hirdi: Icel. hirðir: O. H. Ger. hirti pastor, custos: Ger. hirte.] DER. beór-, cú-, feorh-, gát-, grund-, hors-, hriðer-, neát-, sceáp-, swín-hirde.

hirde-belg, -belig, es; m. A shepherd's bag :-- Ðá nam he fif stánas on his herdebelig then he took five stones in his shepherd's bag, Blickl. Homl. 31, 17.

hirde-bóc, hierde-, e; f. Liber Pastoralis, Past. Pref. Swt. 7, 19.

hirde-leás; adj. Without a shepherd :-- Ne beóþ hí hyrdeleáse ðonne hí ðé habbaþ having thee they will not be without a shepherd, Homl. Th. i. 383, 23. Scép heordeleáse oves non habentes pastorem, Mt. Kmbl. Rush 9, 36.

hirde-líc; adj. Pastoral :-- Ða byrðenne ðære hirdelecan giémenne pastoralis curæ pondera, Past; Swt. 23, 11.

hirde-wyrt, e; f. I. the greater, chlora perfoliata. II. the lesser, erythæa centaureum, Lchdm. iii. 332, col. 1.

hird-ness, hyrd-, e; f. Guard, keeping, custody :-- Hé betæ-acute;hte hig ða þrí dagas tó hirdnysse tradidit ergo illos custodiæ tribus diebus, Gen. 42, 17. Gif hwá befæst his feoh tó hyrdnysse si quis commendaverit pecuniam in custodiam, Ex. 22, 7. Swá hí on niht hyrdnesse begangaþ sicut custodia in nocte, Ps. Th. 89, 5. On hyrdnyssa in custodias, Lk. Skt. 21, 12.

hírd [ = híréd] -preóst, es; m. A domestic chaplain :-- Æilríc mín hírdprést, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 269, 8: Chart. Th. 574, 10, 11.

hí-réd, hírd, es; m. A household, house, family, the body of domestic retainers of a great man or king, a court, the members of a religious house, a company, band of associates :-- Híréd vel híwræ-acute;den familia, Wrt. Voc. 72, 28. Se hálga hýréd wæs wunigende ánmódlíce on gebedum the holy company continued with one accord in prayers, Homl. Th. i. 314, 4: Cd. 226; Th. 302, 1; Sat. 592: 221; Th. 288, 5; Sat. 376. Se hírd on Seynt Eádmundsbiri the brotherhood at Bury St. Edmunds, Chart. Th. 574, 28, 33. Mín ówen hírd my own family, 575, 21. Hírédes fæder paterfamilias, Mt. Kmbl. 10, 25. Hírédes ealdor, 20, 1. Hýrédes hláford, Wrt. Voc. 73, 20. Hírédes móder materfamilias, 73, 21. An gewitnesse ðes hírédes æt Cristes cirican with the witness of the brotherhood at Christchurch, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. ii. 3, 36. Gif hé stalie on gewitnesse ealles his hírédes gongen hie ealle on þeówot if he steal with the knowledge of all his household let them all go into slavery, L. In. 7; Th. i. 106, 17. Of Davides húse and híréde de domo et familia David, Lk. Skt. 2, 4. Tó dæg is ðisum híréde hæ-acute;l gefremmed hodie solus domui huic facta est, Homl. Th. i. 582, 5. Cwæþ ðæt hé mid ðam Hæ-acute;lende on hýréde wæ-acute;re said that he was in company with Jesus, ii. 248, 31. Hit ne biþ ná hús búton hit beo mid híréde áfylled it is no house unless it be filled with a household, 582, 13. Ic wille ðat alle míne men bén fré on hírde and on túne I desire that all my men be free both in my household and vill, Cod. Dipl. Kmbl. iv. 269, 12. Ðam híréde intó ealdan mynstre to the brotherhood at the old monastery, Chart. Th. 499, 14. Lucinius bebeád ðæt nán cristen mon ne cóme on his hieréde Licinius omnes Christianos e palatio suo jussit expelli, Ors. 6, 30; Swt. 282, 28. On sumes cyninges híréde in tanti patrisfamilias dispositissima domo, Bt. 36, 1; Fox 172, 18: 29, 2; Fox 104, 29: L. Edm. S. 4; Th. i. 248, 23: L. C. S. 60; Th. i. 408, 14: L. R. 3; Th. i. 190, 20. Ðá oferhogode